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Hook suplex city'd the fuck out of the old man


Taz must be so fucking proud.


[when you think you're escaping the jericho vortex](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/036/798/superman.jpg)


He killed Jericho 


Favorite dialogue from the match: "Hook was just punching him in the throat."


That was fun. Nice win for HOOK




> because Jericho was involved if you find someone un-entertaining i don't think that's a bad reason to think it's "bad and wrong" when they're on the screen


I don't even like Jericho (admittedly mainly for thinking he's a bit of a creep reasons) and even I think some of the reactions where a bit ridiculous. You'd think we'd watched an all time stinker instead of a middle of the road TV wrestling match that made the young guy look good.


Rather it was just hook killing jericho


This feels like a big win for HOOK. Say what you want about Jericho, but him losing still carries some weight.


Look what it did for Action Adretti


I’d argue Action is more well known thanks to the win vs if he didn’t get the win.


Well if Marko Stunt defeats Chris he will also be a bigger personality but it won’t do any more than that. It’s what you do with the wrestler after the big win, Tony just forgets them and switches to pushing a new rookie


I’m not disagreeing but if the argument is, is Action Adretti is a bigger star before or after the Jericho win, the answer is obvious.


Jericho got suplexed on his head 18 times and lost via roll-up. Ok dude....


Gotta protect the image of the out of shape 53 year old alcoholic


Dick Togo & Jeff Jarrett would be proud


lmfao it's totally that, isnt it?




School-boyed is not a clean victory. It’s just says Hook got lucky


Hook basically dominated Jericho, and you're still complaining. Some of you will just complain for the sake of it at this point.


I praise AEW 99% of the time man. It's OK for me to not like one thing on the show.


Hell yeah. This match fucking ruled. Jericho be like: Oh fans are deciding they're tired of me and think I've gotten stale. Well I'm going to have a totally different presentation that is really reminiscent of his WCW period with his entrance and mannerisms, I'm going to get suplexed a bunch of times on my fucking head, I'm going to totally put over this very popular young babyface, make him look fucking fantastic, still hit my awesome Lionsault, get the crowd hot for a couple of my big spots, then lose totally clean to an inside cradle. People will still find some way to complain because it's Jericho, but y'all I've been watching this dude kill it since I was in middle school. He's one of the greatest wrestlers in history. He has built up so much goodwill with me. I can never act like Jericho is anything less than an all-time great even when he spins his wheels for a bit.


I'm huge fan of him. He's had an amazing career. But I'm also very tired of him. The audience is clearly tired of him. A break would do him and the AEW fanbase good.


He's probably going to be retired before too long. I say, enjoy him while it lasts. At his age, the more time you take off, the harder it is to come back. He's in great shape. He's being paid a lot of money. The time to use him is now, in whatever the best way is to use him.


A smart political move from Jericho to earn back some good will. Still should have ended via a proper pin and not rollup, though.


A roll up is a pin...


Well, you get what I mean. A roll-up has the connotation of being flukey. It doesn't carry the same weight as a standard pin.


You people are neverrrrrrr satisfied


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Looked like a human suplex machine out there but I digress


I think we will all have to wait until next week to see if HOOK has been allowed to escape the Jericho Vortex But that this ended in a roll-up has me worried ngl


HOOK should've squashed him


Hook skips leg day


this shit sucked


They’re gonna kill u but you’re absolutely right


What, you didn’t like the slowest suplexes of all time, some bad botches, and then a roll up? How dare you