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I’m surprised he didn’t also mention Kofi interrupting/cutting off Woods where Woods kinda had this slightly perturbed look on his face in that same promo


Yeah for me that was the seed of new day splitting up. I'm so not ready for it man :(


He did, it's just in another [tweet](https://x.com/realKILLERkross/status/1802893320248533386).


Good, though it was just too obvious to not address it. I’m just glad they did.


Plot twist: Big E will be the one who turns.


[Big E never turns](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/LwYPPDfeGw)


This is the most interested I’ve been in kross. It’s a very low bar, but still, keep it going.


Kross as the slimy Jake Roberts type is a good place and a character I’d love to see. A more self righteous version of the heel McIntyre is playing, whereas Drew is more whiney and self serving.


love me some extremely direct exposition coincidentally i'm hyped to watch jericho tonight


You lost me at "im hyped to watch Jericho tonight"






Seems like Kross isn't telling you anything you don't already know.  Its like they remembered people like the devil's advocate promos, it just never got off the ground because of o'haire's issues. Surprised it took them this long and this many karrion Kross reboots to try a similar gimmick 


I mean, did you watch RAW? They showed Woods visibly annoyed with Kofi for interrupting him during the promo. They are teasing Woods going heel, which would likely mean Kross gets Woods in his group? Outside chance Woods swerves Kross and it's all a setup and they never break up (like they have said many times) I'd be down for a Woods singles run. He is under-rated. He is a great promo, and great in the ring.


Woods in FT would be so out of nowhere lmao. It’s funny bc I can 100% seeing him become a goth on air for the bit


He would end up looking like Prince in the Charlie Murphy-Prince skit lol


Karrion's group isn't really working for me, personally but I like Woods and hope it could be something fresh for both of them. I think Kross is being used good on RAW (finally), but that group is a dud so far.


Like R-Truth in Judg…. Oh


> They are teasing Woods going heel, which would likely mean Kross gets Woods in his group? He specifically said Woods should link up with them, so yeah that's definitely the implication.


Or kofi and woods fight but big E makes his triumphant return to get the new day back together


The likelihood is that Kofi and Woods are separating because Big E isn’t coming back and they feel it isn’t the same without him.  I won’t be surprised if this split is to give them a chance to have a match before one or both really winds down their career.


Big E as ref. 


Big E should be on commentary. But all I ask is before all 3 are done we get one more COMPLETE New Day entrance, I’m talking Es intro, boxes of BootyOs and pancakes for days.


Kross is a shit-stirrer, always has been. He's literally been bragging about how he turned Shinsuke to the dark side and shit. He saw the happiest, strongest tag team/faction in WWE and said "Yeah I'm gonna fuck with that."


Exactly this… Kross’ motives are to corrupt the WWE & watch superstars slowly crumble away into darkness


Yeah I don’t get what the confusion is about, he’s a heel, he’s a dick lol


Kross has been absolutely cooking in promos and on social media during this feud. It’s a real shame his promos don’t carry to the ring.


Kross promo has been pretty good which make this faction so weird you got two managers that just stand there looking evil and the wrestler is doing all the talking.


Great detail


**Karrion Kross Professional Shit Stirrer.**


I mean, it’s not the New Day unless E is there with them.


Kofi and Woods have been called New Day all the time since Big E has been out in tag matches