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It's kind of funny WWE is trying to phase out the phrase "sports entertainment" because that was one of the most sports entertainment matches of all time and I sincerely mean that as a compliment. It had a big match feel, had tons of emotions, surprises, twists, turns and was completely ridiculous. I hope it does go on the WrestleMania Mt. Rushmore or in cannon as one of the greatest WM matches ever or whatever because I absolutely loved it.


Yes. It was an end of an era, the end of the longest title reign in modern WWE, and most likely a passing of the torch from predecessor to successor a la Okada-Tanahashi.




Triple H Era EDIT: you guys call PPVs PLEs now wtf, they called it the Triple H Era no?


>you guys call PPVs PLEs now Yes because thats what they are.


Triple H era is also what it is.


Paula Veck Era


I struggle to find a reason that goes "not really". This had a big fight feel, as any of those matches. And it will be symbolic because of the reign it ended and the era it'll usher.


It is *really* too close to the event to say, but I think so. The entire last 10 minutes, with all the shenanigans, was one of the most joyous things I have seen in my life.


Yes. No question.


Nobody mentioning Michaels/Taker in the list of iconic wrestlemania matches so far feels FUCKING INSANE to me. Or Michaels/Flair for that matter. ORRR the heist of the century. Or YEStlemania. Like... Damn I think I'd put all of those just as highly as Rock/Austin.


It should considering the business it did, the fan interest it garnered and the quality of the match itself. Some will bristle at it right now but everything about last weekend will age well and be significant for turning a page on Vince’s creative.


Yes, without question. Zero doubt. A main event for the ages.


I definitely think it wad one of the best main events ever. Even before the run-ins it was a good match between the 2 and all the extra stuff was just the icing on the cake. I think Seth taking the chair shot will be an alltime moment also.


Much of this match's legacy is going to be how they handle what comes after. I would say Daniel Bryan's win at WM30 felt like a similar shift with just as much passion from the fans and then things went flat soon after.


Yes, it's an end to a 2-year story withing a 4-year story within a 10-year story within a 40-year story.


wait until we get roman vs cody 3 to unify the world title and the undisputed title


Triple threat with Rock to unify the People's Championship


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Closer to Austin vs Shawn. Less about how excellent the match was. More about what it meant for the direction of the company


Sure but it begs the question about what was so significant about say Hogan / Andre. It wasn't the first time Hogan scoop slammed Andre.


I think the match was fun and good, prolly right in that 4 star - 4.25 range. I don't know yet if its going to be remembered historically the way like Shawn and Taker is remembered as this amazing match. I think its going to be remembered as an amazing WrestleMania moment, when Roman fell and Cody ended his reign. Its kinda like how now nobody really talks about Daniel Bryan's triple threat match (even though it was a good match) but everyone remembers the moment of him winning the championship. Hogan and Andre I would put as one of those moments, not so much the match but the body slam. So TLDR: The moment? Absolutely. The match? Good match but not historically great.


Would agree with that. Very good match. The shenanigans (which I would separate from the actual match) were fucking legendary. Like 4 for the match then add on for the shenanigans.


Found daves reddit account


Probably too close to judge. Recent bias is certainly a thing, like people were talking about it being an all time great Mania... but night 1 was half good half weekly TV style stuff that had no business being the way it was on a Mania. And Night 2, that 6 man, the LA AJ match and the US 3 way were average at best. The moment, that 5 minute blast or whatever it was for sure is a moment, but the match? Maybe not... yet.


I hate this "recency bias" crap. I've seen every Mania and this one was absolutely one of the top 10 best easily. Night 1 still had 4 good matches, 2 okay matches and one mediocre, which is still better than most manias (like seriously name one Mania that doesn't have at least 1 or 2 bad matches). The tag match was also extremely good and worth the hype. Night 2 was solid all around and the main event was great and had a satisfying ending. I don't get how anyone can say it's not one of the best Manias ever. I get a lot of people have nostalgia and rose colored glasses for the past but folks need to be open to putting good recent shows on that level.




As not a massive fan of either Cody or Roman I'd still have to say definitely yes. 


I think so. I'm not sure I've seen so much emotion from almost everyone (fans, Commentators, ring announcer, etc) during and after a match before. I know for me I have never been so emotionally invested in a match ever (I'm 37 so grew up with Attitude era).


No. It doesn’t hold a candle to Rock/Austin. Hogan/Andre is massively overrated. I have zero desire to ever see the Night 2 main ever again in my life. I’ll watch Rock/Austin or Austin/Hart any day.


I haven’t watched wrestling since 2006. I put this on as I was curious as to what it was like these days. I am glad I bailed when I did. Comically bad. Why they shoehorned the Undertaker into it, I don’t know. It made absolutely no sense as he didn’t appear in any of the build up videos at all so I’m not really sure why he was put into the match. Is that what wrestling is now? Just a series of moments condensed down to keep TikTok users’ limited attention spans?


It's probably like Hogan vs Andre. Was a good match? Eh. Was it important to the era that it's in? Absolutely.


Kind of like Triple H vs Rock at backlash 2000. Not a great match at all (rock only hit 3 moves of offense), but the story was so cathartic the crowd lost their minds when he won.


cody vs reigns was an excellent match..