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I am all for punk being Drew’s biggest hater


When those two finally meet in the ring, given Punk recent injury issues, I'm worried he may just dissolve on contact


If he takes a claymore he’s gonna disintegrate


Just gonna Obi-Wan it and have his force ghost costing Drew in future matches


He fought Undertaker at Wrestlemania and messed with his urn; that's enough for my headcanon to justify it.


Collapse like Dry Bones when Mario jumps on them.


An irish whip from Drew will look like a MK11 fatality.


Like one of the putties when one of the Power Rangers kicked the putty's self destruct button that's conviniently placed on their chest, which just makes them disintegrate into nothingness when you touched it, which is kind of a huge design flaw, but who am I to question Lord Zedd? But yeah here's an advance viewing of Drew vs CM Punk if you wanna see what'll happen: https://youtu.be/7BSUqJfA480?feature=shared


I think the match could benefit from having a lot of weapons involved. While it may hurt more, taking chair shots and going through tables carries less chance of injury than a traditional mat bump.


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about punk's repeated injuries. This is another reason why I want Punk v. Roman *so bad*. One of Roman's methodical, psychological matches would fit perfectly with Phil I think, bursts of action, lots of drama. Roman has basically cornered the market on this style.


Can we stop with this trend of calling Punk ‘Phil’? You don’t know the guy. It’d be like referring to Seth Rollins as ‘Colby’.


But can I call HHH, Paula Veck?


Yes, but only when he's together with Hickenbottom and it's at da Alamo


Or John Cena as 'John Cena'


It's funny Punk is working it into existence Drew was just being a internet hater. Punk is actually costing Drew his career XD


I'm getting a vibe of both slowly turning. After all it's true Drew won clean and Punk cheapshot it, all hating on social medias aside. Plus let's say the footage with Perry comes out and we see Punk choking him when he turns away he can just lean into that heel persona to negate the damage. Also Drew will be cheered at Clash of the Castle. And finally Punk is better as a heel, doesn't matter if he's cheered or booed, plus he always managed to get booed even when he was ultra popular already.




Such an incredible troll face Punk has. So does Drew. These two are perfect for each other




Low key looks like Hornswoggle




Did the network just *not* give Raw a few extra minutes or were they rushing?


Raw hasn’t had an overrun in forever


it's a fucking 3 hour show they shouldnt need more time tbf.


They don’t tend to go over anymore


Raw is 3 hours and y’all want an overrun??


Bro they gave them a whole commercial free hour, the network was more than courteous lol


Maybe I'm misunderstanding how it works, but I don't think a commercial free hour has anything to do with the network being courteous. They get their money either way. Either companies pay for commercial time to airs their ads, or WWE pays for the time so there are no commercials. As a company, WWE probably views it as a worthwhile because they can advertise the commercial free hour to bring in more viewers, and hopefully end that hour with extra viewers invested enough to stick around for the whole show.


Raw hasn’t had an overrun in years


Gotta make way for whatever garbage reality crap USA airs at 11pm these days


It was dumb shit ranchers fighting a grass fire with leaf blowers


Awe, hell yeah. Yee haw brother. Gotta link?


[Yeah here ya go](https://youtu.be/Ne1PS9dEuA0?si=j_D1Dn7tt7DZHpXv)


They gave them about a minute it felt like. But The Rock soaked up like 6 minutes getting his segment going. It felt like they cut a lot of the Ilja match and were rushing people out whenever possible to make up for it. I guess the stupid ranch show is just too important to delay.


the final match was a mess. they played so many ads and they were very much rushing but still trying to get their stuff in. drews promo also got cut short by jey. paul needs to figure out this overrun thing.


The increase in ads might be a concession for the commercial-free first hour. I noticed there were a lot of breaks too.


That’s how they often do it with ad free hours. Back in the dark days of the Authority 40-minute Rollins or Triple H promos opening the show meant that the next fifteen minutes were pretty much nonstop ads.


> drews promo also got cut short by jey. paul needs to figure out this overrun thing. I took that as intentional to drum up heat between Drew/Jey, no?


The Rock is gone. Shows will go back to normal length.


Yeah this is just how they had to deal with Rock playing to the crowd so much. Nobody else on the roster can or will do it to that extent, is probably a non-issue moving forward.


Not having Dwayne around will definitely help. A good about 5min of runtime was him standing in the ring getting booed, then the rambling ass promo he dropped after. Rock's playing the character well, but it's costing a lot of runtime


Rock used it during his stretched out promo




The opening segment was like 45 mins it probably ran way over


I want to see Jey have a lengthy feud with Priest, even if he doesn't win the title. Jey deserves a program that positions him as a credible challenger for the title. Jey has been far from perfect, but they have not been fair with him in terms of booking. Coming off of the Bloodline feud, I feel like he deserved a better opportunity to show that he is a main event talent.


The best way to do this is for Jey to keep expanding his move pool. Adding the Spear to flip off Reigns was fine, but the match with Jimmy ***really*** exposed the lack of moves both brothers had. I know both Usos prioritize kicks and high-flying offense, but I'm curious to see if Jey could find a way to work a submission into his arsenal.


I mean Jey added 3-4 moves, spear, Rock punches or that cool neckbreaker. But Jimmy stayed the same. Like Jimmy had a bad match against AJ fucking Styles man


"if there’s anybody who can match the skill of AJ Styles, it’s Jimmy Uso"


I seriously wonder if Jimmy should just start a tag team with Solo as Jimmy as a singles star just isn't working and it gives both guys something to do.


I remember the Usos used the Tequila Sunrise around 2016-2017ish. Jey could bring that back.


That's a throwback, you just transported me back to different time.


I think a Darce choke would work really well for a high flyer cause you can hit it from the top rope or by springboarding off the ropes. Darce choke is absolutely horrible once locked in but anyone has has trained submission grappling knows it is also really easy to put in wrong (while you think you have it locked it) while still seeming like it is in correctly. So I think it could look cool while also being mostly safe.


do you know of someone that uses it in pro wrestiling?


I’m sure there is someone on the indies but I’m not aware of anyone who uses it. Which is a surprise cause it is a cool move and you can hit it from a lot of places


It would be cool to see an [alligator roll into the Darce](https://youtu.be/VAtNiLDE6FU?si=yuNKgw4QXNWckv0V&t=50). Then, to add dramatics, the opponent could try to continue the roll to get to the ropes, and Jey (or whoever is administering the hold) could roll back to center of ring to deny the escape/ cinch it in.


Oh yeah that would be sick. I love Gator Roll Darces look so cool. The Darce really can be hit from a lot of places, easy to stand and drag someone into it. I actually think you could hit a cutter but hold it and transition into a Darce


Anaconda choke would look even better, with more movement/momentum


Definitely another great option! Can be hit from the same positions too. BJJ has a lot of cool ones that would be nice to see used - loads are already being used obviously.


I definitely recall both usos using the tequila sunrise as a submission against new day more than once


Guess I wonder what you mean be lengthy, isn’t Clash in two months. 


I’m a big fan of Jey but I disagree with what you said. To deserve something you have to earn it. How can you say after his match at mania he deserves a better opportunity to show he is a main event talent? They gave him a featured spot at mania again his twin. Thats the most slam dunk easy opportunity you could hand someone and the match was a major letdown. Having a match against your twin is such an advantage vs every other guy in the back. Especially with guys who are second generation talent, they’ve probs been preparing for that their whole career or even from a young age whether they knew it or not. There’s nobody you could know better, move better with and you’d both be willing to do way more for each other than any normal colleague would. They could have been going to the PC together every day off for a couple months working on new moves & how to best showcase each other and steal the show. Can’t do that if you live in Florida but your mania opponent is in LA but you sure as hell can if you live in the same zip code and its your twin asking you to do it for both of your careers. Having watched the match do you really think they put in any extra effort like that? Nah they got lazy and did the most basic stuff, it was embarrassing. How he gets a title shot after that is honestly baffling to me. Must be demoralising to some of the other guys in the back who take those opportunities when they’ve been given them but weren’t in that match


Tbh Jey has had great matches against Seth, Drew, Roman, GUNTHER. Yes he stunk up the show at mania but he is consistently the most over guy on the show


Agreed. Plus, in all the legitimate brother vs. brother matches on WWE history. Only 1 was ever truly good. Owen vs. Bret. The Rhodes Brothers match was Meh The Uso match was meh The Hardys match was meh Hell, the Bellas match sucked. So I think this could be their way of going, "You're over, but that match sucked. Show us it wasn't because of you"


> The Hardys match was meh ???


Jeff and Matt hard have had a few matches. Most well known at Wrestlmania 25. First was at Vengeance 2001, btw. Now, OUTSIDE of WWE they have had really good matches. But in WWE, they have mostly missed.


wrestlemania 25 was a great match and a great story coming in and so was backlash about vengeance i cant remember


Very great points!!!


I don't think that the WWE put him in the best position to do well in that match. They pretty much removed a lot of the heat from the match. That is probably just as much the fault of Jey and Jimmy as it is creative. Jey had no momentum going into the match. Maybe he can't be a main eventer, but booking him to fail to stand up to Drew and his family for a year didn't help.


Well said. For all intents and purposes, Jey Uso really proved that he is indeed, NOT, Main Event Level.


Yup when Logan Paul is putting in more preparation for his matches than you somethings wrong. Sure he has a lighter schedule which allows him to go to the PC and train with HBK for every match. Then again the Uso’s also live in Florida and could have done a prep camp even just for mania if they were really hungry for the opportunity without having to travel far to get to it


Jesus, Jey has one bad match at Mania and this entire sub has turned on him. Wild.


Also some equating a deep move repertoire being what makes someone worthy of the main event instead of being over.


Yea, LA Knight is hardly master of a 1000 holds but people still like him


A hell of a lot of money and fan interest has been drawn by people who were pretty awful in the ring at times and Jey is miles above them.


Ultimate Warrior is a prime example. Dude literally did jack shit in the ring, but his presentation was top tier.


LA Knight is a perfect example of “you don’t need to have a deep moveset to be insanely over and in the main event”


Case in point, “who better than Kanyon?”


Wrestlemania is literally the wwes Superbowl. Yeah if you screw up there it's going to count way more then some random ppv


I'm sad that the Jey vs Jimmy match was maybe the worst one the entire Wrestlemania weekend but Jey's still SO over and he could definitely sell a program against a heel faction like Judgement Day & Damien Priest. I was quietly rooting for Bronson to win it but out of everyone in this random match, Jey made the most sense because you can save the Drew vs Priest feud for a bigger show. This was a nice way to get out of an immediate Drew vs Priest program but instead have a solid babyface vs your heel Champion.


Why go to for a splash with damaged ribs?


It's a widely used trope for people who use a splash-type move as a finisher ie Eddie, EVD


I love Ernesto Van Dam. He's my favorite luchadore.


Love it when he does his signature taunt pointing with both thumbs to himself and the crowd sings back *"ERNESTO VAN DAM"*


Really rolls off the tongue, doesn't it


They'd sell it though. Jey just went straight into the pin.


Yeah, it's a limitation of Jey's psychology that he needs to address. Just pointing out that it's (going for a splash with injured ribs) not exactly new or something that can't be done right it he'd only sell for a moment.


Jey really struggles to actually sell all that much. One of the reasons the Uso match sucked so much was because neither dude sold a damn thing, literally as soon as it was time to go on offense whoever had just been hurt would magically be absolutely 100% fine within seconds.


Jey's got dem DDP ribs


Why go for a Pedigree with a damaged knee? Wrestling is just weird like that.


You then sell the knee. Seth, who isn't the most consistent seller, did that yesterday. Another good example is Bayley. Who kept doing things with the knee, and selling it. So much so that instead of doing a Bayley to Belly to setup her elbow, she did a side suplex, to keep weight off her bad leg.


I swear I said "I can't believe how great Bayley is selling that knee injury" probably 100 times during her match. It made me physically cringe watching her.


Yep. And the way she started it with the dive was genius. She started selling it so subtly, I thought she was actually hurt.


Yeah! The dive honestly is what made me really believe because it wasn't highlighted at all. I seriously thought she just landed on it weird.


I liked how Vince Russo pointed out that every match had a knee issue on Night 2. And how when everyone has something it cheapens it.


Seth sold the fuck out of it every time he hit one at least


Because it's one of your devastating moves and you feel you can endure the pain. If you don't do your offense you won't win either.


I've see a lot of wrestlers switch up their offense when injured.


After seeing his WM match, there’s a lot of things him and his brother can work on.


Usos arent known for being smart


can someone pls reply to my comment so the reddit player loads the video 💀 ty to the yeeters 🫶


I had no idea this was a fix.


Don’t click on the thumbnail, click on the title of the post. Then once you’re in the comments, click on the thumbnail. It’s dumb.




No Yeet?








Isn’t there a rematch clause that Drew can use?


Automatic rematch clauses were done away with in kayfabe years ago, possibly during the infamous "YOU are The Authority!" promo.


i think that clause would be written into a officially planned match, but the impromptu nature of a MITB cash in means there is no contract and therefore no rematch clause


Damn, MITB really is OP


WWE dropped the automatic rematch clause years ago. Like in kayfabe they even announced it. Former champions will still occasionally get a rematch if they want to come up with a storyline reason to give one, but they're just not automatic anymore where every former champion is entitled to one.


What happened to it being an elimination fatal 4 way?


It was probably cut for time, the entire show seemed rushed after the opening segment


I have a feeling Drew is going to kill Punk to death




"I'm going to kill you.......and THEN kill you again"


Maybe I'm crazy but I just don't buy Jey as a main event/world champion wrestler. I could just be mega out of touch and crazy, but I just can't see it yet.


He won’t win, they’ll push him to have a title shot rn cause he has the yeet fan interaction but he’ll lose to Damien cause they aren’t gonna give Damien a short reign & eventually it’ll be Drew vs Damien at CATC, Drew will win there so jeys more of a filler guy to prolong priests reign til the Drew match


>He won’t win, they’ll push him to have a title shot rn cause he has the yeet fan interaction He's not going to win the WHC but I think they have plans for him to go for a mid card title first, which makes much more sense then giving the WHC right away. I think Jey def has potential, he can play a fun or serious character. He is capable of having good matches. People need to give him a chance. No one thought he would be this over a year ago. He needs some more moves though.


Dude people were literally just fine with Jey until last night and now "he's limited, he's just not main event material" when months ago they were saying he should take out Gunther. Like he's had so many good matches, he has one mediocre match and people suddenly think he's shit. It's ridiculous.


Yeah for real, Jey has proven time and again singles matches that he can absolute hang with those at the top. He has one disappointing match and suddenly it's all over? If we treated every wrestler like this, than we'd have very little stars.


His moveset is fine vs other people who don't have the exact same moveset lol I know people are saying the match "exposed" him for lack of moves but it was just really bad because it was in stereo. He was fine tonight.


> His moveset is fine vs other people who don't have the exact same moveset This was the real problem, yeah. I didn't blink an eye when he won the andre battle royale. His early run as main event jey showed he can handle it. He'll be alright.


This sub is filled with dramatic dumbasses who are fickle as fuck and change their hivemind on a dime. Jey had one poor match at Wrestlemania and now everyone is suddenly acting like he is the worst wrestler ever despite the fact that he has proved time and time again that he can hang at the top of the card. It’s fucking ridiculous.


Yep honestly the Jimmy vs Jey match is on whoever was the producer of that match. Outside of the first two minutes it felt like there was no heat to it, then has a random spot where Jey doesn't want to kick Jimmy despite doing that the whole match. Should have been a sprint with each one upping the violence to each other, and have Jey get second thoughts when he feels he's gone too far.


I'd argue that the match should've had a stipulation to it as well. For real, it just needed something else there to boost it up a few levels.


Fully agree. For me that match had steel cage written all over it in the lead up to mania


Could’ve even called it an Uso Penitentiary match


I mean let’s be honest, this sub was going to turn on him eventually 


Since you brought you the possibility of him going after a mid card title, it seems fit that Sami eventually regains the IC Title from Gable (if he loses next week) & we get a Sami vs Jey match


He’s a fine upper midcarder. Don’t ever need to win the belt but the occasional dip into the main event isn’t ridiculous to me, he super over rn


Yup, you need non main event challengers, that’s what the upper midcard good for when they aren’t in a tag, of IC/US feud 


I think a new finisher would go a long way. The splash works as a tag team finisher, but unless you're Gunther it's pretty bland as a singles finisher. And the spear works in the context of his feud with the Bloodline, but against anyone else it's just like... a worse spear than the other couple guys on the roster who do a spear. But right now, I'm with you, I don't really see it yet.


I'm in the "wait and see" category. I think Jey has potential, but I see him like Kofi. He might be a good world champion on paper, but not live up to the hype in reality.


I think he would probably be best as a transitional champion if he ever wins a world title. Since he's fully free of any Bloodline story, I'm hoping that we might see Jey grow his main event potential over the next few months


Kofi not getting to be the champ be could be still hurts. They fed him to Brock


Even if he beat brock, he wasn't a good world champion


Revisionist history. He was a great world champ. Good feuds with Randy, Dolph and Joe. Additional title defenses against Sami and AJ. He was crushing it until the Brock match.


Nothing about him screamed the main guy tho. Didnt carry himself like a big deal. Booking was a part of it but theres other stuff too. He had the reverse problem that jinder had.


He carried himself like Kofi Kingston. He didn't need to change to be a credible champion. He was champion because of who he was. He defended against Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler (should have been me), Samoa Joe and Randy Orton before falling to Brock Lesnar. He definitely wasn't the greatest champion of all time but he was good and had one of the best wins at Wrestlemania.


People have this fantasy about the ineffable essence of main guy, it’s all largely euphemisms for “big man has strong muscles” and “wwe tells me his is very strong”, and every time someone outside of this framework has an opportunity to ascend they resist it until the guy proves himself undeniably a champion and everyone acts like they knew it all along


That fell on the booking tho. He had a ready made feud with Randy that sucked because they had one of the matches go to DQ. Kofi coulda been a good champ before losing to Brock, just like most could, but the booking hurt him


He could be. He’s better than a lot who have been in that position. But he desperately needs to add some new moves. Wrestlemania was not a good showing for him.


On the one hand having Priest beat an upper midcarder in his first defense makes sense as a starting point, but given they're still trying to legitimise the title to a degree it might have been better to have someone who is an established main eventer


I haven't ever seen the Uso's as main event material.


I was literally almost entirely out of touch with WWE until the last year or so and I actually liked Jey right away, he’s got a ton of potential as a main eventer and almost certainly will be at some point soon


I want them to give him a fair chance first, before passing judgement. He does need to show a more serious side, but they seriously didn't do anything with him after he came to RAW.


Exactly, just yet. Give him some more time to develop in singles matches, have him win Money in the Bank, cook for a few more months and then when you pull the trigger, he's over.


100% agree, he doesn’t have the aura of a main eventer but that’s ok, he has a solid role as a mid card guy


Neither do I. He’s a fine mid card guy, but not a main event talent


To me, jey is the one who was hurt the most from the bloodline storyline. (Like he’s the most traumatized) So he’s got the most to prove. In character, he’s the hungriest.


I'm with you. His ring work and presence just aren't there for it imo. I feel like his two big matches at Summerslam and Wrestlemania emphasized it. Flat, and in ways, out right bad performances.




That's absurd Chad Gable isn't even a quarter as over as Jey is


Did the WM signify the end of Jimmy interference in Jays title matches or can we expect it to continue indefinitely ?


Man, they are really building that McIntyre vs Punk.


why can Jey Uso deliver good matches against others except with his twin


I kinda feel like that was a creative choice by whoever made that match. Like, it wasn't so much a wrestling match but they were simply feeding on the raw emotion of the battle and anger between the brothers.. where they were just throwing haymakers to exert domination over the other (in this case, superkicks).


The IMEMDIATE cut in to a black screen made me so mad


man after the mania match , jey uso shouldn't be anywhere near main event . 


It was one match! He just doesn’t have chemistry with his brother, which was obvious even during their interaction at the Rumble. Are we just going to disregard his matches against Drew, Rollins and Gunther? Hell, go back to his PPV efforts against Roman in 2020 when he showed his true potential for the first time. Jey has put together a good body of work as a singles competitor and people are just overlooking it because of one match. Unbelievable.


Welcome to this terrible, toxic sub, uce.


Jey literally had a banger with Gunther last month. Why are you guys so pressed after 1 bad match??


Jay has the athleticism and the personality, but he has a lot to work on. This ending is a great example, he's banged up from WrestleMania night 2, and he does his splash, but doesn't sell his injury at all. I also believe that Jay's ceiling is the US/Intercontinental championship. He just doesn't have that "move" that makes me believe he's a bad mother fucker. He has super kicks and the splash, which in hindsight isn't bad, but it feels like that's all he has. Thinking about it's crazy, because Eddie Guerrero didn't have so many finishers, but he did enough. Between the frog splash, the three amigos, and the brass knuckles/cheating. Not saying they're comparable, but it's odd how some wrestlers have few finishers but they have that big impact feel. And my biggest complaint about Jey, is his move set lacks that "it" move.


Um….wha…? lol Eddie Guerrero could pull out all sorts of stuff. Heck right off the top of my head Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker Top con Hilo Double clothesline into back suplex Sunset flip powerbomb Gory Special Lasso from El Paso (though he mostly reversed that for when he was a heel)


He watched Eddie in YouTube highlights clips not live like some of us


Yeah lol I mean no offense to him/her or anything but “Eddie Guerrero was limited in the ring” is one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard in this sub haha


I feel like, if anything, the YouTube clips would show *even more* of how insane Eddie’s in ring work could get


He's done the camel clutch also right? And his whole gimmick (lie cheat steal) was on another level with how he used it in matches. There was one match with Angle and him tossing the belt or chair at each other I think?


Faking being hit and tossing a chair to the opponent to make it look like they hit him was a common Eddie spot.


Comparing Jey Uso to Eddie Guerrero should see you tried in the Hague.


Lmao I had to look up the Hague. I was just comparing how both have one high flying finisher and one in ring finisher. And despite Eddie using the three amigos, it's not as iconic as his frogsplash. So I was just comparing how both don't have more than 2 finishers, but how Eddie's frogsplash is legendary, and how Jay's splash is boring as fuck. I also think Darby Allen is cool, but I think the coffin drop is boring asf. Him using the code red, is such a better finisher.


Haha the brief shot of Bronson outside the ring as Jey was going for the pin.


DM Hunk.... Sad noises


Looking @ that upper left corner TNT logo while Punk is on screen feels so weird but funny as well especially with how happy Punk looks now while his former employer is all butt hurt right now 🤣🤣


These camera shots are getting so good.


Drew Vs Punk main eventing Backlash France?


I really hope drew isn't completely done with the world title picture


Last night was my first episode of Raw in 10 years. I wasn’t thrilled with the show but this was a great match and a great finish. I liked Bronson Reed too. That guy is like a barrel in a singlet. Massive.


Ricochet deserved a world title shot more than Jey Uso ngl.


I finally got to sit and watch Raw and I cannot believe nobody is talking about Ricochets flip onto Bronson. That table did not give the way I think it was intended to. The support just stayed up and he landed all of his weight on it. I was pretty worried seeing that.


“Drew will win his” it took how many years just to get back to this spot? Dude isn’t winning the belt again for awhile, if ever.


Idk. Clash at the Castle is in Scotland this year, so I reckon it's a good shout that they're aiming for Drew winning the title back in front of his countrymen


Why is no one talking about how terrible the uso mania match was? Jey is not that good. That tribal warfare match was terrible. And this Mania match was horrendous. But yet. He yells yet and moves his arms and he’s the best wrestler ever


No one? Literally everyone was talking about it after the match lol. It was the lowlight of the entire weekend.


Puts on the most dogshit match of the weekend and gets rewarded for it. Incredible.


man i already thought jey didnt need that WM win but now im like, goddamn. jimmy coulda won that match 😟 especially with jey and that ramp spot on night 2


There have been far worse champions than Jey Uso. It’s okay if he ends up in the title feud and ends up having a short run with it too.


Jey Uso: Hey we've had worse