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Both women are so good and I’m glad Piper got a moment to show she’s good. I hope she remains a top player in the division, because she deserves it. Obligatory Chelsea praise as usual. Shes carrying a big chunk of the company’s entertainment value on her shoulders. She always gets it right. Reminds me of Carmella, can work with anything you give them and turn it to gold.


I have to go back and listen again but didn’t the ring announcer call the finish with and new instead of and still? I turned my head and missed the finish and I could have sworn they said and new and I thought Piper Won but Bayley still got handed the belt.


No one's going to comment in the botched superplex and Bayley almost being paralyzed on the one scoop slam?


This was easily the worst match on the show. Slow, sloppy, and no drama. When the best part is Chelsea coming out in a mask, you know things aren't great.


Was nice to see the audience behind Piper, but you could definitely feel the air deflate from the room when she lost. Also found it funny Bayley got booed just for being against Piper when she got cheered last night. Hope they do more with Piper after this too, she's great. Chelsea Green was peak comedy though. The crowd booing her and cheering when she got ejected, only to pop when she came running back as Chelsea Verde 😂.


Chelsea is sooooooooo good. She gets like 30 seconds of screentime every two weeks and she absolutely kills it every time!


This was the absolute wrong call. Bayley doesn’t need to be put over. The new blood need chances to show how good of a champion they can be. But they can’t if you don’t give them the opportunity, especially in their home COUNTRY!


I'm Scottish so I am disappointed Piper lost. But I'm also really happy for her - she's just been elevated recently and been given a chance to show what she can do. Having her win the title as well might be a bit too much too soon


I️ cannot believe Sami Zayn came out and interfered as El Generico


Chelsea truly understood the assignment.


Chelsea green is comedy


The only way to make it better is if she had come back out with the hat on top of the mask.




Kinda hilarious when Bayley came out to crickets


Fair tbh


Alright match… glad Piper had a match in her home country Scotland. Also it’s Bayley’s 35 birthday today! Happy birthday to Bayley!


HHH sucks at booking women, period.


Piper's face during her entrance gave away that she wasn't winning. Looked upset


I could tell she wasn’t winning since Nia is QotR and getting a title shot at SummerSlam. Bayley vs Nia is a match they can sell, it has David vs Goliath vibe. Piper vs Nia could be good, but Piper isn’t there yet in terms of popularity. Also, heel vs heel matches are harder to sell.


lol tell us how it is, body language expert


Confirmation bias, her face just looked serious


This is sarcasm right? Like a sarcastic poke at everyone who swears up and down they could "tell" who was losing in the entrance... after the match is over? This is sarcasm.


I could tell she was gonna lose when the ref counted 1,2,3 and she didn’t kick out


You people with your crystal balls. I couldn't tell she was going to lose until after the show had ended and everyone had gone home and that's the way it should be.


Would it really be that hard to just have Piper denounce Scotland in a promo on Smackdown or at the PPV? I feel like trying to split the crowd was more detrimental to this match than anything (it wasn't a great match regardless of crowd reaction tbh).


All four Scots were heels.  Drew worked because he's a sympathetic heel (i.e. the only reason he's so bitter is that he keeps getting screwed out of titles) so engineering a situation in which he'd still be rooted for was quite easy. Moreover, he was facing another heel so as long as he's at least *slightly less* of a heel than his opponent, the crowd would have been behind him regardless. Alba and Isla winning the belts gave them the feel good moment of being able to celebrate with their family but  even heels have families they want to share their celebrations with, so going back to acting as heels when they're back in America would be relatively seamless so I didn't really see much of an issue there either.  But Piper being a heel really damaged this match in my opinion. The crowd didn't really seem to know who to back and it showed by a somewhat lackluster reception to both women. Going up against a fellow heel like Drew did would really have boosted the home crowd's support for her. 


I was there and for weeks I’ve felt it was a terrible booking decision because Glasgow is Bayley country, should have stuck piper and Chelsea in the tag match, but I get it. Last night the crowd proved this point, but tonight it was just that awkward middle ground between wanting to respect piper and pretending to not like Bayley. I hope it came across well on tv but it was flat in comparison to the rest of the matches in the arena by a long shot


I would say, watching through Peacock, it seems like the crowd was the quietest for Bayley vs Piper.


It was also the worst match, and apart from Alba and Isla in the tag match, it had the least amount of buildup/backstory so it isn't hard to understand why fans weren't all that invested..


We need to start having a discussion about Triple H and his women’s booking post big Wrestlemania wins. First Rhea, she wins in a huge match against Flair and then has an incredibly forgettable run where she spends more time with the men than having actually interesting matches and elevating the division. Now Bailey, after that incredible cathartic win of Damage Control she just feels like an afterthought, like they have already decided that Nia is the champ and she doesn’t matter. Two hot womens stars, two failed title reigns post mania.


TBF, Bayley always loses momentum as a face champion. She just works better as a heel IMO, no matter how much I want to root for feel-good, role-model, face Bayley.


With Rhea last year she did actually have matches and short feuds so the issue imo wasn't inactivity but rather that she didn't have anyone on her level to feud with. They put all the stars on Smackdown and clearly didn't want to start feuds with the few bigger names on RAW too early, so she was stuck fighting people in minor forgettable feuds like Natalya, Zoey Stark, Zelina Vega and Lyra Valkyria. Without the work being done to get them sufficiently hot those are just dud feuds to throw at someone as over as Rhea, _especially_ with her being a popular heel which means you can't even do the underdog angle since people want to cheer Rhea under any circumstance.


Rhea got injured almost right after, the liv storyline is white hot and she’ll have an amazing feud with her when she returns.


I think they were referring to last year where Rhea pretty much did nothing but interfere in Judgement Day matches despite being the champ for a year.


Rhea was injured at Backlash or shortly thereafter last year as well iirc. One of those "don't wrestle for a month" type injuries.


Are people not saying the same thing about Cody?


The Styles feud picked up towards the end


Tough match really. Piper's style isn't ideal for a face. Bayley is likeable. The concept and structure of the match just didn't work. Needed much more creative booking to make it effective. Right result though.


Cheering for the somewhat over babyface who just turned or the hometown woman who has a comedy heel friend interfering in the match. It’s sometimes ok to have the hometown heel shit in the city but how often will Scotland get a PLE, I get it.


The problem in my view is they had a very traditional match with Niven being the powerful heel monster and Bayley the scrappy underdog. When they were selling the idea that Niven was the hometown hero. The structure never gave the natch a real chance.


Absolutely. It was nice to see Piper get some shine though. I feel she could have a great run as her current character but then if you piss her off enough, monster heel. Almost abyss like but more based in fashion.


Crazy how Bayley became ice cold so fast


idk the crowd was weird for that match.


I find her kinda boring tbh. Her moves aren’t amazing, neither is her character or her mic skills. Would’ve preferred Piper win for her hometown moment and for Chelsea to get more of a spotlight


She needs to change her look; she still looks like Dmg Ctrl version.  On top of that, move onto a meaningful 1v1 feud. Hopefully Nia Jax isn’t a one-off match. They should draw it out with multi matches. 


Weird how the champ who gets beat down and carried in 3 on 3 tags by Super Bianca and Jade doesn't get over


No it's not she wasn't do shit in dmg cntrl as it stood wrestling wise. Then they pulled the whole "she turns on the heel faction for turning on her" a story beat they just did with jey uso and he did it better.


they kinda don't really know what to do with her after the Dmg Cntrl feud ended. she was supposed to be a face but it feels like hasn't really commited. just kinda directionless.


She just needed to do the same thing—but feud with heels instead.


She should have been the heel. They were on the brink of it being a heel iyo and face Bayley but decided to go the Bayley loses her friend storyline Maybe it’s just me but the whole “I’m not your friend anymore” was just dull


Damn that was the reason why Rollins and Randy’s face turn’s didn’t work right? Because H wasn’t their friend no more?


Hunter can't book faces


HHH can’t rush book a face. He perfected the slow burn, lose lose lose until they finally win baby face in NXT (Gargano, Zayn)


That's old school territory booking the Kliq learned from Sullivan. It was fine for the territories, but it doesn't work so well now. In NXT how many frustrating losses did faces have before they won?


That's a wild claim considering WWE has more mega over babyfaces now than they've had in literally generations.


​ https://preview.redd.it/k2h2smx5os6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7f85664e162a49b59aadbb3a5150c20ad751b89


Bayley's run has been a nothing burger so far. Cant believe im rooting for nia jax to dethrone her lmao.


Heels are usually better champs.


Better than expected, crowd didn't seem to be behind Niven as much as I thought


Maybe it didn't come across on TV but we were for sure behind her. More than I expected to be honest because usually the UK fucking loves Bayley but she was getting booed tonight.


They seemed to be firmly behind Piper to me, especially as it went on.


Bayley is always really popular in Britain, takes more than just ‘being Scottish’ for the brits to want her to lose


She hasn’t been given anything to do for a while. Just throwing her in cause she’s from there isn’t enough


It's a real damn shame that people haven't been given a reason to care about Piper because, when the bell rings, she's so fucking good and she's getting better as a promo cutter. She's got all the tools to be a big deal apart from the people with the pencil giving her a chance beyond a token title shot for a UK show.


But they were behind Fyre & Dawn who were given even less than Niven, who at least got TV time as Chelsea's muscle. I think it's more that Bayley is still pretty over in the UK, so a portion of the crowd is still on her side.


Bayley remains one of the most overrated people on the roster. No stories, no character and one of the most boring people I've ever seen in the ring.


Shes just been cursed with the two worst finishers ever


Bayley to Belly grew on some of us lol. It was certainly better than what she does now.


Bad finisher, bad theme song, bad look, she doesn't bring much at first glance that's true




Felt rather slow and clunky. Chelsea is one of the best parts of the match. I think, it's just an unfortunate case of both Bayley and Piper not having much chemistry in the ring.


People call Sami Zayn's reign boring, but at least he has a meaningful storyline that is very interesting. Bayley on the other hand....


No one is calling Sami's reign boring


lol what? Sammi has had a great run. Excellent trilogy with Gable.


There's no way people are calling Sami's reign boring lmao. Fans are so fickle. He's literally having such a good run right now, none of the matches have dissapointed and he's in arguably the best story in the WWE right now.


Who in their right mind is calling Zayn’s reign boring ????


Piper really showed out. Great performance.


She’s really talented.


Chelsea was an icon. Her outfit was on point, her getting ejected was hilarious and her coming back with the Rey mask was iconic. Really nice match between Bayley and Piper, I like seeing Bayley ultilize high flying against bigger opponents like that second rope twist of fate. I love Piper's senton and she gave it to me multiple times. Satisfying defense, I would've popped off if Piper won since she and Chelsea are a great duo but I'm here for Bayley still. As for Bayley, I hope her next fued is more exciting and Bayley can show her fun personality a bit more, we know she's capable!


I really liked that finish. Great match.


Piper is so fucking good and, even though I knew what she wasn't going to win, it was awesome that she got a great showing in her home country. Now; I hope they actually keep using her consistently in the women's division as well as keeping her tandem with Chelsea going. This is why the main roster women need a midcard title so people like Piper to have something to fight for.


Still makes me mad that they are pushing Nia rather than her when she’s just the better version of Nia


Very solid match, Piper killed it


love love love the desperation pin to finish great job from both of them


Chelsea Green carried


Pretty good match. Chelsea running down with the mask on was hilarious.


She pulled a Bobby Valentine.


Look I think the rose plant sucks, but back to back PPV title defenses for Bayley without hitting her finisher? 


I will die on this hill: The Bayley to Belly was fine.


She's the new GUNTHER  /s


Nice match. Wish it was a bit longer. It was starting to get really good.


Great match. Piper showed out, hoping they continue to let her shine and it just doesn’t stop cause the PLE in Scotland is over. Has Bayley done the crucifix driver before, cause that is such a fun move.


Piper would be fun for an inaugural North American or US Womens title.


Never been a fan of the rose plant as a finish so I honestly wouldn’t be mad if she tried using this new one more often


Chelsea is hilarious And Bayley's tailbone is gonna be sore for a month


Great showing by Piper. I hope she stays in the mix around the title. Also I’m convinced that Chelsea Green is the funniest person in wrestling


It remains the same, Chelsea maximizes every second she’s on screen. I look forward to her appearances every week cuz she’s always doing something extra and I love it


Wish she was a better wrestler Love her character to death but when the bell rings she's dire.


Chelsea better be careful, if she keeps that mask on any longer Triple H will put her into the LWO


That will finally make them fun


Chelsea really is so good at maximizing her focus time Idk who that was who ran back out? I guess Rey's just been working on his beach body at the gym lately


That was a fantastic match.


Rey needs to stop fathering illegitimate kids, always wears a mask, but can’t wear a jacket


She's actually Dom's 2nd side mami


Chelsea is just the best. That's my post


Damn I hope Rey Mysterio is ok.


Great match


Really enjoyed it and hope Piper keeps being near the top of the Card. Also interested in seeing that new Masked Wrestler on Smackdown Next Week. 


Real good match. Chelsea cracks me up. She’s so good for the sport. She’s out there having fun and loving life according to her in interviews.


Chelsea Verde made an appearance


Way better than what I expected. Piper has been getting better and better. Also, I don't even if Chelsea's dress is pg!


Yeah my current prediction is Nia straight up squashes Bayley in their 1st match.


Bayley’s probably dropping the belt to Nia at Summer Slam, but something about this title reign just isn’t working. Hopefully she can find an interesting match for MITB and then end on a good note


Yeah she doesn’t have the champion it factor. She’s talented, but something is missing.


Let’s hope we never see the Rose Plant again. Worst finisher in a long time 


It’s like her and Sasha are competing for worst finisher


What's crazy to be is that Sasha's setup would so easily have her do either the Widow's Peak (maybe the greatest women's finisher ever (Western at least)) or considering her massive Eddie fandom The Gory Bomb (Eddie's Dad, but whatever, still in the family) and instead she does a convoluted face buster that only looks decent half the time (I saw her almost fuck it up on Sky Blue, whom only weighs 100lbs in a soaking wet t-shirt).


I’m sorry all I read was Skye Blue and soaking wet t-shirt


Rey Mysterio is looking good these days


Chelsea Green’s the best thing in WWE right now. She goes beyond maximising her minutes. Gutted that Piper being Scottish deprived us of thunderous Hey Bayley chants. A good match in the end after a bit of a sluggish start!


Piper Is too good, I hope she wins the big one sooner than later


La Chelsea Verde and El Generico Dream Mixed Match Challenge team right there.


I def don't think that was Chelsea Green...


Looked a little like Reklusa but I could be wrong


Was getting major Sami Zayn vibes


Bayley came out to no reaction lol


I'm here, it's definitely because her theme sucks and made her entrance awkward.


Yeah calling herself Role Model as a babyface doesn't work. It was fine during her heel run but good god her theme is so fucking garbage.


Going from one that was so perfect for her and got the crowd so hyped to this is the furthest drop I’ve ever seen in theme music quality for a wrestler. It is a boring, generic song that doesn’t fit her at all.


Drew win is still on the table.


chelsea just gets it


For sure. She’s real good for the sport.


Is that the quickest someone has managed to get kicked out of ringside?


Lil' Naitch being like "literally everyone knows it's you" was great


Made me believe Piper was gonna win.


I hope they keep Piper niven in the mix. She is pretty good in the ring. Good match.


It's good to have variety in the division. Having a few giants is really good for Women's wrestling.


Does anyone else hear the X men theme in Bayleys music


Holy shit well now I’m not going to be able to unhear it


As great as the X-Men theme is, it's honestly just a basic, common musical theme or progression or whatever (I'm not a musician). For a really famous example, listen to [Whitney Houston's I'm Your Baby Tonight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0oRnyXxIrY). I've heard at least 2 or 3 other songs with a similar sound.


Thank god someone said it, I thought i was going mad.


I hear one of the melodies from Ocarina of Time. I can’t remember which one though


I came here to say this!


Nobody: Chelsea: https://preview.redd.it/2mlewzrkms6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d47567d323724145e2f85d4c1d763e684d94ca


Have you not heard how bad it is to spread misinformation? You have absolutely zero proof that masked individual was Chelsea. After all, the official kicked Chelsea out earlier in the match. To suggest a consummate professional like Chelsea Green would ignore the ref and return is malicious and libelous. Good day sir.


El es Juan Chena


✨Chelsea Verde✨


Chelsea Green is a gift for this sport. Please let her win MITB next month.


The return of Reklusa




I️ know it was hard to tell, but from certain angles, it looked 100% like Sami Zayn


Solid match, liked that finish from Bayley.


Best performance from Piper on the main roster. She could definitely kill it as a badass Babyface in case she splits off from Chelsea afterwards


Didn’t expect an Abyss reference but I loved it. Also I can’t wait to see who the mystery woman is.


Great match!


Decent match, good showing by Piper


Very fun match! I hope Bayley keeps that crucifix bomb as her finisher.


Gives her an out against Nia Jax in the future


chelsea green is honestly a queen


Something's not clicking with Bayley for a while to me, even before the face turn, not sure what it is, but it's like I know she's better than this it just doesn't translate.


The SD title had not heat to begin with, and they've given Bayley nothing since she won it to fix that. 


She's been a great heel for years. That's probably it. Her baby face character was completely different back then.


Who the hell was that that ran down?


Chelsita Green


Chelsea was wearing a hat, so we can safely rule her out anyway




That's legendary luchadore Greenesterio Chelsea jr


La Mystica


Reina Mysterio, of course


Nacho Chelsea


I don’t know, but it’s good that Piper has more than one friend.


Chelsea Verde




Thoroughly enjoyed the return of La Luchadora.