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Super Saiyan Streisand Effect


This... is to go even FURTHER BEYOND!


What a useless transformation, you changed [companies] so what?!


Honestly I didn’t even think Twitter had any sort of DMCA or Copyright protection, don’t people post like full movies on there?


It's clear that lawfirm had his Twitter on F5.




Man, the way Rollins fucking hightails it out of the ring never fails to crack me up.


played slightly sped up like it is in the GIF, it’s even funnier. dude skedaddled


You can hear the Scooby Doo drums


Yeah you can almost hear his feet do the cartoon wind-up sound effect before he zooms off.


I would too if a 6'5 former UFC Heavyweight champion ran at me with the speed of a cruiserweight


I mean look how he clears the apron and then top rope like it’s nothing, he really is a freak


Man made the best decision, he knew better than not to fight a 250lbs angry gorilla


Brock definitly shares some chromosomes with Gorillas. Dude is absolutly insane.


["I am going to give you your rematch, just not tonight..."](https://youtu.be/w1Hz0kobpFA?t=279)


The only problem I have with that is it's clear people were supposed to support the camera guy. Especially when Stephanie called him a civilian. And yet people were like "yeah!"


Not even sure if he intended it or it was prehistoric survival instincts and genetic memory taking over, seeing a mass of humanity move like that towards him.


It’s been said many, many times at this point, but Lesnar’s speed and athleticism is just insane. A man that size should not be that nimble.


The one that always blows my mind is him running the ropes. You can see an example of it at Wrestlemania 33, there was also a Hell in a Cell match he was in, and in both matches, he would run from one side of the 20'x20' ring to the other in two steps, bounce off the ropes, and be back on the other side, again, in two steps. It's *surreal.*


It's fucking terrifying is what it is. You're not getting in a ring with a human. You're getting into a cage with a gorilla


Did you see him start UFC matches, he would full on RUN at opponents, how the fuck do you counter someone that size and speed in like a second


I legit would like to see a gorilla vs a prime ufc Brock even more juiced than he already was. Ik the gorilla would still stomp but I’d like to see what type of fight Brock would put up.


That plus the speed at which he climbed the Elimination Chamber, what the actual fuck.


That speed and athleticism defies physics . A man with that much muscle shouldn't move like that . Its like even the reality is scared to say no to Brock so he just goes


Indeed. Can you imagine the sheer momentum he has? A regular person would have their bones cracked just by getting in his way.


The gif cuts out early, but if I remember correctly, you could see Brock visibly slowing himself down because he was going to catch Seth in this segment.




Jesus look at the speed that Lesnar carried


Dude stepped into the ring with more ease than I take stairs when I try going to at a time. What a monster.


Usually copyrighted stuff would be taking down hours or days later, this seemingly happened with an hour which you never really see. I've seen full UFC fights and leaked movies on there lol


Someone even had Roman vs. Cody full match up for at least 24 hours


Someone uploaded a full version of Oppenheimer a few months ago lol


You must not watch NJPW. Bushi road fucking sucks.


They literally strike their own accounts, it's stupid


Thats just Japan. If you think a copyright laws in America are outdated, you should see Japan


Yes but it usually doesn't make it past the day its posted


I think WWE(understandably) had it taken down but someone posted the full Mania main event on Monday lol


Do you know what would’ve been a great way to stop this video from being shown all over Twitter Tony ? don’t show it on your TV show as a featured segment.


Shit, if they were so insistent on “releasing the footage”, they’d have been better off having some “anonymous account” release the footage, and let it explode in the wrestling community as it may. Doing it as a bit… yeah, makes no sense


like, there is literally nothing to gain here for aew...they tried to shit on wwe/punk now? prove they are right? nobody cares at this point(not truly)...i agree, makes no sense


It’s all over TikTok 😅


That video made both Tony and AEW seem thin skinned and spiteful. This isn’t the gotcha moment that’s going to all of a sudden turn public sentiment against him. The streets were begging for this footage after the fact but you released a full six months later?


You know people were telling them this wasn't a good idea behind the scenes, too. Meltzer even said he didn't think it was a good idea. I'll bet people within the company were like guys don't do this, it's not going to do what you think it's going to do.


Nonsense! This is SUCH good heat to build hype and get the crowd to chant for a guy on the competitor's show! It also makes Jack Perry look like such a badass because he was attacked and didn't fight back and they're building storylines on a TV show where we want people to fight back when attacked!


I just imagine the scene of Tony telling AEW’s head of PR what they were planning played out similar to [this.](https://youtu.be/t0Z2Y7ceGdM?si=pTuR6ErGqSWyg5Fv)


Don Stevens strikes again (literally)


Bro I wanted the footage where Tony feared for his life.


This is apparently the footage Edit: According to Dave Meltzer its not the same footage. https://twitter.com/davemeltzerWON/status/1776905640910155810?t=CShYLo4F2zVdW70X2FcvRQ Take that as you will. God bless the one person who decided to actually send a link instead of an insult. Got people really upset


Damn. TK must fear for his life on a far more frequent basis than most people then.


Not to act like punk was acting ok or that getting jump scared by the lunge isnt ok, but shit most retail workers have encountered worse with no one to pull back the angry asshole and while yeah there's usually an adrenaline dump I've never thought "I feared for my life" it was almost always "I did everything I could to control my mouth so I don't get fired for saying what I really think to this dick bag" punk doesn't look good from this shit but neither does anyone else. Epitome of cutting off your nose to spite your face


TK has obviously never encountered a drug addict looking to walk out of a grocery store with a 12pk of Red Bull


He probably got startled by his butler at some point.


The maid knocking on his door while he had his pants down watching Beulah v Francine.


I mean, as a billionaire's son, the most blue collar person he ever met in his life before AEW was probably his butler or his chauffeur.


I work in retail and I can tell a few co worker stories who feared for their life. Partly because they have never been in a fight in their life never expect to be in so when mr angry shows up it’s quite a shock and they are quite fearful. I know some one who off and in work on and off for a year because of PTSD after someone made a lunge at them aggressively. But I forgot everyone a hard man as we say in Scotland online.


Not directing any of this at you, in agreement and plopping my .02: I mean, helpless and defenseless people can die in "fights" (if you call them that), only takes a few good headshots to someone who doesn't know how to cover - obviously Jungle Boy was fine here, but Tony is a smaller person, and Punk looks wild lunging/swinging, his face was probably intense and wild, etc. I don't doubt he was scared for his life in that moment. People also seem to just be glossing over the fact that though their discussion may have been heated, Jungle Boy was relaxed and calm, running his hands through his hair casually, when Punk gave him a snappy, hard push, and lunged at him before the group covers them. Looks like Jungle Boy had no idea that shit was even coming, so who knows? Lotta people standing up for Punk suddenly when months ago you guys were at his throat, and he's still *clearly* an aggressor here but suddenly it's no big deal. I think it was dumb to show the footage on a live show, though. Why not just tweet it out, Tony? Now you have people on Punk's side because "he went over" lol..


Retail Worker Here. A few weeks ago had a guy get stabbed and died at the store 20 minutes from where I work. My Female Coworker who was pregnant had a guy come up to her and tell her he would track her to her house and kill her and the baby if she did not give him the item he wanted. I had a guy a few years ago try to punch me after I told him I wasn't going to give him the $1000 dollar gym equipment for 5 dollars when I saw him switch all the tags.


Yes, but did anyone "lunge" at you. All jokes aside sorry that happened to you and your coworker. That's unacceptable.


It is fine. I can assure you that we all have made jokes about the situations as a way to deal with them. It makes it seem like less of a big deal and helped us get over it faster. Luckily in both situations things worked out okayish. Hers: The guy was removed by the police. He ended up fleeing the state after the court case against him was started. Last we heard he was in Colorado with no plans to ever return. Mine: He ended up being arrested a few weeks later for (Surprise!!!!) retail theft + lots and lots of drugs in his possession (Meth).


Can you imagine Punk threw his belt like Lesnar did to Vince? Bro would've been hospitalised and had 4 broken ribs, if he classifies this as a threat to his life


Now I wanna see TK come out wearing Vince's neck brace from the steroid trial as well as Bob Orton's cast. Edit: maybe give him the DDP rib tape as well.


Tony Khan once called the cops because his cat jumped up onto his keyboard.


Why do people pretend this isn't a normal reaction for TK to have? TK is a normal, kinda small dude who's not a trained fighter, and was confronted by an irate trained pro wrestler. What's with all the clowning on TK for this? It feels so weird. And people comparing TK to Vince, who was literally on steroids for years and has wrestled, is insane.


It’s okay to be scared. It’s maybe questionable to insinuate to a live audience on a pre-recorded message that CM Punk wanted to kill you.


I can believe that he was startled, but no way was his "I feared for my life" statement anything but gross hyperbole.


“Feared for my life” is the threshold for lethal self defense in most jurisdictions, in order to be on the same page as Tony you basically would have to agree that this video would have provided justification for a self defense shooting by Tony which would have been insane.


yea lot of internet tough guys looking at that blurry footage and bragging about how not scared they would have been lol


This is the most scared he's been on his life, dude. He shouldn't be allowed to book pretend fights


He’s a billionaire neobaby. He don’t know struggle or fear


Nah, either Dave misunderstood something or he's lying bc literally every report and Punk himself said that he said those things right after the scuffle and you can literally see the monitors get pushed behind and him motioning toward whoever was behind there. Literally every story about him saying lunging toward him and saying "hates it here" and that he quits explicitly says that it happened right after the scuffle. Why would there be a separate incident? By every account, this was right before Joe and Punk had to go out there. This clip is 100% everything that happened. Joe after this helped him cool off and they then went out for his match. So if it were a "separate incident", when did that happen? He quite literally said that he told Tony he quit before the match.... Yeah, it's pretty obvious that was it. Idk how people are confused. It corroborates with every detail we've been given since this happened.


Reeks of they never figured the footage would actually air on tv, and they thought of something to make Punk look worse.


Considering Tony and him met behind closed doors, no this is not that footage


Every primary source has been clear that it's not.


How am I, a retail worker in a **rough** part of Britain with poor pain tolerance and a history of self-worth issues, still somehow braver than the head of a wrestling promotion?


Cus you’ve been through shit bro. Struggle is what makes us tough. TK a billionaire nepo baby. He don’t know fear or struggle.


You mean that… hard times breed better men?


Because you've been through real shit in your life. Tony Khan has not.


What are you on about? Several people earlier this week made it clear that it was a separate incident.


Nah, literally every report and Punk himself said that he said those things right after the scuffle and you can literally see the monitors get pushed behind and him motioning toward whoever was behind there which was obviously Tony. Even every report or story about him lunging toward Tony and saying he "hates it here" and that he quits also said the same. Why and when would there be a separate incident? By every account, this was right before Joe and Punk had to go out there. This clip is it. Joe after this helped him cool off and then they went out there. So if it were a "separate incident", when did that happen? He himself said that he told Tony those things and that he quit before their match, and that he initially wasn't going to go out there after that but that Joe convinced him to, and after which he left the venue. So there's literally no other time that that could've happened. Any other version of the incident being pushed right now (even by Dave) is Tony doing damage control bc of how obvious it'd look that he exaggerated things once people saw that this video. Even Dave's own initial report about this incident said it happened right after the scuffle.




If you look closely at 00:58 of the [Reddit video](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1c11qg3/aew_dynamite_spoiler_the_young_bucks_show_never/), you can see Punk ~~lunge~~ angrily step towards the monitors while waving his finger where Khan is (I could be wrong, but you can kinda see him peak out earlier on during the confrontation). That's presumably when he told Khan that this place is a joke, you are a clown, and I quit. Edit: Thanks to Storvox for the clarification.


I'd be hard pressed to call that a lunge. He took a step forward pointing a finger angrily.


Good point, though he was being held back the whole time


Held back by two grown men, one of them being big ass Chris Hero who I’m sure could restrain a man half the size of him


Chris Hero is truly a hero. He jumped into action right away from behind the monitors and helped restrain Punk


Yes but he never made a lunging motion, there was no jerkiness or suddenness to his movement that you'd see if someone attempted to lunge while being held.


Back and to the left...


that was the footage. he feared because his out of touch lifestyle had probably shielded him from seeing another human being get so angy.


bro grew up with billions of dollars lmao


You got it. Tony was on the footage.


Feels like a lot more "Tell All" are in the immediate future


I’m All In for it


Straight Shootin’ is back.








angry terminally online billionaire isn't getting what he wanted. this never ends well


Remember when people acted like Tony was “one of us.” Unfortunately, that is somewhat accurate considering how terminally online he is.


He's a trust fund kid to the nth degree who never had to work for anything in his life or develop any skills. He's not like us because he's dumber than us.


Billionaire’s son*


Striking people like mad is certainly a shortcut to turning plenty of people against you.


Coming soon… President Tony Khan.


Sad they are so adamant to wipe the situation they caused and hyped so quick. Like where’s your commitment?


They don't even have the footage in the AEW YouTube upload of the Bucks/FTR segment. They're pulling a Costanza and pretending they never posted it. ![gif](giphy|beBy7w1gklos0|downsized)


Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?


For sure. It was already a bad look to release the footage but not standing on business and editing the Punk footage out of their YouTube clip of this makes them look even more pathetic


Letting Ariel Helwani dunk on you is crazy, I'll never forgive TK for this


Ariel looking good is the worst thing about this night.


No, i think having CM Punk chants on a company he no longer works at was worse. Ask WWE.


I'd add that maybe even the fact that a sizable chunk of the crowd not giving a shit & barely reacting to it is also terrible


it was deader than a popcorn fart


What's wrong with Ariel?


People don't like him for being a "WWE/CM Punk stooge".


He is not a stooge, its not like he was asking Punk "hey tell me about that dumbass AEW and those shits who troubled you" he asked the questions properly and just got his opinions on him


It mainly comes from his comments when the whole kerfuffle was new, plus his beef with Tony Kahn.


I watched that interview of his with Tony to see what the fuss about and holy hell I can see why he was pissed, they were on a podcast and all Tony said was "I can't/don't want to talk about it"


It’s how he does every interview I remember someone called him out immediately when he dodged like 3 questions in a row and Tony just continued to say how good the show did for like 500 times and got that interviewer legit pissed off.


as an MMA fan as well, I cannot stand this guy.


Yeah that’s the main reason I don’t like him.


No there’s a whole world outside of pro wrestling that people don’t like him for. He’s a diva who always tries to make himself out to be a victim. He spoiled Brock’s return to ufc for absolutely no reason and then acts like he’s a victim when he’s blacklisted. It would sort of be the equivalent of someone leaking cena coming back at the RR 08.


Dude pro wrestling “journalists” try and spoil shit all the time. Meltzer would’ve 100% spoiled Cena’s return at that Rumble had he known about it.


I used to write for a prominent MMA blog and Ariel has always been a slimy, smarmy prick.


I don't know much about the dude. I've seen some of his wrestling interviews over the years and know he's bigger in the MMA space, but why don't people like him?


A lot of people find him to be whiney and a little two faced. He presents himself as more professional and credible than other journalists but has on a few occasions pushed people on subjects they were clearly uncomfortable with then complained about them for not giving him what he wanted after the interview Him crying over Dana banning him from UFC events also made him an easy target for a lot people then he ruined any goodwill he had left with some people over his very strong and continuous Pro Israel posting and calling antisemitism to anyone empathising with the innocent Palestinian people


He did it in their interview too. Tony has zero media knowledge


Ariel dunked on him after their interview a year ago. Tony looked like an idiot then and looks like one now. He can afford help in AEW. And not more wrestlers but bookers and talent relations. They are desperately missing that. And merch people.


AEW has flat out embarrassed themselves tonight.


Tony Schivone's face said it all.


He had the exact same look as when Goldberg "went off-script."


The exploding ring doesn't look so bad anymore


Hey man I remember that being such a fun thing to smile and laugh about during a dark time. I'm not gonna lie, I'm smiling and laughing about this too and I'm a massive AEW mark.


WWE has had some gaffs as bad as that and it's funny to laugh at. This just feels like some rich kid got mad he had his favorite toy taken away so he's making an ass of himself.in public


It does. I like Tony and it seems like the vast majority of people in the business have nothing but nice things to say about him as a man and person but I feel like if he was going to show people the footage as a rebuttal to Punks comments he could have simply tweeted this and not aired it on Dybamite and turned it into an angle for TV. In a feud with wrestlers who weren't involved with the incident too lol


dont forget the Dark Order henchmen ghost punches.


Jesus, it just won’t stop


Stop the world and let me off


I want off Mr Bones' wild ride


At minimim, it will go on till ratings day. It would be funny if they break milly record during Punk segement.


Watching them tank their own company through unforced errors is fascinating to watch


Boy he really is in charge of the Jaguars


I don’t follow the Premier League but I wonder how the perception of Fulham is.


"Tony Khan wanks dogs" came from Fulham supporters. A few years ago they hated him when he was in control of transfers as he bought in a load of players and got them relegated. Since stepping back and the slow build they've been having the past few years I think things are slowly changing or they just don't care enough about him. I'm not fully sure on that either way


Fulham fans are the people behind ‘Tony Khan wanks dogs’ so that should tell you all about how he’s perceived in the premier league world. Fulham are doing pretty well for themselves, but that’s because Tony stopped being involved in the day-to-day. They were a disaster before that.


I dont know everything abt Tony Khan tbh but to me he really looks like that sheltered dude who got homeschooled all his teenage years and had all the money in the world but no friends and zero social skills


I don't think it's just you.


No friends and zero social skills you say. Wow that makes him really unusual in the wrestling world. 


Masterclass performance by AEW


Wow...Talk about a few minutes AEW obviously wants back


Perhaps the weirdest unforced error in recent memory. They announced, EVERYONE said it was a bad idea and I don't think I saw a single person able to think of a way it could go well, they show it, then within an hour realize it was the wrong move. 


I saw too many people thinking Perry turning the tide and reversing punks choke with his own.


Lots of AEW fanboys on here are still spinning it as a positive segment


AEW themselves aren't even spinning it as a positive segment. You can tell because they didn't leave the clip on their upload of the Young Bucks promo to YouTube. 


There were also plenty of people the last few days adamant that AEW "needed to defend themselves" by showing it


Oh yeah some of them definitely are; Don't forget about that questionable Ospreay Segment with Renee. I said that segment combined with the Punk Wembley footage segment might risk alienating people & I got down-voted pretty hard. God help me for having an Unbiased take but oh well lol edit And people already providing my point with a handful of them


AEW is their entire personality


It’s absolutely insane the mental gymnastics one would need to do to spin this in a positive light


Bix tried to as well.


> I don't think I saw a single person able to think of a way it could go well Oh it's worse than that. There were plenty of people that thought this was a great idea as a way of bringing Jack Perry in. So all of this and the only upside people could think of was Jungle Boy being back.


I actually think they might’ve really fucked with Perry’s momentum. Dude was finally finding himself as a heel and people were actually laughing off Punks claim that he was cussing out people. Now they showed this and it just does not make him look good. Punk didn’t even beat him bad enough for Perry to get sympathy.


The only way your going to make Perry interesting again is if you reform Jurassic Express and try to pretend the last 18 months never happened


Not to mention this is pro wrestling: the wrestlers are SUPPOSED to fight back when attacked. Yeah I know this isn't an in ring fight and clearly Punk was in the wrong, but it kills any aura of wanting to see Jungle Boy knowing he just got attacked by the worst fighter in UFC history and did nothing. And I'm supposed to want to watch him wrestle? At least Punk can talk people into the arena, this is as bad as Janela getting walked down by Enzo


- upside - Jungle Boy being back Pick one.


The only thing I can think of is that their TV rights negotiations aren't going how Tony wants because of the stagnating/dropping viewership numbers and he just needed a quick big win where he could show a ratings bump and pull a "See? We're building this story for a payoff later trust me look how much people cared during this quarter"


Not if you go over to AEW official sub. Got banned from there because I said “This is what made TK fear for his life?”


They are Sideshow Bob'n themselves into all the rakes.


Tony v Ariel is nearly as hot an internet feud as Punk v AEW


Ok so now that they showed the video on TV they want to take it down from the internet?




​ https://preview.redd.it/eaqelatsmrtc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ac9d756af9a3d23f36ebc103141dac3b25c16db




Who’d pay for such a \*wildly\* expensive thing?


Not the WWE poors


The 'out of Jacksonville' is such a nice touch. Dragging Tony through the mud while just speaking plainly.


Nothing is more of an admission of a mistake than having your lawyers trying to rapid fire take down any re-use of said mistake.


It's like if The Rock didn't pivot and stayed in the WM40 main event instead of Cody. At least WWE can put together a cool video package and conveniently leave out the bit where Cody said "not at Wrestlemania." With this... AEW is locked in forever about the who, what, when, where, and why.


"Let's make this viral! oh fuck, it went viral..."


Holy shit they're actually backtracking...


Tony Khan has lost the plot


Reminds me of this tweet from the whole Jinder situation...minus the 'n't' https://preview.redd.it/5a22zndrgttc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1a2dedf511ec644fca5320386ab355e6d603e0


When I posted this tweet initially the SquaredCircle mods deleted it too. So I know how Ariel feels.


"not very nice" I see what you did there, Ariel


Tony going out sad man


I think Forbes posted Dynamite results with CM Punk def Jack Perry. 💀




So main takeaway is that Tony is a coward? If thats all it took for him to be fearful for his life, I think bro might be in the wrong business.


Football definitely isn’t the most violent sport, yet I’m fairly sure Tony see’s his Fulham players act more violently on a weekly basis.


AEW is gonna backtrack so hard they'll leave a Khan shaped hole in the wall.


Not exactly something a thriving company would do after hyping up this segment to be a drawer for viewers…


And then AEW continue to do dumb internet shit.


Airing the footage is AEWs finger poke of doom.


Annnnnd, social media is flooded with Wrestlemania 40 reaction videos with actual footage … gaining millions of views and likes. Not a single one has been taken down. AEW feels lost.


man, this is How To Destroy a Company 101


Punk was telling the truth and AEW airing the CCTV footage only makes Punk look good


Man AEW are down BAD. This is so sad


If I'm hating one thing right now, it's that Helwani is getting any kind of attention and feeling all smug


Literally nobody thought showing that footage was a good idea.


This moment reminds me of the time WCW spoiled Raw's main event, telling home viewers Mankind wins the title, in an effort to prevent people from tuning in to Raw. We all know how well that turned out.


The only good thing to come out of this for them is that Jack Perry’s t-shirts sold out shortly after so good for him for making a little cash at least.