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The look of desperation in his eyes! So good!


they say a great actor only needs to act with their eyes 


With how Paulie used to convince guys he owed money to to still go out and wrestle, he could win an Emmy if he was in a TV series. Let alone with the great acting he's done during his time in the Bloodline.


When Roman finally comes back, we may actually see Paul Heyman sobbing in the ring.


I’m still waiting for all of this to be a ruse and for Heyman to “turn heel” on Roman and completely cement the face turn for Roman I just can’t imagine Heyman as a face as much as I so badly want to see it happen lol


This does feel like the logical piece of booking given Paul's history, but I really do want him and Roman to stay together. Roman be a face with Paul Heyman. The issue is that we're going to need to get through a heel Solo - tweener Roman feud before we get to Roman's actual final boss and I really am not looking forward to watch Solo stink up the joint with his limited moveset.


when Reigns' music hits for the first time, the roof will blow off the place. No big name like that comes back after an extended absence as a heel. Just his music hitting, and Reigns hitting the ring and laying out the Bloodline (who were already beaten, Tama having lost a Speed Championship match vs Andrade due to interference), leaving Roman standing tall to end the show, and the next week Bloodline hits him back, and then go on from there. Boom. Roman is an instant underdog vs 3 of the kayfabe baddest samoan badasses ever to live, and positioned as seeking justified revenge (with the help of old foes-turned-friend like Sami and KO) with the end goal of ending the bloodline, culminating in Roman v Rock at Mania next year. If Roman wins, The Bloodline dies. If Rock wins, Roman Reigns must renounce his family name. Boom, Roman is the hottest face on Smackdown, Cody is drafted to RAW after his successful Mania defense vs Randy Orton to be the Champion of the Flagship show and for fresh feuds. Roman doesnt even need a title, so the WHC can remain on heels, giving new champions like LA Knight and Gunther chances for short title reigns with a few successful defenses vs legit contenders, to develop the next generation of main eventers.


Bro inserted a Speed match


Good brother thought he was slick


Lowkey funny to think about how much money Elon would have to offer for Romans return to be on Speed. 


Please delete this before he sees. Last thing we need is to give him ideas.


Ehhhh I picked a starter championship. They ain't taking the US, and Sami isn't dropping the IC to Bloodline. Though you could do a sami/new Bloodline short program


We might even get an original bloodline vs The New Blood at some point




Becky Lynch too Hold on, why do I see a pattern?


As a fan looking at the product, I just don't think solo is worth romans attention. I mean I just couldn't give a fuck about solo. They need to fix that first, they are forcing this solo shit.


They need to stop the roman lite shit. If they want solo star, he needs to be solo, not roman. Hell, have the bloodline betray him to wait for roman and build him as the "underdog" there. Roman dont need titles anymore and im guessing he wouldnt mind putting solo over. But solo right now its a cheap roman copy. Without what made roman a top heel.


No dammit I want face Heyman lol


As natural of a choice as that seems for the Paul Heyman character. The man has done so much for this company, I think it’s time for him to get his flowers and receive recognition/appreciation from the live audiences


No offense but Roman ain’t redebuting immediately as a face. No way they don’t stretch it out.


Everyone comes back from a long absence as a face. That's just organic.


Tell that to Seth Rollins


The crowd were treating him that way when he returned in 2016, they just really wanted to keep him heel.


The top heel for four years, part of the biggest (and slow moving) story in wrestling in ages is not coming back immediately face.


[Sure he is](https://youtu.be/uRGQugQpjz8?si=v95P_qVhFx5gEVv-)


Ah it’s very analogous to more than 2 decades ago with a very different story and booker


Yeah whatever happened to Triple H?


Crowd already chanting ‘we want roman’


And? Crowds saying that want someone doesn’t make them a face. They popped for Roman all the time the past four years.


He is one thousand percent going to come back to a massive pop and be a huge face going forward. That anyone believes different is WILD to me lol.


The fact that y’all think he’s coming back as an immediate face and not turning slowly after years of being a manipulative bastard is what’s wild 😂


We don't need another 2016 Seth Rollins. Came back red hot but stayed heel for a *while* and only turned face because Triple H didn't like him anymore.


Oh man it's the opposite for me, every promo Heyman has the perfect stance to twist things, like in this promo, while he's hugging Punk, imagine he just said "I just wanted to say... make sure... you ACKNOWLEDGE... HIM"... Then Roman returns. It will be hilarious, Heyman finally feeling his senses as his Tribal Cheif has returned. Rn man is looking like a lost puppy


"I hate to be the one to tell you this, but he's not coming back... "


"I want to live" moment


Nico Heyman


"Jimmy, superkick that flag"




Damn. Didn't expect SD to flip that quick. This is amazing.


One hell of a week id say. Wyatt's, Joe Hendry, Jacob Fatu


Yea each show this week had a great surprise/debut. WWE is just feeding us rn.


Best week WWE has had post-WM


Heyman fearing for his life is entertaining as hell to watch


When Solo took over the Bloodline it was the first time I’ve ever feared for my life at a wrestling event




Someone give this man an Emmy




That's such a big bro lil bro high five




With this and the one where he moves his hand so Punk can check time during his entrance routine, it seems that he liked to tag along with Punk and had fun, the hug he gave him today was genuine.


They had a different vibe together, Heyman was a lot goofier, it was pretty fun to watch back then


It helps that Punk and Heyman were legit friends before WWE even put them together


Custody of Heyman on a pole match when?


Immediately after the Liv-Rhea ladder match for custody of Dominik.


Can't wait for the week where we get Dominik on a Pole on Monday followed by Heyman on a Pole on Friday


*Vince Russo intensifies*


Paul Heyman on a Forklift Match


Screw just "working a crowd" or "selling a story" Heyman is just a straight up fucking ACTOR. Hollywood level, award worthy, there's no manager who could EVER do what he does how he does it. He can go from the most dastardly villain to the most sympathetic lil' ball of dough with a single look. What a goddamn talent that man is.


He was in a remake of Rollerball and while the movie itself was critically panned, his performance (he was an announcer) was highly praised by movie critics


It's honestly surprising he hasn't done it more. In a way, it shows how much he loves wrestling.


He is good in it and it's also one of the weirdest remakes to ever be made.


He is the greatest manager of all time. He was in the conversation before he joined up with Roman, and now he’s lapping the competition.


For sure, Heenan was phenomenal but he walked so Heyman could run.


Heyman has had 3 hall of fame careers


More. HoF for ECW. HoF for Punk. HoF for Lesnar. HoF for Reigns. HoF commentary. HoF for Curtis Axel? o.O


Dangerous Alliance was amazing too man


> HoF commentary I don't remember this. When did he do commentary?


Him and Jim Ross were paired up during the WcW/ECW invasion in 2001 and it was hilarious. https://youtu.be/uEFLxoqLKMg?feature=shared


This was my first exposure to Heyman, I absolutely could not have predicted the career he'd go on to have in WWE


At least


He's the GOAT non-wrestler wrestling figure.


>most sympathetic lil' ball of dough you got me there lol


Heyman honestly is INCREDIBLE at conveying emotion and framing a moment. That was amazing.


His ability to manipulate people with his words and emotions is top tier. Just think how many people he jedi mind tricked in the ecw days lol


It’s a travesty wwe doesn’t campaign to nominate Paul for a Emmy/ golden globe or something.


The desperation in his face, and the way he talks, it's like he has found the love of his life


This is like Cornette's dream sports entertainment segment. Punk making Cornette references and his favorite actor Heyman putting in an Oscar performance.


Paul Heyman is the greatest manager of the 21st century, and likely GOAT.


He's sitting at the same table as The Brain now, generational.


When the hell did Heyman become just a good actor? He was always a great entertainer and cut god tier promos but the past couple of years, he's been tapping into something else entirely.


It was his pairing with Roman. His character had a much deeer relationship with Roman that required a lot more diverse emotional reactions from him. His relationship with Brock was very one dimensional. He had flashes of stuff with Punk, especially during the Punk Brock feud. But the storyline with Roman has had a lot more opportunities for emotion in the promos since the Bloodline stuff has been actual scenes as opposed to just back and forth promis


Bingo. Never thought Heyman of all people could be sympathetic but he gets me every week with his facial expressions


Heyman has that Palpatine look in Ep 3 when Windu corners him


Punk is definitely consoling Paul with a trip to Mr Beef


I swear, for a moment there, CM Punk in-character was actually considering bending the knee so he could leave unscathed and take Paul with him.


Is Heyman a face at this point? Surely he will be when Roman rescues him ultimately.


I mean nobody boos him regardless if he’s a heel or babyface.


Someone please help my boy, Paul. Begs for an out with Punk and then Punk gets killed immediately. Someone save him please 😭 😭 😭


The fake tears! 🤌🤌🤌


Solo cuts promos like Stevie from Malcom in the Middle talks. I can’t unhear it.


That and the ridiculous fingerless gloves while wearing a suit combo, I can't stop laughing.


When Roman breaks up the Bloodline beating down the Wiseman the pop will be nuclear.


I’d love it if Heyman was only threatened and Roman nonchalantly speared him on his way in. Heyman was fine with Solo’s bullshit until he wasn’t.


Very oddly, I can see a huge pop for both the Bloodline beating up Heyman, and then again for Roman saving him, and then again for Roman swerving and spearing Heyman afterwards. Paul's just that kind of guy.


So Roman is returning at SS, and the biggest pop would be when he spears Solo to put Cody over.




And then Drew killed Punk and the last bits of hope of Heyman got Crushed.


Paul sounds like he was dragged to Motherboy XXX.


RAW is getting Custody of Dom 2: Revenge of the Riptide Queen SD is getting On a Pole 2: Paul Heymaloo I like this timeline


The later segment with Solo was amazing. I am mind boggled by how terrific of an actor Paul is, he can cry on the spot and wide range of believable expressions.


Punk joining forces for War Games to stand by Heyman with the OG Bloodline would cook. They don’t just say “Roman said Punk was to be left alone” for no reason.


I like Solo but this guy has even worse drip than Roman as the new tribal chief😭


Wow....Solo really sucks on the mic.


What the hell is the Bloodline actually doing to Paul Heyman!? Are Tama and Tanga telling Paul all their cousin Fale’s conspiracy theories?


***Solo, are you gonna hurt this wiseman?***


I’ve been saying for a minute that Heyman is the best thing in pro wrestling currently and he keeps getting better


All-time great manager and promo.


Paul Heyman truly is in another league above everyone else. He elevates anything and anyone he's involved with


Loved the way they weaved the Punk / Heyman relationship into the storyline here. And I even got the sense Punk genuinely wanted to help Heyman in some way.


Roman, Lesnar, Punk vs The New Bloodline?


Solo’s mic work. OOOOF


I don't think he's too bad but he's definitely got some work to do


I can understand why they worry that Jacob Fatu might outshine Solo.


He just needs to hold it together 1 more month till summer slam. He’s done a great job imo, people just have unrealistic expectations. Wouldn’t have worked out if either of the usos were put in his position needing to carry the bloodline for 4 months without rock, Roman, or either uso


This is honestly one of the coolest and most unique relationships in wrestling. there’s so many facets and layers to it. I feel like it’s not really spoken about a lot but the core of their history is punk as a deeply paranoid and cowardly heel. arguably him at his lowest point. that informs every aspect of it


I don’t really understand this. What prevents him from leaving the bloodline?


Loyalty to Roman and fear of what the current bloodline could do to him. He’s seen what the bloodline does to other WRESTLERS. Heyman is an older, out of shape father. And intentionally or not, this story is essentially an abusive relationship. Solo threatens Heyman and then tells him he’s loved. The forced hugging thing. Threats of “do this or else.” And the desperate hope that the “good times” - the earlier bloodline when they held all the gold - will come back.


Fear of the monsters Solo has assembled. Pure and simple.


*Solo will remember that.*


Has this full segment hit YouTube yet? Ive only found it chopped in to bits and pieces so far


If Brock is truly gone, can it be said that Heyman is Roman's greatest rival?


The moment we hear Roman's theme will be SmackDown's equivalent to the moment we hear Rhea's theme. That OH SHIT THEY'RE BACK FOR BLOOD moment is gonna be lit


You were so close to "that OH SHIT THEY'RE BACK FOR BLOOD line" and it's infuriating


Only an OG can save Heyman now ![gif](giphy|3ohc1dVk8uhkK5EZ0Y|downsized)


Heyman looks like this [sad Chihuahua](https://old.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1dfryd7/please_stay/)


It’s amazing to think that Solo being the head of the Bloodline is so toxic that Paul Heyman would ask the most toxic wrestler of the modern era to take him with him back to Raw. Like it works in so many levels with all the impersonal relationships and real life personalities that a segment like that can be elevated by a single powerful line performed by such a terrific actor. Chef’s kiss!


Why are X links allowed in this sub. The clips don't work outside North America


Haven’t watched since mania so forgive me. But the bloodline is now solo as the main guy? Who can’t go over the top ropes correctly? And two random twins? What the hell did I miss?! Yikes. Can they move on already. Or are they really waiting on Roman Rock?


Solo and Tama Tonga basically killed Jimmy Uso off TV and out of the Bloodline for losing to Jey at Wrestlemania. Tonga Loa is brother to Tama Tonga, and was brought in as the replacement to Jimmy. Paul Heyman is scared as hell week in and week out, and hasn't talked to the Tribal Chief since Mania, while Solo says he is just following Roman's orders, who we also haven't seen since Mania. And tonight was the debut of Jacob Fatu. It is the assumption that this is leading to a Bloodline Civil War, where with everyone is involved.


Gotchya. Sounds like they are really beating a dead horse huh.