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I’ll just say it, I’m enjoying this version of Kross. Feels more human and less like him trying to “act” crazy. I just hope the match has time. Wasn’t this supposed to happen last week before it got rescheduled? (which seems to happen to Kross matches quite often).


I think they'd originally announced Kross v Woods, but then changed it to the promo segment they did instead. And used that promo to make it Kross v Kofi and further build that underlaying Woods/Kofi tension.


Agreed. Think this will work. Love Kross, and his charisma is finally shining.


Don’t tell this to the rest of Reddit. Karrion Kross is boring and you’re not allowed to like him.


hE neEds beTTer mOveS


I believe in Karrion Kross.


👏 👏


Did you say believe? ![gif](giphy|GA8N5qPIvTNVpP8nlB)


Dude Kross and his lore expands more than a decade. He had a website full of his "end of the world" lore (may still exist, idk). I think he's a case of "wrong place, wrong time." He should have left for like 5 years then came back and maybe get that 2nd chance with the fans.


He and Sheamus both had shitty lore novellas on their websites lol


I knew about Jimmy Jacobs having a blog for lore and I’m shocked no one tried to replicate that.


Concern Troll Kross is really working for me.


It's definitely getting better than it's been.


Okay, Karrion. We can all agree that we love Lamp.


Do you actually love the lamp or you just saying that you do?


I'll think this over on my long walk in the rain.


I’m actually invested in this new shit stirring Kross.


i like where this is going but i still deeply miss hitman kross from his impact days i hope someday they develop his character in that direction


That's the whole reason I still can't fully give up on him. He hasn't hit that same level since, but there was a while there in Impact whete he was such a compelling promo and character. Hope he can find that same spark again.


The problem kross has had in WWE. Is just for the most part while he was interesting. He didn't outshine his peers. And when the issue is your over but not over enough. This is good for the company good for fans. Bad for wrestlers that if they were in any other promotion would be main event card but are more of a mid card in WWE because there main card is way more over than most will ever reach


Why is he starting to resemble James Spader?


He's basically playing Raymond Reddington with this new gimmick now.


Hope he avoids bulls


The Millenial Pause is a sign of psychopaths now. Incredible.


Im getting big time smackdown Sean O'Haire vibes from this change in character. I like it a lot


That character was really good


The way he turned that around making Kofi look bad was pretty well done. Then editing in woods to drive home the similarities.


Honestly his work the last few weeks has been interesting. He's such a good talker unfortunately that's all he has imo. But this feud has been pretty fun.


He's a lot better in ring then people give him credit for. He had two killer (haha, get it?) matches with Finn in NXT, a really good match against Austin Theory and a pretty grand multiman match as well. He's no Daniel Bryan, but he's also not The Great Khali. Dude can go, he just needs to be given some time


People forget how high folks were on Kross before he got to WWE.


His match with Santos is one of my favorite recent-era NXT matches.


I wouldn't forget his stuff with Adam Cole personally


Did they ever face 1 on 1? I recall there meeting being in the 5 or 6 man match at one of the takeovers. The one with Kross, Cole, Oriley, Gargano and Dunne (maybe someone else too?) Which included that really fiery AC promo!


He's the fly on the wall that will sew discord and rise from the ashes left over.


Dr. Kross bring up some pretty good points. Honestly can't argue against anything he said.


Kross trying to be a screaming badass doesn’t work for me. He should aim to be something like Jake the Snake. When he’s more subtle and calculating like this he’s genuinely interesting.


This reminds me of Jordan Peterson or those manosphere influencers like Andrew Tate or the Liver King. I can actually see him doing that gimmick, but becoming more and more unhinged


On some Patrick Bateman energy? Dude he's got the chops for it 


This is really funny and really good.


You know what, good for him. He’s trying. He should not have been given this many chances, but he’s trying and this is probably his best work in WWE so far.


I mostly agree with this but will insert the caveat that I don't consider Bondage Gear Kross to have been a "chance" so he hasn't hit his limit for me.


He hasn't really been given that many "chances". This is far and away the most meat they've let him chew on as far as MR, and it's working. He had the Drew feud, but while Drew was over with crowds, he was dull as a fucking doorknob as a character. Honestly, this whole Xavier angle is clearly what they were planning to do with Montez (remember that teaser vignette they did with the SP on Twitter months ago?) that they didn't give nearly enough time, or pull the trigger, on.


The inevitable Kross/Howdy collision course is either going to be great wrestling theater or the drizzling shits and nowhere in between.


Stuff like this should be on TV for all the "Kross is boring and a charisma vacuum" people


Seeing him work in the ring Monday was a hard watch. He’s just not there


Because a huge guy like him shouldn't win vs Kofi based of a distraction, he should be agressive and dominant on his ownh


Wasn’t him winning or losing. It was his in ring skills and timing or lack there of


Finally, WWE has managed to find a gimmick for Kross that works. I'm enjoying what he's doing.


I enjoy the pivot to Kross being like a modern Jake the Snake. A little fucking needle poking and poking, using pieces of the truth to warp perspectives. I feel the thing holding Kross back in the ring is that his style, historical lyrics, works best against smaller or faster opponents who can sell his shit like death. For him to handle himself against bigger talent, he needs to change his style, or at least incorporate his character work into his in-ring style (see: Roman in the fall of 2020). He also needs a real finisher; his finishers have all looked like garbage since day 1. His Saito suplex looks so devastating as a signature, he need to find something that can accommodate it. He should get the Anaconda Vice or the Musclebuster or Claudio's Gotch-style Slam.


I wish I had the interest to watch a 13 minute video


Karrion Kross will continue to be very underrated just by the fact that everyone is talking about liking his new character and nobody is talking about how the video is fucking 13 minutes long lol




13 minutes of Karrion Kross? “I’m sorry that happened Or I’m happy for you.”


People like this? Why? I don’t get it. He’s boring. The in ring isn’t good. He’s had chance after chance after chance. Doesn’t get over with a crowd that loves everything that uncle Paul gives them


Being a twitter troll does not make you more interesting when you show up on tv.


WWE is leaning very hard into X trolling it's 24/7.


Dude actually sucks.


what is blood wafflin about?