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So Zack is the exact same position he was last year then. Amazing.


Zack learned Japanese, 2 top guys left the company, and he still can't move up the card. Oh yeah, and an AEW guy just won the IWJP title.


International Wrestling Juggalo Prix, whoop whoop


Mox was in NJPW before AEW wasn't he?


Sure, half the AEW roster was in NJPW first. Mox was also never full time there or under contract. I'm glad he's working a tour or two as champ though. I like Mox.


Zack has been in the exact same position for so fucking long now, it sucks


Did Riddle just pull an Austin Aries at the end there?


Yeah he did not seem happy. Seems like they saw the backlash and aborted the Riddle experiment.


I doubt it was due to the backlash. More likely either the interview where he talked about doing coke while the TV title was sitting right in front of him, or him [defending the title on an Indy show in a match that NJPW hasn’t recognized at all](https://x.com/squarcircleexpo/status/1776263200628969786?).


I doubt it. They might not push him as hard but I doubt they've given up on him.


> Yeah he did not seem happy. Seems like they saw the backlash and aborted the Riddle experiment. [***He'll never change, never change***](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/chuck-yelling-during-his-chicanery-rant-in-better-call-saul.jpeg)


Backlash for what? 


Being an alleged sex offender and generally kind of a dick.


What did they do?


[No-sold the finish and walked out.](https://twitter.com/KXNGAO/status/1778978607764762640)


I really don't understand this hot booking of titles


Gedo has kinda always done this with low level titles. He either has REALLY long title reigns or just hotshots them around for a while.


Hopefully this was the last Riddle booking for New Japan


You could have stopped at "Riddle." Guy is quickly becoming the next Jeff Hardy, and not in a good way.


Hopefully this is the last riddle booking


Great. Zack is not winning the big one. Very great. *Punches the wall


So. Tanahashi beating Zack basically meant nothing.


it was to pop the wk crowd. also cant have the new prez losing his first dome match of his tenure cmon now.


Unlike the rest of you I'm not flinching. Putting the belt back on ZSJ isn't ideal but it keeps him busy and away from the world title scene until he wins da G1 baby.


Yeah man, Goto is gonna get that IWGP title one day too.


Lol let's not be ridiculous now


*laughs in Gedo*


Hopefully we don’t ever see Riddle in an NJPW ring and environment ever again.


>Hopefully we don’t ever see Riddle ~~in an NJPW ring and environment~~ ever again. FTFY


There is so much fucking wrong with this Cobb or Ren should have beat Zack for the belt orignally, The whole Tana-Riddle shit meant nothing, (even if the Zack and Riddle program was good) Riddle no-sold everything and was cheerful (i guess this means the reports of them not being happy with him making every indie match of his a title match were ture). and he's done. So we are back to where we started at the start of the year, Even though most people want Zack as world champ.


I hadn’t even heard those reports but my first thought was he got in trouble for putting the belt on the line in Indy matches without permission, because NJPW hasn’t recognized any of those (I didn’t know there were multiple, thought it was just the one against a guy named something Omen) at all.


no zsj world title run this year or ever i guess 😔


Good, don’t ever want to see him in njpw again or anywhere


This is just shitty. What was the point in Zack losing the belt to Tanahashi? Initially I thought with White and Ospreay gone, Zack now being in charge of a faction, it was time for Zack to get that main event push. And considering Zack has a history of back and forth with Naito, I pictured Zack being the one to take the title of Naito. But with this decision. Honestly I don't see Zack ever getting there now. This is just him reverted back to the same position. This was the perfect time to push Zack. The fact they aren't going through with it now and the world title now being gone from Naito and with Moxley, leads me to think Zack is never getting there.


Remember when riddle was just a great wrestler and nothing else? Good old days


Well that sucks…so much for Riddle/Omen II at Korukuen…


please destroy that little twink, matanza