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Finn Balor losing to Jey Uso when huge opportunities are on the line https://preview.redd.it/eykt669sv67d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e896f6cd5081997c3c7084d20bb1df385f44c0f2


I completely forgot that Melo was a Blazer at one point.


That's Atlanta Hawk legend Carmelo Anthony to you


First Chad, now Finn FML


L move from Adam Pearce.


Oh ffs I thought we were past this https://preview.redd.it/w0z5ve90377d1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=368a6750530409156e0b70f6e2d18618d8107920




https://preview.redd.it/qd41aptgl77d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ad429b58e86f4bf0245d6951a191c315dffb91 Finn receiving the script tonight


Re-signed to be Hunter's favorite main eventer jobber fml


“Cmon man I was your guy! Remember that???” “…You’re taking the L Finn, put your gear on”


Before this it was Edge, he's been a high end jobber for years now


>>Yes Hoontah


idk if a wrestler's fanbase has ever just tossed away the copium like this. Finn heads not even fighting back anymore 😭


We have no fight left in us 


Especially against Jey. I, for one, will be very glad when the "Main Event" Jey Uso experiment is over. Dude is a solid midcarder, but nothing more and it's ridiculous he's ever been presented otherwise.


I totally agree but crowds absolutely love him. Solid midcarder in this roster isn't even a bad thing, the roster is overflowing with talent. I think he'll settle there by the time some of the NXT call-ups find their footing and get some momentum, but then again people are into YEET I don't really get it.


I think ppl love him bc of the bloodline story. I don’t think it’s actually anything special about YEET, I think it’s the fact that Jey Uso is the one saying it.


It's great that the crowd love him. I like him, honestly. Always have. But right now he's kind of overpushed. And yeah there's nothing wrong with midcard. I was a *huge* Zack Ryder supporter in the day and the crowds loved him too, but most of us had no delusions he was above an IC/US title level. We just wanted him on the show. Jey is on the show! But he doesn't need to necessarily be so close to the focus of it as he is.


I'll give it a try. I can see the Wyatt 6 (or whatever they're calling it) interrupt to take out Jey, based around him 'stealing' the fireflies or whatever. The problem with this idea is that Jey is too over to lose consistently, and having the Wyatt 6 lose their first feud probably isn't wise.


https://preview.redd.it/s3hgo4d4v67d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b0b9078498c31624e330ca1729eaabca3c52b7 i can’t never be happy being a Finn fan, i made my peace with that


Where do yall find this shit lol


NBA is a goldmine of hilarious quotes for all kinds of uses.


Sports twitter lol. They basically create every meme


So… you can always be happy…?


Thanks Magic


Hunter don't see him that way, only cope I have is atleast he appears every week.


RIP to the Finn Balor for MITB bandwagon


Wouldn't completely rule it out. They do last chance qualifiers pretty often in this company.


But would they really do it for Finn? They’ve shown they don’t see him as a top guy. I could sooner see JD or Dom in the match.


It would more likely be the opposite if they did it where Finn would get the surprise victory tonight and then Jey would get in on a last chance.


I still don’t think they’d put Finn in the match. They’ve shown that they see him as just another Judgment Day goon.


he's also an older guy, i doubt he or the company finds purpose in having him take those ladder match bumps if he's not winning.


I mean, people keep saying that, but the other Raw main eventers aren't that much younger. Jey is 38, Seth is 37, Gunther is 37, Drew is 39. I don't think age is the reason he's not going to be in MitB.


But you see according to the IWC Finn is the only 35+ year old guy on the roster and it doesn’t matter that almost everyone else at the top is 35+. Finn’s the only one whose age is an issue. Jey turns 40 next year but he’s a young spring chicken while 42 year old Finn is an old man with crippled bones who should be in a retirement home. It’s funny how Finn is labeled as an IWC darling by some but the disrespect this dude endures is next level.


It does however, advance a Finn/Priest schism


Schism? ✌🏻


I mean, they turned that down last year. I don’t think the Judgment Day actually implodes until Rhea’s back.


Judgement day? You mean the Doms private dating service


Last chance match for Finn🙌🙌🙌


Double dip for Pin Balor?


Saw his name next to Jey’s and just sighed lmao.


I guess in my head it's easy to assume Howdy and crew are going after Uso, and Finn has a perfect story set up to go after Damien.


https://preview.redd.it/trcw3mg3v67d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7b7058ce3cf3196cadaf075fcda17306b8943f Finn going up against jey again


Losing to Jey in KOTR and MiTB qualifiers is nasty...


I'm coping hard that finn wins so that we can restart the jd breakup story lines only this time finn has the briefcase instead of priest


Sorry uce, its YEET in the Bank.


Kinda unfair Kiana James & Jey Uso get to team up in this match but everyone else is on their own


Lol. Kiana, climb on his shoulders and grab the Yeetcase!


Finn: "Im gonna do it, Im going to finally get a push and wi-" Jey: "YEET"


The Yeet Man moves way more merch. Sorry Finn fans, but the Yeetcase and Tiffy’s bedazzled pink case will be top sellers!


Can the men’s triple threat be interrupted by Uncle Howdy’s massacre making it a no contest for all competitors ??


That's what I'm thinking. Nexus style.


Please tell me there's some star power in that stable and its not just a bunch of midcarders


I don’t see him getting involved at the top of the card and in the title picture. All three of those guys will have other things going on.


What impression would it be if he didn’t attack the main event talent?


Who said they have main-event plans for him? Wyatt didn’t occupy the top of the card in his final run.


He doesn’t have to be in the main event or title picture but I’m just saying it would be better to show how dominant they are by attacking the top talent


What’s the point if it all leads to nothing? Attacking a top guy doesn’t automatically legitimise you. Look how Ethan Page’s stock has fallen in less than a month.


I agree that attacking a top guy doesn’t legitimize you but how else would Uncle howdy want the fans to talk about his faction?


Wyatt stuff ultimately always revolved around Wyatt. They’re better off treating this as a Howdy showcase.


That or take out Jey and let Finn win.


https://preview.redd.it/g600oe62177d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d1e9fb99fca43ec0658437cec218fd43570004 Pinn Balor losing another match


Pinn Balor is crazy 😭😭😭


Nice! Hope to see Blair Davenport and Dijak in action soon


Dijak got drafted?


Yup got drafted up to Raw but no match yet


I think it was because they needed to re-up his contract first.


Balor fans, all we know is pain.


Y'all need to come in terms with the Jey push. We can't have this weekly spiral come on now.


It’s not about Jey it’s about Finn.


Pin Balor


Maybe the deadbeat can take the pin this time...right?


Will today be another painful day in the life of us Finn bros?


What’s up with Triple H having Finn face Jey after already facing him recently in multiple matches? They just did a draft and yet instead of giving Finn a fresh match to lose in the first round of KOTR, he faces Jey who he had just fought 2 matches in a row and now in a MITB qualifier he faces Jey again. What are we doing here? And yeah Rey’s in it but at least give Finn something fresh if he’s gonna be used in a qualifier he’s not winning.


They need credible people for Jey to beat.


I'm not sure Finn is credible right now. Dude has one win in the last 8 months, and it was effectively a 3 on 1 vs Dragon Lee.


Ahh but you see, he's Triple H's favorite whuppin boy.


You’d be better off putting Dominik in this spot. Jey literally pinned Finn 3 weeks in a row just last month lol.


And it's gonna happen again, baby.


Dom is presumably a bigger priority.


Triple H hasn’t been protected Dom since last Summer. So not really. He got practically squashed by Cody in 2 minutes in September. And spent months losing to Finn and Priest’s challengers. Was used to lose in a chamber qualifier. Lost to Gunther so that JD can compete in the gauntlet. Lost to Andrade. Finn overall has still been more protected.


Dom’s also had two NA Title reigns in that timeframe.


And he took a bunch of losses during it compared to Finn. Finn was more protected than Priest during the tag title run. Priest got pinned 3 times to 3 finishers during their tag reign. Finn only got pinned 1 time by a roll up during the reign.


Priest was the central character during their title run. The MITB briefcase is basically a pin magnet. Dom was still given a big spotlight and trusted to improve NXT’s ratings. He’s also now getting a storyline with Liv.


And that means they wouldn’t have him lose a match like this? If anything Triple H uses stories like that for losses. He just did last week. Liv sitting on Dom cost them the match. Another Liv moment with Dom during the triple threat could lead to Dom losing where he gets distracted with Liv and loses. That’s Triple H’s favorite booking. Distractions and costing even if it’s inadvertent. Anyways my main point is we don’t need to see Finn and Jey 4 times within less than 2 months.


Jey and Kiana. Lyra costs Iyo and Zelina feuds with Liv.


I think Iyo wins by pinning Kiana because of the latter part you mentioned. Although as a heavy proponent of odd winners to matches I endorse your statement


Come on Finn! (Oh, who am I kidding?)


Life as a Finn Balor fan is hell.


Real shit. I was excited to get back into wrestling when I found out HHH took over cuz I thought he was finally gonna make those underused NXT black & gold stars like Finn & Nakamura into relevant main eventers. The only ones I can say that about are Sami & kind of KO I guess. HHH is still doing an amazing job but that’s the only thing I found disappointing.


We’re at a point with Finn that he was booked better under Vince I don’t think anyone could’ve predicted that What Triple H has against him or whatever led to this is something we may never know


Ngl finn having the briefcase storywise is moneyyyyy


Honestly the fact that Damian had the briefcase was the only reason I was even holding out hope that we could finally get Finn a world title run. The story is right there as an inverse of last summer. But now… https://preview.redd.it/lufmjzcsk77d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd6764e5dd56855d243e8a1b004b8341eeb3835


Kiana James for MITB please. You need to put the business serious side out there again.


Damn that's a shame. I really thought Finn would be the perfect one this year


Drew is the perfect one this year tbf


Finn actually needs it to elevate him tho, & that’s what MITB is supposed to be imo. Love Drew but it would solely be for his storyline, not to raise his stock.


You're right, I've always thought that the briefcase works better with losers, since 90% of the time they win just because they took advantage of an injured and weakened champion, from there WWE can decide if the winner is a One-hit wonder or can really be a legitimate top star. From time to time a top star can win it, Randy, Cena, Sheamus etc. but the norm should be low/mid card talent. The royal rumble is more to be won by top stars and the mitb is for those who could become that.


I mean I think the rumble can do that too, like how it catapulted Drew into the main event scene but MITB feels like it’s main purpose is elevating somebody. The rumble to me is more of storyline based match, where an established vet or an upper midcarder can get that push over the edge into main event status. All depends on the storyline they wanna do. But yeah we completely agree on your point about MITB. I mean we literally just saw that with Damian Priest, & I think it’s fair to say he’s solidified himself with the performance in Scotland.


Oh sure, the royal rumble also tends to do that. I just think that normally it's the top stars who win it more often than those in the mid-card and that makes moments like Drew or Shinsuke or my favorite Rey mysterio winning more shocking.


Finn doesn't need it to elevate him, he can be elevated in other ways but using the briefcase for a storyline is something rare


>but using the briefcase for a storyline is something rare That’s the whole reason everyone wants Finn to win. He has a year long story with MITB. Story is the reason for Finn winning MITB. The fact that it would also help Finn’s stock is just added onto why Finn would benefit.


No he can’t. He needs that case to elevate him bc rn he’s just the dude who loses to Jey Uso every week. I’m a massive Finn fan but the perception of him rn is undeniable. He’s not a threat to anybody. Yes his stablemate has the title but they haven’t done anything to actually build him up as any sort of contender.


Unless they pull last minute qualifiers, RIP Pinn Balor MITB. I would expect Zelina to be screwed over by Liv interference to set their fued for MITB. Now either Psycho Iyo goes over Kiana in her second match or Kiana goes over. Put 60% on Iyo and 40% on Kiana


I remember when everyone was all mad when someone was massively over (Zack Ryder, Rusev, Bryan for quite a while, Bray, etc) but never got pushed. But now that over person is Jey Uso, and he is getting that push, but the internet has decided they don't like him, so all of the sudden the popular guy getting pushed is a bad thing. And I say this as someone who like Finn more than Jey too. But I can also see the reactions Jey gets anytime he appears.


I think it's more that they should both be in the match.


Less workable on the women’s side I’d think due to a need to get stars on the card but I really loved what they did last year where the men’s match was entirely composed of wrestlers who have never won a world title before. Could see Jey/Bron/Ilja/Melo/Andrade/Santos and Vega/Kota/Lyra/Chelsea/Michin/Tiff


I think MITB should always be people who never held a world title but get it's a great match to throw people into


So likely Iyo, but I could see her current anger getting the best of her and her losing out. Zelina now has beef with Liv so I feel like she's not going to win so they can set her up for a match. So Kiana is my backup pick. Jey will absolutely win the other. JD v LWO is still a thing so those two will screw each other out of the win somehow.


Has to be Finn winning with The Wyatt 6 debut tonight and seeds have been planted that they will go after Jey making him lose the match. Also could just be a no contest if they get a Nexus type debut.


I think the match will end clean but Wyatt 6 will debut after and attack Jey, Finn, and maybe even Rey. Jey for obvious reasons, Finn to plant the seed for him channeling the Demon again...not sure about Rey though. Maybe he gets his ass kicked for being a bad father? Lol


Finn is winning that Briefcase I’m set on that The signs of him turning on Priest have been there for ages


Finn gonna retire as a jobber. Hunter has it out for this man. A shame.


Finn is winning and Jey gonna somehow find a way in as well


https://preview.redd.it/zk97p54cy67d1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae53737f3602d3565f503a66a41f0b48fc62fd9 brother...


Bron Breakker not in the qualifying match? Oh someone is going to die


Yup, Pearce might want to lock his door for tonight's show.


I think he might get Sami NGL.


Obligatory Iyo wins or I riot.


Hopefully Kiana gets it. Zelina is whatever and IYO is going down this mental breakdown storyline so he taking another loss makes sense. I really want Jey and Balor in the MITB match, so this sucks. Although the triple threat should be a banger.


Surely Jey and Io are pretty much all but confirmed to win these.


They're gonna fuck on my guy again.


Since Priest won I feel there can be more storytelling done if Finn gets the briefcase compared to Jey. I don't want to see endless weeks of Yeet vs Judgment day. I think it will be much more interesting with the Judgment Day drama currently going on.


https://preview.redd.it/ou0zwir6l77d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31913ab2b3e69a9e6e66631ff8f6fff1c31397a6 Watching Jey and an entire arena do the hand celebration over Finn’s unconscious body.


Finn really signed just to job to Jey *sigh*


https://preview.redd.it/k59fpq5u187d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba9aa0959efb1ded08449e3953ef50670cc5456 Me watching Finn lose to jey uso for the 97th time


Hunter continuing to push Jey at the expense of Finn. . https://preview.redd.it/5j9vpqnuw67d1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d875c910e1b87424b8bbe7e85178df0bec068c5b


Didn't Jey already announce himself? Or was that not official and more of a declaration?


a declaration for the qualifier , I guess


Where did all this Finn for Mitb talk come from though? For me it’s always seemed like Jey is the right choice


Can’t watch right now because I’m out, but did he say how many people were going to be in both matches? Hoping they return to 8, too much talent on both rosters to be only 6 imo. At least 7, with the last being a last chance qualifier match or something would be nice: Feel like Jey and Iyo or Kiana will win these tbh. I do wonder though if they’ll keep Iyo out of it just to prevent her from injury before her match for Marigold the week after


8 would make those matches a cluster fuck


They did 12 at WrestleMania


…. and that’s a bad thing? 😂 You make a fair point though, but I Personally love car crash ladder matches so kinda hoping for it


I mean personally it just match uninteresting until someone climbs the ladder.


Last year was 7 and the prior two years was 8. They haven't done a 6 men's ladder match since 2020 and that was a cinematic match. For an actual 6-man men's MITB ladder match you have to go back to 2017, which was 7 years ago. I'm fairly certain we'll be at 7 or 8 again this year.




There's a lot of Finn doomposting in here but I could see him winning with the help of a debuting Wyatt 6 to take out Jey for "stealing" Bray's fireflies.


Kiana would get over with the live crowd if she got to showcase her skills in the ladder match.


Well. Looks like Rey is losing his MitB shot. Was he ever in one, cause he'd be perfect for one.


I read this as Kiana and Jey teaming up against a bunch of people and was very confused for a minute.


I was pretty disappointed in how predictable CATC was, they could throw a huge curve ball tonight by having Finn win tonight but sadly it’s gonna be Mr. Yeet


Iyo could lose her and that will be her final breakdown


Still coping for the Priest vs Balor program since MitB is the only PLE left until Priest gets murdered by Gunther. Ah well.


Jey's gonna be attacked by uncle howdy so Rey takes the pin from finn


I think Kiana James and Jay Uso probably have the advantage as everyone else is competing as an individual.




What if Howdys group costs Jey the match? Jey really doesn't need this, especially with bloodline 2.0 cooking up


Jey is maybe the most popular guy in the roster right now, he needs to win something big. He should be involved with MitB, not an untested group that he inevitably end up losing to.


The folks pushing for Finn to win mitb how exactly do you see it playing out? Cash in on Priest before Summerslam and kicking him out of Judgement day? Gunther is gonna win that title and likely hold it for a long time.


Cash in during Priest vs Gunther when Priest is about to lose to “help” keep the title in TJD, but he pins Priest. If it was up to me, Gunther would be going after Cody tbh but I think they can manage to hold off on him winning the belt by doing TJD vs Imperium & continuing w TJD breakup story first.


Could do Finn get a sneaky pin on Rey, with Dom interference and then Jey wins the last chance match?


Jey vs Gunther was my guess for WM41 championship match but Jey with a briefcase is another interesting scenario.


Please let Finn win. Not even for his sake, but I really need Jey off my TV screen. He's everything people said Cena was in the mid-2000's, just a catchphrase who can't really wrestle well.


Not surprising. Finn is basically the favorite among everyone to win MITB but I even said I could see him not even making the match and they put him in a qualifier with Jey. And that’s exactly what they did. Triple H doesn’t see anything in him besides being an extra and a lackey. Contrary to what fans believe. Definitely the biggest example in WWE when it comes to a huge difference in what fans see in a talent vs what management sees in them.


Yeah I think Jey is absolutely getting into the MITB match. On the flipside however, I have no idea who is getting into the women's MITB match from tonight's qualifier. Kiana is new and could use the boost. At the same time though, they will likely want some serious star power in the women's ladder match, so Iyo is a fair shout as well. So I guess what will probably happen is Iyo will get screwed over by Lyra tonight, and Iyo will return the favor and cost Lyra her qualifying match. And Kiana pins Zelina.


🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞please acknowledge Utami.


I think the Wyatt 6 comes after Jey tonight to reclaim Bray’s fireflies. Balor advances.


Are we even sure Jey’s a lock, I feel like a MITB win doesn’t do much for him, there’s no story with any of the champions and he’s likely getting folded into the Bloodline story once Roman and Jimmy return. Finn clearly has the story here, they didn’t have Finn win the belt after Priest won MITB which would’ve been a great angle but they still have the opportunity to run it here with Finn as the MITB holder instead.


Finn will win MITB and cash it on Priest vs Gunther on SS


Kiana wins by el kaboning (been watching too much Brian Zane lately) Iyo and Zelina with the purse. Cinema