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I love and hate wrestling crowds in equal measure.


It's people in general. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/entertainment/hannah-waddingham-olivier-awards-photographer-intl-scli/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/entertainment/hannah-waddingham-olivier-awards-photographer-intl-scli/index.html)


Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, I speed around women if I find myself walking behind them so as not to make them feel followed.


All the women you walk near you absolutely terrified that the dude behind them suddenly accelerated, getting ready to stab you in the eye with their keys...


That's why you start screaming "I mean you no harm!" Really relaxes everyone


Followed by "Woman, why are you running!?"




You’ve said that word a few times. What implication?




Heh, could be. I give a wide berth though!


The best thing to do, if possible, is cross the road


What about getting on all fours and breaking into a sprint after them?


[sʜɪᴀ ʟᴀʙᴇᴏᴜғ](https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=r2sjov_YcMdCj26m)


I just act like I'm on the phone and shout something like "What, the baby's crowning already? Hold on!" and then just start running right past her and don't stop


Tangentially related, I was walking in a park when I saw 3 women running. Since they were running I moved out into the grass as to get out of their way. Right before they run by me, I step in a pothole and roll my ankle (didn't fall though), so in my head, I'm thinking they thought I was gawking at them so hard that I misstepped and fell. I haven't felt that embarassed in a while.


I, a lady, was once so distracted looking at a guy at the gym - although more in an "I think I know him from somewhere" way than a lustful way - that I tripped over a weight bench and face-planted. He helped me up. It was awful.


Did you know him?


I did not. I finally figured out he was a musician I'd seen play before, but I never met him.


This sounds like the inciting incident from a rom-com.


Ha! It really does.


You need to sell that story to Hallmark


I like to follow women to make sure they get home safe. I hide in bushes and around corners while doing so, as to evade any sneak attacks from potential assaulters.


I do the opposite, I slow down a lot so they can easily put some distance


just shuffle your feet and make yourself audible. or do what i do and just say out loud "hi am here just letting you know hi hello"


Fake cough while looking at my phone.




That's not a courtesy. Acceleration of pace is cause for alarm.


Is that a joke?


Do you have a presence that makes women uncomfortable or something? Kind of a weird thing to do.


Do you do that to a guy? Cause if not you are literally treating a woman differently than a man. Which is what feminism fights against.


Feminism is about equality. And when women aren't raped and assaulted at wildly disproportionate rates to men you might have a point. Men don't hold keys between their fingers or carry pepper spray because we walk different streets.


This is such a generic argument. We either treat women as 100% equals or we don't. There's no picking and choosing when equality should be practiced. I'd pay a woman the exact same salary I'd pay a man and I'd expect the same results from her as I would the male. I'd also fight a woman if she hit me first. I wouldn't hesitate. I'm a feminist. And a proud one.


Thats an awful thing to say. Hannah has fantastic legs though


I went to a bunch of shows Mania weekend. It was legit a 50/50 crap shoot. We'd either be sat near really annoying 'fans' who were only interested in getting themselves over all show, or some really cool chill fans who knew the assignment and were just having fun.


Ain't that the truth. Stardom was a great crowd, and even the Collective shows were a bunch of people reveling in seeing puro companies up close.


For real. I would like to go to more shows and also support my local indie but I’ve had some annoying experiences in the past


I remember in the span of a week going to an NXT, local Indie, and AEW show. In the NXT show I heard a guy shout at (I think it was Pretty Deadly) QUEERS! While at another local indie, there was one wrestler who was from Brazil and the dude next to me kept going "Viva La Rasaaa" every 2 minutes and the wrestler looked so confused, to going to AEW and when Nyla came out the group of drunk guys in front of me kept shouting "Thats a guy! Look thats a guy!" over and over and laughing. It made me realize, its not just one promotion or one group, its literally engrained in wrestling culture to be a bigot POS and take shots to make themselves feel good and get themselves over.


When going to a wrestling show you can usually smell the problem fans almost immediately.


I would go further than that it snot just wrestling but our current American culture as a whole and the last ten years has told people they will be rewarded for that behavior not punished


On the bright side... At Revolution last month the guy next to me was yelling stuff at Hangman like "Real cowboys don't wear pink! ​Cowboys don't wear sparkles!" And then this huge redneck with a giant bushy white beard - he looked just like Uncle Jesse from Dukes of Hazard - turned around and said, "Stop it with that homophobic shit." And the guy shut his trap after that. Made my fucking night.


I wanted to throw something at an asshole in our section last night keeping up a steady stream of racist bullshit about Thunder Rosa. He was the one fly in the ointment for my first show.


One of the fortunately few times I’ve heard the hard-r in public was when Mace was doing crowd handshakes before an NXT house show. The guy who said it would then spend the rest of the show on his phone browsing for clothes with Confederate flag designs on them.


People are so weird its scary and hilarious at the same time. Same type of people using Democrat as an insult and threatening to shoot Undertaker in the face


A lot of people think that you being a douche or part of the show is your right as a wrestling fan who paid for their ticket. The guy above you saying its a 50/50 crap shoot is right on the money from my experience.


And then there’s me, a straight male, who picks their favorite wrestlers based on how cool their gear looks to me. Point being, the loudest people are usually the worst. But that doesn’t mean they’re the majority.


Lol I do the opposite, cool gear will make me like a person but ugly gear will make me hate them more


I guess I shouldn’t say cool as much as flamboyant. I really like some detailed gear. Liv’s stuff jumps out at me. She’s always rocking something different and unique. Classic HBK as well. For my money 90’s HBK has the best gear of all time.


Every fanbase is going to have its shitheads unfortunately and wrestling is no different. I made my wife sit down and watch Mania Night 2 with me (she enjoyed it, yay!), but she said liked picking apart the acting, spectacle, ring work, etc, and said wrestling is just a form of athletic drag race. And you know what, she's right. I mean this in the best way possible, but wrestling is pretty fucking gay. So for an audience member to call Pretty Deadly "queers" or to take a shot at Nyla for being trans says more about the insecurity of those assholes than anything.


It is essentially stunt pageantry and that's how I explain it to people haha


I feel like you can get to “don’t be a piece of shit” without getting to “wrestling is pretty gay” lol


I dont have a dog in this fight but idk if guy meant “pretty gay” as derogatory. It should kind of be a good thing if wrestling is “gay” because theres Sonny Kiss, Effy, and loads of other LGBTQ representation out there. Edit: i tried


You're right, but I'll leave it up instead of editing or deleting because I don't think it was derogatory. I think "flamboyant" may have been the better term though in hindsight.


Pointing out transpeople’s gender at birth is like a old pastime for people. Its like the go to


or just implying it has been a favorite of people for many years


I went to my first wrestling event in over a decade last year, dude sitting next to me yelled racist and sexist things. The entire card had a single womens match, and as soon as they were in the ring he continued to yell “show me your tits”


I wish those people couldnt afford tickets to come


At the very least I wish they couldn’t afford 8 beers


8 beers at a show is a mortgage payment


It’s up to the normal people in wresting crowds to shame the assholes that yell shit like that.


I swear there's always one or two of the worst people imaginable when I'm at live shows. The announcement video for Roman's leukemia came up in my recommended recently, and someone from the crowd yelled "You still suck!" at him when he announced his diagnosis. Just fucked up.


vomit inducing it just makes everyone irritated!


I was there last night, I'm actually in this clip but I'm not about to dox myself. Mance Warner came out later and said he was going to fuck that old man up.


The guy said "Put her in the camel toe." Ew.


I’m assuming this the woman equivalent of saying give him “the ol dick twist,” 


Whenever I'm watching wrestling in the living room and my roommate walks in, he'll yell "TWIST HIS DICK" at the TV.


The ol' dick twist meme has gotten stale too, tbh. It's always crowd members trying to get themselves over that yell it. It was funny for a bit, but it's been done way too often.


>crowd members trying to get themselves over They should thank Nazis and Child Molesters from keeping them from being named the worst people you could ever meet.


To me it’s just really dumb and pointless.


It's right down there with "Ask him! ASKHIM!" With the second being reaaaally high pitched


I still think it's funny, just as long as it makes sense to reference it in context, and mostly just in internet meme form. Nobody with half a ration of braincells would think it's funny to yell that out in a normal match between two dudes tho, proving Starkz' point.


Fair. I hear it yelled at indie shows and no-ring shows all the fucking time, so I'm personally just tired of it lmao


Yeah in that context it'd only maybe get chuckle out of me once or twice (maybe more if I was not sober), but I don't get out enough to attend wrestling shows as much I'd like. And like you said, it'd get old real bad if it just keeps getting done to the point it's predictable.


Pretty much. The people replying to Starkz talking about how this is "absolutely horrific" are kinda over the top lol.


There was a guy behind me at World's End yelling some really terrible shit during any women's match. It was all horrible sexual stuff or body shaming. During the Jericho match he was constantly hollering stuff about Kylie Rae too. The worst part is, most of the stuff he was saying seemed to get laughs from most of the people around us. Long Island trash people were all over that arena.


Didn't Toni use this to pin Rosa last week?


Dude probably thought he was being clever and came up with a new finishing submission.


Probably an r/WrestleFap enjoyer




Starks was wrestling at a show, and a member of the crowd told her opponent to, and I quote, "Put her in the camel toe"


Tell me it wouldn't get over if Toni Storm had a new submission and called it The Camel Toe.


Yes, but there is a difference between Toni doing it and some old fart in the audience shouting it at her.


It’s all about consent and controlling your own narrative. Toni Storm saying and doing crazy stuff is Fun. When she says her bedroom is hell and that she sleeps with her demons every Night, that’s a bar that goes Hard and it’s great character work. If it were her opponent (or especially a male wrestler) who used her sexuality to shame her, Then the whole thing gets a different tone. The reason Storm Can say overtly sexual stuff is because it comes from her and she is unapologetic about it. She is the one who makes This character. It’s not outside forces shaming her or calling her a whore.


Man, why does this place always make it sound like a HUGE portion of AEW fans are beta males? That was a good promo, one of her best, but if someone were to take the phrase about her sleeping with her devils and call her a whore for it that would be a perfectly fine comeback.


Is This satire?


Yes, I was following your lead, Mr. Boobie Banger.


Anyone who uses the phrase beta males needs to re do school all over again and actually try to become intelligent.


Only a beta male would say that.


Should use a Camel Clutch submission variant for this.


She's a woman now, George Michael


That's it? That's what everyone is upset about? It's lame as hell but you'd have to be an old church lady to get bent out of shape over that. Grayson is right; people have no banter.


People for real lame as fuck lol


Is it possible he forgot what the camel clutch was called?


I wouldn't give em the benefit of the doubt tbh


You're probably right


Nah, the dude was just being a creepy old man.


There are so many better ways to imply that you are referring to the camel clutch without yelling camel toe. Camel Hold, Camel Submission, Camel Fuck Up Spine because the move is no where close to targeting the toes, ankle, etc.


I mean, the camel clutch requires you to straddle the other wrestler. I get what you are saying but you might be a little too literal here.


Guy in the crowd shouted "put her in the camel toe".


I’m fairly sure a crowd would and has yelled similar things “to a dude” if not “worse”. This is a nothing burger but I’m sure people will pile up to act like it’s something so utterly terrible. Yes, people are annoying in general at public events and if it was about the shouting of anything, I’m all about being annoyed at that…but if it’s specifically the subject matter that the problem, that’s generic expected sophomoric shit.


I'd also point out she's 19 and he looked like he was in his 60s. (Not that the comment would be appropriate to any female wrestler, but the guy could be her grandfather).


I think you underestimate what I would say to a male wrestler that I didn’t like.




Why are signs like that on every show these days? Are people that unoriginal? Don't answer that. They are. Dumb question.


Because it's "Insulting" but not offensive. Like "Roman wipes back to front!" No slurs, no stereotypes, no misogyny/misandry, or not even use of profanity- but it gets the point across.


Yeah, and it was funny the first couple of times I saw that sign, but now people just use the same joke that someone else thought of and it's unoriginal. People need to think up their own signs!


The Corn thing, or the concept of the "Vague G rated insult"? I didn't know more than one person did the corn thing, but I also don't pay attention to a lot of signs. As for the concept of G rated insult, I like it because it works for anyone for any reason. I can see a sign that says "Jericho puts on Sock-Shoe, Sock-Shoe" or "Jack Perry enjoys Malort"


The corn sign specifically. I've seen it way too many times.


Love Billie but I am more shocked Dark Sheik didn't rip his head off for it.


Billie was the one with the chair ready to beat that dude’s ass, and it easily would’ve been the biggest pop of the night if she did.


I'm a hetero dude, but the second I see Roderick Strong, I'm telling him to his fucking face that his clear glasses and moustache combo are handsome as fuck.


Okay but it's 2024, who says I don't compliment dudes on their caboose? Kyle Lowry of the NBA is caked TF up for instance


I don't understand this combination of words


Allow me to translate: "In the year 2024, I also inform men that I rather enjoy the sight of their butts. Kyle Lowry, a professional basketball player, has quite an exquisite behind, for instance."




So you think they’d say “put him in the camel toe!” to a guy?




A more direct comparison would be something like "Give him a moose knuckle sandwich!" Which just sounds silly.


Twisting his dick would in theory hurt, “the camel toe” is just a reference that means nothing in context. But more importantly your argument ignores the power dynamic at play when somebody is shouting “twist his dick” at 250 pound bodybuilders versus a sexual comment from a baby boomer to a 20 year old woman.




If somebody yelled “twist her clit!” I would absolutely laugh. That’s not what they said.


Fucking thank you, I complained to my guy friend about how when I attended a live show a guy kept yelling “it should’ve been me!” Every time Toni did a hip attack or during women’s matches in general - he said “maybe yelling it once is fine” to which I replied if you’re not yelling shit at the guys then yell nothing at all   Gonna admit Royal Rumble’s crowd was a bit more gender diverse and mature - maybe it’s because I had seats closer to the ring then  Edit: the catcalling/yelling experience was AEW


Kenny Omega, keep your chin up, tits out and watch for the shoeeeee


Jokes on you, I always scream at the boys to fart directly in my face. B)


Hey, sexually harassing the men doesn't make this any better and in fact is something you should stop. :)


Why is the world this unfair


Even in 2024, its scary how many people think its ok to do that to men. While thinking it's not ok to do that to women. When in reality, neither is cool, neither is ok.


Why are wrestling fans such horrible human beings says this wrestling fan.


Some wrestling fans are just fucking stupid, I don't know what to tell ya.


Wrestlers get offended at the mildest shit, I’m sorry lol.


I couldnt think the guy is more stupid but I also think having any reaction to this is as stupid too. The "if you wouldn't say it to a man" logic doesnt even work.


Regular night on the town in the UK or AUS


It’s a regular day in a 5th grade lunch room lol.


CRAZY self report on this one!


To be fair to all involved her opponent is wearing gear with the word “cunt” emblazoned on it, not exactly a gathering of MENSA members did they expect their audience to be did they?


Given that I’ve heard a group of women tell Roman Reigns that they want to cum on his face, I’m not sure where the line is here.


Good for her, but I mean, fans say something similar. How many guys yell for wrestlers to grab the other guy's dick and twist it? Oh wait, is that just in MMA?


...this isnt even bad lol


Billie saved that man's life; Dark Shiek was closer than he knows to taking it


This was definitely someone from the r/Wrasslin sub


My buddy and I said Friday as we were leaving Smackdown, and I stand by it. We enjoy most wrestling culture and mannerisms, but some wrestling fans just ruin it for everybody.


It’s 2024 and I’m tired of all these passive aggressive tweets from people who pretend to play bad-asses on television.


What that guy said doesn’t even make sense.


A crowd told Chris Jericho to retire, are you sure you want that


People have every right to be offended by something, but imagine a lot of these wrestlers trying to navigate their way through '90s ECW or the Attitude Era? Bubba Ray Dudley cut an entire god damn promo on the crowd at a PPV and suggested that a mother in the audience taught her daughter how to give oral sex.


That's kinda part of Billie's point. It's 2024, we've moved past a lot of that stuff and most people realize that a lot of the shit that flew back then is grossly inappropriate. Back then it was fairly accepted to chant homophobic slurs. The promo you're referencing is over 25 years old, older than Billie herself. Who cares what Bubba Ray Dudley said over two decades ago?


There's extremes for both.. no one would enjoy a beatnik response of fans snapping their silent enjoyment either


Nobody's saying don't chant or say anything, but if your immediate response to a women's match is to make a shitty joke about vaginas, maybe take a sec and think about where your head is at.


I have no problem with cutting out legitimate sexism, racism and homophobia (unless there's a story reason for a heel to be a bigot), but I don't think a single audience member shouting out "put her in the camel toe" is worthy of threats to beat up an old man or a Twitter post addressed at the wrestling community as a whole. There have been signs in the audience during WWE shows commenting directly on Finn Balor's package, and I didn't see him threatening the sign holder or posting on Twitter about it. All I'm saying is that there are levels to this. If someone yells the N word at a black wrestler or yells a gay slur at a gay wrestler during a show, I would fully expect them to get their ass handed to them by everyone around them.


Like most situations similar to this, the only people in the wrestling community being "addressed" are the people who do dumb shit like that. If you're not doing stuff like that, they're not talking to/about you, so there's no need for you to get defensive about it. The problem with the 'It happens to men too!' stuff is that, yeah of course it does and that's not okay either, but it also doesn't negate that women objectively get way more harassment both in person and online. Nobody with any sense (or any actual ability to do so) is threatening to beat anybody up, but if someone is bold enough to yell some dumb shit, they should be comfortable about people confronting them about it.


Suggesting they should say things that they would say to men too is a can of worms. If that guy shouted "punch them in the dick, Billie" while she's fighting Sheikh I imagine the outrage would be far greater.


I hate how gross some fans can get, just ew


There is a spectrum of bad wrestling fan behavior. This, sadly, is on the mild end of that spectrum.


They would say it to a dude. The Cornette(just using a base name) IWC'ers are absolute animals.


"Nice chest Rocky"


Yeah rude comment but honestly that's is a MILD AF yell to be angry at. Hell, I would argue is more silly that rude Getting angry by this is honestly pointless


Oof Yikes


I'm confused. What was said? All I could get was "put her in the camel clutch!" Was that it?


No he said put her in the camel TOE


Kinda mild.. clutch could have sounded like cnt if he was yellin


Ah. Couldn't really tell due to the audio. Kick him out.


Just reporting what others heard live cant say I listened myself


I’ve seen some tweets from Women tweeted at Roman about what they would do to/for him that Pornhub doesn't even have a category for.


And more than 90% of those were written by men pretending to be women.


Sure, but I was thinking of 2 who I know are Women when I made that post.


Follow the golden rule, if you wouldnt want your prison cell mate to say it to you, dont say to someone else.




I think he meant what he said, it just…doesn’t sound as bad as people are making it out to be. Crude, yea, but nothing to get that upset over. Unless he said some other stuff too that doesn’t really seem that bad.




You're one of the guys that says "Grab his dick and twist it!" for the 15th time after no one laughed the first 14 times. Yeah that's just as annoying.


I was going to say, I’ve been in front of these guys and they fucking suck no matter what the joke is lol


This also applies to grading women on a curve and pretending they're better than they are.




Many female wrestlers over the years, including Nyla rose recently have made no secret of how their wrestling ability often plays second fiddle to whether the audience finds them hot or not. They should be judged the same as male wrestlers.


That's true but no one wants to admit it. The vast majority of female wrestlers are presented for the visual and not the ability


Pretty much every woman in wrestling has said so 🤷‍♂️ Ability is taken into account more than it ever has been, but it's still nowhere near where it is for men, there are plenty of women in positions they'd never be in if they were a man because they fit conventional beauty standards, there are plenty of very talented women who don't have the right look who'd be doing a lot better were they male.


What an incredibly stupid comment to make in this thread.


Why? Plenty of extremely talented women are overlooked while other less talented women have their talent exaggerated, why should they be judged differently?


You can just say 'i don't respect women'


Why would I say that? I think female talent should be judged on their talent and not if the audience wants to bone them. Plenty of great female wrestlers have been overlooked, many have expressed that they think this is why.


All wrestlers are judged on their looks as well as their wrestling abilities. Like Roman Reigns wouldn't be where he is if he didn't look like he did. Or QT Marshall would be a lot higher up on the card based on wrestling abilities if he didn't look like a middle manager


Are you seriously going to pretend it's the same for men and women?