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Damn, Gangrel looked great


Yea moves fast af too


Me watching the match: "Man that was a great match. Malakai actually looked incredibly strong since he got bloody basically in the first second and still made a major comeback. Now that they lost to someone with a similar background to theirs, it gives them reason to reinvent and internalize their current characters into something developed." Comments: "lmao Edge refuses to job"


Majority wins in the end. Most of the comments here will follow a specific trend. I personally thought the match was great and had zero issue with Malakai losing. Is is wrestling, the match and the build up was fun, that's all I care about.


Nice to see Edge's burial spree didn't stop at WWE.


We're one wrestler away from a real Brood reunion.


Wouldve been nice to see Black pick up the win, but storyline wise Malakai also shot himself in the foot by trying to corrupt Copeland and ended up making his more dangerous. Plus he stole Copelands wedding ring so with all that motivation, Copeland winning makes sense. I do hope the fued continues and Malakai ends up taking the title from him though.


My only gripe of the night! Great match but Malakai should have clinched the win. Was really looking forward to him being a big singles guy.


Same - I really thought this was going to end with a double turn and a singles run from Malakai.


I would agree with that but it’s not like he’s in the world title picture, if he’s going to be a mid card boss then it will give someone a huge boost when he finally does the job, he’s a legend and AEW are very respective of their legends as we’ve seen over the last 5 years. Plus if he holds onto the TNT title for a while, it will allow the other mid-card titles such as the Continental and International time to raise their stock with Okada and Ospreay.


What a disaster of a match. AC nearly “Sid’s” his leg. Buries Black. Gangrel then proceeds to bury the rest of HoB. We are totally getting the full Brood with Christian aren’t we ? I want to love AEW because I like the idea of all wrestling succeeding raises the tide. But damn DoN was tough to watch


I'm super interested in what *else* on the show you didn't like. I don't think this particular opinion deserves down votes, but those last couple sentences are just negativity without examples. Edit: grammar


A variety of the matches were just meh from perspective. Here’s a couple examples. Sloppy execution on Edge vs Black and nonsensical booking to bury the HoB. They came out looking weaker than ever Hook vs Shibata vs Jericho was Wrestlecrap quality. Not to mention Hook almost broke his neck and later almost impaled Big Bill. Timeless is great but that match was a stinker. Ridiculous booking on the Mox match. Why make it an Eliminator and then bury Takashita with another loss? Guy hasn’t won in ages. OC vs Trent was boring as hell. Time to end that feud. Adam Cole’s promo came off as third tier manager quality. He’s fallen so far. MJF looked great though. On the plus side: Anarchy was interesting. Some nutty spots Willow vs Sasha was actually very good and proved Sasha has recovered from her injury. Look forward to her facing some of the roster. Osprey continues to put on bangers but Bruv is taking some crazy risks. That spot with Taven was just flat out dumb. MJF.


Predictably their last posts were “MJF is definitely going to WWE next year”, “Adam Copeland is a disaster” and “AEW roster too bloated”.


House of Black got taken out by Gangrel 🤣🤣🤣


What a fucking joke.


Edge beating Malakai is not as bad as Finn because the feud wasnt a year long.




I hope maybe they can turn the Edge never loses deal into a heel turn for Edge. That can get him back to Christian. Edge is upset that people were so happy when he came over but now booing him saying hes keeping other talents down. Edge says its not his fault the talent cant keep up with him. Christian told him this would happen, they love you now but theyll turn on you just like you did to Christian. Maybe now Christian was right and Edge was in the wrong


God I hate Edge/Adam so much.


Adam Copeland Job to Someone Challenge (Impossible)


I mean.... If it's true Black is leaving soon - of course Copeland didn't do the job. Why would they have Black win if he's going to WWE soon?


If Black was leaving soon why not let HOB turn on him? That would have been a clean way to break up HOB. 


I don't think he's leaving tomorrow. I imagine that is what will happen.


Man, Adam left WWE and didn’t even go out on his back. You have to give at some point, all I’m seeing is take, take, take.


Oh he definitely does - but I understand the sentiment of building him up as a threat in AEW first. Not that he isn't a house hold pro wrestling fan name, but putting him over before he begins to wrap up makes sense to me.


> If it's true Black is leaving soon Wait! What?


Been rumored for a while he's unhappy and isn't re-signing.


Doesn’t his contract still have years on it though?


I thought he was done early next year?


Both things could be true.


Not in the context of this conversation where the person said “Black was leaving soon”. Unless Tony goes back on what he’s said multiple times in not granting releases in these situations


Ah, I meant with the comment directly above yours. Him being unhappy and not re-signing while having years left on his contract. If true, of course.


Copelandwins. LOL


Black has said that he wants to be there. It’s so weird that people are ok with Copelands near refusal to job. We could have had Black be built up as a singles star but instead we get an Attitude Era call back.


We’ve never had any report of Copeland refusing to lose.


We haven’t heard any reports but the man has lost two singles matches since joining AEW and they have both been to Christian.


And again, he’s not the booker.


Is Copeland the booker?


I hope he has some creative control considering his booking since coming back from retirement. This happened in WWE too.


Nope that's why he quit WWE and went somewhere where he has more leverage to bury young talent


His contract wasn’t renewed. He didn’t quit WWE.


He had an offer to renew that he refused. That is as close to quitting as is possible for WWE


Regardless neither side agrees on a contract, which means the contract wasn’t renewed


He refused to renew because he was tired of being an attraction, he wanted to be used more often. Which doesn’t sounds like bullshit considering he shows on AEW TV more in a month than he did the entire last year he was in WWE. I’m not saying he has or hasn’t creative control, I’m just saying that I don’t think it was related to him leaving or not WWE. I also agree that he should lose more often


It’s always funny when you watch matches and really enjoy them just to come online and find out everyone hated it.


Definitely this. I was thinking that this match was all what Edge vs Balor should have been and more. Also people complaining that Adam doesn’t job when at his comeback all he did was lose against the patriarchy. I really don’t get wrestling fans.


This is like me with movies. "Wow that was a pretty fun movie" \*11% on RT\*


I really enjoyed the match I just hate that Black lost


I guess a lot them didn't watch the show. They just read the result and then decide to shit on this lol. But for real Malakai need that win this time. He is the one who need the momentum.


I really enjoyed this whole event but logged on here to find out it was the drizzling shits apparently lol


- Yeah. Wrestling fans are fickle. - The match was fun.


Much respect for Edge pulling that off in his age. Black & Edge knew exactly what they were doing. This was about telling a story. Black played his part great. If people want to think in wrestling logic, it might not get him over. As an actor he would be.


This was a fucking travesty man as much as I love Cope they fucked Malakai up so badly


WTF are they doing with Malakai Black.


Jesus christ. Black needs to attack Jack Perry so he can go back to WWE


Black needs to leave AEW


And Miro


Miro needs to stop wrestling. He doesn't agree with creative when he's healthy so what's the point of keeping him regardless.


Nah fuck miro. He got chances and gimmicks. Starks, Malakai and Buddy have gotten nothing. They’re gone hopefully so they can have matches that aren’t full of empty seats. 


I didn't even know they were dating


Everything I've been reading about Miro over the last year or so seems to hint he's the problem there, not AEW.


Yeah, there's reports they've pitched him angles and he's shot them down because he doesn't want to lose. Also that he and his ex were the ones pushing for cuck angles.


> Also that he and his ex were the ones pushing for cuck angles. Oh... oh no.


Yet another feud where edge goes over a younger talent. Look i get its the higher ups’ choice but you can’t blame people for getting the idea Edge is politicking after 4 years of not giving anyone other than Roman who was already huge, the rub with a big win.


Black tried to leave to go back to WWE. Seems like he’s not gonna get strapped up for that reason


Lol, send him to WWE so he can job to Jey Uso and Solo Sikoa


When AEW started as an alternative, it was great seeing guys who maybe hadn’t been given a shot in WWE have a chance to shine elsewhere. Cope is kinda what’s wrong with signing ex WWE guys. I assume he’s being booked this way due to ratings and audience attendance. We know they’re dropping so it makes sense to focus on one of the biggest names in the business. But this feels a little like Hogan’s TNA where they bring in aged stars to the detriment of their own stars. It’s a fine line and it’s difficult to get the balance right, but it feels like Tony is getting it wrong. I suspect part of the problem is AEW struggles to create interesting storylines outside of title open challenges and top guys wanting to prove they are the best in the world.


I think part of the problem is top guys getting injured when working stories. Tony’s got to pivot and there’s only so much he can do on the fly to create new stories in a short time.


Sure, but by many accounts Black doesn't want to be there, and is just riding out his contract as Tony is insisting on holding him to it. There's almost no point building someone like that up. Edge at least wants to be there, and the fans love him.


To be fair to AEW, this has been a problem ever since he came back from retirement, from the Orton feud to this most recent Malakai Black program the only person that he hasn’t gone over across two companies is Roman who was in the midst of a four year title reign.


He even had Roman beat until Rollins cost him. And that was before Roman retained due to intereference every time.


Everyone had Roman beat during that reign lol


Not for the first year or so.


Big pop for Gangrel. He moved very well!


I thought nobody remembered him tho


Ngl, I thought Malakai would've bled black..


WWE/Vince had the nerve to turn down, bringing back Gangrel because "no one would remember," yet the pop he got proved he hasn't been forgotten by a long shot. So thankful thankful that Tony Khan allowed us to finally see some semblance of a Brood reunion


Still unbeaten for entrance music


AEW is made up of diehard fans. Can’t compare to WWE that has a lot of families with kids in the crowd.


WWE did Savio Vega, if you do it in the right place it'll work


This was in PR where Savio is much bigger than the WWE brand .


Ah yes, I’m sure the family crowd of WWE crowds would have popped big compared to AEW internet based fans for a wrestler who hasn’t been on television for the best part of two decades. /s


Wrestlemania tends to skew more towards smark-y type crowds, so... yeah, they would have popped for Gangrel.


Not as much as an AEW crowd would.


I mean I can see it with a lot of younger fans who weren’t around at the time. But how are people who were watching at one of wrestling’s hottest ever periods going to not remember the guy who had one of the coolest ever entrances (with a banger theme) and was an actual vampire who covered people with blood?


not everyone is 35


Tony has signed insane amount of people that he can fire 50 of them right now and the show quality remains the same.


He can hire a hundred more too and the quality would remain the same.


Yeah while watching ppv I sleep halfway through and when I get up ppv is still going on, half the matches should be on weekly tv, they are not ppv caliber matches.


lol imagine being this much of a hater.


I am not hater, I just say that half of them are not ppv matches. That death triangle match is ppv match? That moxley eliminator match is ppv match? That hook match is ppv match? Trent baretta match is ppv match? I think you didn't understand what I am saying.


Yes Yes Yes Alright, this one maybe but it's part of a feud that's starting so it makes sense.


MRW I realize HOB should have never lost the Trios Titles to The Acclaimed. https://preview.redd.it/7qdwj79fzw2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d30bde8b27018cce28503ae4fa7f4f57ee67843


What is MRW? From the picture it seems to stand for My Rectum When


My problem is less Edge winning a feud against a guy whose last real singles run was 2 years ago and more that they implied that either he would be forced to join the House of Black or takeover as a new faction, both of which are more interesting than House of Black continuing as is. Doing the less interesting story option is a choice. I'm never not entertained by House of Black but I think I'm done hoping their stories go anywhere. I'll just take their next 2 month feud as a fun ride that will inevitably end the same way.


Do we actually know that Malakai really is on his way out?? Doesn’t he have like 3 years left on his contract?


He was signed in 2020, right? The talk at the time was the deal ran for 5 years. He's likely had some time added - due to being away (if he was injured) so next year could be when his contract runs out


Halfway through 2021 he signed so he's got about another two years left if he signed a 5 year deal.


Aha you are correct, thank you. That 2020-2022 stretch is just one long year to me. Hard to pinpoint anything specific 


If only you had the entirety of the internet in your hands to verify Information before you type it… what a dream that would be. Some kind of… device.


Boy wouldn't that be something


I need to stop looking at these threads lmao. Yall act like Edge is deciding to "bury" people, as if TK doesn't do this with all of his major signings. CM Punk: 6 months undefeated Ospreay: Undefeated since debuting Danielson: 4 months undefeated I think Malakai should have won too (if he's staying with AEW), but criticize the right person here.


People want stars, Adam Copeland is a big star he shouldn't be losing as much as people want him too


Everyone knows Black is leaving, why the fuck were y'all expecting him to win a title?


Who said he’s leaving? Because last I heard, he had many years left on his contract.


He probably got granted release he’s not a big name guy compared to others on the roster he’s expendable right now & dude probably barely sees his wife just let the dude go and make do with what you got. Why lock him down for another 2/3 years ?


Barely sees his wife? Their schedule is relatively chill. He generally only shows up on Collision.


His schedule maybe but Zelina def is barely home she’s out 230+ days a year and probably does a lot of house shows with LWO. I wasn’t just talking about him specifically I was alluding to him wanting to be probably be around his wife more.


Remember when WWE was the devil and everyone thought talents like Malakai, Pac, Miro, Matthews, Keith Lee, etc would all be stars and champs and WWE was under utilizing them?


> WWE was under utilizing them? They didn't just underutilise them. They fired them.


*vince fired them Paul liked Malakai and matthews. Both Paul’s did. 


I meant before they were even released, people were saying certain wrestlers should go to AEW cause they're champ material and WWE wasn't using them properly. Almost all of these people are in the exact same position.


Is there a single one who has a better AEW run than WWE?


Swerve, Mox, Joe, Pac, Cole all spring to mind. Keith Lee is physically unable to, Miro is apparently being the problem himself, Matthews is in basically the same place.


Joe ran into the problem that Hideo/KENTA had, he was snakebitten by injuries. I can't fault WWE for him not being world champion.


Sure but that's also what happened with Keith Lee in AEW, we gotta keep it even here.


I'd definitely argue Cole's NXT run is significantly better then his AEW. Swerve, I think would have went somewhere had he stayed, be apparently he wasn't a favorite of HHH.


NXT isn't main roster though. Different argument. And "would have" isn't terribly useful. Lots of things were possible.


Pac for sure aside from injuries 


Toni Storm




In a show nobody watch though Seriously why isn’t she on Dynamite or Collision?


I always hear about her but literally never see her in any clips. Is she actually good or still learning?


Granted this was a few months ago but she was good




Swerve Strickland, Jon Moxley, and Samoa Joe all come to mind.


Moxley was wwe champion, samoe joe was also us champion, sewere Strickland was stuck in the job squad hit row and that's his right placement.


Moxley was aew world champion. Samoa joe was in a main event position but nothing beyond that.  Though tbf, Joe kept getting injured, so the e can't be blamed for that.


So you are saying being aew champion is more prestigious than wwe champion?


No I'm saying the opportunities given to mox by both promotions were equal.


Good match brother. AC /s Malakai definitely needed that rub though. Sucks to see him get buried again and again




And had the exact thing happen Cope wanted to donat WM39 but wasn't allowed to (Gangrel appearance). This was just him going through with what WWE didn't let him do.


Ahhh shoot you had to remind me that one also....


Makakai is finished in AEW, literally loses every feud.


At least he got Some singles wins. Buddy lost 9/11 of his. 


It's funny how this thread has people complaining that Edge won and that Malakai doesn't get a push while other people are mad about the match having spooky shit. Malakai's entire gimmick is just "spooky shit". His character has never had a clear motive or really anything to latch onto. I watch Dynamite pretty much every week and I honestly couldn't tell you what his deal is supposed to be. Is he just a weird Satanic cult guy, does he have real fucking magic? If he has real magic does this imply that in the world of AEW magic actually exists and is real? If so why aren't more people using magic spells to win matches? It's just really absurd as a gimmick. The whole dark magic worked exactly once in wrestling, with The Undertaker and even that had a peak decades ago before Taker mostly got rid of most of it.


DAE never really liked Malakai and WWE was right to drop the ball with him??


> If so why aren't more people using magic spells to win matches? Sir, did you miss the multiple months where Christopher Jericho was clearly casting fireball on people? The Wizard Chris Jericho? Come on now.


He's Bray Wyatt. Say some vaguely spooky shit, make people think it means something... Lose every major feud. Wish he won this, cause I think he needed it. But I don't find him interesting in the ring, his promos are always the same and supposedly he's an arse about losing to some people which is why he has so few singles matches. Dunno if the last one is true, no one does except him and management, but I know how I feel on the first two and it's just as I said. Same as Wyatt. But Wyatt was more charismatic


Bray Wyatt and Malakai Black are the elevated horror version of Kane in the way that The Babadook is the elevated version of Jason Voorhees. They're supposed to be dignified and sophisticated, but ultimately, they're just the scary monster that loses at the end of the movie.


It's like Pokémon evolution Karrion Kross


Buddy and Malakai pls go home. Pls. 


Y’all are dumb if you think edge didn’t want to lose. That was a Tony khan call.


It's funny how Edge said he wanted to go to AEW to help younger talent. By that I guess he meant just face them and put himself over lol. This is the Demon shit all over again.


You say that but if Malakai falls back to never appearing it means Copeland wanted to work with him


People acting like he didn’t do that shit all the time in his last run with WWE


I think that’s why people soured on him I mean his matches since his return were mostly overlong plodding matches. Shit he didn’t at his prime


Me explaining why it's okay for the old legend I like to always win despite me being hypocritical about it: https://preview.redd.it/vrb6fpy58w2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af438038eace0f03920666c52f722d3ab90b3145


Of course, Black lost he's gone when his contracts up and Tony knows it.


Haven’t people been saying this for about 2 years now?


Think it's actually up this year, will be interesting to see how much time Tony adds on to it from injuries and being out.


So don’t get me wrong it was cool seeing Gangrel but if you were going to bring him in it would’ve made more sense during the Christian feud due to the history between all the three men instead of bringing him back because “durrr spooky feud”


Yeah but Edge didn’t mention WWE not wanting Gangrel during that feud


Is it not a bit naff to have Gangrel come in and clean house? Gangrel wouldn’t have been someone who could clean house even in his prime


WWE didn’t want him coming in so clearly he needed to


As an attitude era goth kid I can die happy now. Hopefully Adam’s foot isn’t broken. Brood 4 Lyfe


I know this won’t go over well, but as a huge Edge fan, I’m confused and annoyed a lot of this comeback years have been doing my least favorite type of gimmick: spooky stuff. But as someone who hates “spooky stuff” gimmicks? I very much enjoy his Judgement Day and HoB feuds.


Yes Edge was his best at ultimate opportunist and we haven’t seen anything really close to that since 2009


Even more confusing when you look back to the rumored supernatural element WWE was considering adding to Judgment Day that Edge didn't want to be part of


so damn ass. malakai with the tnt title wouldve fed generations


unfortunately hes probably leaving the company. if he doesnt though, i agree and its a shame that hes never held a singles title in AEW>


Reading these comments, I need to remind everyone that Adam Copeland is NOT the booker of AEW.


so he doesn’t have creative freedom?


Creative freedom isn't deciding who wins your match, it's having a say in your character and how your feuds are built.


yep yep edge has no say on who he puts over, sure thing


Dude really thinks wrestling still has Hogans around. Which match are you even mad about, I'm looking at the list of Cope matches in AEW and you can't tell me that you're expecting Adam fucking Copeland to lose to Griff Garrison on Collision.


who said I was even mad and why the fuck is he wrestling griff garrison. If this was WWE you’d be giving him shit for not putting young guys over but now he supposedly has no say in who he’ll put over… get a hold of yourself


Yes but after so many wins in a row, something isn’t right. Like maybe he requests certain guys and he stays away from people who should get the win over him like Gunther or Swerve or Lashley or Mox.


idk it’s pretty naive to think that he’s powerless when it comes to who he puts over


Creative freedom doesn't mean deciding who wins and loses. Creative freedom is getting to decide your own character and look, and writing your own promos. Sure, you can suggest story lines, like every wrestler in every company. But you don't decide who wins and loses.


lol whatever helps you enjoy the product bud, I’m sure if edge told Tony he would put Malakai over Tony would’ve allowed it… kinda delusional to think edge has no say in his booking


We can't say that for sure. For all we know, Tony has already decided who he wants to beat Edge. If TK has already decided that, for example, Jack Perry is gonna be the one to dethrone Edge, then that's what's gonna happen. For all we know, Edge pleaded with TK to put Malakai over and TK put his foot down and said, No. You're losing to Jack Perry. But my point is that Edge is NOT the final word on how he's booked. Tony Khan is. People who have a problem with the outcome should be upset with Tony Khan and not Edge.


Nor was he the Booker in WWE.


Damn dude, 50 year old Edge beat every House of Black member in singles competition


To be fair, Edge is a huge mofo. While the numbers game is more about HoB, Edge is not an underdog. Dude towers probably the whole roster. But yeah, HoB could need the rub more. AEW could need a strong stable. Maybe they come back after that for revenge.


Farewell tour? No, fare well tour.


Lmao Edge came to bury the AEW young talent


Same thing he did in WWE. Only thing he did halfway right was judgment day and even that got better after he left. While he was there it sucked. His whole run has been awful.


Edge even buried everyone in his storyline in Vikings


Money Plane too smh


I know dude just started axing the whole settlement


Burying Judgment Day wasn't enough brother


... how did this carry on to another promotion. what are they getting out of this?


I mean post burying Judgement day became a top 2 act in WWE so... In b4 fightful select article about the entire HOB leaving the company.


It was mostly because they abandoned all spooky shit and Rhea-Dom angle.


I just love that people got tired of Edge not putting younger talent over during his last run in WWE and he's yet doing the same in AEW.


yeah its really weird. especially people saying the WWE run sucked but the AEW run is good despite them being largely the same in this respect.


Not just the young talents I hated that they dragged his feud against Christian despite Christian winning matches over matches just to have Adam get the penultimate win. That was just awkward but I fail to see how now it's doing any good for anybody who feud with him. If anything all I get from this win is that House of Black better run tf away from AEW when they can. They should jump to TNA or WWE as soon as they can because AEW isn't going to do anything with them that matters it's done (Wouldn't mind having Buddy feuding again with Mustafa Ali and giving us bangers while Malakai feud for the TNA title). House of Black is just done and done as a stable. But to be clear it's not Adam's fault if he's being booked this way


I'm really just wondering why? what's either company getting out of this? he's no draw and shouldn't be doing this.