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Some poor soul is gonna see the post photo without reading the details thinking this is in Fahrenheit.


Looks chilly bruh


As a Midwesterner...shorts weather either way.


Oh you'll fit right in then lol


My man


-4 celsius, light snow...time to break out the stubbies


Shorts and a T-shirt weather. Maybe just shorts and no shirt weather too.


Seth Rollins will and show up in a fur coat


Seth Rollins is from Iowa.  He's showing up in fur shorts if he thinks that's Fahrenheit.


faulty deranged squeal tap depend overconfident aware dinosaurs straight water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or someone that doesn't know that it's summer in Australia


Then when they find out it's summer here, you get the "wait so you guys have Christmas during summer?!" response.


Christmas during summer is elite. Normally it entails a family BBQ, backyard cricket and doing sick drunken flips into the pool


You’ve also got the Boxing Day test the day after!


Love the idea of someone not knowing cricket reading this and being like "there's a post Christmas exam??"


"Wait you spend 5 days doing a test?!"


Americans don’t celebrate Boxing Day either, they might think Boxing Day refers to a fight event.


And you get to sing [the better version of Jingle Bells.](https://lyricsplayground.com/alpha/songs/xmas/australianjinglebells.html)


Honestly I'm more worried about the chamber literally being in the direct sun all day. You ever get in a car and the belt buckle burns like Mordor? Try that type of heat in a cage.




They have tiny mats in the chamber now, they aren’t landing on direct steel floor anymore. Just the chain walls. Been that way since 2017 I think


The unforgiving ~~steel~~ memory foam


Old school pleather seats and shorts are the reason why the back of my thighs are still a slightly different coyote color 30 years later.


Coyote color?


Is there any other?


TIL next weekend's PLE is outside 


Optus Stadium has a retractable roof, hopefully they use it.


It doesn’t have a retractable roof


The fabric roof is a retractable one according to google.


Yeah, but that only covers the stadium seats, not the playing area (and as it’s an afl stadium it’s a huge playing area) The only stadium in Aus that has a fully retractable roof is the Marvel/etihad stadium in Melbourne (I think)


Some mfs are boutta learn what tf a kilometer is the hard way


To be fair, that looks pretty similar to what I'm seeing in Fahrenheit at my home this week.


I actually did do that


I am that poor soul, but being poor also means i aint going to Perth


I can see people travelling from all over Australia and maybe New Zealand to go to this event but I doubt that many Americans are travelling half way around the world for this. Unless they use it as an excuse to make a trip to Australia and do a bunch of other stuff also on the trip.


Took me a second. Was like oh man the chamber is going to have frost on the on it Then remembered oh wait..


*Raises hand*


That’s why Fahrenheit sucks 


lol, yeah. I’m in south central Texas. That in Fahrenheit would scare me. That in Celsius is an average Tuesday in July.


I'm in Perth, and this is probably our coolest week on record for this month.




> That’s an average Tuesday in April here in San Antonio. lol, not really. It gets hot here, but we don’t generally hit triple digits in San Antonio in April. Otherwise we wouldn’t hold fiesta then. ETA 😂 u/nrtalbot deleted their comments after downvoting me when I told them they were wrong


yeah this is typical North Texas mid Sumner weather, i hope all the wrestlers and everyone else stay hydrated, if Perth's weather is going to be like Dallas in late July/early August, which is hot and humid. 


Upvote number 619 😁 ![gif](giphy|nwtSklJSe6eUKsVBSN|downsized)


Hope that poor soul isn't ginger otherwise they dead


Was legitimately thinking “isn’t it summer over there? Why is it getting so cold” before realizing I was a dumbass.


It took my brain a minute to register that but also forgetting the northern and southern hemispheres have opposite seasons. I’m like oh ok it’s gonna be chilly like it is here. Then a moment of both things clicking at the same time.


I’ll be honest. I’m from NY going to this show because my sister is getting married in Perth the next day…didn’t know it was an outdoor stadium. RIP me


Make sure you buy SPF50+ sunscreen in Australia when you arrive! Anything else and you'll be burnt to a crisp. Enjoy your trip.


Currently in Sydney and have the sunscreen! Everything is amazing so far


Hope you're having a wonderful time! Make sure you cover your neck when you're in the sun in Perth. It's brutal over there and I worry a New Yorker may actually just cook in that stadium.


Manhattan in August is no joke.


To quote Les Claypool when Primus played at Big Day Out 2014 in Melbourne: "You might be asking why we have these big umbrellas on stage, well we performed in Queensland the other day and the sun had roasted my face off by the time we were halfway through the set. Hence, the umbrellas."


Yeah, isn't there some stat that like 50% of people who immigrate to Australia are gonna develop skin cancer eventually because they're just not prepared for how hot the sun is most of the time?


***Hot tip*** - you likely won't need it in the stadium, but get yourself some Cancer Council SPF50+ sunscreen when you land. You'll need it for lining up outside.


I’m in Sydney currently have the spf so I am good just didn’t know it was gonna be outside.


So you were travelling for a wedding and there just happened to be a WWE stadium show in the same city the day before it? Lucky AF.


So the wedding was booked before the show was announced. I loved wrestling as a kid and got back into it before mania last year. They announced the show and I was like…wait that’s awfully close to when I’ll be there. It lined up perfectly and her husband bought me the tickets as a gift!


Aww that's awesome. And yep excellent timing, very lucky that the wedding wasn't a day before.


Don't show up to the wedding sunburned LOL


I’m bringing my sister(in a wrestling fan and she’s not) so she better not come back burnt




Second Wedding technically. The real wedding was in nyc in November and this is a backyard party for the groom family to be a part of. What an insane thing to make up lol.


You'll be all good, it should be nice and cool in the evening.


Hopefully your seat is in the shade


The report for the 24th says 31 Celsius, which is mid-80's Fahrenheit. So you won't die. But the heat in Perth is a lot more humid than the classic dry heat of the southern part of the continent. So de-swamp yr ass and get your sunscreen on. EDIT: West sides of continents have weird humidity where they are dry during the day and humid(er) during the night but I don't really know what I'm talking about?


No it isn't, it's literally a meme that Perth is a dry heat


Tbf the humidity has been insane the past couple of weeks. 


You're gonna have an amazing time.


Sunscreen and a wide brim hat are your best friends now


> And bring deodorant too. This is the wrestling crowd you're talking to. Don't expect miracles like this.


1. Set up a deodorant booth at the entrance. 2. Charge 10 dollaridoos per deodorant swipe. 3. ??? 4. PROFIT!


>Charge 10 dollaridoos per deodorant swipe. 10 DOLLARIDOOS! I'm going to me member of parliament about this! HEY GUS!


Fantastic. Great move. Well done Angus.


Disparaging Rhea Rhipley is a Bootable offense!


Judgement Day? That's an odd name for the group, I'd have called them Chazzwazzers.


That's a bloody outrage it is! 






it's not like they forget deodorant, they just don't care. if they wouldn't pay half that for a whole stick, they sure as shit ain't paying per pit. besides, deodorant only goes so far when you haven't showered in a week.


Heard it works wonders at Smash Tournaments


You'd need to give it away for free or pay them to use it. That is the kind of people we are dealing with.


It's gonna be like that Smug cloud from South Park, isn't it?


They also need drop bear repellent. It comes in cans labelled with four Xs.


> It comes in cans labelled with four Xs. Come on mate, offering tourists dodgy advice that'll bring them severe bodily harm just isn't on...The cans with the four Xs aren't a dropbear repellant, they're a bogan attractant. The best way to avoid dropbears is by buttering up your hair and rolling around in 100s and 1000s to camoflage yourself as a roving piece of fairy bread. (As carnivores dropbears hate eating fairy bread, you see)


Well I’m a kiwi so have no issues with giving tourists advice that lets them get eaten by falling bears, or flying spiders, or the big jumpy-fighty-car resistant-roos




They need to switch to gels instead of sprays. I find those Gillette gels last so much longer, I remember using them all last summer running around in similar heat to this and having absolutely no BO smell when I came home. I’m trying to encourage everyone to switch to them from sticks and sprays.


It's been a very long time since I used gels, so maybe they changed the formula or maybe I just used them wrong, but when I did use them I used to get a terrible rash. That was a no-no. I've been using sticks ever since.


I’ve had a stinging sensation off a couple but not the Gillette ones, so I imagine theres maybe different chemical reactions based on the person or something. The annoying thing is its the most expensive ones usually.


The problem isn't access to deodorant, lol.




Remember when they did that show in Saudi where it was like over 100°F on the floor? Yeah similar vibes. Good luck to all the Perth wrestling peeps.


It's gonna be a fucking torture in those chamber pods for wrestlers. Unless they install some kind of cooling lol


It'll be low 20s by the time the Chambers start I imagine. Show starts at 5:30pm and sun should have set by 6:45pm


So long as the forecast doesn't change. If you get to mid 30s during the day, it'll still be high 20s by the time the main event rolls around. 


They’d usually open with a chamber match right? Bookend the show with the two matches.


Fans under the steel aimed up at them should be enough. They'll have enough sweat that the air movement will keep them cool enough.


i am gonna pray for bobby and randy this heat is gonna make them gassed as hell durning the half hour chamber


https://preview.redd.it/c9y43sm4z9jc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead67059407920dc92ab1ed6bfd39a5c489b5335 Obligatory...


They’ve wrestled outdoors in the heat before….plus it will be mid-20’s by the time they wrestle. I’m sure they’ll be fine lol.


I hope they have a plan to keep the cage itself cool to touch. Being outdoors for at least 1 day in the sun means that thing is gonna burn (we all know what seat beats are like)


That's a good point, it's going to be sitting in that heat for the entire event.


When lex slammed yoko on that aircraft carrier, it was feet burning level hot, and poor yoko had to stay barefoot because Fuji kicked his shoes away


I know they have heated rings for when it's cold but I wonder if they have cooled rings lol


Not only that, although its not a solid structure its going to radiate a fuckton of heat off the outside and from the inner side as well. I legit hope they installed piping into the metal frame so they can flush it with ice water once it lowers to cool it or do something even just hose it down. Cause otherwise its probably going to BBQ someone.


It’s gonna be under the canopy thing they use for outdoor Wrestlemanias right?


I hope they have a plan for the wrestlers standing behind plexiglass for 15-20 mins in that heat.


I could not handle Perth weather. Makes me glad to be a Vic.


Same, those mid 30s we had from Sun-Tues were more than enough for me, I shut down when it gets above 35.


Agreed! Those days were rough. And that seems to be Perth all the time.


Try a bit further up North. We’ve barely had day below 30 since September. Aching for some Winter weather.


I mean, I’d rather Perth heat than that storm that hit us this week. It’s the first time a storm literally knocked the wind out of me.


Do yall get tornadoes? Legit too lazy to look. I’m in the states and inland so it’s fucking miserable when heat hits. Shit gets wild when we switch from the cold to the hot seasons. To tell ya how bad it’s shifting here, gators are showing up and we are starting to develop a fire season. We’ve been in a drought status for a good while now at varied levels


Yeah but we get humidity.


As someone that lives in Adelaide, as much as the dry heat we get sucks, I cannot imagine living in a humid heat place.


Living around SE QLD. Holy fuck this Summer has sucked. Pisses down rain one day, next couple of days it's 30+ with 110% humidity which naturally leads to more rain and the cycle never ends.


Am I wrong in assuming this is a good forecast? I spent two Januaries in Adelaide + wine country and that weather hit me like something else. Partly cloudy, 31 Celsius sounds lovely given the alternatives.


Honestly for Perth, in summer, that's a pretty good forecast. It's usually over 40 most of the time in summer (104⁰f).


Yep, I'm only going up there for a few days for this show and then right back to my comfort in Victoria. I'm not built for that heat dude, cold and miserable weather? I'll be there for that!


As a tassie kid living in vic. Sun - tues this week absolutely wrecked me


Man. The last few days have been great. Not too hot either.


from Vic as well, imagine if the event day was the same day vic had a couple days ago where it was like 34°C and a lighting storm happened within 24 hours. And then rain for 15 minutes, and then sunny for 15 minutes, and back to rain. Melbourne weather is crazy


One of the other positives of doing global shows. You don't need to just go indoors or in southern USA at a time like this, you could go somewhere like Australia and do a stadium show in the winter but it's summer there.


A summerslam down under would be a cool show to do one year but they'd have to completely change their event schedule.


Tbh they could do a Summerslam in Australia and have it be the same as in the states, it doesn't really get cold in places they'd be holding the show.


Big issue would be getting a stadium in August in Australia, without the AFL making way for the WWE. You can pretty much rule out having it in Perth, Adelaide or Melbourne. Sydney and Brisbane would be possible depending on AFL fixturing if you want a big stadium.


Eh. I'm a fan of Australian Supercars and it'll be ~15°C (60ish°F) and everyone will be wearing parkas and complaining about the cold. It's similar to the southeast here in America in that regard.


Depends where we’re talking about, I don’t follow Supercars. (If Supercars is held in Bathurst then yes it’ll be freezing) Melbourne? 15° is likely. Brisbane? No way, could be 25° up there




You could but you also have to move trucks of equipment and hundreds of people 16 hours away.... Way easier to book the all state in January and risk the blizzard


Elimination Chamber in Mexico City


Yeah it’s been gross lately…. 43 today!!


If you want an idea of what to expect, just remember Mad Max is set in Australia.


It’s actually a documentary 


Oh I'm aware, I'm from NSW


There was a women's cricket Test match which ended yesterday at Perth. They played while the temperature was 42 degrees Celsius. A few of the players struggled. If the weather is the same, the wrestlers are gonna have a hard time in the cage.


Me, an American: oh that's not bad. But isn't it warmer than that there this time of year? Oh, that's in Celsius duh. That's pretty fucking hot!


43C / 109F today and tomorrow :|


Looking at a min of 30C/86F overnight too...


Bring water folks.  Hopefully WWE has cooling stations around. (If you can't bring water into the show, it'll be an incredibly worthwhile investment to make while there)




Didn't know I needed Michael Cole talking about the fremantle doctor until now, although that's more of a WACA thing.


Oh yeah 100%, I'm just across the pond and it's been terrible here too. But seeing yall get to 40° is really something I'm not ready for. I have plans to go to like the zoo and stuff but I might just hole up in my AC room tbh


Why not just wear deodorant everyday?


I hope most people do, but a lot of dudes don't seem to think it's necessary.


It's got to 43°C today (110F), and it's 4pm. Tomorrow is possibly going to be 45 (113F). A couple of towns up the coast got within spitting distance of 50C today (122F). The best part is, we are looking at 30C + overnight (86f). But its ok, it's a dry heat.


Warning Guys this is in celcius not fahrenheit. 


Mami makes everything hot.


Packing at the moment and am ready to melt lmao


The fact you have to say “bring deodorant” makes me embarrassed for a portion of this fan base. Genuine question, what is it with wrestling fans and being stinky?


As a dumb American I thought this meant it was cold out there


I’m flying over from Christchurch, New Zealand and warm to me is 20-25 with 30 being super hot so I’m going to die from the heat but oh well I knew it when I bought the tickets


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I can smell this place already


This is cold compared to what is has been recently.


Also, it says that wind is gonna be 32 km/h, which is....not that great :)


Anyone actually gonna get up at 5am or y’all just gonna catch it when you get up normally


My American Dumbass thought it was gonna be the same weather as Chicago until I remembered Celsius. Shorts and Sunscreen, fellow WWE fans!


A peak of 31 doesn't seem to bad really. It'll end up hitting about 25 by the end of the event which is close to too cold territory on a summer night out 


Idk how people survive in that weather with no ac


It might be a good idea to buy sunscreen where you live and have it shipped to the place you are staying. I bet supplies will run out with the quickness, once 60,000 out-of-towners waltz in and all don't want to look like their entire bodies have been GUNTHER chopped.


I think you underestimate the availability of sunscreen lol. 


Man Australia really ain't a snowbird spot if their Dec-Feb is as hot as summer in Canada. :|


It's summer in the Southern hemisphere right now


Yes, and it's winter in the north where I am. Their summer, which happens during my winter, is as hot as my summer. Ergo, my ass will burn to a crisp.


Maybe it was the wording of your original comment but it seemed like you were confused why it was hot during what would be winter in the northern hemisphere though it's their summer. It makes much more sense now though


It’d be a snowbird spot during the winter when snow tends to fall 


It doesn't snow in WA. People travel hundreds of kilometers to see a paddling pool sized area of snow on Bluff Knoll. Been here 20 years and still haven't seen snow in Perth 


Eh, yall got ac right


It’s an outdoor stadium


AC won't save you from this in Optus. If you're not ready, then you're going to cook out there


Evening time will be fine. Most everyone deals with that heat at some point. Id be concerned for the elderly and children. Wear a hat, avoid alcohol, be hydrated and some sunscreen. Should be all kosher


What are the temps in Freedom?


90's to 105


In freedom?


It's gonna be cold


That’s Celsius, not Freedom units.


You can't handle 31°C? Please, we need to be able to handle 31°F, I don't want to hear it. Seems like at that temp they don't have to worry about all of the insects and animals trying to kill them.


Omg a wrestling crowd in 30 degree weather? The stench shall be legendary.


It’s an outdoor stadium so won’t be that bad


Those mild Perth Summers will get to ya if you aren't used to it for sure. Good luck and have fun to everyone that's going!


February in Perth is stupid hot too hahah. The wrestlers are in for a shock when they get here, we have a heatwave here this week too. 45 degrees tomorrow, not sure what that is in Fahrenheit but it’s unbearably hot


As someone who's lived in Perth - This is a "Cool" week in Perth's summer.


Ngl that’s pretty standard summer weather, at least in Australia. I don’t think many people would be packing jeans and long sleeved tees anyway.  


Well yeah, its summer down under right now.


This really isn’t that hot? 31 is average Australian weather, and given it’ll be evening when the show starts it’ll be cooling down. Y’all acting like it’s a fucking heatwave 


https://preview.redd.it/61df0ehkvajc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc8763fafb9cdfc22146c9a832f39db7dadc2e7e Not sure where you got your forecast OP but here’s an updated weather report. Supposed to be mid-20’s by showtime


Thats the cool change too! It's been over 40 for the past week


I just woke up and incoherently thought that this was cold cuz of course I'm a filthy American. But it honestly just looked like a weekly forecast for this time of year for the northeastern US if you ignore the fact that the forecast on this post is actually in Celsius so I literally thought this was just my local weekly forecast lmaoooo


Slip, slop, slap! Slip on shorts, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat!


That metal cage is going to burn people if it is left hanging in the sun above the ring.


Only 31c, nice! I won't need to shower till monday


Sunny innit