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Let me sit next to ya YEAH


LA Knight letting down a fan? NAH NAH


Fan - "Are you...L...A...KNIGHT?" LA Knight - "YEAH!" 10/10


Well this just made me love LA Knight even more, classy dude YEAH


LA Knight is the next goat. He brought me back. I was the biggest WWE hater for so long. People talk shit about his gimmick, but he is the absolutely fucking hilarious. I marked when he choked on his gum.


Anyone talking shit is a goof, this guy has everything and worked his ass off to acquire those skills and get over as fuck. And he's apparently just the fucking swellest of guys too, literally the Megastar what a guy.


Swellest and the swollest


Same. Stopped watching after attitude era. Haven't seen someone with this much charisma since peak rock-austin. I hope they push him after Cody.


They should. I mean most of the top guys have charisma but LA Knight has that charmisma most similar to that era. Basically it's living your gimmick & having crazy amounts of confidence The thing is though almost everyone was like that in Atitude Era. So LA Knight stands out unique.


I actually wonder where Knight would be right now had Punk and Rock not come back. Those two and Orton returning completely annihilated LA's TV time


I got back into WWE back in October casually and then watched Crown Jewel. I instantly went, yep LA Knight is that dude and now I'm crazy sucked back in. LA Knight is that dude indeed.


I love that he turned it around and went, "BY WHO?"


Knight is a good dude  YEAH 


I love the exasperated "what a day" - a moment to cherish for both Derek and LA Knight I'm sure. Wrestlers are some amazing people - I'm so glad this day and age of them are mostly just wholesome nerds, it's adorable.


Give Derek the keys to the Slim Jim car


Is someone cutting onions? ...YEAH!


So weird I’m in my office and someone must be cutting them in here also.  Yeah!


Someone's cutting them in my bedroom. YEAH!


Fan? Have some respect that’s Derek smh


Enjoy seeing derek's videos on facebook. He really breaks the stigma for those who are challenged and/or have developmental issues. I love seeing how he thinks and reacts to things and situations. Derek has really opened my eyes up. Thank you Derek!


That dude is going to talk about this forever, fantastic video. On a side note, I'm wondering what is in that super awkward sized box he has. AN LA KITE?????


I think it said "Victus" on it, which suggests it's a baseball bat.


LA Knight is a big Mets fan so that tracks.




This is why I love wrestling.










Shoes of a champion. Man that got me right in the feels. Such a great moment.


LA Knight probably won't remember this in a year or two, but the fan will never forget it.


You would be surprised at how many fan interactions wrestlers tend to remember. Hell, someone mentioned KAIRI remembered last meeting them over 5 years ago and was overtaken with emotion when she saw them again at Mania this year, and didn't need to be reminded.


One time at a house show in Pittsburgh, we had seats on the entrance ramp and Jerry Lawler said to my Bret Hart shirt wearing girlfriend “I’d rip that shirt off your back if I wasn’t so scared to see what’s underneath it!” Two years later at another house show where I had similar seats, I was booing Jerry on his way to the ring. He looked at me and said “Where’s your boyfriend?”




Yeah, they genuinely do remember connections they make with the fans. I saw Shawn Michaels the other day in Tampa. I met him the first time in a Texas Roadhouse back in 2012. 12 years, man. He recognized me on site. Then again, it would be hard to forget someone you made passionate love to on 6 of the 7 continents.


Which continent are you guys missing?


North America, surprisingly. He’s a busy man, but if you get him on vacation, he is worth the wait.


Antarctica must have been pretty memorable. I'm happy for you both.


The lost continent


I met Diamond Dallas Page at an Maryland Championship Wrestling show where he was doing a signing. When it was my turn to get a picture with him, I asked if we could do a dueling pose with each of us holding a leg over our heads (I do DDP Yoga). He happily obliged. Three months later, he was doing a DDP Yoga seminar in NYC, and I went. At the end, he was doing pics with people. Most opted to do a Diamond Cutter symbol, but I wanted to do the pose again. When it was my turn, I said "I know you won't remember this, but I met you at MCW back in October, and I was wonder--" His eyes light up and he interjects "OH, you wanna do the pose again?!" No reason he should remember me. Different city, different event, three full months later. But he remembered me. Moral of the story: I wouldn't be surprised if LA Knight actually *does* remember this for years to come.


I met Bruce Campbell once when I was 16 and once when I was 24 and he remembered me somehow despite it being a totally mundane meet and greet both times. Brain does crazy shit.


This is a really obscure one, but I met JD Fortune who won the Rock Star: INXS reality show and became their frontman for the Switch album and tour. He was from my hometown at the time and so came back to play a small surprise show at a bar that he’d played at before and that had supported him hosting watch parties during his run on the show. After the performance they set up a VIP area for a meet and greet and two of the girls I was with that night wanted to meet him and asked me to tag along. Despite all the people he met that night he was very cool and took the time to ask everyone’s name and make a connection. I didn’t really think much of it beyond that, until a few months or maybe even a year later I walked into that same bar and he was randomly there, leaning against a table and talking to someone by the door. As I walk in he turns and says “hey Greg!” Like… what? How in the fuck would you possibly remember my name given all people you meet in the run of a day, week, month or year! Some people never forget a face or a name I guess.


https://www.instagram.com/bakerbanter?igsh=bDJuenhid2xjbGVv Derek is amazing! He will love this attention.


Damn allergies are acting up again.


Happy Birthday Derek!


Thats my megastar Yeah! LA Knight is the reason I came back to watching wrestling again back in June last year after a long hiatus.


You're not crying, I'm crying




Who's cutting onions


The thing is these guys all have a chance to do something so special. I’m not a celebrity and I can imagine it can be rough in public getting swarmed but this is the right way to do it and give back. Also sorry for the spoiler but LA Knight is from MD as a Marylander. LA Knight Yeah!👍🏿




It's nice to see good things related to wrestling. Good job, LA Knight


You put some respect on Derek’s name right now my friend


Derek is on Instagram and I think does a wrestling podcast with his mom and sister. It’s pretty cute stuff.


There's a reason he is called a mega star


Legit got a smidgen teary eyed. This was dope af.


Get ready to learn the lyrics to LA Knight theme buddy ![gif](giphy|pbuQNpJMik3ykj4PWO|downsized)


Let me selfie with ya


Whose birthday is it? With everybody saying ...


Imagine he stayed in character the whole time. By the end of the journey Derek slowly turns to him and says "...AJ was robbed."


Love this. Happy Birthday, Derek....YEAH.


I love LA Knight like no other but I’ve see a couple of Derek videos now and he’s a legend too!


Going from breaking into another man's house to sitting next to a fan on the bus


Stories like this make me happy, I use to work with some one who has a son who has autism and is also a huge wrestling fan, I do not work with her any more but I keep in contact with him when there is a PPV I will shoot him a few texts. I love the passion he has for Wrestling.


I'm gonna say something that's gonna sound callous, but I mean it in the best way possible: LA Knight doesn't look like he wants to be interacting with a fan here. The fact that he still does is what makes this video lovely to me.


I didn't think they'd be using public transport, especially when it's Wrestlemania week, seems like a very very high chance you'll be running into fans. If this was a spontaneous unplanned thing, then yeah it's quite jarring because it's a difficult situation to handle without preparation, and just the general reaction to having camera's in your face etc, but he handled it extremely well.


Doesn't look like public transportation. Looks like an airport shuttle to a parking lot or rental cars.


100%, but still the same transportation us normal folks would use. I’m sure other big names have valet service to get from the terminal to/from their cars or the rental counter, or simply get picked up and dropped off at the terminal and not drive themselves at all.


Nah, not enough demand. I mean seriously, you think people could make a living valeting from the terminal to the rental car counter? Like who would pay for it to make it worth stationing someone to do that instead of just taking the shuttle. Its actually like the same issue that killed first class for a lot of short flights.


[Rather than bump into fans or experience large crowds, A-list celebrities, and the mega-rich have other means of traveling commercials. From valet rides directly to their gate to exclusive terminals at some airports, the rich and famous fly commercial differs slightly from the average traveler.](https://travelnoire.com/celebrity-terminal-airport)


You’re talking about chauffeur service. Yes, A list celebrities and mega rich do since dropping a couple hundred to a thousand dollars for someone to drive them around everywhere for a day isn’t a big deal for them making 10+ million a year and expected to do so for awhile. and there’s enough demand in cities to run a chauffeur company. But you might as well ask why LA knight doesn’t take his private jet like Taylor Swift or Drake. Or why isn’t LA Knight surrounded by bodyguards. It’s expensive and unlike wrestlers, they’re not hitting up 2-3 different cities every week year round.


Airport shuttle.


Not only that, if you've seen their social media, pretty much all their family does is use this guy's condition to get free stuff and views. I've seen so many of these with the same guy and they have him there outside hotels, airports etc like "look! Look he's *special*, you have to acknowledge us now!" and then the famous person is like "uhhh..(aww jeez)...yeah look okay just this one for you" because they're caught in a hard spot and don't want to look like a dick, and their mum or sister or whoever is behind the camera does that really grating thing where they react to the camera rather than speaking to the person.


I don’t see why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right. Knight looks tired here. Like he doesn’t want to be “on”. And that’s absolutely fair. The fact that he puts that to the side and is still so kind is what makes this video all the better.


Pretty much any time I say anything on this subreddit, I get downvoted. I'm used to it. (And yes, someone is gonna say if it happens every time, it's you, but this comment is indicative of the kind of things I post here. It's just a negative space.)


Hahahah yeah he did not seem into it. After a long WM weekend


Yea. But still, wonderful interaction with the fan nonetheless. LA Knight is the GOAT Yeah