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Yes, Rock is pulling strings. I think we’re heading for War Games with Rock and Bloodline 2.0 vs Roman and OG Bloodline incl Sami. I also believe that whatever The Rock gave Cody after Mania symbolized that Rock’s the new head of the table. I assume it will be Cody that reveals to Roman, which would be very neat storytelling.


Sami standing with OG bloodline as the last member would legit be tear worthy


I can’t imagine Sami trusting Roman again. The Uso, sure. They’re family. After what Roman put him through. But it’s wrestling so anything is possible.


Even if he wouldn't trust Roman, Sami would do it for Jey.


I did it for the uso.


I did it for the Ucey one.




I could see as Jey bridging the gap a bit, at least it terms of Sami and Roman not having to be buddy/buddy with each other, but fighting together against a mutual enemy.


Who’s the mutual enemy here? What has Sami got to do with Rock or the GOD?


Depends what they do to Kevin Owens in the next month's maybe?


I’d say they could easily develop that story with an attack on him or Owens.


Like Randy for Cody who didn’t trust Jey


And then Roman sacrifices himself for Sami in the match… https://y.yarn.co/9f0cdce9-73fc-4392-a920-15a8f04a48ec_text.gif


Will be 8 weeks of build up before Sami agrees. Great storytelling and pop will be massive.


And Kevin Owens turns heel on Sami not long after. Owens will NEVER trust Roman


That is absolutely juicy, give me Sami/KO at Mania, doing hockey punches for 2 hours, I don’t care how many matches they’ve had.


That is absolutely Ucey*


They leave the ring fighting and mania continues, but after every match we cut to Sami and KO hockey punching in different locations.


They fight all over Vegas in between Night 1 and Night 2.


Love this bc I need KO to turn heel & finally get that monster heel world title run he’s always deserved. Ik he’s been world champ before but the run wasn’t that good lol.


Roman actually apologizing would be crazy but would go a long way


Aka some overly long staring and glaring at the end of every episode.


> I can't imagine Sami trusting Roman again. CUT TO: Kevin Owens rubbing his beard in exasperation




Bro the NWO literally tried to murder The Rock in a car crash and less than a month and a half later Rock and Hogan were best buds.


Rocky knew he had it coming.


If Roman is presented a credible face, or at least not a heel, Sami will trust him even if it takes a lot of convincing. Mending that fence is basically a mandatory story beat if they intend to turn Roman face


> I can’t imagine Sami trusting Roman again. The Uso, sure. They’re family. Sami WANTS to trust Roman though. Sami wants to trust everyone. He's that guy that just wants everyone to get along. (When he's a face, obviously). He just needs Roman to give him a reason.


It's a "my friend for the night not my friend for life" situation


I think you inadvertently said it! Sami trusts Jey, Jey convinces Sami.


Roman was a jerk to Sami, but Sami was the one who attacked him with a steel chair first.


Sami attacked Roman.


It's the opposite. In the story, it's Roman who wouldn't trust Sami. From Roman's POV, he gave Sami everything but Sami was greedy and tried to destroy it all once he got what he wanted from Roman. Look at how Roman treats Seth. Roman is the one who can't forgive.


In kayfabe ig cody is the guy who gives everyone a second chance, even roman.


Sami's the quintessential dumb babyface who can't help himself. He'll trust any claim of regret or repentance. It's how he can stay friends with KO. And why he forgave Jey so easily.


What if it is Cody instead of Sami? It would make some sense storywise, but I think I'd prefer Sami.


He quite literally is best friends with Kevin Owens.


It’s the ultimate redemption for returning mega face Roman.


And then Kevin’s Owens interferes and destroys him. Time is a circle.


I don't think it would be him, but if they did it right, they could get it working well. But they need to actually have Roman return sincere. Someone who has seen that people flocked to him, and he abused them. They can't have him be tough. He needs to be vulnerable.


Rocky gave Cody back the Rolex he got as a gift.


Or The Rock gave Cody a 🌶️, bloodline rules means the winner is the new tribal chief (it was when Jay vs Roman happened) Cody pulling the strings as the trouble chief from he sidelines! (Joking but also... What if?)


I think Tribal Combat and Bloodline Rules are two different things.


How about Tribal Combat under Bloodline Rules?


Didn’t Cody outright say he gave him the watch on the Smackdown following the exchange or the one the week after? I was pretty sure that happened and I was upset they didn’t just leave it ambiguous but I could be misremembering too. A lot happened during those two weeks.


Yeah it’s weird, I remember reading confirmation that it was the watch too but I don’t remember where I heard it, if it was online or on a WWE show.


It was a report from the dirtsheets first, then in an interview, he said he bought himself, Seth and some other people that he wouldn't name all Rolex watches.


Heyman said last night that the goal of the Bloodline had to be to have Cody vulnerable, 'in check', for whenever Roman came back. Solo's response was to say not to worry, that 'we' have Cody in check already. If Cody is running things, that's one way for him to be in check...


Man, that would be some crazy shit they could either go so wrong or be incredibly awesome😆


I have been wondering if the plot line isn't that he's the new Tribal Chief, but that he has a legit claim to it and *if* he wanted to challenge for it he could. And with Roman and Rock gone, he'd win. Hence "don't break my heart boy" = "don't insert yourself into my families business no matter how bad it gets, or I'll be back."


That would be a massive heel turn and absolutely awesome. Maybe even throwing bottles in the ring at Bash at the Beach level.


That's been my conspiracy theory belief as well. Realistically Rocky is probably running the show, but I love to believe otherwise.


Yeah, I thought Cody confirmed that's what it was in a promo


I doubt rock is in the Wargames match. I think he’s filming live action Moana during that time.


Agreed. It’s possible he might be at War Games though, just not in a wrestling capacity.


Talk to me in Nov


Don't think Sami will be a part of it. It'll be Solo and the 3 Tongans vs Roman, Jey, Jimmy and Jacob.


3 Tongans? I haven't kept up with WWE in a couple of weeks but are there any rumors of Hikuleo joining them too?


His contract is apparently up in June, and since we are in June, he's likely coming. New Japan pushed the heck out of him last year, but New Japan is not doing too hot right now, and WWE just signed his brothers and put them in the biggest storyline of the past 20 years as key components. Plus, Hikuleo is like 10 years younger than both of them, so WWE would use him as a player even after The Bloodline. That said, I think he'll be called Leo Tonga in WWE.


And then don't forget Rikishi has 7 children. 3 other sons. One named Jeremiah (37), doesn't wrestle. Another named Samson. The youngest is Samson who should be 17 and 6'5. The Usos have a sister, but she doesn't wrestle. Ended becoming a model. The story may never end. Lol. Especially with Jacob and Zilla Fatu out there. They may show up time to time in Rikishi's wrestling school, Knox Pro.


WWE just becoming the place where the Anoa'i family tree just beats the shit out of each other is pretty funny.


3 Tongans?


Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Hikuleo, (and with a 1,8% chance of happening) Bad Luck Fale ***"The Underboss"***.


I don't think we'll ever see Fale in WWE. I don't think he wants to work that schedule, and he's got what looks like a successful wrestling school that he's in charge of. I'm sure he gets paid pretty well for the dates he does work in New Japan.


Is Hikuleo signed


Not yet. But his contract is up soon. And why wouldn't they go for 3/3?


Underboss? Stacks leaving The Family?


*Rock hands Cody the real victory, two early screening tickets of Disney’s hit sequel, Moana 2 - out in theaters this November*


Everybody gangsta till we get unlikely allies Roman and Cody vs. Solo and Jacob Fatu at a Saudi Arabia event


We're gonna get Cody, Roman, and Seth in Shield gear, aren't we?


It would be *insane* if The Rock was in a WarGames match.


I wonder if there's also the possibility of a Triple Threat WarGames match between Rock's Bloodline, Roman's Bloodline, & the historical enemies of the Bloodline (including KO, Randy, & Cody), similar to UE/Sanity/AOP & Strong in 2017


I just don’t see a world where the Rock would be in a gimmick match in 2024/2025. It would be dope tho


It would be perfect for him. He gets to come in last. Doesn't have to do all that much.


> I think we’re heading for War Games with Rock and Bloodline 2.0 vs Roman and OG Bloodline incl Sami. Oh please god yes. I also wonder where Jacob Fatu plays into all this


Works better as 4th of new bloodline IMO but could be either side.


Dude, that could be one of the best Survivor Series matches ever.


RemindMe! 12 months


I think that Rock gave Cody a poker chip, signifying wanting him at Wrestlemania 41 in Vegas


The subchapter is Roman, the USO’s and KO. Kevin gets shelved by 2.0 and then Sami is the one who steps in due to trusting Kevin’s acceptance of Roman.


Roman is gonna have to go down the long, long road of atonement.


Roman, Jimmy, Jey, Jacob Fatu vs Rock, Solo, Tama and Tanga if you add Sami who gills the 5th slot on the new Bloodline?


It's very notable that Solo keeps telling Heyman that he's receiving orders from "the tribal chief" but never actually mentions Roman's name. We're supposed to be confused as to why Roman is communicating with Solo and not Heyman, but I think it's pretty obvious that Solo isn't actually referring to Roman; he’s referring to a different tribal chief, who is almost certainly The Rock.


Also, just last night, when Paul mentioned Roman by name twice, Solo literally did this face lol. 🙄😠


Yeah Solo also keeps saying “I’ve been talking to HIM everyday since Mania”


Carmelo Hayes is the new Tribal Chief


Damn, my vote was for Kairi.


H1M. Damn, it was in front of your eyes the whole time. He is the one.


He's referring to God, who already helped Roman beat Finn Balor. Long term storytelling.


They're going to try pushing God now? When even is the last time he won a match?


Who is the paragon of good virtue that beat God?


The Devil in human form


It's Becky Lynch. She is the Man, after all. The male pronoun works.


imagine another "IT'S ME AUSTIN"


Hower power!


It's so funny how Solo is somehow keeping Heyman off the grid completely, Roman don't watch Smackdown so his ass has no idea 😭


Turns out Solos thumb is the REAL tribal chief!


I honestly don’t care about Roman but I’m so ready for a face Paul heyman. He legit is the greatest manager of all time and him leading the crowd in cheers “on purpose” will be legendary


I think Solo did say Roman's name in reference to this at least once though. When he asked if Paul had talked to Roman. There might be wording I'm overlooking though.


Genuinely hadn't considered that but Imma pay closer attention next time to how Solo refers to the tribal chief. Thanks for sharing this!


>what pull would he even have in kayfabe at this point? One time, Joker ran for mayor of Gotham and won because his slogan was "VOTE FOR ME OR I'LL KILL YOU". I imagine Solo's pull is something along those lines.


Ah the Putin strategy, very effective


Both Cole and Corey have been acknowledging other promotions since Vince's departure. They don't openly talk about AEW but do talk vaguely about it mostly around Cody.


They almost namedropped AEW on NXT commentary when Ethan Page showed up.


And apparently that "Isn't he in AE..." remark from Vic was pre-planned, so he wasn't just going off-script


It was timed perfectly, obviously it was planned.


Sure, but the fact that it was planned in advance when they specifically don't usually mention AEW by name, even now, is interesting


He was actually gonna say AEE - All Ego Enterprises.


This is also a good way to answer the "well if there so good, why did it take so long" question while keeping WWE positioned as the top destination and both of them being very qualified.


Rock vs Roman at wrestlemania next year could be peak if this is the story they’re building. I also want rock vs Cody though


They are definitely not doing Roman vs Rock next year, it'll be Rock vs Cody. They got A LOT more cooking with just Rock and Roman being "pals" before then: - Leo Tonga and Jacob Fatu debuting, maybe even Zilla Fatu getting hotshot - Jimmy's return - Jey getting involved - Usos reuniting - Usos vs GOD, probably in multiple matches - Usos recruiting allies - Roman coming back to calm everything down - New Bloodline turns on OG's, the big reveal with Rocky - Roman vs Solo, also probably in 3 matches - Elders FINALLY appearing - and then Roman vs Rock to end it all


'Leo Tonga', I assume, is Hikuleo?




Do you think Hikuleo's debuting as Leo Tonga? I get why WWE didn't change Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa since they're a veteran tag team, but my guess is that *if* they sign Leo, it's under a different name since since he's younger and still has time to make a name for himself Also a lot of casual fans already mix up Tama and Loa, so adding in Leo Tonga who's one letter away from Loa is just going to become way more confusing


Yeah I’d just keep Hikuleo’s name he’s the most physically distinct of three being 8 inches taller and it’s also a reference to some Tongan God


Who even are the “Elders”? Haku, Rikishi and ???


Afa and Sika probably. Go another generation up to the Wild Samoans


Heyman was telling the truth when he said it was only the third inning of the bloodline story last August


People thought he meant third inning of Roman as champ, when it’s clear that this story is gonna continue for years even without the title


I'm tired. What else is happening?


Wow you are right that's a lot of story beats for just 10 months. I hope Jimmy is back soon.


Are we going to get a face Paul Heyman? Has Heyman ever been a face before?


ECW owner Paul Heyman was a face on camera, even as he was a heel backstage to everyone he wasn't paying.


Tommy Dreamer fantasy booked quite the double turn as well


I was thinking that during his promo with KO yesterday that he’s kind of acting like a face, if only because he’s working against Solo and his bloodline (sort of). Most people think Roman will return as a face so it makes sense for Paul to straddle the line in the meantime if they plan on him sticking with Roman.


Briefly in WWECW he was. In OG ECW he was a face, I guess, but didn't get involved much but as a hype man for the company. I think the Cesaro run was kind of face too but also he was a heel at times so it was really weird and one of the reasons it failed.


They may be planting seeds for it. Normally Heyman eloquently speaks of how Roman will dominate the match, but now he’s warning people not to mess with Bloodline 2.0 and expresses anguish when they do.


Everyone know how savage Tonga Loa is. That barrage of strike on Okada went viral for a reason. He probably have a clause in his contract to make sure he doesn't do it in WWE and straight up kill someone.


Those were devastating Qi strikes, the sheer savage energy condensed into his fists and blasted at Okada in a calculated and methodical barrage of energy strikes


UFC fighters hate this one weird trick


I searched for it and damn, that shit is wild. More violent and bloodthirsty version of Tama Tonga. Those hits were life threatening.


I thought you were exaggerating but looking at the footage you were understating just how devastating those strikes were.  Im surprised they didn't have to put Tonga Loa into in real life prison for almost killing Okada with how unrelenting and damaging those hits were.




He has to resort to these strikes because he can't do a spike like Solo since his thumbs contain the same power in one strike as the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique from Kill Bill


Okada's chakra has been fucked since this match. Vishuddha point completely dead.


Can't find a video of that barrage of strikes you're talking about. Care to share, please?


Ehm sure buddy. https://www.reddit.com/r/njpw/comments/15jzr9n/tanga_loa_lays_into_okada/


OMG that was brutal! I'm surprised Okada survived that, let alone keep competing!


I appreciate you slowing it down so we could see how each if those strikes slipped Okada's defense. I shudder if I had to watch that at full speed.


Oh my gosh how does Reddit allow such savagery


....that was not what i was expecting based on how these comments were describing him


I know, everyone was underselling the brutality. No wonder Okada got up out of there into AEW, flamethrowers are a lot safer than those strikes!


Woah where’s the NSFL warning. Jesus


Aka the Tongan pressure point strikes, clown him now they may not have looked like much but in approxamitely 37 years 7 days 6 minutes and 15 seconds Okada is going to be in the most excruciating pain of his life


He completely shut off all of Okadas aura nodes, he could have died


The real reason Tanga Loa left Japan is because he’s legally registered as a lethal weapon and so has to be contained in his home country.


I can’t be the only one who noticed they had him do very little offense on camera last night right?


The people aren’t ready for strong style Tanga Loa 😤


Did they call them G.o.D? Or are they announced as tama tonga and tanga loa?


They aren't calling them GOD, I think the new name is gonna be Sons of Tonga, but that isn't official yet. I just hope they bring No Name Tim's theme over, but that ain't happening. :(


Sons of Tonga make sense as it’s a name they used before. I really hope they bring back Haku a little. It’ll be fun to see him around


He's called Tonga Loa now lol


No.. this is just a very weird flex lol.


Babyface Roman is gonna be amazing.


Anyone else wondering what's gonna happens when the Bloodline story is eventually wraps up. What the hell gonna happen to all Samoans?


they all merge together into one


Imagine the headbutt.


Namekian fusion style


I kind of feel like this story is never going to actually wrap up. It’ll be like a soap opera where new generations pop up every 2-3 year


Depends on how long this last. With all the potential add-ons plus Elders, it should last until 2026, i.e. WrestleMania 42. As far as individuals: - Roman will be a part timer that comes back for a main event now and then - Usos will be together as a now-legendary duo - Solo is someone they're trying to get over as a top heel - GOD will hang around for a bit, then retire - Jacob Fatu and Leo Tonga could be stars, since they're young and good already


And Rock wrestles twice, presumably WM41 and WM42 against Cody and then Roman


Throw in a multi-man Civil War match.


I'm good with this as long as Jey gets a well-deserved singles title run with how over he's been by himself before pairing him back with Jimmy.


> Leo Tonga I'd like to think they'd still keep the Hikuleo name as that's what he's most known for.


These guys are actually family for the rest of their lives, I don't see any way this "story" wraps up... ever. I mean we're already at the point where it's no longer the most prominent angle in WWE, it's kind of taking a backseat. When Rock and Roman are back it will be more prominent. As members of their family rise and fall in prominence we'll hear about it for the rest of our lives.


Tama & Loa don't have much mileage left at the age of 41, maybe Tama can go for a mid card title down the road or just remain a tag team with Loa until they retire/work as trainers or go back to Japan


In shoot, while Haku and his sons are not officially on the Anoa'i family tree, The Rock considers Haku family and has done for a long time. Therefore, he answers to his own elder, Haku and sends his sons to help him fully take over The Bloodline


Even before Mania, when news broke Tama had signed and people were wondering how and when he’d brought in, a lot of people just assumed he’d be added to the current (at the time) incarnation of the Bloodline but that didn’t make sense, cuz like you said the Tongans really are not part of that tree, and their connection *at best* is through The Rock (whose connections to the Anoa’is it itself a ceremonial one.)  For Roman to have brought Tama in under the guise of being family would’ve been a stretch. But for The Rock to do it, after losing faith in some members of one side of his family and turning to another side… 


>whose connections to the Anoa’is is itself a ceremonial one In Samoan culture it's as valid as actual birth relatives, though. It's similar to how families who adopt kids usually don't see that as just a ceremonial thing either. Family is family.




Some day Solo is gonna say, "I did it for The Rock"


Not sure if anybody has mentioned this but i wonder if they are specifically avoiding saying “the high chief” instead of tribal chief. The Rock is the high chief so he outranks everyone in the bloodline but it would give everything away if they mentioned that term specifically. One a side note, does it make sense for Roman to come back as a “face”? To me it almost makes more sense for him to come back as anti-hero similar to Stone Cold. This way he can still keep his heel characteristics that make him unique while also giving fans some room to cheer him as well. I also wonder if his entrance and music will be altered at all since he doesn’t have the undisputed wwe universal championship anymore. Maybe throw up the one instead of holding up his belt. If this is the case then he should come back in a similar fashion to when he attacked Bray Wyatt and just “wreck everyone and leave” but to more elevated level this time. He’s clearly still the top guy in WWE despite Cody being champion. They could really make him even more of a big deal than he currently is if they don’t f this up on his return and subsequent story right after. We are still also on the clock for Jacob Fatu (and potentially Zilla Fatu) so that’ll be interesting to see how it shakes out.


The Rocks High Chief title is a real life title whereas the Tribal Chief is just a wrestling gimmick. They’re most likely avoiding addressing him as “the High Chief “to avoid any confusion with the real life Samoan culture.


Roman can be a face badass. It's mostly just a question of having him actually respect and support his family rather than selfishly using them. And being slightly more loyal to allies.


The Tribal Chief vs The High Chief! Rock/Solo can say Roman is the tribal chief, but they have their own separate tribe!


There’s also the fact that Solo mentioned something along the lines of “we already handled Cody and he doesn’t even know it yet” (need someone to confirm what he actually said). Who was the very last Bloodline member that Cody has had any interaction with? Hope he likes that rolex.


Dunno but could see Jacob Fatu as being the new “enforcer” for a bit but who knows.


Question, what does GOD stand for?


Guerrillas of Destiny, Tama and Loa’s tag team name during their time in New Japan Pro Wrestling


TIL Vince was all that was holding back the savage Tongan invasion.


It's either Rock or Haku as the new tribal chief. I'd bank on the latter to freshen things up.


Rock makes the most sense, but Haku could work great as Rock’s wiseman of sorts. Rock doesn’t need Heyman, never did. But after losing faith in Roman, Rock starts to question that side of his family and turns to the man he considers an uncle from a different branch of his own family tree, says Reigns and the Usos are out. But I like this Solo kid. He’s gonna be my eyes and ears while I step away, but he needs backup and I think you’ve got two boys who are perfect for the job!


Good analysis


I can see a Haku Bloodline with his boys in a huge blood feud with a Rakishi Bloodline with the reunited Usos and Roman. Solo must eventually decide between his ambition and which branch of the family he wants to be with.


“Solo pulled some strings” don’t even sound right lmao


The entire roster is gonna be somoans in like a year


i noticed this a while ago. every time hayman asks if he’s talked to the tribal cheif he always says yes. i find it interesting paul has never asked if he’s talked to roman. only the tribal cheif.


I reckon The Rock is actually the new tribal chief and when Solo keeps stating to Heyman that he has “ Spoken to him “ he actually means Rock not Roman and this will all lead to heel rock face Roman match


Jacob Fatu has already been signed. He’s the next guy you’ll see come in, but I want him to be aligned with a returning face Roman.


I agree. We need to same some of them to align with Roman. If the Rock truly is in charge then Jacob, the USO’s and Roman would be four on four


Instead of declaring himself as the “head of the table” or the “tribal chief”, Rock should take up the mantle of his grandfather, the “High Chief”, by direct descendant, which would make him the chief of all tribal chiefs, right? 😏


Very cool


...So is Jacob Fatu going Bloodline 1.0 ?


I love when commentary provides further insight to what's happening on-screen rather than just rambling nonsense (Lawler) or just being a heel (JBL), in this exchange alone already we're pushing GoD as not only a big deal in Japan, but also winners.


>A potentially neat full circle moment - Solo debuted at Clash at the Castle in Wales, Leo debuts at Clash at the Castle in Scotland. I've been expecting a full circle moment as well - only with Jacob Fatu joining instead.


You may be thinking too deep. Maybe it never needed someone as high up as the rock. Maybe it only needed someone at the mid card level to "pull the strings" and WWE would bring them in. Solo is definitely at that level at a bare minimum now. In which case GOD have an even bigger axe to grind with the USOs and Roman given they could have brought them in years ago. But maybe the USOs wanted for prevent competition in the tag division and Roman didn't think he could control them (and we know how much of a control freak he is). Either direction it does go, you're right there's depth to this.


Rock is Thanos. Roman will need the help of: The Usos, Sami, and I would not be surprised if Cody helps too


Hopefully Siva Afi will be along soon too 👍