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Who knew that Kai En Tai were the babyfaces when they cut off Val Venis dick?


Taka Michinoku please save us






Thought that said something else.


does this bozo not realize his biggest gimmick was a literal porn star gimmick? like, his claim to fame is being a fake porn star


as with all things conservative it's okay when "I" do it




High-minded liberal elite, Fraser Crane, being played by strict traditional conservative, Kelsey Grammer is the type of thing that reeks of cognitive dissonance. Kinda like Kane being an Anti-Masker


I've often wondered why Kevin Sorbo doesn't realise his personal values are totally at odds with the values that made Hercules and Dylan Hunt the good guys.


He did pool boy drowning out the fury though. He's been method acting that racist bastard ever since 


Right? I think Val is a total bozo here but the "you played a fake porn star" isn't a gotcha in any way.


well ric flair got worked into shoot


Not only that but being a fake porn star on a TV show that children watch.


He's using the "doesn't count, I'm Christian now" routine.


But the acting is worse than in porn


Actual pornstars don't realise that, and usually to their own demise, a few pornstars have been kicked out of GOP events because of their career choice, only pornstar they like right now is Buck Angel because he's being a useful idiot for them and they're gonna use him to try make all gender affirming care illegal


There is a lot of money in right wing extremism.


There's not a *lot*, they're just a really easy group to grift.


Grift the right number of people or the right ones, and there's enough money to make.


He saw the light after Steven Richards helped him. Or whatever the hell happened with Right To Censor. Fuck Val Venis.


Think he took a spike piledriver then got bundled into a car and brainwashed?


TBF to him, he never really liked the gimmick and made an attempt to switch away from it. But you know....people like Val Venis.


Right to Censor was brilliant, but he was overall forgettable without the Val gimmick imo.


It was, but he was kind of forgettable in it. Stevie and Ivory and Goodfather were all definitely better.


Stevie and Ivory were Great, but I'd lump Godfather in with Val. Gimmicks that haven't aged well, and their in-ring work was nothing special.


I kind of agree for most of Godfather, but I actually think they basically ran the same gimmick in RTC(Bad gimmicks who saw the light) and Goodfather just seemed more fleshed out and better acted, getting solid boos from all the people that missed the old gimmick, while Val often kind just seemed to be there.


Val was bland any time he moved away from Venis gimmick.


I stalked his twitter for a while yesterday and yes he is aware. His reasoning is that he was playing a role. >Porn stars should be portrayed as immoral, unethical slimmy unsaved souls. Pretty sure I portrayed a porn star turned pro wrestler perfectly. Cody Rhodes should stick to acting and stop affirming real mental disorders. I guess he's kind of right (not about the Cody part), he was acting as a character. People don't point to Glenn Jacobs and say "I'm not voting for you because you repeatedly tried to murder the Undertaker among others." But it still doesn't mean any of his other ramblings make sense.


> Porn stars should be portrayed as immoral, unethical slimmy unsaved souls. Pretty sure I portrayed a porn star turned pro wrestler perfectly. This isn’t entirely accurate. That was the original vision for the Val Venus character, but there were plenty of times he was booked as a face. Not that I put that on him, since he obviously wasn’t booking himself, but for the majority of his career he was not playing a character that was meant to be reviled for being a sleazy porn star.


> Cody Rhodes should stick to acting and stop affirming real mental disorders. If any psychiatrist came out and said that, they would have their medical license removed. Funny how the only ones spouting shit like that are people with zero qualifications to be able to say so.


Listen to the WWF European Champion, not medical professionals! That’s common sense.


> Funny how the only ones spouting shit like that are people with zero qualifications to be able to say so. And if you bring this up to them they'll just say they're either bought by the "woke left" or won't speak out of fear of repercussions/being "cancelled". There is absolutely zero reasoning with people on the Far Right. They just spend their time "debating" first year students on campuses rather than discuss with actual experts.


> People don't point to Glenn Jacobs and say "I'm not voting for you because you repeatedly tried to murder the Undertaker among others." Someone clearly hasn't met the average swing voter.


Rule 34 got him over


Welll …..you knowwww……


“You know the Big Valbowski is a lot like a Tamagotchi. You know….. Big in the 90’s but of no relevance now!!”


*sex jazz music ensues*


I appreciate the gesture, but I don’t think too many people will have the need to type valvenis.com.


Fucking rolling laughing at this. Would love to see a chart of that web traffic in the past ten years.


I remember going to a show in probably 2002 or 2003 and one guy in the crowd absolutely yelling at the top of his lungs "Val Venis has no Penis!". It was obnoxious as hell and hilarious. That is what I remember of Val Venis. Once upon a time he was considered the most underrated guy in wrestling. People really believed he only wasn't a star because he looked too much like Triple H. It's hilarious how much of an American conspiracy nut he is considering he's Canadian.


It's my homepage!


Ya know... seeing it typed out like that, makes it look like a dick pill site.


Good. Fuck Val Venis.


I don't understand how libertarians can reconcile that belief system with the government interfering with an individual's right to live their life.


because libertarians are just conservatives who want their drugs to be legal.


This is basically why Penn Jillette doesn't really identify as a Libertarian anymore.


And are Crypto "investors"


The best explanation of libertarians are that they are human house cats. They are entirely convinced of their status as elite predators when really they're just protected by a system they don't understand at all. And I'm for increased liberty, government minding their own business etc, but most libertarians are a bad joke that ruined the name


Damn it, I came here to say this


I don't know - we've all seen that Libertarian debate clip where they are against the concept of drivers and pilots licenses and testing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZITP93pqtdQ


This straight up seems like a comedy sketch I can’t believe it’s real lmao


Meh... libertarianism was some what valid at its inception but quickly got co opted by the Koch Brothers in order to undermine it, so it devolved into idiots like the video and eventually just racism we are left with. Back when libertarianism first started and Dennis Miller would mention it on HBO it was mostly about legalizing weed, putting less poc in jail, and holding government accountable. Now it's just the gift wrapping for a kkk present.


>"One gratifying aspect of our rise to some prominence is that, for the first time in my memory, we, ‘our side,’ had captured a crucial word from the enemy . . . ‘Libertarians’ . . . had long been simply a polite word for left-wing anarchists, that is for anti-private property anarchists, either of the communist or syndicalist variety. But now we had taken it over..." - Murray Rothbard It was always a grift to try and re-brand themselves as "acceptable conservatives".


where's left libertarism when we need it?


And get rid of age of employment, minimum wage and age of consent.


And age of consent abolished.


Becuase a good chunk of Libertarians are just Republicans who want to avoid calling themselves Republicans. Look at Glenn Jacobs, who wants to claim to be a libertarian but goes full right wing as Mayor.


Because 90% of people that call themselves libertarians are actually conservatives that don't want the stigma of being a Republican.


True libertarians don’t. The Libertarian Party of Louisiana put out a trans rights post today.


I think libertarianism is an unstable ideology in general. It's not possible to have rampant capitalism *and* freedom for everyone, so people generally don't stay libertarian for long, either turning toward libertarian socialism or toward conservatism


My brother is like the only libertarian I know who understands that trans people just want to be left alone, like he does.


I’m OOTL what did he do? Edit: seems he’s a transphobic POS fuck him


https://preview.redd.it/1ds5m8rq47kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02796cad5c7eddbf4e8390b69b856a23a7486fb5 I had to check it wasn't parody when I first saw it. He also has another bunch of photoshops of punk holding up trans or reproductive rights signs toon


lmao what the fuck the photoshopped insane ramble of text is the cherry on top. I've been listening to a lot of Knowledge Fight lately, and Val looks to be balls deep in the same shit that Alex Jones peddles


He was on InfoWars at least once. Interviewed by pro-wrestling legend and grieving family botherer Dan Bidondi. It's just as fucking stupid as you'd expect. They cover it on episode 286. I love you.


Andy in Kansas?


Stop it!


It's time to pray.


Some sodomite sent me a bucket of poop




I have great respect for Knowledge Fight.


I love knowledge fight but it just makes me too angry these days and I can’t listen to it. I don’t need to know anything more about what these people say. I firmly believe that the world is a worse place because they live in it and I’ve given up on thinking of any way to solve that problem other than [Redacted]. Justice system doesn’t even really work, even when he blatantly loses a suit, his bankruptcy doesn’t kill the show, doesn’t stop the propaganda, doesn’t even impact his quality of life in Austin, Texas, the liberal bastion where Jones is free to get shitfaced in public safely every night.


The plaintiffs in The Big Suit have just voted to completely liquidate his assets so I hope to see him without enough cash for a Blue Yeti mic. Probably won't happen but still...all I've really got to hang onto are individual moments of humiliation and retribution for the occasional shitty individual. Grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. Likely doesn't even affect people like Alex Jones, psychopaths as they are. Can help a bit though!


I feel very conflicted in thanking you for this because I hate to hear this while also intrigued to hear that undoubted travesty. But thanks! Gonna go full-tilt boogie on that ep!


Set those expectations low, mate. A veritable bin fire of idiocy.


Good ole Dan Bidondi. Rhode Island’s finest export. To this day I still pronounce Benjamin Netanyahu’s name the way he does; “Bennamin Yattenhoo”


And now, so do I.


Love Knowledge Fight so much. Be well fellow wonk.


Most right wingers are. And most Joe Rogan guests these days.


The spooky font even, wew lad


Real talk though "tell Satan Cody Rhodes sent you" is a fire line that should be used in a promo 


It'd be pretty awesome for most wrestlers to say, but in my head I immediately thought of "Tell Satan Danhausen sent you!" while doing his ghoulish smile and cursing someone.


First question...does he own the Val Venis name? Cos if WWE still has it then they should be immediately on him to remove it. What a sack of shit. Kinda glad they make it so easy to identify them though. At least they have that going for them.


Probably because the name is shit and WWE doesn't care about him. Let's be real, he is NOT influential. The only reason this transphobic shits he posts go viral is because Xitter is full of asshats like him


Yeah WWE doesn't need to reclaim the rights to pal penis. Let him have it.


But keep the theme… it’s the greatest theme ever


According to the US Patent and Trademark Office, no one currently owns the name Val Venis. https://preview.redd.it/l1485cfwa7kc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5936efbca6d16fad5dbcccdfe330413ce169b409


Any aspiring drag queens out there looking for a name could do worse...


There's almost certainly a Valerie Venus out there somewhere.


I'm sure there's a drag queen out there ready to fuck him over, hopefully


Oh PLEASE someone find a way to pick up the copyright.


I get paid tomorrow. got a lawyer buddy. gonna see what he says I can do.


Tomorrow V_For_Veronica becomes V_For_ValVenis


Please update us!


Oh my god we need a drag queen to get that name. Please please.


How much is a copyright?


Ask John Oliver


You got his number?


Well he just offered Clarance Thomas a million a year to step down from the Supreme Court so I don't know if his pockets will be able to handle that lol.




Copyright is created free at the moment of creation. But for Val Venis, you'd want a trademark. The problem is for a trademark you have to actually be using it or show that you're going to be using it, and to affect Val Venis, you'd have to have it registered for fields where he would use it, i.e. you would need to be a wrestler or sell something very central to the wrestling sphere to the point that him using the name would create a likelihood of confusion among consumers. So like if you made a burger stand called Val Venis's Burgers, you're not going to be able to sue him for using it as a wrestling name.


And Remember To Tell Satan, Cody Rhodes Sent You is now the name of the trans wrestling group chat me and my friends are in


Someone sent me a redditcares in response


Make sure to report the Reddit Cares message. With luck it'll get them a ban.


They have skin thinner than Val’s relevance


Report them to an admin. Easy to do and they will get a ban of at least 3 days. (And if someone sends redditcares to this message i'll do the same, since it's been done in the past.)


There's trans wrestling group chats? That kicks ass, I'm big jealous


remember when people thought Val Venis was smart crazy how much propaganda warped him into some weird place


I think in the late 90’s, a wrestler having a political ideology that he can explain using big words was enough to be seen as a “ smart pro wrestler”.


Yup, see: Kane


Kane and Vabis are cut from the same cloth. They even gave themselves nicknames they thought were REALLY cool. Val was 'the Freetarian' and Kane was 'Citizen X'. Yeah. They had websites and everything.


Think the optics might be a little too ambiguous to actually go ahead with the idea but I'm tempted to get a pride flag with that text printed on it and bring it to an event.


I never get it with these people. Like, trans people are such a small minority that for many of us, we probably don't even run into them once a week. Doing shit like this intentionally brings trans awareness into their lives. It's some sort of weird self perpetuating cycle. Not to mention why do you care since I sincerely doubt that LGBTQ+ people affect him in any meaningful way. I'm very much a live and let live guy but conservative whackos(this is not lumping reasonable conservative people who just want lower taxes and shit) just do it to themselves.


When your platform consists of making rich people richer and nothing else, you need a boogey man to go after to keep the rubes supporting you.


Yup. They are a convenient scapegoat to distract from the fact that all of the problems in modern society have everything to do with the capitalist hellscape we're stuck in


And it's just a constant moving from one issue if fake outrage to another, notice they're not talking about CRT anymore, it's all about DEI now. They maintain power by keeping their base in perpetual fear/outrage over whatever "other" is convenient at the time.


I feel like it depends on where you live. In my area, I pretty regularly see trans people.  THAT BEING SAID, few trans people or a flood of trans people, if you're in the business of telling people what to do with their bodies, you can fuck right off.


Satan doesn’t give kids cancer god does


😑my face after immediately assuming the domain change was something Val did himself because he was an ally 


Religion is the fucking worst.


People crave to subjugate other people, religion gives them the excuse and ability to do so.


It’s not the religion, it’s the people. Plenty of religious people are pro-LGBTQ. These freaks would find another way to justify their hatred even without religion.


Yeah, and it's not the guns it's the bad guys with guns.


Great now I'm wishing Right To Censor would come back


Is that really his Twitter? Pretty ironic posting that while still rocking the kayfabe pornstar gimmick in his handle.


Super transphobic (shit on AEW for putting the Women's Title on Nyla Rose.) Also a QAnon weirdo that advocates for anarchy and claims that "the government" is a "criminal organization." Also was temporarily banned from Twitter for violating their child sexual exploitation policy after posting a photo which he claimed showed Hunter Biden having sex with Malia Obama.


Jesus Christ like. I know those fuckers are off the deep end but how they can suggest that Hunter/Malia nonsense without ever once stopping to think "wait, what the fuck am I playing at?" is fucked up. Worst part is, they've convinced themselves that they're the ones who are all clued in to how it all works and we're the crazy ones for not believing them. That's when you know the cult is in full effect.


Gonna take a fat guess and say that video showed neither politician’s kid and was simply just straight up child sexual abuse material?


*Temporarily?* Should've been permanent.


I'm gonna go ahead and wager a guess his banned status was changed as a result of a certain elongated muskrat. See also noted POS, raging divorced dad energy, former MLB player Aubrey Huff in a similar situation.


Definitely was, Elon literally unbanned someone who posted actual Child Porn on his twitter feed and it was defended by the guy saying he was doing it for awareness


....do you mean when Dom Lucre posted images from Daisy's Destruction?


Yeah that's the one


Which is weird. Because I thought he was a libertarian, who if they were true ideologues would be pro “leave people the fuck alone and let them live”


Libertarians have just been Republicans that want to be able to complain about everything. They've never won a federal election, therefore they never have to deal with the consequences of their policy. It's extremely telling how much overlap there is with the dumbest and worst shit out there, which has now consumed the Republican party. Just about all the reasonable Libertarian minded people are Democrats at this point. If they are really concerned about government overreach, the Republican party is the one attempting to destroy democracy.


Right wing QAnon flavor-aid drinker. Current trend is hating on trans people and shitting on Cody for his support of trans issues.


He, as well a good few lifers in the biz, are straight Qanon quacks.


Crazy conspiracy right winger


Said shit about Cody Rhodes for posing with a trans flag.


"Hello those who identify as Ladies"


He literally changed his Gab header to "Hello BIOLOGICAL Ladies"


His twitter banner is that as well. (Remember Kids, Twitter is the only allowable Deadname.)


I got in a Facebook argument with him years ago and he’s an idiot. Not surprised he’s a transphobic loon, too.


But don't actually fuck him


As a wise man once said about Val Venis: "GET OUT OF OUR COMPANY!!!"


Legend has it that anytime you have a dumb thought while high it’s the energy of Val Venis trying to tap into your brain


Don't ruin weed for me


It's alright, you just need your inner RVD to tell him to fuck off.


The new "kill the cop in your head" is "Van Terminator the Val Venis in your head"


Your inner RVD needs to tell him to pick a hand.


I'm not a smoker but tbh I thought pot smokers were more left leaning individuals overall.


Val Venis is proof smoking weed doesn't necessarily make you cool.


I love this. I also love going on Twitter and calling him out for being a jobber. He always responds give it a try.


omg im the guy who started this whole thing bc i took the pic with cody- so happy to see everyone's support and the insane amount of shit val venis is getting bc hes so WEIRD 😭


Oshit, that was you? Keep fighting the good fight ✊️🏳️‍🌈 (my phone doesn't have the trans flag for some reason).


🏳️‍⚧️ here you go


appreciate it !!


You are now a legend in internet wrestling culture. I salute you sir o7


every time i hear this guy's name it's cause he's doing some dumb shit


Hello, allies




Seriously, it is the greatest theme song ever


I absolutely love this 🏳️‍⚧️ Val really ruined his reputation over the past few years


Past few years? Dudes been completely off the rails for over a decade. I remember checking his personal Facebook page back in like 2010 because a friend of mine was friends with him, and it was completely unhinged then.


That implies he had a reputation to ruin.


Isnt Val Venis trans anyways? He doesnt have a dick. edit: this is a joke Kai En Tai chopped off Val Venis' dick so I don't know they gave him the towel gimmick when theres nothing underneath.


Um no in fact he has actually made some transphobic remarks in the past regarding Nyla Rose Edit: And once again overtiredness fucks me over, gotta stop browsing Reddit at 2 in the morning


...pretty sure the above poster is kidding


Who wakes up and decides, "well, time to log into valvenis.com"???


Val Venis, probably.


I used to love Val Venis as a kid and thought he was a hilarious mid card guy. After watching through that era again recently I started to realize just how great he wasnt. Outside of a few godfather segments and the chop off your pee pee thing he literally didnt do anything that stands out. Him and Disco Inferno should make a tag team of brain dead fucks. Whether you support lgbtq people and their lifestyle or not is your choice but to actually believe the things he wrote on that flag is fucking insane. Sad part is people out there really think shit like that.


Hello, preferred pronouns! \*generic sex jazz intensifies


Crazy right wingers are undefeated at making the most unintentionally cool jokes and memes. “Remember to tell Satan Cody Rhodes sent you” is such a fucking bar.


Deserved. Real par for the course move with crazy dipshit frauditor Val Venis. Val: "I want governments abolished and I want representative bodies to replace those governments." Debater: "Representative bodies would be the same form of government." Val: "No it wouldn't." Blah blah blah governments are illegal extortion rackets garbage.


What the OP left out is that this is a newly purchased domain. Saying it 'now forwards' to anything is intentionally misleading as it never pointed at anything before. It's a funny gag, but the only thing this really does is open the guy that purchased the domain name up to a lawsuit from the trademark owner, the WWE (not that they'd be chasing it down with what they've got going on). Edit, oops - looks like WWE adandoned the trademark application


It seems like no one owns the trademark at the movement. Matt Koon should buy it too and make sure that nutjob can't use it to promote their shitty beliefs.


Sat here for a second wondering what the hell valve nis was


Prinnies are gonna show up in Half Life 3.


keep up the good fight everyone


I’m sure his fan was confused when they went to the website


Last time I remember anything of his being posted here was him working at a marijuana dispensary and campaigning for weed to be legal. Guess man fell down the QAnon hole since then.


He fell down that hole a *long* time ago, he was redpilling guys like Kane back in the early 2000s as a run-of-the-mill libertarian.


Unfortunately seems to happen to a lot of guys his age


Transgender rights are human rights


Val Venis / Sean Morley is a massive cunt


LMAO, eat shit Val.


So is the irony lost on him that he had his penis chopped off? Kai en tai gave him reassignment surgury.


Good. Val Venis is a piece of fucking bigoted garbage


Can someone ELI5?


Notable prick Val Venis


Matt Koonz doing good work.


So glad he fucked off to Vegas and stopped running my local dispensary.  Genuinely a beating every time I saw him.


Dude I'd have dressed up Right To Censor style every time I went in there just to fuck with him.


Like, all I have are wrestling and wildly leftist shirts.  The novelty wore off 30 seconds in to our first interaction.


\> The novelty wore off 30 seconds in to our first interaction. Or as they call it, The Val Venis effect.


I'm from his hometown. So glad he fucked off to Vegas as well.


I’ve never thought to myself “hmm, I wonder what Val Venis’ take is on (insert subject)?”


Most of my favorite notable libertarians end up becoming conservative bootlickers that forget what liberty is about. I dunno how someone can be anti-trans and claim to be libertarian.