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I gotta agree. Like you said she did a great job generating heat wit audiences but a great heels also puts over baby faces and theirs a payoff to the heat they generate. Their very rarely was a payoff for Stephanie’s actions storyline wise


Unlike her father, Stephanie never understood the fact that heels need to get their comeuppance eventually


>Unlike her father, Stephanie never understood the fact that heels need to get their comeuppance eventually Isn't it much *much* more likely that USA and Fox didn't want men hitting women on their channel than assuming she never understood a basic concept that she participated in many times during the attitude and ruthless aggression eras?


Probable. So maybe don’t book her to emasculate everyone then?


My exact issue with Corey Graves' heel shtick when he's a colour commentator. It's like he's running an experiment to see if being a Heenan type works without being presented as an idiot or constantly as the butt of the joke like Heenan was.


I met Stephanie McMahon at an event a long time ago, around 2000-ish. At the time she struck me as super friendly and very down to earth. I’ve known plenty of entitled people, and based on a small sample I didn’t get that vibe from her. On screen, I HATED her, and not in a kayfabe way, but in a “everything she does on screen is destructive and takes away from my enjoyment of watching” way. To me her involvement suggested that she was complicit in all the times she made the show about her at the expense of talented wrestlers. It was at its most annoying during the Authority Era, as you so eloquently put it, because the impression I got was that she was pulling the strings backstage in order to sabotage specific talent. At this point, though, knowing what we know now, I more and more feel sympathy for Stephanie and feel she’s just been a pawn in her father’s sick games. She was sexualized at a very early age at her father’s direction and was put in humiliating situations constantly. Her on screen character was also used as Vince’s avatar, allowing him to dress down wrestlers who Vince felt needed to be taken down and embarrassed. That put Stephanie in the crosshairs, and she didn’t have the option of hiding behind a kayfabe name and character. We were told that she was running the show, and the hate directed at her was probably impossible to escape. Meanwhile, she had to deal with the fact that her father was, at best, a terrible person and at worst an absolute monster. He preyed on female talent in and out of kayfabe, and made mockery of his marriage to Linda on and off TV. It had to be incredibly damaging for her to be in that position, and that doesn’t even take into account how much Stephanie said she worshipped Vince over the years. I can’t possibly imagine putting my daughter in any of those situations for my benefit, much less all of them. Despite her wealthy she’s led a difficult life, and we probably haven’t even scratched the surface of what’s happened behind closed doors over the last 40 years.


I'm pretty sure that was Vince McMahon's idea of a strong female authority figure. She was more OP than her husband because nobody could touch her back. I ignore it eventually because I feel it makes up for so many people calling her a slut every night, the wrestlers making crude jokes on her expense, her body and she took finishers from all of them during Attitude era. She got alot of shit. There's maybe some nuance here that needs acknowledging.


agreed, she got lots of bad stuff coming her way during the attitude era and the first few years of the ruthless aggression era, besides i thought she did her role well


Vince thought beating tf out of his daughter was a marquee match we needed to see.


I will say one thing though, I kinda wish Steph won that match


>There's maybe some nuance here that needs acknowledging. We don't tolerate that nuance garbage around here.


That was a very common criticism of that era. If you browsed this subreddit at that time, you would commonly hear "comeuppance" or other similar buzzwords from users that got bored of Stephanie's promos. Honestly, 2013 to 2018 was a pretty boring part of WWE with a few exceptions (such as 2016 Smackdown being infamously well-liked, or the Shield's rise, or Daniel Bryan winning at Wrestlemania XXX).


I stopped watching during this time period but not because of Steph, everything about the booking just felt like it was out of spite.


to me she got her comeuppance at wm 34 when ronda injured her arm




better than nothing i guess


The Authority era was really hard to get through sometimes, especially when almost every RAW seemed to begin with a long, rinse-and-repeat segment featuring them. It always felt like they did nothing to really elevate anyone they fended with. Even with the long Authority vs. Bryan feud that led to Steph vs. Brie, Steph got the win and it led to the Bella twins feud that lasted a couple months before they just joined back up and completely forgot about the Authority. I'd stopped watching for a few years because I was so busy with finishing high school and starting uni and then I'd also just gotten tired of the product at that point. And I came back end of 2014 and was immediately invested in so many of my old faves and newer guys I wasn't familiar with like the Shield guys and Bray Wyatt, but I was almost tempted to tap out early because there was entirely too much Big Show and Kane on my TV week in and week out lol. Watching those two in the 2015 Rumble slowly moving around and eliminating half the guys was painful.


Yep even when I was watching that I was thinking wtf?


The worst part is Stephanie rarely was on the receiving end of payback. Usually it would be something like HHH bumps into her on accident and she would go through a table. I wish I could ask her, what value was it to the WWE tv product for her to emasculate everyone on tv including legends like Dusty.


I remember a segment from early 2017 I think? I've never rewatched it but it's vivid in my memory. Bayley and Sasha were in Stephanie's office and for absolutely no reason, Stephanie buried the character of Sasha. She went like "You may call yourself the "Legit Boss", but I'm the actual boss here, do you understand?" and Sasha just stayed silent like a reprimanded child. Look, I've never been a Sasha fan, but even I felt bad, and of course it didn't lead to anything.


I vividly remember that segment it was cringe and hard to watch. The same Sasha that made a little girl cry in NXT during her feud wirh bayley all of a sudden is quiet and gets walked all over. That segment absolutely hurt her boss gimmick from a credibility standpoint. Idk why Steph felt the constant need to downplay the top women’s wrestlers she did the same thing to Charlotte


Roman speared her at Mania but that wasn't enough. I stopped watching during this period.