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Unless this lead to Gable disbanded the alpha academy and introduce Creed Brothers as his new disciple then there's no point of having Otis did not turn on Gable


Why cant they have some titles have long reigns and some bouncing around? Why watch weekly tv if stories only payout 3 or 4 times a year? Its ok to give the crowd what they want SOMETIMES. They dont always have to drag title reigns out for them to mean something.


Why are you getting doenvoted for fair criticism


Because wrestling fans are fickle


Ive missed a couple weeks of WWE, can anyone tell me where tozawa is?


Still with Alpha academy probably just didn't fly for this event


That match felt loooong to me.


Darn šŸ˜ž


But why????


Finish the story Gable!!


Awful ending only because it didn't advance the story in any meaningful way. Otis should have been used to help either Sami or Gable, but now we're heading into Raw with the exact same status quo as we've had for the past 4 weeks.


Otis effectively abandoned Gable. This opens up Gable to reform a new alpha academy with all the heels he's been chatting with in the background of other segments, giving him a fully heel stable to take on Sami with.


They pretty much signaled this is the end of the feud


...With Sami He was staring daggers at Otis at the end. Sami is the side character to the Alpha Academy implosion.


So the story goes from chasing the IC belt to a feud with belt less Otis? And weā€™re gonna pretend thatā€™s not a massive downgrade. What does he have to conquer Tozawa first to prove heā€™s worthy to challenge Otis while weā€™re at it?


Hes gotta get through maxinne first to earn the shot with Tozawa they built up a great heel and buried him sad as fuck


Chad should have won. With all the interference and he still lost. What was the point of all this feud then? We already know Sami is better.


The story isn't about Gable winning the belt, the story is Gable and Otis.


Gable needs new students, a group of people who will do as he commands. That's what this leg of the story has been building to. Gable doesn't have his house in order.


I love long term storytelling but sometimes itā€™s okay to just pull the trigger so does Chad get another Sami title shot or does he just never win the IC belt lol like you already gave Sami Chadā€™s Gunther win.Ā 


Right. ā€œSee Otis? I do this shit because it WORKS. To win, you canā€™t just be a pansy all the time, standing there doing nothing. You have to be ready to take advantage of anything your opponent gives you. Thatā€™s why youā€™ll never be good enough. Now Iā€™ve got a title to defend.ā€ And then Otis smears him at Summerslam.


Oh yeahā€¦Gable getting nuclear heat in Canada in 3 weeks


Can you imagine that nuclear heat happening somewhere in Quebec instead of Toronto? The fans will be cursing out Gable big time once he holds that title up and showing it off at each corner of the ring.


Are both Corey Graves and Wade Barrett supposed to be heels? They were defending Gable really hard.


It was so fun watching the two of them gang up and gaslight Michael Cole.Ā 


Yes. Until Corey was given lead commentary duties on Smackdown, he always played the heel and now that he has moved up, Barrett has easily slipped into that role next to him. I reckon because Cole was on lead for the show, Corey naturally slipped back into the role he used to play.


Gonna be another LA Knight. Super over and zero payoff.


LA Knight literally gonna win the US Title at Summerslam


Are you the only one that can't see what they're cooking here? Gable gonna get a great payoff when he gets his full perc mode unleashed then he can have the title.


Eh, we'll see.


Is Chad getting the Jerry Lawler Memphis treatment? Just keep him constantly climbing for the title but never give because it because it sells better to keep him just out of reach


What? https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=937&page=11


Yes, we know Jerry had a lot of titles. But if you go back and read/watch about the Memphis territory days, he would have stretched where he was chasing the belt and would get close only to loose at the last second. Or when he would win the title he would hold it for a short amount of time, then the chase would start all over again. Jerry liked giving himself titles.


51x AWA Southern WHC is wild lmao


Classic Triple H PPV. Few titles change hands, no storylines progress, all safe booking decisions. He knows what heā€™s doing. Keep things lighter outside of Mania season and stretch out 3 month A+ feuds into 6-9 month B+ stories.Ā 


Except for 2 new people have belts now.


Yeah, forgot, was focused on the main event to be honestĀ 


Titles did change hands?


you would be cooking if there wasn't a literal title change on the show


perfect description of him tbh


Someone else needs to join alpha academy to reinforce chad gables heel work imo Do that and i think its really time to give gable his own run I think alot of the no changing titles was just caused by all of the titles being changed hands in wrestlemania and we need to have a decent run for those champions so they dont look bad in retrospect Exactly why damian priest is still champion


Heā€™s most likely getting the creed brothers to be his backup


Ivy nile as well


Chad Gable's suplex on Zayn with Maxine in the corner was a thing of beauty!


Just finished the show and that 2.99999 count was banging. Incredible match and the evil stare at the end from Gable was šŸ¤Œ. My match of the night


Nothing against Sami but he just came outa nowere doing a *Cena buries Mysterio* with extra steps. I have more hype for Otis and the crew than Sami since the begining.


Who was buried?


Ya'll need to stop using the word "buried" when it doesn't apply. Losing due to shenanigans is not a burial.


Controlling the entirety of the match while Sami survives every finisher he has and then just a single helluva kick to a clean pin might not be a burial but it sure as shit is terrible.


Gable fans really are climbing in the most annoying fans list


I promise you nobody else except for you and people in this sub are watching it that critically


Conflicted part of me is optimistic that Chad can carry this heat well. But right now after Gable who else is Sami going to feud with? I can definitely go for another PLE with Sami and Chad but man general reception here feels very negative because things didn't go as expected.


> But right now after Gable who else is Sami going to feud with? The downside of such a dominant run by GUNTHER is that there aren't many midcarders who look like a credible threat. They keep pushing Gable and teasing Bronson Reed and Jey Uso but outside of those three, no one really seems to have any momentum at that mid card level. Ilya and Bron could absolutely get there, but feels like they need just a bit more time on the main roster. Not a great thing, especially with the midcard of Smackdown being pretty dead due to the US title being on Logan Paul who works such a limited schedule.


They really gotta get the belt off of Logan Paul. The guy is annoyingly good at wrestling, but he's had like 2 defenses and barely shows up, which hurts the SmackDown midcard like you said and it weakens the prestige of the belt. He doesn't make the belt look any better by showing it off with fascist fathead Donald Trump either...


I really feel like this whole Sami/AA is being used to build Otis up to give him a proper singles run. Chad is gonna go mental to get his hands on Sami in Canada, take the title, and keep hold of it while belittling Otis, Tozawa, and Maxine. Leads to Otis finally turning and beating him for the title


Bron could squash Sami next week and we'd all be 100% okay with it and it would be 100% believable. Brons already made, he just needs a belt. The fans love that kid.


Tons of haters in all the post match threads in general today for whatever reason


A babyface cant be champion for too long nowadays unless theyā€™re a babyface hybrid ā€œOh nooooooooo otis gables soooooo baaaaaad hes treating you how roman treated jeeeeeeeeyā€ Jey uso definitely wouldve done a better job than sami here imo which is why i want him in this storyline If we have otis saying yeet on raw itd be the best


Gable should've won this IMO. Sami doesn't need the belt. But I get the feeling Bron is taking it from Sami. Let's be real, Bron's stock has more value than Gable's. All the same, this kinda kills Gable


You don't see him winning at MITB in Canada as the better option?


Gable has lost to Sami 3 times at this point. It really feels like they're driving home that Gable can't beat him


Daniel Bryan is jobbing left and right before his win at MITB 2011. he even lose to Hunico Sin cara at one point but still able to have decent world title run that's the thing with heels. you can have them lost as many matches and still not hurt them when they used their slimy heel tactics to get their way


If only he was a heel that could weasel his way šŸ˜”


He's a pretty bad weaseler right now


In a grudge match, sure it can work. But Gable shouldn't get another title shot IMO. Not after losing again


I fully expect Gable to join up with the Creed bros to wipeout the AA and Sami.


I'd love to see something happen with the Creeds, especially given how awful the Raw tag division is currently. But how is anyone supposed to care about Gable now as a single? He's been beat too many times IMO


The only way is for gable to go full on heel, physically attacking Maxine and tazowa. And then also partnering with the creed brothers to help them become tag champs in exchange for them helping him to become intercontinental champs. Other than that, Gables career as a high level mid carder is over


Actually I could see this. We did hear he tricked R-Truth into multiple tag championship matches and only had the 1 so far. He has the Creeds attack Otis and Tozawa, then announces heā€™s repaying then with one of the remaining tag matches Truth agreed to. He does heel shit to trip up Miz and get the belt on the Creeds. Boom major heat.


No one realizes this is when Gable will use the creeds and attack the academy for costing him. Th in harms way + Otis will lead to a triple threat and gable will win




3?? One was a triple threat so not a true 1 v1. I think this upcoming one is his last. I can see him beating Sami at MITB or SS with a stipulation/gimmick match.




Negative. Bronn is cooking just fine. Especially if you OVER push quick, we see how fans turn on it.




this is for sami vs gable.


Good match. Best on the card so far (Iā€™m behind). Enjoy the story and the graps.


Gable obviously isnā€™t getting the ic title, dude is just gonna be the manager for the creed bros While Sami moves on to guys like Bron. Lmao and ppl were pushing for him to resign with wwe. One midcard push in like ten years shouldā€™ve been the eye opener.


Bro getting downvoted for stating facts, hate to say it but heā€™s right.


"and ppl were pushing for him to resign with wwe" as opposed to what? Go to TNA?


And yet he did re-sign and is most likely getting the Creeds (and Ivy) to win the title at Slam. Stay mad.


Sami's reign has absolutely stunk. He's the definition of the chase is better than the pay off. As a Gable fan it's never felt more over, this is what attempt 5 at the title overall? The 3rd or 4th against Sami since Mania? I understand how important the Alpha Academy storyline is but there is no payoff for Gable himself.


There was barely any build at all to him dethroning Gunther. I still think Gable doing it would have been better and iā€™ve let this story play out since then and it hasnā€™t been the better option.


Yeah, and the chase sucked too


Yet somehow, but the entrance at mania was enough for me to get invested. Before and after wrestlemania I was anti Sami winning, but during wrestlemania, completely on Samiā€™s side


He's only still champion because he's a feel good popular guy (for whatever reason)


He was thrown a bone for his contribution to the bloodline era


Sami is just budget cody/bryan (the yes movement road to wrestlemania bryan) ,and usualy you cant have multiple of these in the company at the same time ,it also doesnt help that they've literally been propping gable for this for ages and then give it to Sami.


The chase wasnā€™t that good šŸ¤£


It wasn't but I was talking about Sami in general. Everytime he's gone after a championship as a face, the build up has always been better than the pay off, same case here, even though the build up was bad and rushed


Heā€™s a good chaser for sure , but holy fuck heā€™s boring as a champ


Yeah he's basically just acting as the fall guy in this story. Everyone is exciting about Otis turning on him but fuck that I'm waiting for the guy to become an actual champion. He just looks like a complete bozo now.


He looks so stupid it's unbelievable, my biggest complaint with HHHs booking is that everything needs to drag out for as long as possible, Gable should be champ by now but no, he just keeps losing, he looks like the biggest idiot in all of this


I think he'll win it eventually but it should not be taking this long. It's a freaking mid card title. I can only assume when he aligns with the Creeds he actually focuses/becomes intelligent again and starts winning. but I don't trust HHH for shit right now.


Nothing against Gable when i say this because i love him, but it's also at the point where it's unfair to everyone else in the midcard as they haven't had a chance to go for the title


Love what HHH has done with this story but Gable should have won tonight. You can keep the tension building with Otis, in a few months have them feud, and youā€™ve cemented two extremely mid card staples at the same time. This leaves the story a bit languishing and Sami doesnā€™t need to hold the belt forever.


This is Trips biggest issue as booker, not pulling the trigger at the right time. Too many stories are stretched out unreasonably long IMO with little story progression. We've known Otis was turning on Gable for months at this point.


They might as well just fire Gable at this point. It's match 4? against Sami and the only one he won was a sneaky stolen one. Legitimately Gable does not deserve to be in the title picture for a while now which basically neuters his entire story to "failed leader of Alpha Academy".


This Staredown Is Legit


So whoā€™s taking the IC belt off the invincible Sami Zayn since it wonā€™t be Gable?


Breakker probably after some buildup.


I'm sick of the losses. I'm someone who was never for Sami getting the IC title in the first place and thought it was Chad's time, so this is really grating. Wins and losses matter and you damage his stock, and him turning heel looks incredibly weak in hindsight.


Gable is a piece of shit heel who will blame others for his short comings which is this ENTIRE STORY. Do you not watch weekly?


This type of heel works the first 2 or 3 times, but after 5 attempts and still canā€™t beat Sami? Makes him just look weak. Doesnā€™t matter what his character is, losing 5 times is never positive for the progression of the story.


He wanted to win a title as a babyface. Now he's a heel and he 's still losing. Feel like the payoff should have came by now


You can watch the show weekly , understand what theyā€™re trying to do and still not like it. I agree if theyā€™re going to pull the trigger in Gable for the title they shouldā€™ve done it because at this point kayfabe wise heā€™s had so many chances and should probably be in the back of line. Heā€™s got no heat and Just continually looks weak to the point why heā€™s still getting title shots ? The Ic title has been booked rather poorly Iā€™d say from Zayn randomly beating Gunther with no build and Zayns current reign


So he gets to be a loser both as a babyface and as a heel. He has no stock. That's stupid. You had a heel beat him and demean him in front of his family and succeed, Chad tries it with his group and fails. Everything he does fails. It's a waste of character development. That's STUPID.


Specially because as a face his whole thing was that he was the closest to beating gunther ,and then sami does it on the first try with basicly no story whatsoever ,its probably unpopular because of how positive the atmosphere is around WWE right now but the IC title writing since they scheduled gunther's match with Sami has been hot garbage straight out of mid 2010's WWE.




0-7 in title matches in less than a year. Don't know what the plan is here but he shouldn't be anywhere near a title for quite some time.


How many times are they going to book this man to lose LMAO




He's now 0-3 vs Sami. There's no way you could justify him getting another title match at this point.


I don't think people are forgetting though. It's the fact that the story started MONTHS ago. How long do we have to wait for this payoff ? You get your fans all excited to see it happen especially on a PLE and you still drag it out even longer and for what reason ?


Love that the iwc wants a long term story, then they get it, and they complain


I think you can critique the exact storyline beats without it meaning you hate long term storytelling? You can do long term storytelling without him losing to zayn a bunch of times. I donā€™t personally completely hate it (although I really want Gable to finally win it) but I can see why people would have an issue


You just shattered their reality that everyone has to have the same hive mind and opinions.




Okay well first of all. Let's not group me in with those people cause I ain't one of them. I enjoy longterm story telling but when every program on your card is longterm storytelling that lasts over multiple PLE's it eventually gets exhausting. Gable has already turned heel and the fans just want to see the story finally payoff. I think thats a valid criticism.




Yeah because i'm not the type to complain about every little thing and i do enjoy longterm storytelling when theres more story to tell. Sorry i won't let you group me in with people that are hypocrites and complain about every fued, match, segment. You can love longterm storytelling and still feel like it's time to have the creed brothers turn heel and join Gable already. How many more segments do we really need to show that Otis is conflicted and him saving Maxxine over and over again. Fans have a right to wonder why all the teases they've seen over the past few months still doesn't pay off at a PLE title match. Especially when they will prob have the creed brothers beat up Otis this monday anyway.


that almost guarantees a money in the bank match between the two so sami isnt winning the briefcase and considering its canada, it has to be KO taking the briefcase with the history he has with Cody/Punk bollocks


I really hope there is a bigger payoff here for Gable. No reason for him not to win at some point. It's a freaking midcard title not like he is competing for the main event.


It legit makes no sense lmao like the guy is clearly talent enough in the ring and currently white hot as a heel what are they waiting for? Even if his run somehow didn't work out (which it obviously would) like you said it's just a mid card title anyway. The story would be better with him as a champ anyway since titles mean power and it could feed into his further abuse of the academy AND it would make sense for the creeds to want to join up with a current champion.


wrong outcome. someone better be killed on live tv on monday or gable is gonna lose all his heat. if they continue he has to win at mitb for sure


Thereā€™s 0 chance he loses heat


There is no chance he's gonna lose any heat.


Lol haters in this sub overstate how much a wrestler has lost all heat then just ignores/deflects when the talent is still getting good engagement


Lol exactly. This sub loves long-term, drawn out booking until it's actually happening then everybody's gotta bitch


Chad has lost every title match he's been in, he's lost 3 or 4 in a row to Sami, there is absolutely a chance, he should be champ by now


HE LOSES ALL HIS TITLE MATCHES THOUGH WHEN HE COULD LEGITIMATELY FOLD THE ENTIRE ROSTER IN HALF AND STRETCH THEIR ASS. like he had 4 matches or somthing with gunther and 3 with sami and lost them all. i definitely see him losing all his legitimacy if it keeps going like this. especially with cole mentioning heā€™s an olympian and how sami isnā€™t gonna beat gable in a technical wrestling match every single match. like this is not helping him in any way


Someone's gonna get beaten on Monday pretty badly


What I hope is gonna happen tomorrow is Otis is finally going to stand up to Gable but the Creeds will attack from behind. The story really needs some progress.


Yeah that's been my one problem with the story where it's kinda felt repetitive because of all the teasing with the Alpha Academy members almost hitting someone or almost turning on Gable so many times. At this point it really needs to go forward.


That's pretty much what they're going for.


Yes we know, and we donā€™t like it.


This should have been it. He had 4 matches against Gunther, 3 matches against Sami failed all of them. I am gonna go ahead and say it Wrong Call.


Hell be fine, trust in the long term story


People said that about Theory.


Might be right, but I think they want more of the story to progress with the three.


Whatever the plan is Gable better not get another IC shot for at least 4 months.


Heā€™s 100% getting and probably winning for the heat at MITB in Canada lol


You know, This is the best match so far on the card because of the story being told. Chad Gable is going to shave his hair, get the creeds and beat Sami's ass in his hometown. People who are complaining (mostly on twitter) just don't like wrestling anymore because this match was a great for the story of Otis, Chad and Sami.


Even if that happened, what possible reason would there be to justify Chad getting another title match? He's lost to Sami 3 times since Wrestlemania. He's 0-7 in IC title matches since lasted year. It would be dumb in Kayfabe


Just do the Shawn Michaels route for getting his second match against Undertaker at WM. You become a nuisance until you get your way, with a stip added for some more stakes.


Big difference is that taker wasnā€™t the champ, there are people who deserve a shot more than gable in kayfabe due to him being 0-7 in ic title shots.


Oh come on, be fair. He's lost 6 or 7 times against Gunther and Sami. If people feel like they're being told he's not championship material, that's not exactly their fault is it?


I don't know how anybody could be unhappy with the outcome. The storytelling is excellent, everybody is into it, crowd were buzzing. There's a lot to mine from this.


Iā€™m fine with the result but heā€™s now 0-7 on IC matches since September. Gable better not get another IC shot for 4 months. I am over another Sami Gable match.


People arenā€™t patient anymore. They want title changes every few weeks. Itā€™s the curse of on demand entertainment and constantly scrolling. People arenā€™t willing to wait for fuck all anymore.


What do you mean wait ā€œanymoreā€ in the past most champions lost within 4 months, tag teams lost on raw/smackdown, mid card titles changed almost weekly, etc, wtf are you yapping about


Not everything needs to drag on for as long as possible, Chad is 0-7 in title matches, he is the least important part of his own story, he looks like a bum. He should be champion right now, people have rightfully ran out of patience with them giving Gable the title


BRO PATIENT? Get out of here, he has been losing since September. He is 0-5 in title matches, lost the gauntlet match despite Sami being injured earlier on, and the only thing he has is a count-out victory.


Weā€™ve just had Roman hold a title for YEARS in some of the best storytelling ever.


And Roman didnā€™t face the same person every month for that run. Gable Sami is now stale.


Of course not but we went years saying ā€˜roman wonā€™t loseā€™. Same as weā€™re now at the point of ā€˜gable wonā€™t winā€™


Iā€™m not on Gable wonā€™t win. Iā€™m on no more Sami Gable IC matches for a few months as thatā€™s become stale.


i mean with how they book single titles now, wouldn't a 30 day reign spice something up?


I partly feel like this was not the right call because I want Gable to win the title. Maybe he wins it in Canada


Definitely the right choice in regards to character development. Gable needs to get rid of the baggage that's distracting him. He is always more focused on abusing Maxxine and Otis than the match, so as soon as he abandons the Alpha Academy, he will finally win when he focuses on actually wrestling.


Exactly, he's so caught up with the academy helping him when he's clearly good enough to win without them. His entire downfall is him being in his own head. Once he drops them and is actually able to unlock his inner Olympian, he'll probably transform into the "disciplined Olympic wrestler" with the Creeds help and finally win the belt.


I hate that it's just a repeat ending and the same tease week after week. It's getting boring.


That match and story were the farthest thing from boring


I blame Gable. He's just not that good. Can't even make a breakup angle interesting.


The angle is interesting lol, they are dragging it out


cope harder


Come back to me after Otis turns on Gable/Vice versa


They need something to happen with this storyline because itā€™s tiptoeing the line of it getting stale


Great match. Gable has huge levels of heat and I'm all for it.


At this point, with the way gable was staring at Sami at the end of the match, I think heā€™s about to go beyond perc gable. I want him to destroy Otis and get nuclear heat by ankle locking Maxine while she cries out in pain. He doesnā€™t do anything to Akira because he knows he wonā€™t do a damn thing.


An ankle lock on her bad leg. Oh man the heat would be nuclear. They gotta do it lmao.


I will be so upset if it doesnā€™t happen


Ankle locking maxxine is wild. Gable would be a heel for life if he did that


I mean Randy RKO Stephanie, then kissed her right in front of triple H. He is stilled cheered.


Gable is nowhere near as charismatic or as good as Orton tho, so theres that


Best match so far. Where does Gable go from here?


Catering. /s Gable will be fine, he's on his way to a top heel position if the course remains steady.


The focus is still on Gable here. Sami feels like the side character.


I think it would be cool if he managed to get himself a rematch with Zayn and tells Alpha Academy to stay away. He wins dirty but decides that itā€™s AAā€™s fault that he lost tonight as theyā€™re a distraction and attacks them. He injures Otis and Maxxine so they disappear for a bit then he can have a run as a viscous heel before they return. Ā 


Going through another character arc so he can challenge for the title and lose again


Alpha Academy breaking up, him teaming up with the Creed Brothers, and him destroying Sami in Canada hopefully


To not winning the title again


Allies himself with the Creed Bros and turns on Otis/Maxxine/Tozawa? That'd be my bet


Murdering Tozawa and Otis and joining with the Creeds seems to be the obvious directing they are going. After that happens, then with more willing henchman he'll finally win the title.


Feud with Otis then hopefully a face turn and winning the title in Mania in front of his daughter.


Probably creating a new and improved alpha academy