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That was my first AEW watch ever. Man it was amazing, every match was better than the previous one. It was just good fing wrestling.


I love it when I read, TK doesn't know how to book. Yeah, whatever.


Amazing PPV. The ospreay and Danielson match was epic šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„


Fuuuck meeee the quick draw finish at the end of Danielson vs Ospreay was some of the best shit I've never seen in wrestling. It was was like being a kid again at 36 years old.


Aew is hot


I haven't watched aew properly on over a year I've kept up with most highlights and stories but this ppv hooked me and I'm buzzing for dynamite on Wednesday it feels good to say aew is enjoyable again (for me personally before people try to say its never stopped)


AEW ppvs just donā€™t miss. Banger after banger.


I think I just have to come to terms with AEW just not being for me. The show had great wrestling throughout but I felt bored most of the time. I just didn't care for any of it. I reacted to nothing really. I try and try again and every now and then I like something they do (Stings Retirement Match, MJF/Cole from All In, Punks first run, Cody/Dustin from the early days) but most of the time it's just clear that I'm not the target audience just like I wasn't for NXT Black and Gold during 2017 until the 2.0 rebrand. I got into wrestling for the stories, the characters and the emotion. I enjoy the occasional spotfest or workrate clinic but when every match tries to be the MOTN with the highest Cagematch rating... I just don't care. I'm not saying "AEW bad, WWE good". I just think AEW isn't for me and I'm really sad about it. I want to be hyped about it just like you guys...


There were stories involved in almost every match last night and they showed you recaps to remind you of those stories.


And none of the stories grabbed my attention because everything felt way too similar.


What felt similar to Toni Storms crazed delusional? Or Strongs turning on his friend O'Reilly? What felt similar to Swerves years long scratching and crawling to get the title?


Swerve didn't really communicate his struggle in the match. It felt like a standard affair really. Maybe that was just because I was mentally checked out at this point though. Toni is probably the most interesting character in AEW atm so that was fine. Strong and O'Reilly also didn't feel all that personal to me. But maybe it's just the AEW style that isn't able to sell emotion to me. So more of a me problem overall


Samoa Joe kept wiping Swerve out and presenting himself as an absolute unstoppable beast. Swerve spent the whole match scratching clawing from underneath to overcome a real final boss that seemed impossible to stop. I think this is really just a case of different strokes as you say.


Fwiw, every single match from last night had a story connected to it.


Not saying there weren't any stories. Just that none of the stories grabbed my attention.


What stories have grabbed you in wrestling recently?


Obviously the Bloodline and Cody. But generally everything revolving that since 2020. I was really into Cole and MJF early on but they lost me around Full Gear with the Jay White Match and now both being injured really killed the momentum for that story. Melo and Trick down in NXT also really worked for me even tho the match at Stand & Deliver was just decent. I really enjoy Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley at NXT as well. Copeland/Christian was really good in AEW and basically everything Christian has done with his Patriarchy angle was damn great. Swerve/Hangman was also the best part of Swerves recent development. I really hope they revisit that now that he won the title.


How was Cody's overwhelming need to be champion any more gripping than Swerves overwhelming need to be champion?


Idk to me because it was he did it to finish what was taken from his father all those years ago. Swerve just because he wants to be the best for the sake of being the best. I think Cody is just easier to root for. Same with Daniel Bryan in 2014 when he was fighting an unjust regime etc. Cody also had a gripping faction as enemies with multiple stories within. While Joe to to me felt like a transitional champion from the get go.


Swerves motivation was not just to be the best for the sake of being the best. It's been shown to be both an interesting mix of a large ego and being a positive representative for his community. Swerves story didn't start with Joe. Along the way he challenged the heart and soul of AEW, mentally broke him and dragged him down to Swerves level. Somehow turned the audience on Hangman and made himself the hero of the story. Unlike Cody Swerves story isn't finished either. Hangman will return for revenge sooner rather than later.


And somehow all of this was pretty lost on me. I'm not a regular watcher since AEW weeklies are Pay TV only where Iive and I get by on working my was through AEWs YouTube channel and watching the PPVs.


It's a lot harder for stories to grab you if you aren't watching them.


If you watched Danielson v Ospreay and have the gall to say 'I don't care for any of it' then I don"t know man. Enjoy what you like with a full heart. I thought that match was fucking stellar. And they left the door open for chapter 2. It was a work of art.


awesome ppv but the only downside was Jericho winning, that doesn't help anyone


As someone going in not watching aew for about a year and definitely not caring about jericho I have to admit i' curious as to where its going to go... so it's done its job for me not saying I'm glad jericho won because I'm not but I'm intrigued the ending spot "Hooked" me


AEW followed up one of the best PPVs and legendā€™s retirements Iā€™ve ever seen with one of the best PPVs and matches Iā€™ve ever seen One of the GOAT WrestleManias was between those starring an AEW co-founder 2024 is an ICONIC time to be a wrestling fan. Enjoy all this amazing storytelling and action we get folks, it hasnā€™t been this fun since peak Monday Night Wars


Dynasty was my first AEW event since All In at Wembley. I certainly was not disappointed. Okada vs Pac, Ospreay vs Danielson and the ladder match were all fantastic. Swerve vs Joe was a solid match but Swerve doesnā€™t do much for me. He just feels lower tier compared to potential future champions like Okada and Ospreay.


All timer ppv, fantastic results, amazing matches and an insane crowd.


Super hot crowd. Amazing wrestling. AEW PPV always delivers. Wrestling is fucking awesome right now.


I was whooping during that Ospreay match like never before. The Busaiku vs hidden blade anime spot was the shit. a lot of people are not going to get it because they just don't see that as their wrestling though.


AEW had the best in ring match ever yet the press conference still had people taking shots at WWE. It's genuinely so pathetic. AEW is it's own Show. Treat it as such


You can call me a hater, or whatever you want. Not saying the match was bad, or I think Osperay is a bad wrestler or anything like that. But... I don't see the crazy hype from this match last night, Bryan is legit my favorite wrestler of all time too. So can't say I didn't have a reason to be interested. But "best match ever", "lucky to see one match in your life", "greatest match ever on American soil" and all this other stuff I'm seeing on it, I just don't agree. It was a really good match, easily top 3-5 I've seen this year. But fuck, gimme Cody vs Roman over this easy as far as matches that happened recently. I also liked the last Bryan vs MJF more as well. And this is all just off the top of my head. I just don't get it, match was great but seems like there's now like this huge jerkoff sesh happening over it, and I don't get it. Been here for 12 years never seen something quite like this.


Cody Vs Roman was just a very average match with a bunch of nostalgic run ins added in.


you watched a top five match with one of your favorite wrestlers last night, be happy you got to experience that.


I didnā€™t say I wasnā€™t lol. All I said was I donā€™t think itā€™s one of the greatest matches Iā€™ve ever seen. Top 3-5 so far this year, maybe even 2. Thatā€™s why I started the post the way I did, but people still take it the wrong way.


Even if that match isn't people's style, there was an incredible amount of athleticism and timing on display. They both make it look so easy that people lose perspective that the amount of stuff happening in that match is incredibly hard to pull off.


really not hard to understand, people have different opinions


In-ring quality was 10/10. If they built it up with Danielson as AEW champ, had a proper story with a big event blow off, this easily would have been top 3 matches of all time. The build up was basically, we have two guys who people like too see wrestle, make them wrestle. Which is the opposite of WWE's approach of, let's make people care about these two guys Roman & Cody, build them up, so people want to see them wresyle so much so that a random face off gets people hyped. AEW has all the talent in the world, they genuinely need to learn how to utilize it better.


This makes more sense than anything else someone has said to me. It had a build but it was exactly what you said plus a did he know/did he not know with Don Callis having people attack Bryan. I'm not shitting on the match or anyone's opinion. Idk why people have to take it that way lol.


I view it as AEW and WWE being fundamentally different products. As someone without huge amounts of time, I can drop into AEW on a Wednesday and there's a really good chance that I'm going to see something that as an in-ring spectacle is quite special Vs a WWE product that's primarily story driven, even if the in-ring action is good these days. You're allowed to like different things, and that's okay. I really wasn't a fan of Cody finishing his story in a match that featured seven run-ins, even if it was still a great spectacle and the feud reaching it's satisfying conclusion.


Fair point


I saw a post on Twitter bashing fans about chanting ā€œfight foreverā€ and ā€œweā€™re not worthyā€ during the Danielson vs Ospreay match. Like wtf people pay good money to attend the show. The can chant and cheer whatever they want lolĀ 


i will always slag on these chants. honestly I wouldn't even chant AEW. It's like chanting NBA during a playoff game.


You're literally a kill joy.


I mean I'm not gonna do it at the arena unless it's an offensive chant.




8 years ago I was lucky enough to watch [Ospreay vs Strickland at wXw 16 Carat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXr7YmJuoBs) and talk to them afterwards, especially having a longer talk with Ospreay. Crazy to see how far they've come, I am so happy for both these guys.


The only time Iā€™ve been able to see Ospreay was in Japan in 2016 at the Super J-Cup Final vs Matt Sydal.


Can someone explain to me how Jack Perry is suddenly an IWC darling considering he hasnt really done anything since that whole Punk stuff? If youd read a thread about Perry on here before and even after he came back in NJPW and read one now its like night and day and he didnt even do anything lol. I never had a problem with Perry and was kinda looking forward to what his character would look like with his "arrogant" heel thing after he split from Luchasaurus so im looking forward to him back but this was def not a popular opinion here until a few weeks ago.


he cut one really good promo in New Japan and had a cool match with insane heat in chicago. if he comes back with that kind of heat it will be great to watch in AEW.


**AEW Dynasty Review:** Zero Hour: * Just a few quick notes here. Nice to see the Best Friends storyline continue. Curious to see what Chuck decides to do. I also liked the OC/Shibata tag match. The trios tag match was a positive surprise, but I hope this feud is over now, because it has done no favours to anyone involved. Also glad that we can get rid of one set of titles now. Main Card: * **PAC vs. Kazuchika Okada \*\*\*\*1/2** * Nice to hear JR after such a long break, he sounded good here, genuinely invested. This was a hell of an opening match, almost as if Okada and PAC are pretty good at this whole wrestling thing, just flawless wrestling with a loud crowd from beginning to end. An excellent match to start the show. Okada taking a few shortcuts near the end gives PAC a nice out here too, as the win wasn't entirely clean. * **House of Black vs. Adam Copeland, Mark Briscoe & Eddie Kingston \*\*\*\*** * Another great match, perhaps just a shade or two below the opener, but still very enjoyable. We're very much building towards a Copeland vs. Black match, and I'm very much looking forward to that. The result here makes sense too because of what they're building towards. The first hour of the show has been great. * **Willow Nightingale vs. Julia Hart \*\*1/4** * This was good for the time it had, but at six minutes it was far too short to really build to anything significant. Good match for how short it was, but it should have gotten five more minutes. A disappointingly anticlimactic end to Julia's title reign. I wonder if she really is injured considering this was kept so short? A shame if that's the case, though it didn't really show in the match itself if she was indeed injured. * **Kyle O'Reilly vs. Roderick Strong \*\*\*3/4** * This was another excellent match, with a bit of an odd finish that I thought hurt it a bit. Wardlow came down to the ring, was stopped by the referee, and then Strong just won clean without any help from Wardlow. That was a strange way to finish this match, and made O'Reilly look a bit weak. Cole coming out afterwards was good, and maybe the Undisputed Kingdom can still be salvaged with him back. * **Chris Jericho vs. Hook \*\*1/2** * This was the least interesting match coming into this show, and the crowd really doesn't like Jericho, but the weapons helped this become a nice palate cleanser between more interesting matches. The table spot to the outside looked crazy, and the latter half of the match was quite good, but it's just really difficult to care about Jericho's matches at the moment. His character is just so stale right now, but maybe this win leads to a proper heel turn and something more interesting going forward. This was a good match in a vacuum, but this storyline hasn't exactly been great. (continued in the first reply)


* **Thunder Rosa vs. Toni Storm \*\*\*1/2** * It feels like Rosa has finally regained most of her old form, that combined with Storm dialing back her gimmick in her recent matches made this a very enjoyable title match. Perhaps Storm's best defense in her current reign. It's also nice to hear a large section of the crowd behind Rosa, in most of Storm's previous matches she's always been massively more popular despite ostensibly being a heel. With an unclean finish too, I think this isn't quite the end for this feud, which I wouldn't mind at all. These two worked very well together, helped by the fact that they got plenty of time to work with for a change. * **Bryan Danielson vs. Will Ospreay \*\*\*\*\*** * This was an incredible match. The atmosphere here was amazing from the start, and it just never let off. The finish was perfect too, as they basically played off of the reaction to the tiger driver in the match between Ospreay and Omega. Exceptional stuff here. Just go out of your way to watch this one. One of the best matches I can remember seeing, and easy contender for match of the year. Something absolutely spectacular will have to happen for this not to earn that accolade. * **Young Bucks vs. FTR \*\*\*\*1/4** * Kind of funny to think that an FTR vs. Young Bucks match had an uphill battle to start with, but after the previous match that was definitely the case. They were smart to just immediately go for the ladders and big spots. That was pretty much the match, one big move or sequence after another, and I think that was exactly what it needed to be. They couldn't have taken their time to build things up after the last match, and as a result this was a great match as well. Jack Perry's return was expected, but a it got a great reaction regardless. * **Swerve Strickland vs. Samoa Joe \*\*\*\*** * This match has quietly had an excellent build. Just a very logical, organic ramp-up over several months that has done a great job at stabilizing the main event scene in AEW. Joe's been a great champion, but it was Swerve's time, and this was the right time to do it. One more great match to cap off an excellent show. * This was an fantastic show, a genuine all-time great match, several great bouts in addition to that, and only two weaker matches, one of which was about as good as you can get expect from a six-minute match and might have been impacted by an injury so can't really complain too much. The Jericho-Hook match was the only part of the evening that felt unnecessary, the time could have been used for something else, like give the women a bit more time still. Anyway, Dynasty will very likely end up as one of the best PPVs of the year. **9 out of 10 show** overall.


ā€œWCW 2000ā€ just had two of my all time favourite ppvā€™s a month apart.


Amazing PPV


Copeland's selling of the mist was awesome.


Reminded me a lot of his selling after the Foley/Edge match at Mania 22.


And that huge crowd reaction is what AEW gained by showing the All In security footage.


How long will that reaction last, though? Not trying to be rude, but if that's the only thing getting that reaction, it's not going to last long.


Wholly depends on what they do from here. I doubt they're going to rely on that single video his whole career. Let it play out a little more before concern trolling (whether you intended to or not).


Who knows. Every reaction wears off eventually, but right now, Perry is on fire.


"the learning tree"


People need to chant Bloody Hell instead of Holy Shit when Will rocks the house


Great show! But goddam Jericho is unbearable at this point. IĀ 


Was at the show. I'm so glad the crowd came over as good as it did. We were not worthy. If this show was an apology for Full Gear being lifted from Saint Louis years ago, apology accepted, TK.


My view of this show is tainted by what was going on in my life at the moment. My mother was placed on life support Saturday and is experiencing multi-organ failure from what is essentially a mystery illness that showed up months after her liver transplant. I spent most of the weekend in hospitals, came home last night and was able to watch the PPV with my cousin but we spent the entire show talking about everything that is going on with her while occasionally going off on tangents about what was happening on screen. I will absolutely need to re-watch this show to properly review it but I will say that it seemed like a damn good PPV. PAC vs. Okada was exactly what I expected with Okada looking like a bad-ass heel & PAC bumping all over the place. The 2 women's matches were really good. Ospreay vs. Bryan was phenomenal but I just know I missed out on a lot of what made it special by not giving it my full attention. I barely paid any attention to the Bucks/FTR ladder match but the Jack Perry finish was predictable. Swerve vs. Joe was actually way better than I expected going in and it was great to witness AEW crown it's first black champion. Also shout outs to Joe for actually being the first POC world champion in AEW, I haven't heard anyone else bring that up. Edit: I just remembered Hook vs. Jericho happened. I don't remember a single thing from that match other than the finish. I don't think I even realized it was happening until it was over. Just don't care about that feud at all.


Stay strong. I still remember watching Raw the day my father passed and how i could not care less.


I appreciate that and sorry about your father. Wrestling has always been there to offer a distraction during hard times but this was the first time I've dealt with something so serious that I couldn't even pretend to be distracted from it for more than a few minutes. Reading all the post-show discussions and whatnot has done a lot more to keep my mind occupied today than the actual show did last night lol.


Didnā€™t get a chance to watch but god damn the feedback on this sub is standing out. Iā€™ll set some time aside.


If nothing else, watch Will vs Bryan. All timer.


This might be my favourite show I've ever seen...when wrestling is good, it's so fucking great


I literally got 90/90 perfect score and didnā€™t enter my Reddit username correctly šŸ˜­


no show compares to the big fight feel of an AEW ppv


THANK YOU. I mean outside of WrestleMania and Wrestle kingdom but AEW pull this off with basically every PPV


Just kinda getting moving around this morning now after getting back late from the PPV. Seeing Ospreay/Danielson live was 100% worth the tickets, and something I don't think I'll ever forget.


Shout out to St. Louis! You guys were awesome and you are definitely getting another pay-per-view


My biggest frustration with the balance of the PPV schedule this year is the lack of new markets hosting. There are so many (at least 12-20) that are no brainers, and I'm not able to square why they've been as reluctant to tour their PPVs more. Case in point - even presuming Tony is locked in to having the Dallas shows coincide with the NFL winter meetings - why not have Full Gear in San Antonio or Houston instead of the NY/NJ metro, with the latter hosting both Forbidden Door and presumably Grand Slam between now and then?


First AEW PPV (except for the cancelled Full Gear) in St. Louis.


Detroit needs one, they were red hot for that Kenny Omega vs Jon Moxley cage match last year, Phoenix too.


Full gear is one of the PPV that isnā€™t locked to a region. 2021 was in Minneapolis and 2023 was in LA


Sooo All In Predictions? Swerve vs Ospreay Adam Cole and Roderick Strong vs MJF and Wardlow Adam Copeland vs Malakai Black Mone vs Jamie Hayter TBS Title Toni Storm vs Mariah May Womens Title Bucks and Jack Perry vs FTR and ??? Okada vs Pac or Okada vs Takeshita!




Too early to think about All In IMO. Lets focus on the PPVs before that first to see which direction feuds go in. As much as I want to see Swerve vs Osprey, I think I want Swerve to have a long reign as champ and maybe feud with a returning MJF for Wembley, but like I said, too far out atm.


The best thing they can do IMO since everyone is expecting Ospreay to win the belt at All In is basically just take the Cody Rhodes "Finish The Story" story and give it to Ospreay. Have him lose at all All In this year. He cuts a promo saying hell or high water he's main eventing All In 2025 and gonna win the belt then. Start his year long battle to get back to the top and fight for the belt. Will it happen? Probably not. But I think it'd be a lot more interesting and you'd get a lot more juice out of the story than just Ospreay winning this year like everyone thinks.


Yeah agreed on that. If ospreay wins this year at all in it just seems all a bit quick. Where's his like strife and difficulties? He needs someone (kinda a bit like rock with Cody) stopping him reaching the top for a while


FTR is going to be gone for a while until Cash's trial is resolved.


Fantastic show. So happy for Willow & Swerve. That Ospreay vs Danielson was an all timer.


Between WrestleMania and Ā Dynasty, I've never felt so spoiled in my life as a wrestling fan. God damn I love wrestling.Ā 


Good time to be a wrestling fan. 2 of my favorite matches in the past few years just happened so close to each other. Cody/Roman for the big fight spectacle/epic shenanigans and amazing story. Danielson/Ospreay for the absolutely bonkers technique and pace. This is the stuff that made me like AEW in the first place.




He brought that feeling back ā˜ļø


Even after sleeping, I'm still in euphoria after that card


Great PPV. Iā€™m pissed at my old ass self for falling asleep and missing Swerve/Joe. AEW crushes PPVs. Itā€™s no surprise. Really thought the show picked up with Rosa/Storm, they had a very good match that was a great transition to the red-lining final 3. Even though the tag match should have been earlier, I couldnā€™t get invested too much. Ospreay/Danielson fucking ruled. Congratulations to Swerve. Joe was a great champ, now Swerve gets his shine. Letā€™s go.


I turned it off before the ladder match. I made sure not to check socials though so didnā€™t have it spoiled. Sunday night PPVā€™s suck man.


Same. I dozed off for right at the end of ladder match lol. Hate I missed the swerve win.


From the matches I saw: Okada/Pac was good and a nice slower paced match. Ospreay/Danielson I thought wouldn't be my cup of tea as Kenny/Ospreay is a little too self-indulgent for my liking at times (especially towards the finish in Forbidden Door last year), but this match was truely great. My second favorite match outside of Cody/Roman this year. Ending I wasn't sure on but in hindsight it's fine and Ospreay is built great from it. Hope he gets more time for promo work and character development cause his in-ring ability unrivalled. Perry debuting was obviously coming but a good match behind it. Wonder where they'll go with him now and the Elite. Hopefully they can keep building the New Elite story as AEW needs some longer consistent storylines. Joe/Swerve was decent but it felt a little like the wind was out of the sails for this one and it could've been better. I didn't get into it too much but was super happy to see Swerve win. Hopefully he can have a decent reign and returning to feud with Hangman would be very interesting.


I wonder who teams up with Hangman and Kenny when they're back to feud against Okada, Perry and the Bucks


My guess would be golden hangman lovers


Wishful thinking I'm not sure Ibushi ever wrestles againĀ 


Depending on how long Kenny is out, him & Ibushi could be back at the same time.


FTR seems the most likely currently. Maybe Lucha Bros.


What a show, even Zero Hour was really good. WHOSE HOUSE? Congrats to Swerve! And new champ Willow! Bryan & Ospreay was incredible (no surprise), the crowd went nuts for it.


Pac and Okada were a really nice slower-paced match to start the show. Also I don't like Pac seeming so sad, that's not bastard behavior :( Unpopular opinion: I don't hate Jericho with the FTW title. I fucking HATE him in the tag team scene, whether it was Kenny/Sammy/Hook, it's somehow worse than him latching onto an entourage. I think they can do something with a storyline of an incredibly unpopular champ. We'll see. Pleasantly surprised by the Toni/Thunder match. I think Toni has finally turned a corner with the Timeless gimmick where she's incorporating the character into her matches while not sacrificing quality. I was also surprised by Thunder since I've only seen her wrestle post-injury and haven't been impressed. I can see why people don't like Ospreay's style of wrestling but what I've seen of him in AEW, everyone brings their A-game. I really loved the mix of technical and high-flying with Danielson. Soooo many good sequences. Where do you slot Ospreay in a PPV if he's not challenging for a belt because I felt exhausted after watching and I wasn't even in the arena. Anyone after him is gonna get a tired crowd response. I have to rewatch FTR/Young Bucks because I was too tired and not paying attention. Big props to Joe. Even when the storyline was focusing on Swerve/Hangman, he was still doing his best. Anytime they need a good steady hand as champ, they can go to Joe. The match wasn't amazing. Swerve Stomp takes me out of it sometimes because the opponent is just sitting there like, "oh nooooo!" for 10 seconds. I know Swerve is handsome but stop staring and move out the way. It was endearing to see Swerve get emotional after his win. Very happy for him.


Osprey vs Mox at DON ? Forbidden Door Match Swerve vs Osprey in Wembley 2


Agree with the stomp. House call would be a cooler finisher.


he did both


First time in a wee bit that its felt genuinely awesome to be an AEW fan


Thanks AEW. That PPV was dope as fuck and I had fun watching. Humble thanks to all the wrestlers who busted their asses to put on the best show possible, I appreciate and respect you guys. That Danielson vs. Ospreay match was incredible, PPV Okada was incredible, PAC was great. So much about this show kicked ass, you love to see it. Nobody does wrestling PPV's like AEW. Good shit. Thanks. Peace.


I was busy yesterday and couldnā€™t quite find the time to watch the ppv. With the reviews of it being good, Iā€™m considering going to watch it. Or I could just wait until Wednesday and catch up then.


There's no "catching up" to the ospreay/danielson match. You HAVE to see it.


Thatā€™s the one match that I honestly want to watch.


I say this without exaggeration, it's fucking amazing. I'm rewatching it now


Iā€™ll tune in tonight. The other match that I am interested in is the PAC vs Okada. I saw the negative reviews of Hook vs Jericho. Was it that bad?


It was about what you would expect, not horrible but also not much to talk about, besides the crowd, they were hilarious during that match.


seconding this. WATCH. IT. NOW. probably my favorite match innnn..idk, a decade? yeah, a decade. fuck it. let's say it.


A decade? Thatā€™s a raving review.


And I'm trying to convey this as sincerely as I can over the internet, where hyperbole and sarcasm regin supreme. I think I actually mean that. I was *at* Revolution last month, and as a life long Sting fan, I still thought Ospreay and Takeshita's match was the best thing that night, by far. And even that match I'd have said was one of the best since 2020 at least. This was better. In every way. By a mile.


Another banger PPV from AEW. Just finished the show. 4 hours is a bit too long but I donā€™t know what Iā€™d cut from the show if anything. Maybe reduce the length of a few matches? I donā€™t think any matches on the card were bad. Okada v that bbbbbbbbastard, Ospreay v Danielson, Swerve v Joe were my favourites. I really liked Willow Nightingale v Julia Hart is well. Wild how far Julia has come and Iā€™m excited to see whatā€™s next for the House of Black in general. Iā€™m guess (hoping) Malakai is next TNT champ.


Glad Swerve won Favorite Match: Bryan Danielson vs Will Ospreay Least Favorite Match: Thunder Rosa vs Toni Storm


I'm extra emotional because it's like 4 am.... trying to not cry looking at the clips of Swerve with the belt. Him and Cody both are really deserving champs.Ā 


Shed them tears yo. I did


UK me is glad WWE moved from Sunday night to Saturday night, barely an hour into work and I feel dead


Recency bias wants me to put Danielson v Ospreay over Omega v Ospreay II, but I think Omega v Ospreay II was better. Danielson v Ospreay was still one of the best matches I've ever seen in my life. Ospreay is a weapon and Danielson is the best to ever set foot in a ring.


I'm still going with Omega/Okada from 2017 as my fave all time match. Nobody likes a 60m draw, but that match was electric.


Frustratingly, I'll have to be the low man on an Ospreay match again. Thought Bryan gave him the easiest selljob of his life and he did nothing with it. Overall though, the match had a pretty high floor given who was involved, it was a fine watch. KOR/Roddy was great till the interference, Swerve/Joe overdelivered in my eyes and I'm glad Swerve got such a huge moment, PAC/Okada was awesome. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty are building themselves a sneaky little case as a tag team. Good PPV. I prefer Revolution but it doesn't matter. Also shout out Jericho because I predicted he'd win at a discord server pick ems, never let me down learning tree wizard lion cornball.


This might be the greatest PPV I've ever seen. Worst match was Hook and Jericho. Just fucking wow, I need a smoke.


People will just straight up lie and say jericho vs hook was a bad match. It slapped and it ended exactly as it should have. People just hating for the sake of hating at this point. The whole show was 10/10, not a dull moment.


I enjoyed the match despite the crowd.


- Chris JerichoĀ  - Jon Moxley - Kenny Omega - Hangman PageĀ  - CM PunkĀ  - Jon Moxley - CM PunkĀ  - Jon Moxley - MJF - Samoa Joe - Swerve StricklandĀ  ā€¦ā€¦..very strong world title lineage so farĀ 


Our boy Vacant would like a word.Ā 


i canā€™t believe i forgot about the current wwe womenā€™s world champion my bad, this oneā€™s on meĀ 


The poster forecast the climactic moment of the match. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLv5Fc1WIAAftxJ?format=jpg&name=medium Awesome moment. https://twitter.com/i/status/1782243785914699816


Good show overall. I do think it fizzled a bit by the end. I'm really surprised at how mediocre FTR/Bucks 4 was, crowd seemed ice cold dead on it for much of the start and probably just utterly confused by who to root for with the dynamics of these teams and the weird All In footage thing. The Bucks felt like they were just going through the motions here and this is easily the worst match these teams have had. Swerve/Joe felt oddly underwhelming and anticlimactic, not a bad match but you can't help but wonder if the right time for crowning Swerve was Revolution. Hook and Jericho was **awful**, holy shit. I didn't expect much from it but goddamn, just give the crowd what they're chanting for at this point. The 6-man match and TBS title match weren't good either, but everything else on the card was great. International Championship match and the women's championship match were the sleeper hits of the show imo, both of those are only second to Bryan/Ospreay.


The crowd flooded the bathrooms as soon as the Jericho match started. Even when I got back to my seat I was on my phone for most of it. The ladder match was fine, we were kinda wiped out after that Ospreay v Danielson masterpiece. Big reaction for Jack Perry though, he was totally cheered in my section. I think that also plays a big part in the weird reaction to this match, to the AEW faithful, in terms of Bucks v Punk, Bucks are the good guys. Also, Perry was super obvious setting up for the run in, I guess we all kinda assumed he'd show up, but I'm not sure if it's the mask or if he has more natural charisma than I thought, but he was picked out from the crowd pretty quickly as he slowly moved towards the ringside area.


> to the AEW faithful, in terms of Bucks v Punk, Bucks are the good guys So which is it, The Bucks are doing a bad job of being heels or the audience is determined to undermine the booking?


I think it's the latter. It's the Killmonger/Black Panther issue. The villain is clearly the bad guy but he's also kinda right.


I think the Bucks and FTR realized what they were following and that they needed to cool things down for a bit to start the match so that the stuff later on would get the reaction it did


It's why they were slotted in there. Crowd needed a breather to recover, they paced it accordingly, and they had a big pop in their back pocket for the finish. It's the same reason the Sting/Darby/Naito vs. Le Sex Gods went on after Omega/Ospreay II and before Okada/Danielson at last year's Forbidden Door.


AEW Dynasty closes with Swerve winning the world title. ROH Supercard of Honor closes with Mark Briscoe winning the world title. NJPW Windy City Riot closes with Jon Moxley winning the world title. WWE WrestleMania closes with Cody Rhodes winning the world title. ... ... ... TNA Rebellion closes with Matt Hardy returning to challenge Moose for the world title.


Zero reason to bring negativity about another company in this thread.Ā 


TJPW GRAND PRINCESS '24 closes with Miu Watanabe winning the world title.


What a fucking great show that was too!


Yeah man, I donā€™t know if it gets much better than tonightā€™s show. I really hope theyā€™re able to capitalize on this.Ā 


"Please be careful" has got to be the funniest chant I've ever heard in wrestling everĀ 


Tony's hugs in the scrum


Ignore Hook vs Jericho and this is easily one of the best AEW PPVs. All of the matches ranged from alright to amazing. There wasnā€™t anything weird or annoying. A super fun show. Just good wrestling and satisfying payoffsā€¦. Again, just ignore Hook and Jericho.


That match wasn't even bad. Like the in ring action was like 5.5-6/10. If that's the worst match of the night, it's a 10/10 PPV


The "please retire" chants were a highlight.


Iā€™m probably in the minority on this but I felt bad for Jericho and hook when the crowd started chanting that


Oh man and Bryan Danielson was only a few weeks from retirement.


Really, do we really need another Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan Retirement Joke here?


Yeah people should really just retire those.


One of the best wrestling PPVs of all time featuring maybe the best wrestling match ever. A great time.








That was amazing. My first First AEW PPV and my god did it deliver. Osprey vs Danielson was my fave match of the year.


It's 2024. Jungle Boy is cheered for his heroic status as the CM Punk slayer. Chris Jericho is told to retire. Nature is healing


Jack Perry going from everyone saying his heel turn was a complete flop to becoming the biggest anti hero in wrestling is insane.


ā€œBiggest anti hero in wrestlingā€ settle down


Nah he's right.


he's not tho


the Jamie Hayter disrespect


If Jamie doesn't return at Double or Nothing I'm going to attend medical school, speedrun that shit and personally discover whatever fucking treatment it takes to get her back in the ring as soon as possible.


I'm hoping it's her Vs Mercedes for the Women's title at All In.


I miss her more than Britt.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one upset by her not being mentioned.




Did we watch the same show?


No just mocking the ones that keep saying it. I forgot reddit doesn't detect sarcasm unless you add the /s Look at my flair


Wait, Dynamite wasn't already live across the US? How did people in non-Eastern time zones not get spoiled constantly?


Iā€™m in California and I always watch wrestling live because DirecTV, and I always forget that Iā€™m apparently an outlier.


Genuine answer from when I lived on the West Coast . . . got Hulu live instead of regular cable specifically because Hulu has both the East and West Coast feeds for TNT/TBS.


I watch on the TBS app.


Nick Hausman really fell off going to these post-show pressers huh


Honestly moving rampage and running 3 hours every Saturday night kinda makes the most sense


![gif](giphy|buWJ4V8cHZg88) Another 3 hour block this Saturday you say?


I'm not saying that "what is the morale between AEW and Warner Bros" is a silly question in concept, but it's such a funny question to ask because what do you expect anyone to say to that? if the morale is great they'll say it's great. if the morale is decent they'll say it's great. if the morale is bad they'll say it's great. a valid question in theory but beyond that it kind of crumbles


You can judge from how authentic TK's answer feels which is what they're trying to tease out.


I wish aew.xould just build at least like one match that isn't totally 100% obvious from the start with who is winning. It's takes away from the drama.


While I share this criticism for most of their TV shows, this PPV had a few of those. Both trios matches, the ladder match and HOOK/Jericho could have gone both ways and while most thought Ospreay would win, it would have made perfect sense for Danielson to win as well to set up future matches and give Swerve more time as champion before Ospreay beats him. I thought BD was winning in all honestly


hook vs jericho copeland/kingston/briscoe vs hob


https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1c9pzzr/comment/l0n0kee/ They felt pretty certain too.



