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Is there any accomplishment left in WWE that Adam Copeland didn't already achieve? - Headlined every major PPV, including Wrestlemania - Won the Royal Rumble - Grand Slam Champion - Triple Crown Champion - 12 x Tag Team Champion (a record) - Inaugural Money in the Bank Winner - King of the Ring Winner - Headlined the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2012 - Worked with every major star of his era, put on banger feuds with most of them Truly one of the best to ever do it.


Add to that “no bad entrance themes”


I would also add being a part of the first TLC match.


Also The only person to bang in the ring infront of everyone


Not just the first but the follow up one as well


Oh my


Def Rebel was coming for him, that’s the separate direction he’s referring to here. Got out while he still had Alterbridge


"RATED R SUPERSTAR" followed by porn music.


You gotta say it right. Tony Chimmel: " the rated r, SU-perstar! Edge!"


*Yeahhh my durango*


Numbah 95


I know I’m in the minority but that was always my favorite theme for him


Alter Bridge is my favorite band and I still miss Never Gonna Stop for Edge.


Also adding in "got sent to hell by the Undertaker"




The only thing left really was actually winning a Mania main event, and that just wasn’t gonna happen.


Ding ding. What was left to keep him engaged? If TK is gonna pay well, you’ve got a universe of people you’ve never worked, along with your best friend.


Also him and Triple H have known each other as peers for, what, twenty plus years? Sharing locker rooms, working together, working out, etc. I could see them having a very candid conversation about what kind of use Edge would be getting in the future and it not involving a Mania main event win.


Yeh and if he wants to keep going when he starts slowing down, that's when he can come back to WWE and have his putting people over run. Right now was the perfect time for him to have his last fued with Christian and soon another tag run I hope. Then he can ride off into the sunset or go back to WWE for a farewell tour


I mean the way things were going he was on a Bob Holly path of just not losing at the end there


It was really annoying tbh. I was happy when he left.


But he won his match against ADR to retain his world heavyweight championship right before he had to retire. Does that count as winning a main event match at wrestlemania?


I mean, it was the opening match for that Mania. I'm sure you could do a loose interpretation of main event because a world title was involved but it was hardly treated as such.


Ah. It was the opening match? It was so long ago I didn’t remember that. That makes sense then.


Not to mention he won the rumble twice. Once as a surprise return and the second time from the #1 spot. So he even iron manned it. I'll take it even further not so much in terms of accolades, but just things he probably personally wanted to do. He was the head of a major faction (La Familia) took in underlings (Hawkins and Ryder) and even now in his return run he was leading a new group to help spotlight underused talent (in his opinion) and now that group has turned into a major success. They open/are heavily featured on every Raw. Priest is a world champ, Rhea is one of the biggest stars in the company. Dom is the biggest heater. Finn is back to being a focal point. Sure some of these things may have still happened on there own but it's safe to say having the JD helped big time


Also going by kayfabe standards, he probably could be in the HoF for just his 2nd run too. Sure no titles, but Iron man rumble win and Wrestlemania main event Is basically a lock


I still can't believe they had him win that 2nd time... such a waste to give it to someone like him... Reminded me of when Triple H won it 5 years after his prime.


I agree on that. They clearly wanted to set up him vs. Roman for Mania but they could've done that without the Rumble. Could've had Lashley win the rumble and then have Drew hold the title till Mania where he still puts Lashley over


That mania is completely blanked from my mind. Did anything interesting happen on it? Surely the triple threat wasn't the main event? If so we've come a long way since then


Yeah the triple threat with Bryan main evented. It was typical Jey Uso interference Roman chair’d them both and did the double stack pin to win. That Mania was Drew/Lashley opening night 1. Bianca/Sasha main eventing night 1. Off the top of my head as well had Sami vs KO, Cesaro vs Seth and Rhea vs Asuka


> Bianca/Sasha main eventing night 1 Ok that's the only part I remember lol


He was never 24/7 champion. So trash career if you ask me.


Wwe should just delete him from the internet after this fact came to light.


Found Matt Hardy's account.


Never won the divas championship, Santina is more accomplished


Basically the only thing he didn’t do what become THE guy.


But he was the heel going up against THE guy which puts him up there with the Roddy Pipers of the world 


That’s a great point. He was such a great heel, and probably the best foil to Cena.


I think Cena and Punk worked best as foils but Edge v Cena was amazing as well.


I think it’s a difference between Superman vs Batman and Superman vs Lex Luthor


Great analogy!


Should have faced Cena at WM 25 instead of them forcing Big Show for a forgettable triple threat. Their Backlash last man standing match is one of my favourites


He should have been THE guy the first time he cashed in MITB. Ratings went up. Fans wanted him to reach that next level. Instead WWE went with the plan, signalling that he wasn't the guy and Edge never mattered as much again.


Foley-Edge was great but Cena having to find a way back to Edge at Mania and being shut down at every turn could have been a defining feud for the era. Instead, Cena mowed him down 3 weeks later. Cena’s career would be looked at so much more fondly if they ever gave any credibility to his heel rivals.


I think Punk did alright - although perhaps Tweener was the word there.


That’s actually a really fair point, Punk and Cena almost always avoided a definitive winner


The only titles he never won were the Universal and 24/7 titles


European, Hardcore, and Smackdown/WWE tag team championship.


One of the best returns of all time


I’m pretty certain Edge has held more tag titles than 12. He held the World Title Team championship for 12 and the WWE Tag Team Championship for 2, which makes 14 x in total.


It's like with Okada leaving NJPW. What else left can he do there? He pretty much has done everything he could possibly do. Heel Okada in AEW breathes new life.


Pass the torch to a young upcoming star


Retire Taker Live sex celebration with Mami Get murdered by Dirty Dom Get brought back to life by Mami Murdered by Mami Become queen of the ring ?????????? Profit


You forgot 11 World Titles


He got away from having a bad theme, that was a close one.


I misread this post as Adam Cole and I was really confused


Still pissed that he didn't put over finn balor at WrestleMania


that demon character has been buried beyond belief.


That was a lame match too


The short break in the middle to staple Balor's head kinda killed its momentum. And they ended too early when I felt like they had at least 10-15 more minutes. I guess Balor's injury caused them to end it early.


The Balor injury 100% derailed the match. Hard to perform when blood is gushing out of your head.


Like obviously I get it for real life medical reasons but kayfabe wise it was hilarious that this scary demon had to quit from bleeding


Agreed, it was necessary given how deep and large the wound was, but it clearly messed with the match. I think it would have been a solid 7-8/10 match if that didn't happen.


Eh it was honestly a decent match considering the gaping head wound. I assume they had to do a little less because of his head and I think it would have been a pretty awesome match if he wasn't injured.


The demon is essentially a watered down Fiend at this point


It’ll be resurrected when he finally feuds with Priest after the WHC is dropped at Clash Gives Priest and Finn something for SummerSlam


I love Edge, but everything from his Styles feud and onwards just wasn’t doing it for me. The only great thing to come out of his bad heel turn was the Judgement Day.


Its the fact that he beat Styles twice, it wasn’t even a 50/50 deal where Styles jobs at Mania then gets the win back. Bizarre booking


Ngl it felt like the most consequential thing that Edge did was get kicked in the balls by Dom lmao. Dom joining is when the Judgement Day truly took off imo.


It’s kind’ve crazy that Edge as head of Judgement Day just felt right, WWE didn’t keep Christian for that final feud so at least we’d get Evil Edge? But Cody tearing his pec really threw a wrench into those plans, and left Edge rehashing his baby face character again. I don’t blame him for feeling “Meh’d out”.


Or Grayson Waller. Or Sheamus on his way out. It kinda rubs me the wrong way on all three situations.


To be fair that might not have been his choice. Not sure if thats been confirmed or not


What was Balor's last win actually?


Tag team wise, it was him, Damian, JD, and Dominik VS. DIY and the New Day on April 1st, 2024. Singles wise, it was against AJ Styles on September 15th, 2023.


Being a Finn mark is pain.


Yeah I’m and that he was the sole booker and had the final say in that matter Wait what


Bro looked at his future in WWE. It was looking at the lights as Kingdom was playing. Bro said - imma bounce.


I’m still surprised Cody Rhodes vs Edge never happened during Edge’s recent WWE run.


Not really surprising given timing. Cody has his Seth trilogy, gets injured, comes back immediately thrown into Roman feud. Post WM, Edge only does a qualifier for the WHC, kinda semi-puts over Grayson, and then has his going away match with Sheamus. There was only a very short stint of the summer between WM when Cody was freed and when Edge left.


Edge pretty much did everything that he had to do in WWE. 4 x WWE Champion 7 x WWE World Heavyweight Champion 5 x WWE Intercontinental Champion 1 x WWE US Champion 14 x WWE Tag Team Champion King of the Ring winner Inaugural Money in the Bank winner 2 x Royal Rumble winner 14th Triple Crown Champion Third Grand Slam Champion Hall of Famer. He hadn’t won the WWE Universal Championship, but he had zero chance of winning that and he certainly wasn’t going for the NXT titles. Edge had done everything there is to do in WWE, so it’s understandable that he wanted to get some fresh match ups.


On top of all that he also had matches and feuds against Rock, Flair, Hogan, Cena, Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, HBK, Foley, Orton, Batista, Christian, Mysterio, Jericho, Lesnar, Roman, Rollins, Eddie, Miz, Daniel Bryan, Hardy's, Dudley's, Angle, Booker-T, CM Punk, Sheamus, AJ Styles, Big Show, Ziggler, JBL. He did everything you can do in WWE.


"Edge, we need you to start putting people over" "That doesn't work for me, brother. I'm out."


Still crazy to me that the only feud he lost was the Roman feud


That also after like thousand Interference from Seth and The Usos. I think Edge is one of the two people to make Roman submit, obviously not in front of ref . Other is Bryan but it was actually important for the story.


Roman clearly did not submit to Bryan. He was signalling Heyman in Morse code to let him know it was time to get the private jet ready.


Yeah it was after a match. I think it was the first show back with crowds


I get the Rollins feud tbh. Rollins was already as solidified as he could be at that point. And Rollins looked great in the feud anyways when they tried wins initially. The final blow off in HIAC and with how personal that feud got it makes sense to have the babyface go over. Clearly overall losing that feud hasn't hurt Seth. He just had a lengthy inaugural world title reign main evented a Mania with The Rock and then had his world title match the next night as the opener.


I still think Finn losing was a mistake and that's what he needed to get back in the main event scene He ended up getting in the world title picture eventually last year but I still couldn't buy him as a threat to Seth after the edge loss


He probably was never considered to win cause Triple H wanted to go into a Rhea is the leader angle, so bringing Finn down multiple levels, harming him as a character, and making sure his credibility is low, are multiple factors Triple H was probably trying to push for in order to go forward with his angle. An unneeded angle. It sucks that Finn has to be made to look a certain way.


But even still I remember many people being devastated Finn lost to Seth for the title and I had just felt finn didn't have enough credibility at that point to take the title off Seth They need to do a lot of work to rebuild Finn because like roman said, if Finn won it would've definitely been the loser bracket title


The story was very strong for Finn. He wasn’t given the strongest booking but they finally decided to do the story with Seth, so many years in the making. In a story where it felt like it makes no sense to do it Finn isn’t redeeming himself. But going back to my original point of what Triple H wanted, a part of me feels Finn was never considered to win the title either cause of the Rhea stuff and I’m so serious about that. So that probably plays into why he barely put effort as it pertains to booking Finn strong. If Finn won the title then Rhea couldn’t yell at Finn like a child and give him orders like Triple H wanted her to. Triple H wanted to present Finn like a failure so they can follow through with this angle. This stuff has been so bad to watch when it comes to Finn.


Yeah absolutely.


Tbh I don’t see him as a main eventer anyways. He’s good as an upper mid carder


It doesn't make sense for babyface to go over when Finn needed the win while Edge didn't. Heels should lose all feuds by that logic cause good guys need to win, that's fucking dumb. If wins and loses don't matter, why should Edge have to defeat everyone?


Did you not read the part where I'm talking about Seth Rollins and not Finn Balor.


I thought you meant to give Finn match as a separate example in that sentence my bad.


I do agree that Edge going over Finn at Mania was the wrong move but yeah the Rollins HIAC was fine to me


I'm still mad that Edge got the win against Demon Balor.


What makes it more dumb is that Finn went on to feud with seth fir the world title right after and edge disappeared.


Also the build was that edge wanted to get rid of Judgement day once and for all and not only are they still around a year later But have won championships and a new member


In kayfabe he just gave up and left 


And that was after he already won at EC the month before


I like Finn, but the moment he had to drop the universal title it felt like he was permanently slotted by the company with a ceiling, so it was no surprise to me he lost the WM match with Edge.


It was at that moment. He stopped having fun there


I think he stopped having fun when they didn’t offer him the money he wanted.


It was never the money they didn’t want him to wrestle as many dates as he wanted to.


What you mean you want me to Fin over at Wrestlemania ![gif](giphy|9OZUXsuOk1oLPC1Jsh|downsized)


Yep. As someone who was a big fan of Edge and loved listening to the old E&C podcast. He always talked about how if he could wrestle again how excited he was to work with these guys and help build them up etc. Then the man comes back and fucking goes over damn near everyone he faces. It really made me sour on Edge and not care that he left WWE.


I was not aware that Edge was booking his own programs!


Do you think Edge books his win/loss record?


I don’t think Edge is that kinda guy. During his top run from 2005-2009 he lost more than he ever won before winning more for his last year before retiring.


So true lol.


People complain about Jericho, but one is willing to put over anyone (see Fandango & Christian going over at WM) and the other refuses to.


Jericho will take losses to young guys, but he does so in a way where it is presented as a fluke and then the loss is used so Jericho gets more screen time to advance his own story. I don’t think he is really selfless about it. There is a difference between taking a loss and actually putting the other guy over.


? He got squashed by Hobbes a few months ago. Like, utterly squashed.


Thats literally the wrestling business, keep some heat while putting people over


This is just wrong. I'm not even sure where you get this. OC won an entire feud with Jericho, launching him into the upper mid-card/lower main event scene. Hobbs beat Jericho in a pseudo squash in 7 minutes. Takeshita very easily beat Jericho this year. There was nothing flukey about Ospreay beating Jericho at All In last year. Starks beating Jericho was supposed to setup his ascension to the main event scene until Punk kind of killed that accidentally. Claudio beat him for the ROH title super convincingly. I know shitting on Jericho is popular, but he does put people over, and he does it in a way that usually gets them over.


Genuine question. Is Adam actually refusing to take a clean loss or put someone over (I've never personally gotten the feeling from him that he's got that type of ego, but that's just one person's opinion), or is what we're seeing with him a combination of him constantly being booked in his favor and/or him not going to bat to take a loss where it makes sense?


its the same conundrum that Malakai Black has where nothing points to them refusing to take a clean loss but they also dont lose clean so it begs the question how much control they have over their own booking I think its gonna be interesting what happens to Adam post tnt title run because i think there is still alot of value in him fighting for the world title and putting someone over(Like what happened with Roman)


Yeh having Christian be Swerve's first title fued is perfect and whoever the next heel champ is (Hangman I'm guessing) should definitely fued with and beat Cope


I’ve never heard of him being one to politic, but according to this thread he is apparently modern day Hulk Hogan??? 


People will project whatever feelings they have onto wrestlers rather than bookers a lot of the time. There are several instances where guys want to put someone else over but the booker overrules them. This isn’t to say Edge wasn’t cool with winning, but we don’t know that he was politicking his way into wins or refusing to put other guys over


I miss him so much in the 2K games


The 2k games are good enough I’m sure someone has made a better Edge in that game than how Edge looks like in Fight Forever


He had done everything in WWE except put people over lol


Yea, Judgement Day didn’t start getting good until Edge left and wasn’t around to clean pin Balor every PLE.


Eh, JD had already started getting good within a few months of Dom joining. It didn't hit full stride but it was pretty good by that point.


He absolutely should’ve put Balor over.


"They were running out of people for me to go over on" Still blows my mind for a vet like Edge he didn't spend many stories going out on his back during his last run.


That's not true. He put Grayson Waller over by beating him and saying it wasn't easy. Then he put Sheamus over by saying he always wanted to wrestle him, then beating him.




I don't typically mind someone in the 'veteran' role winning a lot if the end goal is for them to actually put over someone up and coming so that it means something, but that just never came. I didn't even mind him beating Finn or Sheamus right near the end necessarily because those guys are very established and been around a long time, but it felt like there was time there for one more feud with a guy who is trying to get to that next level and could really benefit from a victory over Edge before he rode off to AEW.


Dude Finn never became a proper main eventer, he was absolutely not established the way he deserved so Finn losing was awful.


I’m so tired of the narrative from people that Finn is established We’ve watched him get booked horribly since April 2017. When did the establishing happen according to people cause debuting on the main roster and having a 4 week run where he won the title is only what people bring up


His second NXT run was the most establishing he was, but it doesn't matter cause it's not relevant to main roster.


he’s not the booker, that’s papa h’s job


I thought Edge left before Triple H took over.


He did. Vince was still in charge of creative during the phoney retirement. Triple H didn't actually become head of creative until this past October when Ari Emmanuel put his foot down. Some might say this is conspiratorial but it isn't really. Look at what happened the night after WrestleMania 39.


So Vince booked a majority of Gunthers run?


Yes, he did. What about Gunther's run makes that hard to believe?




Not gonna lie I think about this a lot of the time when Keith Lee is brought up lol




Is that really hard to believe? Vince had Rusev squashing dudes for a full year a decade ago.


It debunks the whole "Vince was gonna bury Gunther" Because if so Vince has him go over former world champions, undefeated streak and record breaking title reign


> Rusev > A decade ago Jesus Christ I feel old


Vince does love a monster foreign heel


He wasn't the booker before that, either.


It was very open before he left that he was helping run creative on his shows. As far back as him and Daniel Bryan on smackdown. [https://www.thesportster.com/news/edge-daniel-bryan-wwe-creative-team/](https://www.thesportster.com/news/edge-daniel-bryan-wwe-creative-team/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/hxbbfh/won\_daniel\_bryan\_edge\_are\_said\_to\_have/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/hxbbfh/won_daniel_bryan_edge_are_said_to_have/)


Most/all of Edge’s last run was Vince.


Everyone here was adamant that HHH was running creative when he beat Finn though, who is arguably the person who should have beaten Edge the most


I mean Finn’s still mostly been booked like a bum for 95% of this run since HHH has taken over. HHH himself probably was gonna have Finn lose, especially since the match was originally supposed to happen at the Rumble. But even if he didn’t, he still has mostly booked Finn terribly outside of that. The Edge loss could’ve been made up by doing something good or giving Finn another moment outside of that. And yet it didn’t happen.


It’s to the point where people think Finn is gonna be the one to feud with Damien, and Im 50/50 if it’ll be him or JD McDonough lol. That’s how bad he’s been booked


[I said it here under this other thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/5NEG9jsQqq) This whole angle went from feeling like it was gonna give Finn one of the best heel character arcs, and set him up to do something dastardly to Priest that was months in the making, which could’ve been one of the most important stories of his WWE tenure. To now they’re presenting him as if he’s no different than Dom or JD. How can anyone watch this and not feel insulted as a fan, or try to act like what we’re watching isn’t happening and they try to act like he’s booked fine.


Get some matches against new opponents in, wrestle every week, eventually team up with your best friend. Sounds like a nice end to a career






I love having Adam in aew he’s been great Edit: this goes for all Adam’s in aew


Adams Everywhere Wrestling


Adam Everytime Wrestling




Go have fun with Uncle Jay


I know sometimes we as fans tend to think it’s more than what they say but there literally wasn’t much more he could have done so him leaving mad sense. I wasn’t a big fan of his booking the last year or so but I think it was done as a thank you as well. His AEW run while disappointing at times storyline wise has produced some really cool matches and he’s shown that even with the injuries and setbacks he’s a great wrestler.


People know Edge doesn’t choose who wins and loses matches right? Lol


I swear he says this almost weekly at this point


tbf to him, people keep asking


Redditor discovers how interviews work. 


Yeah exactly. It always amazes me when there's a "news" post like _person X says something about Y_ and you see people complain "why is X bringing up Y all the time?" as though they made the post themselves.


People want a reason to complain, *especially* if it's AEW-related.


Every Copeland interview has hit the same bullet points over and over the last 6 months. If I was him i’d get sick of repeating myself


That's all interviews are. The same questions every time forever. It's like that for pretty much any celebrity. I sat in on a media day for two actors doing a press tour once, 16 scheduled interviews and it was crazy how every interview went the exact same way, could really tell how much both actors hated it between sets.


That's why you can tell a lot of celebrities genuinely enjoy weird interviews like Hot Ones (even though their mouths are burning). They get asked actually interesting questions and their eyes light up.


It’s gotta be one of the best mutual separations in wrestling history. There wasn’t anything compelling for him left in WWE, he got paid and AEW has Christian.


Just let the man enjoys thing, I mean he missed out quite some years during his first retirement. Now that he’s had accomplished everything in WWE, he wants to hang out with his best buddy, works with somebody he heard of but never worked with prior to AEW, try new things he couldn’t do in WWE. Don’t be like some Twitter jerkasses trying to insert forced hatred onto this legend.




Creative honestly booked him in the wrong feuds, or at least wasted too much time by having some of his feuds drag on too long… Did he really need to feud with Judgement Day for the best part of a year? And beat them at almost every turn (aside from the I Quit match which obviously has a giant asterisk over it). The group only really went to that next level after they managed to get away from feuding with Edge. Once he pretty publicly said he was finishing up with WWE in a year’s time in August 2022 they should’ve come up with a plan for him to put someone over on his way out. Breakker, Carmelo Hayes, Dunne, Bate, Dragunov as a few examples and there’s plenty of others. Logan Paul even? Edge said he went to AEW to have great matches with some of these young talent but there were quite a few of them left on the table at WWE too. Imagine an alternate timeline where Edge beats Theory for the US title after Elimination Chamber essentially doing the Cope Open with the US title. He can still have the Balor match at Mania but then some time after he’s still doing the open challenges and Ilja Dragunov appears and knocks 10 bells out of him and wins the US championship. What a way to introduce that guy to main roster fans. Edge can still even have his thank you match with Sheamus later or whatever.


More like "I beat everyone I wanted to beat"


How many different variations do we need to hear this from Copeland?


This is coming from a lifelong Edge fan, and he’s a guy who has nothing to prove to anyone, but I didn’t love his last WWE run, and I’m not really loving his AEW run. Coming back at the Rumble was awesome, but after that? Just not feeling it. Even Judgement Day got better when they replaced him with Balor, who he absolutely should’ve put him over at last years Wrestlemania.


Everyone in this thread acting like Adam was forcing himself to go over as if his reputation throughout his entire career hasn’t been the complete opposite of that.


Everybody can sleep well tonight knowing that Adam is having fun


Sounds like he didnt want to job


That, and probably a push pretty far down the card.


I don't think he worked with 95% of [the people he listed here](https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/edge-names-17-superstars-he-wants-to-face-in-wwe)


for some reason Shane Thorne being on that list is fucking hilarious even though i love him


He's working with one of them on Saturday.


Translation: I wanted to wrestle more, and they wouldn't let me.


I mean guys like Orton and Sheamus are also old timers and have no problem getting matches lol.


Never got to wrestle ricochet tho


Why is this question asked weekly?


Haven't we heard him say this a dozen times at least by now, including the literal night of his debut in the post show press conference. Seems like its time to stop asking him that question


This might be me being a bit of conspiracy theorist but I really wouldn’t be surprised if one thing that brought him back to WWE instead of AEW initially was the idea of one last world title run since his last reign was interrupted by him retiring. But between covid, his getting injured, and then them finally getting it right with Roman that just never ended up happening.


So it’s been 4 years now, and still hasn’t put over anyone majorly other than Roman who didn’t even need the rub.