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![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) "To be AEW is to be under constant attack"


More like "To be an AEW fan is to constantly perceive yourself as under attack." The IWC is dicks to everyone bro. As is reddit. You're not special.


I remember when Braun Strowman talked up his match with Omos and took a shot at flippy dippy matches. Ospreay particularly said that Braun should just be happy with his match and to not use it as a way to shit on other types of matches. So even one of the guys in the match itself doesnt agree with this mindset, so maybe follow their example.


you say this like Brian Cage is a smart cookie


Where's the Philly Street fight at?!


In Philly you big dumb bitch.


This is honestly the only thing that I can think of when I think of Brian Cage. 


Braun and Cage aren't that smart.


Ospreay is pretty chill overall whenever someone criticizes him. The HHH thing was the first time where he's kinda made a dig back (to my knowledge) to something that wasn't in storyline or character. Braun also shouldn't drunk tweet like that when it's flippy guys like that help compliment his wrestling and keep everyone employed lol


Well they even made a storyline out of it with Ricochet


True, it even turned out pretty okay. I was loving the Braun & Ricochet tag Team before Braun got hurt


These are the same people who throw shades and than cut a promo to enjoy wrestling when people takes shots at them. 


Will someone from WWE please cut a promo about how much fun they’re having


The top irony would be someone like Andrade to cut such a promo


Lexis King should do it with the biggest shit eatting grin.


False. Cage can’t cut a promo


“enjoy all wrestling” they yell to a crowd that basically invented modern day tribalism


Did Cage say you can't enjoy other wrestling?


Came to comment this. It’s so bizarre.


Cody is one of the main reasons that AEW even exists. Why should anyone working in AEW take shot at him, he has nothing but good things to say about his time in Aew, he puts over the company everytime when he doesn't need to.


"Traitor!" *Twirls weapon like in Star Wars*


To be fair nothing about Brian Cage strikes me as the type of guy to understand this or even care


The guy showed pictures of him hanging out with the AEW EVPs at Wrestlemania 40. They got free airtime at the biggest piece of advertising real estate they'll ever have in their careers. It was pure *charity* on Cody's part. Meanwhile the Bucks were taking shots at CM Punk from the gutter. Cody put more eyes on them than they've ever had, and likely ever will have. Cody has showed nothing but pure class and that's the major difference.


cody is still friends with them


The Bucks and Cody are friends in real life though.


And as he won the rumble he went with the Bullet Club Elite gesture, with full camera coverage.


Cody is still friends with the bucks and he literally paid tribute to them (and Kenny) after each rumble win. Also gutter shots is kinda a stretch. It's clearly to get one last return of investment on Punk to elevate a young talent.


Lmao calling it “charity” is really pushing it. They were shown because becoming part of their faction is a big part of how Cody became the superstar he is today.


He’s also gone out of his way to never say a bad word about anyone or anything AEW related (even when he may have good reason based on the rumors of his leaving). It’s so corny for AEW talent to jerk on him.


That just wasn’t needed. Lol. Both matches were great in their own right. The spectacle of Roman vs Rhodes was amazing. A long buildup with a great payoff. Osprey vs. Bryan was two of the best showing why they are two of the best. For all the talk of WWE and their fans for taking digs at AEW you get way more AEW wrestlers taking digs at WWE then say tribalism. Just say that match was your MOTY and praise them for that amazing bout they had.


I don't think Brian Cage was in attendance during Adam Copeland's speech


Wonder how Dustin feels about 2 separate coworkers belittling the Rhodes family's biggest achievement in wrestling on the same night


Never thought of this but yeah. Kind of like Renee cringing at Ospreay's "Boss's daughter" promo when she's cited Stephanie as a huge positive influence in her career, with many other women in the industry saying and having said the same. Oof.


“Why can’t we stop all the tribalism”??? LMAO


Why the dig to Cody? Little brother syndrome like crazy.


Dudes jus mad with all that extra pharmacy help he still is a mid card guy and no ones as interested in him as they are as pretty much anyone else


Cody has the opportunity to do the funniest thing tomorrow and continue not acknowledging Brian Cage’s existence much like a large population of American already does


Who's Brian Cage? Is he a wrestler or a dirtsheet writer?


The less successful brother of Johnny Cage




Just praise the match itself dude, why get the tribalists started?


Because nobody would care about his tweet if he didn't mention WWE.


Why not mention something just as cool like Andrew W.K?


Maybe he doesn't like partying?


He’s a big roided out bum. Both matches were peak in their own way. You got peak story telling with Cody vs Roman then you got peak in ring performance in osprey vs Danielson. Wrestling fans are eating good rn.


Because they are the tribalists


The reason I can’t say Osprey match was great is because I simply didn’t care who won. I had no interest in the winner or the match itself beyond the technical aspect. Therefore, it’s just like watching a tennis exhibition match vs the Wimbledon final


I turned it off halfway through and went to bed. I just didn't care. I've been watching wrestling since the 80s and Danielson is literally why I returned to watching after a hiatus during the Cena focused years. I came back when I saw Danielson vs Bray. I even like Ospreay. But this match served no purpose. There was no story or emotion. If was just people doing moves at each other and that does nothing for me.


I like this response: https://preview.redd.it/kqlrvmsusyvc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=10de0530dd40df7141665a529dd0f2bdb15dd5bb


And he replied to it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) https://preview.redd.it/ioik18nn8zvc1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=23b014162fe5309e8d1d2ac6af610b040699d775


bluds getting cooked in the replies


Nice "Just enjoy wrestling" style response.


He didn’t even have to acknowledge it yet made himself look worse. The shot was needless in the first place and this reply just makes him look like an idiot.


Lololol cmon, he knew exactly what he was saying. Pretty funny he replied though.




The insecure wrestle here


*rolls eyes*




Save it for the show opening “We’re having fun here guys!” dynamite promo, big fella


Why does anyone need to discredit other match to praise your favourite match. Personally I liked Roman vs Cody 2 more but Will vs Bryan was also perfection.


Brian Cage is a dumb meathead. Ospreay and Danielson had a great match, instead of simply praising it..let's make this about WWE again.


Recurring theme with AEW it seems


It’s like anything, ospreay vs BD was an absolute clinic in technical wrestling whereas Cody vs Roman 2 was the perfect storytelling piece in wrestling. The can both be the greatest in their own categories. There’s absolutely no need to talk shit about either of them


Cody vs Roman 2 storytelling also made their first match age wonderfully. People were saying that the ending of the first match ruined the match but the result of the first match was needed for Cody vs Roman 2. It really was Infinity War and Endgame.


Loved the match…but like can we not bring up another promotion for 10 mins guys lmao


*AEW put on one of the best matches of the year* Let's make this about WWE. Massive small man syndrome (which is ironic considering how roided up Cage is)


It’s so funny how one company is always lobbing grenades and then the next minute chastising fans for being so “tribalistic”.


I remember back during ZFF, a common complaint was “why are all of these shots necessary” and I shit you not, somebody defended the AEW to WWE shots as “showing the bully their not afraid”, but the compared WWE to AEW shots to “picking on a child”. The fuck kind of reasoning is that?


ah ZFF, a ray of sunshine in an otherwise hopeless period of time


ZFF was the only "safe place" for WWE fans to actually publicly enjoy any of the product and for legitimate criticism of AEW to be aired. This sub was a very different place lol. This is why the perpetual victims complex irks me because it's genuinely no surprise that people are now dunking on AEW fans, largely because of how it was a few years. "The just enjoy wrestling" preachings, ring hollow when that wasn't the case when AEW was at its hottest.


And of course, anytime there was criticism of AEW outside of those threads, unless one prefaced it with how much they loved AEW, they'd be labeled a shill and a boot licker due to their "concern trolling" before getting a Reddit Cares message.


2 to 3 years ago was rough to be a WWE fan here. When NXT and AEW were going head to head, the threads were insufferable and ruined commenting in them for me since. This place took a real nose dive since then in my opinion. Now that WWE is super hot and AEW has cooled off a bit it's the same just flipped.


Hardcore AEW fans pretend that the online wrestling discourse began the week after AEW’s ratings stopped being good. Like it’s comical how they pretend they werent insufferable for 3 years.


“Just enjoy wrestling”


That’s just code for “don’t criticise AEW”.


Do you know the wrestlers over there are having FUN? They very rarely mention it.




Constantly playing the victim instead of just enjoying all the great wrestling we have across multiple promotions


It’s little brother syndrome. They can give it but once it starts coming back to them they can’t take it. Idk why mention WWE when AEW had a great show


Chances are it something of a boy club with Tony and the boys. Everyone isn't like that AEW, love them, its fraternity like or a "clique".


It's like the old saying goes " It feels nice to bite at the toothless tiger till the tiger decides to get his teeth back"


yeah man, the fed is wild


Not even grenades, just water balloons. Jabs can be fun, especiallyif there is a working relationshipand a possibility to work together. They lose their luster when it happens EVERY week though. Both sides can chill, or not chill, but one choice is less entertaining than the other


Don't you all nerds get it? FED IS BAD AND DED


on a technical level it was definitely a lot better and absolutely outrageous MOTY on a technical level for sure but in terms of the sheer emotional involvement with everyone involved, the spectacle, the pay off, it doesn't come close to that story that just got finished which is why in my wrestling fan's heart, WM night 2's main event was MOTY, i was absolutely invested in his story and the match was a well worked, completely satisfying pay off.


To me storytelling is everything Im gonna piss off a lot of people here for saying this but its fake-fighting stunt choreography, as long as it's not a botch fest that takes you out of the match aka hitting a certain quality threshold then what separates matches is emotional investment I could careless which one is *more* technical than the other, im not a stuntman im an audience member


My problem with AEW is that they are shooting themselves in both fucking feet. They have elite talent that can put on banger after banger but the storytelling depth of a shallow puddle. At some point, more fans will want some long-term storytelling and not just match-of-the-year candidates with minimal build-up. The hard part is done, in that they have money, they have elite talent. They have to get outta the 13 year old booking non-stop dream matches mindset.


I felt the same way. You know ospreay was gonna drop danielson on his neck and they’re gonna do a bunch of moves that start with tiger.


Exactly, both were incredible in their own ways. I fucking love both of them! Why can’t we just love great wrestling?


No! You have to pick one promotion to like DAMMIT!


This is how i feel. I like the match but i wasnt blown away. It was just two guys doing what they do best. They put on a great match but match of the year is wild. As much as I like them both I just cant get behind that. Maybe it was the styles but i much preferred Takeshita and Ospreay


The essence of AEW distilled down into one tweet


I love it so much, he's actually explaining perfectly my issues with AEW Fuck your long build stories, we throw on technical bangers here with minimal build for 5 starz from the Meltz


No heat bangers


Something something CM Punk bad


Of fucking course. Can't be an AEW tweet if you don't put obligatory jab at WWE. It was a great match absolutely, probably better on the technical side than WM night 2 main event. But that had a way better story with an even more satisfying finish. Both were great matches for different reasons.


"But was it the best match in US?" Bryan Alvarez


Believe me 95% wrestling fans would prefer Roman vs Cody to Will vs Bryan


As someone from Chicago would put it, one drew 75k, the other drew 16k. Last nights match absolutely has its place but, like many artforms and sports, is unlikely to appease the masses


While I do 100% agree that that 95% of wrestling fans would prefer Roman vs Cody I also don't think that should matter if you're in the 5% that preferred Will vs Bryan One drew 75k and the other drew 16k and that is OKAY. I wish people just accepted it's okay to like the less popular option. Like my favorite movie is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mknd and that made no where NEAR as much money as some Iron Man or Marvel movie. One was made to appeal to the masses and the other was a niche product; I just happen to be the exact demographic for that niche. Even if something might be critically more acclaimed that doesn't mean it's going to appeal to as wide of audience and that's okay. It's subjective so no matter what star rating, tickets sold, or whatever metric you care about way too much; ultimately the match you prefer is subjective so just stay enjoying it.


Ignore him. He’s probably trying to kiss TK’s ass so that he could climb up the food chain.


The storytelling with Roman vs. Cody was great. The in ring aspect with Ospreay vs. Danielson was great. Pro wrestling is great, thank you.


What a really fucking lame tweet. We all know that tribalism is bad, but it's hard to take messages about it being wrong seriously when people in the industry fan the flames. The match was amazing, there's no need to sully it by weaponizing it to insult/diminish the accomplishments of others This is why it always comes across hypocritically when wrestlers talk down to the "marks." They do the same shit as the fans they talk down to


Remember guys just enjoy wrestling/s Both are good matches though I enjoy the story aspect so Roman vs Cody clears this by far but if you are a move fan than you’ll like Ospreay vs Daniel Bryan


While I'm loving Sting and Darby vs Young Bucks more, but still love these matches. Wrestlings great.


Same for me over here, I enjoyed Roman vs. Cody, I enjoyed Ospreay vs. Danielson, and I enjoyed Sting/Darby vs. Young Bucks. But man, I fucking LOVED Briggs/Femi/Dijak and Gunther/Zayn as well. Honestly, I don't want to talk MOTY right now as we still have so many more months to go but man, already there's a stacked field not just in WWE and AEW, but various other promotions.


So many companies are bringing their a game, except for Japanese companies due to being screwed over by a mass leave. Like stardom isn't bad, but it's not at it's peak. Njpw isn't bad, but it's not at it's peak.


Shout out to All Japan for being the best company in terms of quality wrestling in Japan right now. The roster is really good even with the Nakajima stuff due to Anzai, Miyahara, and Aoyagi being truly elite


Outside of the news with Mox, it feels sad for me to not be as frequent a viewer of NJPW as I used to be. I used to watch it so much when guys like Omega, Ospreay, White, Styles, Okada, Nakamura, etc were all there. But now we've seen all of them leave over the past several years and it sucks to be so disconnected. I'll try and catch the G1 though and hope they cook up something good for that!


And the opposite theres not many worst match of the year contenders, at worst just three, but were halfway through the year. Lovely year for wrestling.


Guys its important to have FUN remember? God i swear no enjoy all wrestling tweet will come out now.


did he really have to take that "subtle" shot?


Alright bro whatever you say bro


It feels so weird to praise a great match by making fun of a match universally loved, did major business in terms of both fan interest, box office, and mainstream appeal, and has potential for even further stories down the line. Bold strategy


That's why millions will remember Cody vs Roman for a long time as one of the milestone moments in history, while this one will go down as yet another 7 star banger which will be forgotten the next time a 7 star banger come and the cycle repeats. STORY MATTERS..!!


This the guy they said was the wish version of Wardlow?




AEW guys need to stop chatting about WWE to be honest it screams hogan’s TNA


When you have no confidence of the product, you tweet things like this


No doubt, but it seems way more ppl will remember and care about Cody v Roman. Imagine how good tonight's match could've been with not only 2 great wrestlers but 2 great wrestlers telling a story for 5 or 6 months. Will running out of guys already. It would've been nice to see both heading towards a collision the last 6 months and then get paid off.


For a company that’s supposed to be the alternative, does he not realize both matches are two different things? The Wrestlemania match wasn’t your traditional wrestling match and was much more story based despite the in ring still being good It’s pretty easy to praise the match tonight without even having to think about any other show in comparison The match tonight was about two world class wrestlers trying to prove who’s the best in the world.


he's just jealous because he was never invited to be part of the Nightmare Collective


He should be jealous because Roman and Cody don't need their wives to beg on social media for them to get scraps of TV time.


Just had the best show they'll have all year, one of the defining shows of their entire existence... Still tries to make comments about WWE. Little brother syndrome is crazy.


lol can’t just let a great match be a great match.


Just enjoy wrestling though


upvote this if brian cage has tiny balls


Do you really need to take a shot at WWE? How many times has this happened , unprovoked even Reigns vs Rhodes was a story driven ( Avengers-like ) match , it had their big moves , but it was about the story and the culmination of the Bloodline Bryan vs Ospreay is the workrate driven match of the two , big moves/sequences ( whatever the term is )


Just enjoy wrestling Brian


Cage, a few months later: "Just enjoy wrestling"


![gif](giphy|3oEjHDiK8RgZScPBYY) Most fans response….


The match itself was incredible and I know I’ll get downvoted but here is what keeps it from being one of the greatest off all time. 1. Zero stakes, there was no title on the line. 2. Little to no heat, this wasn’t a big feud or something they’ve been building for years it was just kind of you are a great wrestler so am I let’s see who’s better. 3. Bigger stage, wish this was on a bigger stage, something that would make this feel truly special instead of a b level PPV. 4. Diluted with other great matches. This would have stood out more if the other match qualities weren’t so high. 5. Main event spot, again kind of goes with point 1 guess but would have loved if this was a main event match but understand why they couldn’t do that.




The hilarious thing is that the Cody stuff will always be remembered by the masses while only the hardcores even know that an Ospreay/Bryan match took place


Even at that they’ll forget about it by next week.


What's Brian Cage's story? Why is he attacking the guy who help made AEW?


This is coming from the "jUsT eNjOy WrEsTlInG" side. Jesus Christ, just stop mentioning the other company and focus on your own damn product.


A rare positive night for AEW and this idiot is tweeting this. Shut the fuck up




AEW has severe little brother syndrome. It's desperate and why a lot of people don't mess with them.


"Just enjoy wrestling" btw


I predict no one's going to be talking about this match in 2 months. Cody finishing the story is an era defining moment.


Its still a problem where people are chasing the approval of one man, Uncle Dave.


Clowns like Brian cage is why I will never watch aew


I’m just didn’t this guy almost decide to sign with wwe like he sounded depressed when said he resigned with aew.




One guy saying it doesn’t mean it’s true lol Who the fuck is this Brian guy. He means nothing


Blows my mind to see that there are wrestlers that don't know pro wrestling is all about stories.


I might be in the minority here and whatever go ahead and doen vote me but honestly that much wasnt incredible to me. Yes it was good and they are both great but it wasnt even the best match this year let alone ever. I think i had different expectations for them. I surprisingly didnt care about any of the matches i was excited to see and instead enjoyed the person who I dont like, Toni Storms, match the most. Seemed like they had a hard hitting match




Nothing funnier than watching these aew fans obsess over what's going on wwe. The most interesting thing is that guy tried to take a shot at a storyline that's had all of wrestling as well as non-wrestling fans engaged FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS.


WM 40 is the reason people talk about pro wrestling and the vocal focus of talking point that happening right now which is "is prowrestling coming back?". Sure technical wise Ospreay vs Danielson but impact wise nothing beat Cody vs Reigns and how it moves a lot of people


Engagement farming at its finest lmao


Just another week of AEW guys taking shots at the more popular company. 😂


I couldn't give a damn about a "technical masterpiece" type of match, which is why I don't follow AEW. How many times can you say that watching a wrestling match made you cry tears of joy for the winner? That's why Cody v Roman II is match of the year and an all-time Mania Main Event match.


Meltzer: "It doesn't touch this match though."


Everyday Adam Copeland dies a little inside realizing he didn't end Tribalism.




AEW cries about tribalism in wrestling as they themselves do tribalistic crap like this


i wish both companies and their fans would stop shitting on each other altogether


I thought we were supposed to just enjoy wrestling. 🤔


Is it really match of the year if nobody’s seen it?


I like Terminator 2. Doesn't mean I need to shit talk Big Momma's House 2.


Bryan Cage's opinion is just as relevant as the buildup and story of Danielson v Osprey


They were both match of the year in their own rights, no question


Both stories can be great. Life is rarely a zero-sum game.


But the difference Is this match happened in front of 200 people and forgetton in a week.




Ah yes I also value Brian "The check cleared?" Cage's opinion


I get that it was a dumb statement for Roid Cage to make, but it's also working people, so...


Rent free


What a dumbass


Looks like someone forgot to put the mustard on Cage's trenbologna sandwiches today.


And who cares about Brian Cage? Lol.


Yes but how much better would it have been with better build behind it


We've had a lot of spectacular wrestling already this year. There's nothing wrong with saying, "In a year of amazing work, nothing is beating this match in my eyes, this is easily my Match of the Year". It's a perfectly valid opinion to have and just depends on what you value the most in a wrestling match. Thinking that the story, spectacle and payoff of Cody vs. Roman II was better is also a perfectly valid opinion to have. Thinking that a brilliant sendoff to a legendary career in Sting and Darby vs. The Young Bucks was your MOTY is also valid. You could have preferred the Ospreay/Takeshita, that works too. For me, it's tough to compare because technically speaking, this match is better than Cody and Roman, so if you were strictly considering bell-to-bell, it's better to me. But the build to this match was "You're the past, I'm the future, I'll show you that I'm now the best in world" which is fine, but not as compelling as the story with Roman, Cody, the Rock and Seth, which led to a more satisfying conclusion. There's so much amazing stuff out there, we can just celebrate that instead of saying, "Who cares about your story, we're the best".


Rent free


They can't stop talking about the wwe Triple H really is living rent-free with these lot


Man a lot of people at AEW have just shown their asses lately and it sucks bc it reflects on the company and the talent not on Twitter lol


It's getting a bit tiresome.  This was an excellent match.  I don't see why I need to compare it to other promotions storylines.


The beginning of this tweet is so unnecessary


If only he could find some steroids for his brain.


Brian "I was weighing up between WWE and AEW" Cage.


We've been getting a ton of good wrestling, can we drop the fucking tribalism for five fucking seconds and enjoy that?




Problem is I won't even remember that match happened in like 2-3 weeks.


Ok Brian Piss Test


Are we supposed to “just enjoy all wrestling “ only on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and after WWE PLEs? It seems on Wed, Saturday and after AEW PPVs we are allowed to be tribalistic and continually remind people how WWE lives rent free in these peoples heads. Storm and Ospreay also made silly comments at the “scrum” about wwe/ hhh.


Osprey just looks like a petty lil bitc# to me after his pressers. Like ok your match was alright. It wasn't the best match I've seen this year and certainly not the "best ever in America" This guy's ego is way outta control.


Literally just remove the stupid first sentence and the tweet is good


Man there's no need for it, no wonder he's a big dumb bitch


The hierarchy of power in the reddit MOTY arguments has just changed




It was a great match, and yet I'm left with nothing to care about.  Paul Heyman's facial expressions the last two weeks have sold me better than anything AEWs doing. 


AEW never beating the WWE's little bro allegations. Like, this was an amazing match. Worse pay off and story than WMXL but better in ring action. Advertise it as your crutch. And also maybe learn from wwe to better build your matches so when that insane dream match does happen, it hits even more.


In the past two weeks, we got two all-time great matches that will be remembered for decades, and they were fantastic for completely different reasons. I can’t imagine how miserable you have to be to turn that into an argument instead of celebrating how good we have it right now.