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>Or are they building up to a match at All In?? How *dare* you?




Think of the HEAT đŸ”„đŸ”„


You didn't see him as the ref at Mania did you? Only thing Ray be heating up these days is his to go container from the buffet.


In contrast to the Herculean physique he had during the rest of his career


The funny part is he's actually slimmer nowadays than he was for much of his prime. He was a hefty dude in the early 2000s.


He had that little run in tna where he was in decent shape


If you put the letter S in front of HEAT, you have my exact opinion of that match


If I don’t watch it, it can’t burn me


Go-away heat is *certainly* heat.






The PLE's are turning the frogs (into a part of the) gay (community)!!!!!!


AJ Styles: *Frustrated confusion*


Sounds just fucking like him lmao




>for a match at All In Sweet Jesus don't put that shit into the ether.


Luckily he's under WWE contract


Wasn’t RVD technically under WWE contract when he worked with AEW Or he got permission from WWE something like that


RVD has a legends contract for merch purposes, but he's still free to wrestle wherever or whenever he wants In fact, I think a couple folks with legends deals have appeared on AEW like Jake the Snake, DDP and Billy Gunn


Yeah Jake is still in the games and also all over the documentaries despite being an AEW performer.


Actually when Jake left the fed in the early 90s to go to WCW he wrote all his future rights to his image from toys and things so he can be in the WWE games since he won't get a dime.


Don't think so. You'd think WWE would give him the OK? He was advertised for an "ECW appearance" over Wrestlemania weekend, which did not end up happening. On his podcast, RVD said they retracted the invitation after he appeared on Dynamite.


https://x.com/TherealRVD/status/1691245331663699968 This is the tweet I was referencing


RVD wrestled on the 4/20 episode of AEW and was still included in WWE 2k24. Pretty sure as long as he’s not an active wrestler week after week he’s allowed to do what he wants, just anything that involves WWE they will take a cut of the profits to use his likeness.


He was getting a Mania Date lined up but afaik not under a Legends Contract


I think i know the answer but i'll ask anyway, Why didn't Bully say this when Swerve was there, right in front of him?


Bully Ray didn't say shit because, as Mr. Kendrick Lamar said best, "yousa yousa yousa BITCH!"


Problem is all that sucka shit inside his DNA


Backbone don't exist, born outside a jellyfish, I gauge




You really think Bully is that quick? Lol


"Something said! *Not good...."*


Wow Bully you’re still here? You really are slow!


"Something said! *Not good...."*


Get the hell outta here!


and his argument here is still bullshit. By his logic, Dynamite, Raw, NXT, IMPACT, Double or Nothing, and Wrestlemania are all equal. You have to pay to watch them, either through a subscription(cable for the weekly shows, peacock for PLEs) or for the single event PPV. The ONLY wrestling show that isn't the same level, based on his argument, is Smackdown, since it is on free OTA TV.


You had to pay for the tv right? And the electricity? How about the food and water for you to be able to survive so you can watch it? Bully bitch


Took his brain that long to come up with the reasoning. It was wrong and bad reasoning, but it still took him a long time to figure out.


My guess is that it wasn't Swerve that got on his nerves, but people on twitter reacting to it. As to why does he let them get in his head? Eh idk, thin skin or something


Very funny that NOW is the time Bully Ray gets all defensive about PPVs and PLEs and not while Swerve was around, you can tell he's had debates in the shower over what he wanted to say since that moment. The man is extremely gotten to over this






What's the difference? You're their all time best seller!


...Well I slept with your wife!


...His wife's in a coma


*does u-turn and peels out*


...oh yeah? Well the life support machine called...


. His wife’s in a coma.


*Camera pans out* Bully practicing into the mirror


Speaking as someone who got blocked by Bully Ray on Twitter over one of his moronic takes, I can say with actual experience that he is one of the dumbest, defensive, moronic, out of touch nerds in the business.


*\*Go be a fan intensifies*\*


By his logic isn’t RAW a PLE since you have to pay the subscription to cable to watch it? I can’t fuckin stand Bully, man.


No it's a PPV. Keep up, man!


>I can’t fuckin stand Bully, man. So while I'm aware he did stuff in TNA or something that I'm sure was very impressive to somebody, it amuses me greatly how this absolute fucking D-lister of a wrestler spends his days sitting around acting like the font of wisdom for the younger generation. It's wild.


Hey that's not entirely fair. The Dudley Boys are one of the most over tag teams in wrestling history, drawing tons of money over a 20+ year career that saw them working all across the world. Bubba can be a dingleberry but we shouldn't belittle his contributions.


I'm not denying the Dudleys were over, but being one half of the 4th most popular tag team of the Attitude Era, which was over 20 years ago, does not give him the standing to be the level of dingleberry he is.


It's going on 30 years now


Pls stahp


I don't care that they made money for their various employers lol. As a fan that's not a metric I understand caring about. They had some iconic promos and moments, great matches as a big part of maybe the best tag scene from any promotion, and were absolutely integral to ECW and the attitude era into ruthless aggression. But how much they lined Vince and Heyman's pockets does not move me one bit.


I think Bubba is an idiot, but I'd be a huge liar if I said I didn't pop for 'GET THE TABLES!' whenever I watch an old show or something.


Ray is not used to targets that can talk back to him


Debates in the shower, I'm gonna steal that one that's perfect hahaha


Just a reminder that Bully Ray said that Jon Moxley should have apologized to the fans for taking time off to go to rehab. Why anyone still listens to this fraud is a mystery to me.


What kind of prick do you have to be to think that? Mox getting sober is FAR more important than him showing up on AEW red and bloated.


> Just a reminder that Bully Ray said that Jon Moxley should have apologized to the fans for taking time off to go to rehab. Obviously it's an incredibly shitty take in of itself but even further to that, Mox's return promo was so incredible I can't imagine wanting anything different. >Why anyone still listens to this fraud is a mystery to me. Unfortunately the crowd he's trying to pander to is apparently a profitable one, it boggles my mind that cornette has such a following but sadly there's a lot of those creeps.


Even when he’s not being an asshole he’s just making the most obvious surface level observations ever.


lol Mox was so damn good when he came back too. He looked great, didn’t lose a step in the ring
almost as if that time off was really good for him. 


Even told that guy in the audience to fuck off!!


Swerve got this man shook.


People kept saying "This is really not a big deal" but they didn't realize this is a huge deal for Bully Ray, this guy is still seething!?


and another thing: im not mad. please dont put on the radio that i got mad.




It's hard to say because he's often said that with his thick New York accent, no matter what he says, he sounds like an asshole. And to be honest he's right. New Yorkers sound like total dicks no matter what they say.


That's because their accent isn't the issue. It's their tone


In Bully Ray's case, it isn't the tone, it is that he is an asshole.


I live in & was born/raised in the Bronx & disagree completley. Most of the time that's just what dicks say to excuse their actions.


The boogeyman of wrestling for sure


i thought that was The Boogeyman


Which means he’s one of the good ones


Swerve lives rent free in his head, one could say Bully's head is ... Swerve's house. ![gif](giphy|kPIswn0RfPTGxOvDj5|downsized)


It’s not hard to get him shook


Regardless of the semantics, Swerve is right to avoid using the PLE term since it's branding invented by WWE PR. Just look at how weird a bunch of losers got the other day because AEW dared to use a QR code on Dynamite.


If Swerve ceded that point, next thing you know Bully Ray would be referring to the AEW Universe rooting for their favorite Superstars to get Championship Opportunities.


Swerve should have sent Bully to the Local Medical Facility


This may sound weird but I cringe pretty hard when I hear someone say PLE because it’s such a WWE branded term. I don’t know why it hits my ears so wrong, probably because I grew up hearing “pay per view.”


Hearing someone refer to PPVs, even the WWE ones, as PLEs still feels like when someone calls Twitter 'X'. C'mon man, can we take the corporate cock out of our hands are speak like humans?


That is the correct reaction


Swerve broke Bully. What a day!


Why is he so fucking loud and obnoxious? I would have just stopped talking. He wouldn’t even let LaGreca get a goddamn word in.


![gif](giphy|BT0rUpCcIaiEbjmsTc) Thats just New York




It's probably cause he wanted to get in his snipe and move on feeling like he won. When he got pushback pointing out he was being a petty bitch, he got defensive.


I have no idea why but clearly there are enough people out there who want this sort of shit. There wouldn't be several dudes doing it otherwise.


I love how he’s the one who brought it up again all snarky and when they try to correct him *again* he’s all MOVE ON MOVE ON😭 what a baby


I love that Bully's whole gimmick is "Hardest, baddest, most dangerous man in wrestling" yet seemingly everyday he shows he is anything but.


I thought his gimmick was "stuttering idiot with a table fetish"?


No that was before he reinvented himself so he could shit up the main event scenes in TNA and ROH. I dare anyone to tell me they enjoyed his year long feud with Cheeseburger and Flip Gordon in 2018.


I will never forgive him for destroying Mark Haskins's ROH run


He was actually pretty great as a main eventer in TNA, I really enjoyed that run and I say that as someone who was pretty skeptical of him as a solo act at first. I didn't really watch ROH when he was there but I've never heard anything good about that time so I won't try to defend that.


Tbf “Softest, most sensitive man baby” isn’t a gimmick likely to sell those sweet ad spaces


Bully should just be a fan. Never gonna get over that


“Go be a fan,” he said as he booked ROH out of business.


That whole situation was both ridiculous and silly clown shoes but also fucked up beyond belief...


He's the human version of an AEW concern troll.


Can you watch a premium live event if you do not pay for the subscription? https://preview.redd.it/fh3okvbe355d1.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f2eeb2f0ef8aab8ce379d479ccce28388c8b238




[THAT'S FUCKING ILLEGAL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufWMFLjvDTQ)


đŸŽâ€â˜ ïž ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


Can you watch Raw or Dynamite if you don’t pay for cable? Might as well call everything a PLE


Gotta pay for electricity to stream it too, so even if you pirate it you paid for the PLE.


If you share a peacock login with someone who gets it through their cable provider you can get them for free without sailing the seas. Not to come off as an ad or whatever justing pointing out another way Bully is an idiot


Yeah it’s stupid. I don’t even have cable but get peacock for free through Comcast and can watch the PLE’s with commercials. He’s just flat out wrong.




The fact that there are people that actually care about what Bubba Ray thinks is equal parts hilarious and depressing.


you think thats bad; just wait until you see the amount of people who have "degrees" from Cornette and are proud to display them in their homes like some badge of wrestling fandom honor


I hope you're kidding but in my heart I know you're not


[I think they are talking about this thing:](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EpEeX_qXMAAjMVR?format=jpg&name=large) Basically a cringe autograph.


Oh my god it's like a qanon pledge for wrestling gatekeepers


Nah ain't no way dawg 😭


For the people asking if this is real, he sells a "membership certificate" into the "Cult of Cornette," and it's really just a gimmick to sell cheap autographs. https://www.jimcornette.com/official-cult-of-cornette-membership-certificate.html


No way that's real, that would be hilarious. 


Nah you lying lol. Ain’t no way in hell that’s real




I don't think he understands what Pay Per View means in a literal sense. He explains the difference and then says that doesn't matter because you're paying for it either way. It's not an important thing but there is a difference. Really weird to get worked up over something so insignificant but I guess that's to be expected in the podcast landscape


Man I've had arguments with some of you on this subreddit that nobody took as seriously as Bully Ray is taking Swerve correcting him. And I'm including arguments about CM Punk, WCW, politics, Jim Cornette, The Rock, my unending loyalty to Matt Taven, Tony Khan tweets, ratings, Meltzer tweets, Russo opinions, wrestlers who one of us thinks are overrated or underrated, different styles of wrestling, and angles from forty years ago. So I guess we should all congratulate ourselves because at least we're not Bully Ray.


https://preview.redd.it/sub6jpknx55d1.png?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e67d2555526a29c373ea48ff7e5464dbaba4d18 separated at birth? Quite possibly.


That resemblance is uncanny.


15 seconds of it and already I have no idea how people can listen to this


I don't know how anyone listens to this garbage


a day that ends in Y means Bully ray has a shit on AEW because they didn't hire him quota to fill


I don't follow Busted Open but am I right to assume it's just a bunch of people who want to stir the shit of the wrestling community?


Not really it rarely gets aggregated nowadays and is mostly geared towards boomer casual fans


Not really. It’s just a show that talks about wrestling. It’s more presented as a normal sports talk radio show, but with pro wrestling as the subject matter instead of pro sports. Their analysis usually extends to storyline beats, and what they feel does and doesn’t work on TV. It’s much less “back in my day” than Cornette. But it’s still analysis by a bunch of dudes who’s prime was in the 90’s and 00’s. This sub doesn’t like the show, and that’s fine. I don’t listen to it on Sirius, but I will put the podcast on sometimes if I feel like listening to wrestling talk while I’m driving. Bully Ray can be a twat a lot of the times, but he does occasionally make good points as well. Tommy Dreamer is very
okay most of the time. LaGreca is the epitome of markdom, and sometimes it’s entertaining and sometimes it’s very cringey. Thunder Rosa, Nic Nemeth, Denise Salcedo, and Mark Henry are all generally pretty solid hosts, IMO.


You hit the nail right on the head.


The funny part is, on Twitter, he kept getting defensive saying Swerve didn’t “dunk on him” and that AEW loyalists were being negative and were a real problem. Now this.


Today I learned podcasts are PLEs too because I have to pay for internet. This legit sounds like AI it’s so stupid


Dude I’m wearing sketchers. I BOUGHT these shoes. My feet are a premium live event.


Dude I’m a Premium Live Employee since they pay me a salary


If WWE ever goes back to a PPV model and still keeps calling them PLEs, watch this buffoon obnoxiously gloat that he was right all along because we know this is eating him alive right now. He's never going to forget about it lmao.


Primary reason why I never listen to Busted Open: the pointless yelling. I work with children. I get no enjoyment from listening to adults yell and act like children.




The Bully Ray interview is the moment Swerve became our Champion. His biggest victory yet.


Premium Live Event is a new WWE term and it doesn’t apply to AEW, who has a traditional PPV model. It’s like having to say AEW superstars instead of AEW wrestlers.


I love when the older generations talk about wrestlers today being soft but then throw a temper tantrum over something like this


So true, From listening to many interviews from old timers, whom were the "badasses of them days" they seem way to overly sensitive compared to the new generation.


He's gonna be hanging on that from now until the end of time. His ego is that fragile. We could one day have sentient heads in a jar like Futurama and Bully Ray's melted, CTE-riddled brain will still be yammering about "premium live events".


Nobody but Bully Ray would want that match


Bully is Anti-Semantic


Swerve was right, though. You are paying for a subscription service, but the event is simply a part of the service. That would be like saying a football game that's on Peacock is a pay per view because "it's the same thing."


An AEW PPV is a one-off. WWE PLE’s are part of a package. With an AEW PPV, you *pay per view.*


Bubba is a meathead dumbass. By his logic, Busted Open is a pay per listen podcast because you have to pay your internet service provider or cell phone provided to be able to go on the internet. Someone go back and tell Paul Heyman in the 90s he was promoting ECW Premium Live Events.


Lmaoo Swerve broke Bubba


My god is Bully Ray soft lmao


"Can you watch a PLE if you don't pay for a subscription?" Absolutely. I get Peacock included with my Internet, people get Netflix included with their providers, so on and so forth. You don't necessarily need to pay for a subscription to still get one. But, AFAIK, there's typically no avenue to not pay to watch a PPV outside of being a sea-faring adventurer. I can't believe how pressed he is over this.


Hey Bully, are people paying for an individual PLE? No? It's built into a subscription? Then it's not a Pay PER VIEW now is it? It's a simple ass concept my guy.


People were saying, “it’s not a big deal”/“Bully didn’t make it a big deal” when the original clip was shown, but if you’ve seen Bully Ray talk for more than 20 seconds, you can tell when that thin-skinned goober was seething. He didn’t have the balls to cut a promo on Swerve but it’s obvious this man has been arguing in the shower for days over how worked up he got.


I had one interaction with Bubba Ray and he went out of his way to be deliberately stand offish and acted like he didn’t want to be there. This was a paid signing 😂.  I think the term PLE is silly but I get it. PPV you’re paying for a single event. PLE is more than likely coming part of a service you’re signed up to. My mum has Peacock so she could technically watch a WWE show. She does not




Anyone who actually uses the term PLE is a narc.


A part that was being overlooked by Bully is the "per" in pay-per-view. It's not "pay-*to*-view", it's "pay-*per*-view". The name of the model describes the customers literally paying for each view of the event. It's technically been an outdated piece of terminalogy for a while. With the dawn of video-on-demand, you could now view an event you paid for multiple times afterwards without paying for each viewing session. Still, the customer would purchase access to watch the event the same way as before. "Pay-Per-Event" would be a more accurate description of what the PPV model has been since the arrival of video on demand. "Premium Live Event" is more accurate for WWE's model because you pay for a subscription and get access to all their major wrestling events as long as you are subscribed. The term "pay-per-view" could make potential customers think they have to pay for each one of WWE's individual events. You cannot purchase them individually even if you wanted to. I know people are suuuuuper sensitive to WWE pushing their own silly terminology on people because Vince did that for years for seemingly no reason, but this is an actual necessary change. A company like AEW should continue to use PPV because it most accurately describes their business model for selling the viewing of their major wrestling events, but WWE should use something other than that (they chose PLE) because you pay for a subscription service and its events are not sold individually. Simple as that.


The thing is... by Bully's logic everything bar Smackdown is a PLE. And even then you gotta pay electricity to get Smackdown. Hell RAW's moving to Netflix. That's the same thing. Every RAW isn't a "PLE". What makes an event premium anyway?


My problem is the wording. "Premium Live Event." It's just so empty sounding. Premium adds nothing but corp speak so is pointless, and the Live part doesn't mean much when Raw (similar in length) and Smackdown are also live. Network Special, which they used for a bit for things like Beast in the East, wouldn't really work without the WWE Network (and suggests TV anyway). Maybe something like Streaming Event would be better?


Premium is there to differentiate it from a Raw or Smackdown. It is corporate speak but there's a reason it's there




Be pedantic all you want about the literal meanings of the words but the term PLE was clearly invented by WWE to convey the fact that they are different from PPVs which traditionally are $50 each for a one time viewing. It might be ambiguous wording if you want it to be that way, but the intent is pretty clear.


"I'm not owned! I'm not owned!" Corncob, etc.


God I wish this guy would just go the fuck home. He’s THE WORST. He’s what made me stop watching Impact while he did his last run there.


just so bully ray knows, Most Xfinity/Comcast subscribers were getting Peacock complimentary at no extra charge. ive watched wrestlemania the last few years. Wiuldnt have paid for it. But I have willingly spent $50 on each AEW PPV dating back to DoN 2021.


fucking alex jones soundin ass. Imagine being this pedantic


Tommy Dreamer is an instigating bitch here and I love it.


Lmfao this man is an idiot. Pay Per View, you're literally paying to view one live event per purchase.


The thing is, there IS a difference between the two. A Pay Per View is a harder sell. $50 for a single event, even if you can rewatch it, is a big ask in this era. Comparatively, Peacock is $12 for the ad-free version. You get the event, you get prior episodes of the show, and you get a ton of other non-wrestling content. It's not a distinction without a difference, why's he so upset about it?


Swerve corrected him about it the other day and Bully... yeah he's got a history of not taking things like that well.


No I remember that, I just don't get why he was bothered at all. There's a difference, its not like we're saying PPV vs PLE because it's WWE terminology.


What a silly fucking goose he is. PPV and PLE are meaningfully different terms, business-wise. A PPV is a standalone purchase, it **is** the product. A PLE is a value-added service to another product. It isn't something you purchase, it's something that exists within another service to entice you to purchase or subscribe to *that* service. It's like saying a video game and a DLC pack are the same thing, they are not.


This is the hill to die on now? Should we start calling AEW fans the AEW universe and use other WWE coined terms as the acceptable standard? I ditched busted open and stick to post wrestling so I don't lose brain cells over nothing.


The sawftest 50 year old baby you ever did see. All those podcast middle aged warriors are like this.


Bully is such a clown, and I usually go out of my way to avoid anything he's involved in. But this has to be the dumbest, most insignificant debate ever. And the fact that he's so hung up on it shows what a clown he is.


Blubber Ray can call his verbal diarrhea "a work" if he wants. But when you're a washed up, out of shape, middle aged, lead-addled, CTE courting, woman beating loser that hasn't had a competitive match since the Obama administration, these "works" just become pathetic ramblings from a has-been midcard lifer desperate for people to remember him. Thats the bottom line. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Bully's just fuming over having to sell his assets to support Sandy Hook victims


Sorry AEW is never signing you Bully Ray.


Please do not manifest that destiny. It was bad enough when he ruined RoH, and Impact. Keep that waste of space away from an AEW ring


"premium live event" was a fucking JOKE term to everyone with sense when it was announced, and now dweebs like Bully fall all over themselves to perpetuate it.


Yes it got laughed at, but like most things it just got accepted. If WWE wants to use their own terminology, that's fine! The rest of the industry doesn't need to follow suit and adopt the lingo! No other company needs to call their matches "triple threats" or "fatal four ways," or refer to the jumbotron as a "titantron." Those are WWE terms and there's nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't need to spread to everywhere else.


Looking beyond the obnoxiousness
Dave and Tommy’s push back was terrible. Just say, “you can pay once and view any PLE unlimited times for a month. For a PPV you have to



Based on that dumb fucks logic then a gallon of milk at the store is the same thing as a pay per view cuz “YoUrE paYiNg FoR BoTh.” A PPV is an event you specifically buy, a PLE is a special event on a subscription platform but not necessarily why you bought the subscription, not hard to differentiate.


Match at all in? The only heat that would get is from the friction of Rays thighs chafing as he walks.


Bully just seems like the guy to be mad either kayfabe or not. The man seems to have a short fuse.


Was worth having Swerve correct him if it keeps gnawing at him like this


Pay-per-view seems distinguished from premium live event in the title alone. That’s like saying the Tom Brady Roast was a ppv.


I swear Dave LaGreca yells into his mic til it statics out, Dreamer talks so soft you can't hear half the time and Bully has the right volume til he gets worked up lol I still listen to em all the time tho. This is not a new issue lol


JFC. It is in the name and names have meanings. It is not a 'thing you have paid for' PPV = Pay Per View You paid for it and got to watch it once. You literally Paid Per View of the show. If they ran a reply the following week, you had to pay again. On Peacock or whatever, I pay a monthly subscription (similar to cable or Netflix) and get access to a certain set of items. One of those items are Premium Live Events. So more like a Pay Per Subscription Period For Unlimited Views.


Look I’m okay with everyone saying this is corny but we had people in this very sub hyping up Ospreay yapping about a HhH podcast comment (maybe) about Ospreay for like 2 months after the one comment was made. Energy needs to be consistent


If I watch a movie on Netflix—did I rent the movie?


Exactly Bully Ray. You pay for the subscription, not the view. He's literally explaining the difference


People don't understand that words have meaning outside of technicality?  The only issue here is one day on a whim Vince McMahon decided to rename something that, regardless if it's the perfect fit for every circumstance or not, already had a name that people understand what was and what wasn't.  And even though is completely ridiculous and unnecessary... a bunch of braindead people decided to change their vocabulary because he said so.  But just because you are high...the rest of the world doesn't get high with you. 


Sooner take a cheese grater to my balls in front of a bored Impact Zone crowd than see Bully on AEW