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I swear whenever my parents entered the room and wrestling was on, there would be a bra and panties match or a bikini contest or someone kissing Vince's ass or whatever on TV. It's almost like they knew that it was going to happen and decided to enter the room.


They were watching in the other room and did it so you didnt realise they loved it. That weekend you stayed with grandma? They had mania tickets and didnt want you to ruin it.


[Always Relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXWgHnXWV4c)


No deadass the odd times my mom came in while I was watching it would be a wild segment or part of the match


Same rules from watching movies and series with parents apply to wrestling too. 😂😂 I guess what makes it even worse is that especially with attitude era you never knew how sideways it could go. 😂


my parents did not appreciate The Godfather and his Hos for some reason


I thought the term Ho was for dancing and my parents would watch with me watch wrestling and i would start dancing to The Godfather theme when he came out with his Hos and i would tell my parents i was a Ho too.


Holy shit 😂


I never watched around mine because I knew they wouldn’t get it lol


Guess who walked in on me when Terri and Jaqueline were whipping Mark Henry and squirting cream on his chest


My mom let me watch, but detested how The Rock rolled his tongue when saying smell.


it IS wildly homoerotic, lol


Now that you made me think about it, it's actually hella disgusting 😂😂😂


I mean...Pimpin' ain't easy.


My grandmother was not so bad that she forbade me to watch wrestling, but she used to dismiss WWE as fake and lewd. I finally got her to sit down and watch Smackdown with me and it was the episode when Vince dropped his trousers and was going to get Trish to kiss his ass. Suffice to say, her opinion of WWE didn't change.


Lmao that’s awesome


Another time I was watching wrestling, my mum decided to sit down and watch with me. Got up and walked away shaking her head at me after she saw Naked Mideon streaking during a match. People forget that not all of the Attitude Era was must watch TV.


People really like to put the attitude era on this pedestal but like 60% of the product was trash.


60% is def exaggerated but there were times it was forsure Cringy TV


The trash was the best part


My gram didn’t like wrestling either, or claimed not to, at least. But I remember we had a VHS that chronicled most of Undertaker’s storylines from the debut of Mankind until he began teaming with Kane. She watched that with us and she’d yell things like “get him!” When they were throwing punches at each other and such. It’s a fond memory. I miss her.


And I have almost the opposite story. One of my earliest memories is watch Rick Rude getting pants by the Ultimate Warrior and my grandpa laughing so hard he almost fell out of his recliner.


I think many of us have a similar story.


Mine was my mom not letting me watch and when she finally gave me a chance to watch it was the Torrie Wilson and Dawn Marie hotel segment episode of Smackdown lmao


I meannnn mom would just have to understand 😭


>“Stop! Stop it! I mean *stop it* now, dammit!” – u/GameplayerStu’s mum, probably 😂 https://preview.redd.it/iyuw5dofp77d1.jpeg?width=1406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac7cc9bcd80d83750b1feab49e045af2b907ab7f


Mine was One Night Stand 2006... I didn't know how to explain to my mum what we had just watched after Funk/Dreamer vs Edge/Foley. It had everything horrifying to a mother, it had horrific violence, elder abuse, sexism, slurs etc. To be honest I'd never seen a match like that before either so I really wasn't even able to explain it to her. She wouldn't let me watch that DVD again for years, which honestly, was fine with me haha.


Main channel: RAW + MTV // Back Button: Nitro + Nickelodeon


Yep, even with the back button prepped to something I was allowed to watch. Both my parents think wrestling is dumb but it was my mom that tried to straight ban me from watching it. I do remember one time my dad walked in when Torrie and Stacy (I think) were wrestling around in a swimming pool of egg nog. He just shook his head and walked away, lol.


And I bet not one of us was watching wrestling either.


Mine happened to be during the Kurt Angle/Booker T feud where he calls Sharmell a "gutter slut".


Meanwhile in the UK your nan who was a world of sport ultra back in the day would hold you in a headlock and force you to watch wrestling


Nan needed some excuse to see Mr. Regal in his jocks


Ha - you just reminded me of another time where the Rock was facing off against Triple H and my grandmother just scoffed and said Big Daddy would destroy both those pretty boys.


one time my little sister had a friend over, and I was watching wrestling. Sable came out with only handprints on her boobs and this kid started crying lol.


I’m ashamed I remember that segment vividly 😭


Wrestling was one of the *only* ways my dad and I would ever connect, so thankfully this was never an issue for me.


That’s wholesome 🙏🏾


Same! I watched the attitude era with my Dad


My grandma was in her 80s and used to ask my nephew and I to come watch PPVs with her. She wasn't phased.


she was watching PPV's during the attitude era? amazing. *"I really think that Val Venis feller' is gonna' break through the upper mid-card soon, ya muscly armed paper boys."*


Yup and she really only stopped watching around 2000, or so.


Nice. She got out while the getting wuz good. *"I bet that talented Krispen Wah young boy will be a World Champion some day."*




In 2006 l spent a year in school at my aunt and uncles out of state from my home. They were HARDCORE against wrestling, very much like he's describing here. I had to sneak it every week in some way, and FINALLY FINALLY they caught me watching New Years Revolution 2006 a few days after it aired. And l begged that this meant a lot to me because l knew that a guy l'd been watching for like 7 years [Edge] was gonna win the world title. My aunt saw Cena with the face full of blood and was like absolutely not, but l managed to covince her that if she saw the way Edge cared about winning that maybe she'd get a little bit why l cared. I don't think l used the phrase "I believe because he believes" but that was essentially the sentiment and lll never forget her saying "Okay, fine, let's see" and she was just quiet and watching and for a brief moment as Edge was basically crying looking down at the belt it seemed like maybe she was seeing the upside of being into something where the people were so passionate about what they were doing. And then Jerry Lawler said "Well you know what they say behind every good man.... is a slut." And that.... was fuckin that, until l was away in college. 




another time, same aunt, she was saying that she didn't want us watching Family Guy because it was all sex and violence. we switched it on in the middle of an episode, and l don't remember exactly what was going on but it was literally Peter setting up a cutaway where my memory of it is it was a bunch of hookers beating each other up with baseball bats. THAT time we all laughed and she said she knew that wasn't what the show was 100% of the time.... but she'd be an idiot not to take that as a sign to turn it off. we just were like "yeeah, yeah that's fair."


Not attitude era but the first raw I tried to watch I was in the room with my mum and Lita decided to announce that her and edge were going to have hot and nasty sex in the ring. Took about 2/3 years before I could try it again




This is like watching some lore-heavy anime and somebody walks in the room just to see some random inappropriate/suggestive ass scene.


Fucking beach episodes...


Every time my parents would walk by the tv when I was watching wrestling it’d be a bra and panties match or bikini contest or something


Goddamn if this shit ain’t relatable. I remember watching wrestling with my dad, and he hated it too. But he was drawn when Chavo Guerrero (Classic) came on the screen. Gory was a major rudo/heel from when my dad was a kid, and apparently Chavo strongly resembled Gory. So I thought whoa this is a first. I’m watching wrestling with my dad! Then the next segment has some foursome shit with Billy Gunn and Jamie Noble or some shit lol


Lmao I remember the Chuck & Billy tag team & how triggered it had ppl 😂😂


Nah this wasn’t that, this was like a straight up foursome angle with Nidia and another woman, and they showed them in a bed lol


Oh yeah that was crazy


For me, it was my mum walking in when Dawn Marie was blackmailing Torrie Wilson into sleeping with her so Dawn wouldn’t marry Al Wilson. And me unable to come up with a plausible explanation why this wasn’t porn.


>“Stop! Stop it! I mean *stop it* now, dammit!” – u/davmeltz’s mum, probably 😂 https://preview.redd.it/j7mc56o5p77d1.jpeg?width=1406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed4beb293bdd50d94fa3f3f13dcf29d75850cf2


Never would have expected Taker to be wearing Pink Floyd shirt.


I had a similar experience except I had the back/last button set to Nick or Cartoon Network. I didn’t even really let my parents know how deep my wrestling fandom was until I was already an adult.


The first time my parents watched me watching wrestling was Royal Rumble 2000. Specifically they decided to check in just as the bikini contest began. I was 12 years old. A more awkward scenario I couldn’t imagine. Then Mae Young took off her top and my mother almost cried from laughter. Thank god for Mae Young’s old lady titties.


April 23, 1999 The Flyers beat the Leafs 3-0.


Check out the full podcast https://youtu.be/JXGa89YYzWQ?si=NuncgPMBlqyq4PZ_


I too watched RAW/Smackdown like porn. I had this mini TV that had (I believe) UPN and USA. I'd "go to bed" and cover the light up with my bedspread. My Dad hated the WWE Divas era.


I'm older, so my "You're not allowed to watch this" was Goldust coming on to Razor Ramon. My parents, like CVV's were very religious and homophobic so that was just straight out. I can remember protesting that he wasn't gay, he had a girlfriend but it didn't help. Also like CVV I made ample usage of the recall button. Both for wrestling and MTV.


I can see that, I feel this is a most common one because I remember Goldust had less screen time at one point because of controversies


My experience was close to that. My mom won tickets to RAW back in 97. It was the episode after Brian Pillman died. I remember the 10-bell salute and asking the girl sitting next to us what Austin 3:16 meant. The next thing I know, we're in the parking lot heading home and we are the *only* ones out there. I ended up finding the episode on YouTube years later, and I got to the part where Bret Hart called DX hom*s and was like, "Ohhhh. Yeah, that's why we left." Ironically, I didn't watch it again until the segment in the post and that got me hooked. My mom didn't say anything about it (she had bigger things to worry about). I don't think my dad cared, but a snowball would have a better chance in Miami right now than him allowing us to ever spend money on it. I didn't end up going to another show until 2007, and that was because I paid for it.


When Bryan & Vinny was reviewing the Monday Night Wars I always laughed when they came across super sexual moments: “Of course, THIS is when my wife walked in the door.”


That was the world back then. WWF Attitude Era, South Park, Eminem, ICP, Tom Green. Shit is crazy to look back on now, especially for someone who wasn't alive yet.


Tangentially, I finished watching Fallout with my room mate and he's raving about Walton Goggins, and I'm like "Let's watch Justified, he's the best part of the show, his character is AWESOME!" So I turn on Justified, which I had \*just\* finished hyping up as amazing because of how awesome this specific character is, and Boyd Crowder gets out of his truck with a big ol' swastika tattoo on his arm and a bazooka on his shoulder aimed at a black church, and I'm like..............................."I forgot he was a nazi at first?"




My parents hated me watching wrestling despite my father going to shows when he was living in England. My mother banned me from watching it after one of the kids in school did a stunner to one of the other kids and busted his arse on the concrete pretty bad. She came home one day and said she’d spoken to some of the other mothers and they decided since it’s “fake” it’s ok, just don’t do it at home or in the concrete playground in school. I was thrilled, flicked on Smackdown (I think?) to see Bubba Dudley BRUTALLY put Edge, through Christian, through the table on the outside. I ran out screaming “MAM! ITS NOT FAKE! IM SCARED!”




I am sending this to my dad right now lol


Remember I got banned from watching WWF for a few weeks because my mom walked in right as Road Dogg called someone a pussy 😂


Similar story: the ONLY time my dad decided to sit down next to me and watch Raw was when Mark Henry starts making out with a transvestite. That was a fun time for 12 year old me


Gotta say Ministry Undertaker was easily my favorite. Wish he would have used that theme some right before he retired.


I always watched with my dad, but my mom hated it. I'll never forget the week Taker kidnapped Austin and took him to be embalmed alive. I was probably 7 years old and didn't really know exactly what embalming was, but I understood that the Undertaker was going to murder Stone Cold live on TV and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was absolutely inconsolable, bawling my eyes out and running out of the room so I didn't have to watch it happen. My dad was trying so hard to convince me that everything was going to be ok but I wasn't having it. Shortly after that incident he rented that lame "secrets of wrestling exposed!" tape and made my brother and I watch it with him. I'm pretty sure my mom told him he had to if we were going to keep watching so I didn't get traumatized again.


We all definitely had those moments where someone you knew walked through the room while that ONE weird segment of the entire show was on and they just rolled their eyes at you. It was usually here any divas segment, especially during the Playboy era.


I loved the AA but it didn't help me explain wrestling to non-fans.


This is me when my mom saw me watching an episode of RAW where Edge and Lita were having a sex celebration. Goddamn it of all the things they could’ve shown to my mom.


I was in the same boat... I finally convinced my mom to let me tape Raw and watch it the next day.. but first she had to watch an episode. What's the first thing we sit down and see? Ryan Shamrock straddling Goldust backstage. Had to go back to sneaking Raw till I was in high school!


My parents came in during one of debras entrances and I was banned from wrestling for a year...


My mom al.ost only ever walked into the room when Sable or Torrie were on tv


I loved the post a while back of some guy convincing his friends or girlfriend or whoever to watch wrestling finally and it’s the Smackdown where Baron Corbin is dumping dog food on Roman Reigns. Hilariously tough break.


I remember being mega young, 5/7-ish and my Grandma would watch World of Sport so she introduced me to '80s English wrestling but as a result of that I probably unknowingly watched some Canadian imports. Then years later my Mum would record WCW Worldwide at 1am on Saturday mornings and tell me all about Flyin' Brian. I'm almost 46 and have been a fan my whole life. I wouldn't change it for anything.


I bet he was in the Basement alright