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She’s never not on go mode


Chelsea is on the "remember in the Attitude Era when wrestlers could take a minute of screen time and run with it" Hall of Fame


R-Truth is the inaugural inductee.


Santino has to be a first ballot inductee as well


Santino can’t be in there. His debut match was a victory against Umanga. And he won the IC title.


Inaugural, no. But up there in performance with Crash Holly, yes.


So, would your say she's Alwayz Ready?


YOU KNOW IT! Srsly tho, Chelsea can absolutely go as a wrestler, her in ring work as Reklusa was absolute [Fire](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/hJ7Agya1Hq), she can work the camera and promos as well as anyone, she should be pushed to the moon and at the main event spot in 2 years.


Chelsea would absolutely shine if she pulled the rug from a Babyface who is quickly ascending to world title contention & prolonged their chase, which is probably why I'd definitely want her to be a MITB holder at some point


> I'd definitely want her to be a MITB holder at some point Her and Stratton are two of the most popular choices to win the briefcase next. Currently, Tiffany is of course built up better in terms of credibility but both of them have great characters that would definitely make for an entertaining period as a MITB holder. I can see both of them have customised, bedazzled briefcases as well (especially Tiffany). But hear me out: what if they are dual-winners? Imagine they somehow both manage to win it e.g by both holding onto it and falling down from the ladder at the same time. That would be something fresh and could have a storyline that forces them to be on the same page. Heck you can even have them agree to a schedule in terms of who has the briefcase that week. Shenanigans will ensue when they try to make the most out of their time with the briefcase, and also when one of them doesn't follow the agreement. Could result in a match for the permanent ownership of it too. Tbh I think Tiffany is a stronger favourite to win MITB but a situation like this would be a new twist.


Absolutely, people forget or don't even know she was a Knockouts Champion, that already had a strong core group of female talent. She's a working mother fucker, and ain't afraid to take a whipping. She just had such bad luck in NxT, broke her wrist twice, and her booking wasn't that great because she kept getting hurt. Happy to see her getting another shot in WWE.


I'm sorry man but that's just a collection of her diving and taking a million Indy starter pack moves. Now that's not to say she can go, I know she can but that's not really the highlight package to show it.


I feel like she and Toni Storm don't just love wrestling, they love *performing*, and we're better off for it.


It’s kind of crazy because before her current gimmick Toni was pretty generic as far as a character went. 


It is a bit wild. She managed to make something pretty rad with the Timeless character. I think she nailed the 90s WWF feel with it, which probably explains why she’s my favorite character to watch with promos. And that feel is a reason why I’ve loved NXT more than almost any other brand for the most part lately. There’s a lot of misses for all of the hits, but it’s just *fun* to watch. Sometimes I don’t need wild, serious drama. I just want to laugh and slap my knee at some silly jokes.


Maybe it speaks a little more for Chelsea since she’s not a title holder, but I think it applies to Toni, too. They seem to care about the whole umbrella of wrestling outside of themselves, and that makes the entire presentation better. I love Timeless as champ, but I want to see what she does when she’s not one. I bet it could be even more entertaining.


Yep. And she has been for *years*. Even on Tough Enough, she commanded every minute of TV she was on.


She's a gem, give her that MITB briefcase - her mic work, her charisma, her looks are all off the charts, her in ring work is also not bad either! Keep Piper with her though <3


As least Piper is being used in a consistant basis, which is more than what she's had before. And she rightfully deserves it too.


Both ladies deserve their props!


I was blown away by her promo last night. Always knew she was good, but that really made me feel like she can be a main event player


I don't see why not. She'd be great against Rhea, her and Nia, Jade, Bianca. She deserves to be more than a jobber. Chelsea too.


She puts a smile on my face, as soon as she appears. Same with Ariana Grace.


The executives behind know that they both share the same energy and vibe. That's why they put them on 2 segments together when Chelsea went to NXT. Arianna seems to have got some hilarious acting talent from her dad.


Chelsea said in an interview she wants a faction with her, and then a couple of weeks later had the segment. Chelsea could lead a group for sure


What's hilarious and surprising is that this Indie queen has had matches in legit every promotion-even AEW- against the likes of Penta- has taken threatening bumps, but she told CVV that she feels she belonged to the Divas era. And it's her choosing that she's been doing this annoying Karen gimmick.


She's very committed to portraying that character. [A story she told Ryan Satin about the 2023 Rumble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDdj86F2RdE) gives a good example of how she wanted her return to be the debut of her character rather than just the return of Chelsea, as other returns had played out in prior months: >I was at the Royal Rumble, and I believe it was about 1 pm that I saw on the internet that 'Chelsea is going to debut with a Karen character', and I went up to someone and was like 'wait, what is this? I'm coming out tonight for the Royal Rumble and I'm me [as herself rather than a gimmick], is this, what is happening?", and they came back maybe a couple of hours later and they were like 'yeah, we'll deal with that, you know, once the Royal Rumble's over, we'll sort out how your character's going to be", and I was kinda like "well, I wanna start it tonight. If I don't win this thing, when I get out of the ring, I'm gonna start being a Karen", and so I just did it... [after mentioning being tagged on Twitter about it that day] I'm so thankful that I asked, and I felt stupid for asking because it could have totally been made up, but I just needed to know. For me, if I'm gonna be a character, I'm gonna be that character, you will not catch me out of that character on camera, so I wanted to start it the minute that I could, and if that meant when I got eliminated, if that meant when I won, if that meant when I did my entrance, I wanted to be Karen.


Wow. Then I'm thankful to the one who started the rumor of her returning with a Karen gimmick. Because she really owned it 100%. She's built for it.


Not entirely of her choosing. She had heard people on the internet say she would be doing a Karen gimmick but the WWE didn't know what to do with her yet, she was just somebody else to be on the roster. But she decided to play into the expectations at the Rumble and get it over as soon as possible. Another tip in addition to " Maximize Your Minutes ". Be who the audience will identify you as. If you look like Roman Reigns, don't waste time trying to convince the audience you are a scrappy underdog. Just go out there and be the bad-ass they are assuming you are.


Heeding that last part would help a lot of wrestlers, especially in AEW.


Cough *hook* cough


The two of them with Piper as their muscle would definitely work.


Whos her dad


Santino Marella.


2 Canadians too. Let's go eh!


She has mastered the art of always doing something. She's always acting/reacting with her face or body in a way I've never seen anyone else do. Her physical charisma is off the charts. Plus, she does it in a way that if you're looking at her, her actions add to the scene but if you're paying attention to something else her actions don't distract you from the other person or thing youre paying attention to. (Unless distraction is the goal at that moment) and that's before you get into her self deprecating humour and comedic timing which is impeccable too. She has a genuinely rare talent and she's clearly worked hard on it so good for her it's paying off big time now.


It might be that skill which also explains how she seems to form instant chemistry with tag partners or who she's working with in a scene. [She talks a little here](https://www.postwrestling.com/2024/02/08/chelsea-green-says-acting-career-remains-a-big-goal/) about how important acting is for her.


This is something that my theater teacher has always told us from the beginning: even if you're not speaking, don't just stand there staring lol. And this is something incredibly hard to do especially if you're an introvert or an overthinker (oh god, what do I do with my face, what do I do with my hands) but once you nail it, it immediately makes you more believable as an actor.


One of the first things you learn in theater is that acting is all about *re*acting.


I noticed this skill during her segment with Piper & Bayley last night. She looked pretty hilarious hyping up Piper, but I can also notice a bit of her getting annoyed while Piper took control of the promo & it made me also take note of Piper brushing her off as well.


I feel like Paul Heyman is doing this at the same level. Whenever I watch Bloodline segments/matches, I like to rewind and watch to see what Heyman is saying/doing when he's not the focus of the scene/match. It's always on point/character, and it is often hilarious.


I mean Paul Heyman is the GOAT. No one can match him. Absolutely no one. When I made this thread, I meant wrestlers.


Over the top, scenery chewing Chelsea is the best Chelsea. Us Van Ness Maniacs know.


I liked the throw hands with Penta Chelsea a bit more. But this is great too


Real ones remember TNA Laurel Van Ness


I vaguely remember something Batista once said. It was something like: "I got advice from Jim Ross that I've used my whole career. *\[Batista gestures to his face.\]* This is your best storytelling tool." In other words, the best in-ring storytellers are the ones who can say a lot with their expressions. Chelsea Green is an example of that. This clip has no audio, yet I have a pretty good idea what's happening.


John Cena also belongs in that category. His facial expressions were great in his past matches as a storytelling device.


I remember an interview with Regal where he said he pulls all those exaggerated mean mugs because he knows he isn't gonna move the face merch. But when the little kid needs a villain toy to have his John Cena toy beat up, they will surely remember the mean old British dude making the insane faces.


This made me think of the Austin picture from WM13. Well said.


Chris Jericho told Daddy Magic that same thing on Rampage!


She would be a very entertaining Ms. MITB this year.


I've been advocating for that since the start of the year. MITB is in Canada. Her home. And she could be a very entertaining prospect. Runs to the ring with her briefcase. "Are you sure you wanna cash in?" "Umm..you know what...NO" *walks out*


It'd be a fun tool to have her just walk out during championship promos and matches, do something entertaining and leave. Like Theory but without being cucked out of winning for months on end.


This is sort of what they did with Carmella, they just fumbled the actual cash in a bit. The ref kept checking with her and it came off looking like he didn't understand the concept of a cash in. It was supposed to be that the ref didn't believe she was going to go through with it this time since she kept doing this "Carmella That Cried Cash-In" thing for months, nearly costing herself her best chance to actually cash in.


They fumbled or was it intentional? Because by God, that is one of the most hilarious moments in WWE history!


I want this to happen just so I could see her extremely bedazzled briefcase.


Many in this sub wrote her off for so long.


Same with Dominick and a million others.


She’d have been an amazing third for the IICONICS


The IICONICS still to this date have the funniest backstage interview. [Had Cathy Kelly fighting for her life.](https://youtu.be/7efz2cMmVDk?si=9XIBqz1U4Xnrocj0)


Cathy on the edge mere moments after they open their mouths


"Captain obvious here..."


She asked the question in such an unprofessional way. She go to journalism for that? You gotta be JOKIN' me!


To be fair, Peyton broke and Billie even needed a second there. Just an all time segment.


Man, I miss The IIconics, ay.


She literally watched their segments and said, "Yes"


Omg yes. I miss The Iiconics




She is a lot funnier and a lot better actor than they are. There is said it


She is like the closest thing to musical theater level of over the top always acting but in a digestible and lovable way.


She's been one of the best performers since coming back at the Rumble last year. She's stayed healthy, and has been gold in every segment and match she's been in. Even with, like you said, limited time. She's a low-key MVP of the women's division.


That's especially what makes this run she's on so much better to see. Her first run in WWE was just so snakebitten, she never had the chance to get any momentum rolling. She's taken this second chance and has not ever looked back.


Chelsea Green vs Tiffany Stratton is a world title level feud for me for this exact reason. When you account for TV time/booking related stuff, Chelsea has been my favorite performer on the roster for a while now


She's SO fucking funny.


That outfit alone last night geez. She’s hot, hilarious, and talented


I call this the "Steve McQueen in The Magnificent Seven" technique: being so charismatic with every facial expression and body movement you make every time the camera is on you, that everyone is naturally drawn to you, even if you're in the background most of the time.


Kyle O'reilly used to do this in NXT whenever Undisputed Era was on camera. The camera would be on Adam Cole but I would always be looking at KOR cos of his facial expressions and mannerisms. Chelsea is hilarious. I love her work.


I never expected Chelsea Green to be the mvp of her Tough Enough class.


if she was born 100 years ago she'd be the greatest silent movie actress of all time


Looking forward to her feud with Toni Storm


I kinda love that it all started with Chelsea being intimidated into giving Piper the tag team championship, and now they are actual besties


They've been besties since wrestling in Japan together actually.


Not on WWE TV


She would make for an excellent long Honky Tonk Man style reign if a Women’s Intercontinental Championship ever came to be.


I really want her to win a solo title. I think she's be delightful with it. I don't care if they have to invent a women's Midcard belt to do it lol. She's so much fun.


I'd say Kairi Sane is the best at doing it just because of the sheer LACK of time she gets but Chelsea's doing a great job too! What this means is - HHH please give the women more time.


Yeah. A midcard women's title would do wonders. I'm still grateful that the women's division is at a better place than it was before WrestleMania, especially cuz the Tag Titles are with a premium team who get featured weekly and on PLEs, and Nia Jax has performed well so the midcard has something to look after other than just the titles. Women's division should feature more feuds without titles- like HBK does.


QOTR really helped with the womens division, especially on Raw. Established Lyra and Iyo wrestling weekly is always a good thing.


Never knew much about until her WWE signing but now she's a highlight whenever she's onscreen, she always gets a chuckle out of me. She is tremendous at maximising her minutes and a great character actress.


thought I was in r / Wrestle Hub


unironically my favorite thing about wwe tv every week and i am very mad that they swapped her to the show i don't watch. i was already barely watching raw and now that she's not on there it's like what's the point


I want to see her lead a stable of overreacters. Arianna grace, Thea hail, etc.


she makes me miss the Iconics but mostly Billie Kay. When they split them and were giving Billie nothing she was still going 100% and having some viral-ish moments. and now i just want a group of the three bullying people while hiding behind Piper.


She reminds me of The IIconics. I miss The IIconics.


Perpetually serving Cunt (endearing)


She reminds me of Jessica Alba


She is funny, and damn gorgeous as well. She needs to be on tv alot more


Super talented in ring and facial expressions are hysterical, def a star that needs to be showcased more


Shes fantastic


Arianna Grace is a close second, though.


When those two interacted on NXT a few weeks ago it was absolute magic. I can't wait for more of that!


I commented about this on another thread a few months back. She is absolutely my favorite right now. I don’t care if she ever wins another title. this might’ve been my favorite segment with her and Piper. It would be sick to see Piper win and let Chelsea say “we are champ” similar to the Christian storyline in AEW. Love Bayley too though so it’d be tough to see it happen.


Really hope she gets Money in the Bank. She would kill it.


with piper as a diesel type muscle.


You can try (and fail) to be a Cena or be a Miz and she's the best Miz in the company other than the genuine article. She carved out a niche. Other wrestlers have to chase credibility, but Chelsea just needs to get a response, which she does.


Last year Miz said how he used to ask for advice to others on how to stand out, but at WM38 Chelsea reached out to her on what to do extra to stand out.


She's a national treasure


Just a total package...Her and Tiffany are going to be fun together when they start interacting


I’ve been saying that she’s one of the best on the current roster when it comes to facial expressions and emotions. Her comedy is top tier. Her in ring work is pretty good. Great staple on the Women’s Roster right now.


I just need to comment positively on every thread about Chelsea. Love her. Obsessed. Feel the same way about Piper. Queens 🖤👑


That’s one thing I loved about Billie Kay she maximized every minute even with the split they gave her a piece of blank paper and she had great segment weekly with just that


Once the camera is on her she is acting her butt off.


Always happy to see her. I'd be very surprised if she's ever let go again. One of them people that whatever you give her role or time wise she'll go make something from it. Not many people can do that also means they'll always have something for her to do.


Naah. She'd never be released. She's proven to be one of the best TripleH rehires.


Hey guys!! When you get camera time, make sure you maximize your minutes. Thanks guys!!


I'll definitely give her credit, she's putting on a Billie Kayesque effort to not be seen just as Piper's Partner and I appreciate it.


Yep been a big fan since see came back


It’s wild how long she wasn’t in WWE. She’s pretty much perfect for everything they’ve ever wanted, in pretty much any era.


I mean there's no way Vince could have used her potential in the best way. Whatever her gimmick is. TripleH did. Just look at this year's Rumble. She was one of the MVPs. And all she did was get bumped here and there in the ring by Piper and Nia. It was hilarious.


[She's come a long way from awkwardly flirting in a hot tub on Tough Enough.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQgobLXPNdM)


Pom Harajuku low diffs


Piper did OK too. I love her accent.


She was brilliant. That was probably her first time on mic in WWE giving an extended promo and she nailed it with her life story. The crowd was utterly disrespectful with those WHAT chants though.


I was there and to be completely fair the acoustics in the KFC Yum Center are horrendous and it was literally hard to understand her xd. I thought she did well though


The crowd didn't seem to really be into that segment though. Babyface Bailey's promos lack any energy at all.


She makes the most of her character and it's always a delight. Even if she never wins the women's championship (and I think it'll happen at least once, even if she keeps it for a week), she's been a great investment for WWE.


Really hope she gets Money in the Bank. She would kill it.


Could you imagine her and Tiffy as a tag team? The charisma alone... \*\*\*ETA\*\*\* Only tandem better would be her and Arianna Grace.


For real. I know more about Chelsea from her 30 seconds every other week than I do about these new bloodline chumps with their 30 minute weekly segments


She's so great


She is always on and I respect her for it


I loved her on NXT being her extra self but seeming like a really big deal down from the main roster.


Unpopular opinion but I think she's better than R-Truth


I honestly think she acts like this IRL. I know she doesn't, but I think she does. She's that good.


She's hilarious and a sports entertainer!


She is fantastic, have a lot of respect for her knowing the role she was given and excelling at it. She'll get her flowers one day and I hope she does decide to turn it up one day because she's legitimately a top 5 in-ring womens wrestler in WWE.


Did Kevin Dunn edit this post? Why is everything so zoomed in!?! Post the normal clips.


I love her character now, but a part of me wants a full-on Dark Mode Chelsea to come out. Imagine that she loses it after feeling cheated out of a title shot over and over, and dives into Reklusa territory. She gets the title, absolutely dominates, and then slowly changes back into Hot Mess. Pentagon could play a role in this if he were to come over. Do you think fans would be into it? I think so.


Dude, I saw Chelsea for the first time in WWE this past year. Then I saw that match with Pentagon. I couldn't believe it. Give me a tiny piece of that!


I will always envy Matt Cardona for marrying the hottest woman in wrestling currently


I think there might be some inspiration from the Iiconics.


Homegirl is talented. And she better be - how else will Cardona continue to afford all those toys?


She reminds me of Carmella they're both interesting and talented. Chelsea will do the maximizing minutes thing until they decide to pull the trigger and elevate her to Main Event status. I know some people want her at the top now, but she will get there, and she knows it. The office knows what she can do.


I think she’s learned a lot from either Zack Ryder himself or just by being with him bc she just has that classic character/energy of a 90’s superstar and is just kind of over the top in a good way


Is there sound on this video?


The Hot Mess, nuff said


I felt like she should of dialled it back a little, especially towards the end of Piper's promo. Piper was delivering a pretty solid heart felt promo and Chelsea hamming it up next to her I felt detracted from it a bit


I was very skeptical of how she'd fare in WWE with an entire roster of superior in ring talent. But she has found a very solid role that lets her strengths shine


I’m still surprised AEW slept on her. Dalton Castle is another one not to sleep on.


I don't know how she's not discouraged by now, she's been one of the best since her return and almost nothing to show for it. A few throwaway tag title reigns, and a backlog of losses and embarrassing losses.


The thing is she's heavily featured on TV. Just not for matches, but for backstage segments as well. Yeah she's a chickenshit heel as a gimmick primarily, so she'll face losses mostly. But she's always praised backstage as well as on the Internet. As long as the booker has you on his mind- you know you are doing well.


People think wrestlers are motivated by winning titles as opposed to being on TV


The embarrassing losses work for her character in a way they normally wouldn't for most, and she's had very consistent TV time, sometimes on multiple shows.


She is great to watch. Great character work. Side note, is she the most attractive woman under WWE contract?


Rhea Ripley, in my opinion.


I won't argue with Mami


Idk, for someone with a basically non speaking role, i think LUTHER is up there with the greats ![gif](giphy|mEKhW7figjbT7sLWDI|downsized)


False lol


Id love to see Chelsea as the main bad bitch in wwe


Zack Ryder is a lucky man


Remember when Mox said their job is mostly making silly faces in their underwear?