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...is this the first ever on-screen acknowledgement that Bray and Bo are brothers? (not counting stuff like the HOF)


I think once during a tag match between Bray & Matt and The B Team someone made a comment about "brotherly love" on commentary but they edited it out of the replay.


They explicitly announced him as Taylor Rotunda during HoF, so it wasn’t really Bo, which begs the question, in this interview is it Bo or Taylor (at least from a billing standpoint)? And if it’s Bo, are we acknowledging his past career or is this a new page entirely?


In one of the things leading up to the debut, I think the message "do you believe" was on screen and it flashed to "do you bolieve" for a frame or two.


I think I noticed a very... unusual pronunciation of "believe" in this very clip, too.


you are correct


I don't see why not. They acknowledged that Bray was Husky Harris


This just resurrects my old question: in kayfabe, was he originally Bo Wyatt, but changed his name after his brother went off the deep end? Or was it Bray Dallas, and he changed his name to reflect his status once he started the family?


Bray Wyatt was Huskie Harris, so if anything the name would be Bo Harris. Bray Wyatt is the entity that made a deal with Huskie Harris to make him powerful, in exchange for a body to inhabit (IIRC).


My headcanon is pretty much this, but also adding in that Husky probably knew in advance that he was making a deal with the Devil, so he wanted to protect his brother from his path. Now, his soul & the entity of Bray Wyatt are almost as one and he's trying to reach Bo after his death, which led to him getting possessed and gaining the Uncle Howdy persona.


This sounds like an a24 horror film and I am ALL FOR IT


Bray Wyatt possessed Husky Harris, and since Bo is Husky's biological brother, I'd assume it was either Bo Harris or Husky Dallas


I always thought Husky was a nickname, and I guess Harris could be either a first or last name. Which gives us the possibilities of Harris Dallas and Harris Wyatt


Both of their last names were RS


Lore wise, isn’t Bray Wyatt the name of the thing that possessed Husky Harris/Windham Rotunda?


they never, in all those years, had them in a Royal Rumble ring together.


Ya know, for something that's suppose to be scary and spooky, I wasn't expecting that video to be as real and as emotionally moving as it got. Really REALLY fantastic segment all around. Can't wait to see where it goes next.


Its perfect. Having them constantly show up and attacking people every week *would* feel kind of dull and stale after a few times. So having these weird, creepy vignettes in-between those massacres make them feel even more "oh holy fuck" worthy. I'm kind of hoping we get one of these for each member of the Wyatt Sicks with one of the characters possessing them through emotional manipulations. Then we get the second massacre after all 6 go through it and the next one is even more brutal with more named talent having been taken out.


Honestly I imagine Rowan would be next if they do that since he basically was closest to Bray beside Bo.


And how close he was to Brodie Lee. Losing both those guys must have been awful.


With how close him and Braun where with Bray and Brodie, both deaths had to hurt. Hopefully working with this new group will provide him some good memories that honor them both.


I remember them weeping together front and center during the tribute show for Bray. Something about two giant monsters crying for their fallen friends truly hurt my soul more than I expected


I guess they'll do the same for Joe Gacy and Nikki Cross, with mentions of Schism and Sanity. I can see these vignettes happening to other members of the roster, especially those with close affiliations to others as part of stables & teams but experiencing serious turmoil (like falling outs or abuse), but maybe filmed in a style that's a cross between this & the Firefly Funhouse match.


Hey Dexter was in a stable too, and also has a kayfabe wife lol


gonna be strange for Dexter who doesn't talk


I think Uncle Howdy could talk on behalf of him, and the fact that Dexter can communicate through his drawings helps too. He's an incredible artist.


Pair him with Joe Gacy. Have Gacy do the talking as Lumis just stares down at a crumpled photo of Indy Hartwell. After Gacy cuts his promo have Lumis crumple it up and slowly offer it to his Funhouse counterpart who burns it in front of him.


Is Dexter’s just gonna be his Wyatt character talking while the old Dexter just sits in a chair and gives the thumbs up


I *just* found the courage to watch Bray's doc earlier today. Shit was so hard to watch. Bray's death has hit Bo like no other man. Just hearing him talk about him hurts the heart. It hurts cuz it seems all he wanted to do was finally be a tag team together on the main roster and they finally were going to do just that. :/ I hope he kills it with this new faction. Idk what his ceiling is as Uncle Howdy but man I hope the fans get behind it like they did for Bray. I've always been a Bo-liever. I know we'll never see that gimmick of his again but I'm ok with that as long as creative doesn't fumble this.


I still haven't worked up the nerves to watch the documentary, even though I know I have to. It's really an internal struggle knowing Bray was my favorite wrestler, but not watching his documentary.


Shit hurt man. If you loved Bray Wyatt you will shed tears. Its one of the best wrestling documentaries I've ever seen, that I will never see again lol


That's what I'm afraid of, lol. I don't want to look like a blubbering baby if my wife walks in to check on me. But I know I'll probably be watching it sometime this week.


Crying due to empathy is not a sign of weakness. Don't worry about how it looks to others.


If your wife happens to be even slightly interested in wrestling she might get something out of it too. My girlfriend got into wrestling because of me, only got to see the last bit of Bray’s career. She watched it with me and also felt for him and his family. Also the documentary not only talks about his life, but explains a lot that weaves into the QR codes/sites before Howdy debuted.


I felt the same way. It was really tough but so well done. I cried a ton. But Taylor and Jason baker eluded to they have so much work to do. This is all incredible to watch.


Seriously props to Jason for creating these new masks. Dude is awesome.


Bo and Bray are the same age as my brother and I. And I lost mine too shortly after Bray died. This whole shit hits home a whole lot extra for me. The doc was beautiful but I do kind of regret watching it so soon. Tonight was hard too.


The last half of the documentary was so heart wrenching and hurtful, it would make anyone burst into tears. I couldn't stop thinking about the last 30 mins of the doc for weeks. 


I lost my brother two years ago at the same age as Bray was, I just can’t bring myself to watch it yet and relive all of that.


The more real it feels, the creepier it is.


WWE has been so good lately I am expecting this to defy our expectations and do it really well.


You can tell Bo is really wanting to make this special. I mean between the work he put into the doc and now this it probably helps heal him a bit.


Who ever said it was supposed to be spooky? It's supposed to be disturbing.


Bo's got it, man. He's definitely going to do Bray's legacy justice. The strength he's got to continue this story, and with this subject matter, is incredible. Some of the best horror isn't bloody, gory, in-your-face jumpscares. It's psychological.


Was NXT champion for a reason. Vince fucked up with this dude.


NXT Bo was an oblivious heel that had a mean streak in the ring, he could back it up. There’s a reason he held the belt for almost 300 days. Then he gets called up and Vince turned him into a joke that had his winning streak broken by pre-comedy R-Truth.


By doing that, by crushing NXT’s strongest champion, it was an easy way to make NXT look weak in comparison to the bigger shows. And Vince loved making NXT look weak, sadly.


It's funny cause every time Vince fucked up with Bray he came back stronger and more over Now Bo gets to do the same I'm grateful for Vince's terrible booking of Bray because it allowed him to have that final comeback of his before his passing. That first return promo is insane especially given the current circumstances.


I’m not sure that “final comeback” worked out so well. Vince stuck him in a sponsored Mt Dew match.


Bo being chased out of full sail is legit hilarious


Vince most likely only saw surface level aspects of Bo's talent through his first impressions of the Bo-lieve gimmick & flanderized it, which hid his diversity in character work until now.


This segment feels like something never done before in wrestling. The word 'cinema' gets thrown around a lot, but this literally feels like something out of a movie. Like, this could be Jigsaw psychologically torturing his victim or something. Bravo to those involved, can't wait to see where this goes


Yeah Bo definitely killed it. Literally at points, I forgot he was talking to Uncle Howdy (which imo, was his best Howdy performance yet)… just seemed like a broken man just rambling 💔 and then it randomly switches to a grinning Uncle Howdy like damn 😂


I would go so far as to say thee BEST horror is psychological, if only because people aren't desensitized to it. It's relatable, it grips you and confuses you emotionally. Tests your boundaries.


Bo going straight for his own jugular there


As I see it he is talking to the therapist from the QR codes, it's not visually her but it's Bo's mind that's what we are seeing. As he gets more comfortable talking to her and the questions become more.... personal, he disassociates more between Bo and Howdy. He is trying to come to terms with himself, the loss, and his ambitions when he was chasing his brothers fame. Instead of being able to cope he cracked. Then brought those who had a connection to Bray fight against those that are not his idealized version of Bray. Making a crazy prediction here but I think the "therapist" will return to the story. Not sure she is a wrestler but she will be featured as herself sometime in this storyline.


Is there a master post with everyone compiled together?


I teared up when he said they were there. I can’t imagine how it must feel working on something so hard with someone you love and as you’re about to achieve it, gone…


Got married in 2020, had a baby in 2022, wife died three weeks after. Yeah, I know what it’s like. Didn’t expect a spooky wrestling video to hit me that hard. I’m rooting for Bo so hard. It was a fantastic move to immediately address that, yes, of course Uncle Howdy is Bo Dallas and that he’s obviously motivated and heartbroken by the death of his brother. They already know that the audience knows, so why even try to hide it? I’m shocked that they even brought up the criticism of exploiting Bray’s legacy. I feel like past WWE would have just kept the motivation implied and never addressed the real world stuff behind Bo, but I’m glad they’re directly addressing it and incorporating it into the character. There’s way more nuance here than I was expecting. Bo Dallas is a sympathetic figure in kayfabe but he’s a destructive monster as Uncle Howdy. So, you want to support him but him and his group are terrorizing and practically murdering people on TV.


I'm sorry for your loss brother, but if you don't mind me asking, how are you doing now?


I’m doing ok. I’ve been dating again, I’ve got a great support system, family all lives nearby, a stable job, and I had been going to a psychologist for years anyway, so dealing with the loss through therapy helped.


Truly happy to hear that things are getting better for you.


I think sometimes when it comes to pro wrestling, stating the obvious and not trying some M. Night Shamalan-esque twist helps a story.


This new era is so interesting because WWE is incredibly successful, and they’re not even doing anything avant garde or groundbreaking. They’re just…telling mostly straightforward stories with logical and satisfying progression and payoffs. This isn’t the Attitude Era where it was shock TV, anti-authority, and envelope-pushing content. This is mostly just good-ass pro wrestling booking with a dose of logical reality. Look at Cody Rhodes. He’s a cheesy goober of a guy draped in Americana but people LOVE him because he comes off as sincere and likable based off his own real life story.


Granted, the only specified target of their murder so far (aside from the random production guys) is a dude who was being an abusive dick to his pupils, so they’re chaotic vigilantes dishing out a form of karmic justice (albeit twisted) at the very least.


If this story stays very hot into WrestleMania, which I'm really hoping, it's going to be very bittersweet for Bo


Unfortunately I've had a similar experience and it was pretty much as he said, it feels like nothing will matter again. It's like reaching the top of the world together and believing you can go to higher heights, only to crash down and see yourself alone with nothing. It's ironic the most fantastical storyline can be the most real.


I hope the Bolieve Bo Dallas is the happy Firefly Funhouse version.


DUDE. This would be amazing


That idea brings me such joy, dude! Also, it just clicked to me that both Bray and Bo at one point had a similar signature phrase "All you have to do is" (Let me in/Bo-lieve)


They should make a Muppet version of OG Bo Dallas, have Uncle Howdy carry it around sometimes, be cartoonishly cruel towards it


I thought that maybe Bray Wyatt created the Firefly Funhouse in his mind with kayfabe inspiration from his brother Bo and his personality in order to reclaim some of his former human self (Husky Harris).


I'll say it the same thing I did there, this was one of the most emotional, haunting, geniune segments I've seen in years. Absolutely incredible.


‘How did it feel when your brother died?’ Damn, talk about chills. This ain’t your dad’s wrestling show anymore. They gunna cook with this.


They did the right thing by going straight in with that. It needed addressing so that fans knew Bo was comfortable acknowledging it and it laid the foundations for the segment.


For sure. I think it also really drives home that this isn’t just some campy slasher-horror wannabe gimmick. There is a real ‘soul’ to this whole angle that’s more than just ‘scary guys in mask causing terror’ which I think is where stuff like this can devolve and make it hard to pull off on a wrestling show.


Another example of "when wrestling's good, it's fucking great".


When wrestling is good, it's great. When wrestling is bad it's terrible. Part of why I love it. Highest highs, lowest lows.


My guy went from a boliever to a boleader


Bojack ![gif](giphy|3osxYhTh4pRccLrsyY)


don't act like you don't knowwww


What is this, a crossover episode?


Given the more emotional, raw tone of the interview it's also going from Bo-lieve to Bo-reave. *I'll see myself out.*


This was so brilliant, it really immediately solves the 2 main concerns I had with the gimmick. 1. Bo’s voice 2. The Uncle Howdy name Now we’ve established that Bo is Uncle Howdy so his voice works fine for the gimmick. And we’ve established that Howdy is a soft-talking creep, which explains why he would have such a friendly name.


Uncle Howdy is also the name Regan gives for the spirit she communicates with via the Ouija board in The Exorcist I think the name is supposed to invoke the act of possession; Uncle Howdy has taken ahold of Bo, the way the original Uncle Howdy(aka Pazuzu) took ahold of Regan.


It's actually Captain Howdy, but the connection is still clear.


Captain Howdy to strangers, Uncle Howdy to friends and family


Mr. Howdy, if you're nasty.


Daddy Howdy if you are Liv Morgan


Please, Mr. Howdy was my father, just call me Howdy


I'm a huge Bray fan and have been looking forward to this since the teases started, but I was never in love with ghr Howdy character. So far it is working.


I loved how in just a matter of minutes, they swung hard and knocked it out of the park to address the possible criticisms thrown at WWE for running with this: - exploiting Windham/Bray’s passing - Taylor/Bo’s relevance and living under Windham/Bray’s shadow - no clear motivation behind the Wyatt 6icks Damn. Captivating stuff. This has all the makings of a run that will elevate Taylor. While inspired by Windham’s work as Bray, this seems like a unique and fresh take to push all these guys forward. I’m so happy that Taylor gets the gift of Bray’s legacy to show why we should Bolieve.


I wasn’t around for brays run but have loved everything I’ve been able to watch, but one thing that stands out in interviews is how highly he regards his brother, and how underrated he feels he is. He always spoke highly of Bo, which has me absolutely pumped for this. But watching this segment, and how highly he speaks of Bray too? Man, it’s the kind of love only brothers can have. I have a 4 and 2 year old boys here, and it just makes me hope they’re together forever. Heartbreaking they lost each other. Proud of him for what he’s doing.


> exploiting Windham/Bray’s passing This was my problem with it and this addressed it perfectly. I'm in now.


“What am I supposed to do, let him become a mosoluem?” Wow. That line instantly kills any notion that this angle is exploiting Bray. What a fucking line.


This was the uppercut to the right hook of "How did it feel when your brother died?" I don't think I mentally was prepared for my inner monologue to be directly called out by the group working on this story for A.) doubting the idea of a Bray-less Wyatt Family and B.) not addressing the loss of Bray Wyatt. I hope and feel that Bo and the rest of the creative team has the freedom to take this in a direction they feel Bray would have taken it. I hope, more importantly, that this gives the Rotunda family whatever relief from the pain it can.


>"How did it feel when your brother died?" My brain froze for a second, of all the possible questions, this wasn't what I expected Howdy to open with! Brilliant stuff.


I was just discussing whether it was/wasn't exploitative before this segment (my take was that both Bo and Bray's wife said he'd have loved it and how close it was to his own vision ... and as they are literally the closest and most affected people aside from his kids ... well. Also imo, the constant Eddie mentions by everyone not named Guerrero is way worse, but I digress..) ... typed up half a goddamn essay ... deleted it after this part. Can't word it better than this, can't adress it better than Bo straight up asking himself "is this exploitation?" and wondering whether he should let his brothers vision just die a second death, being forgotten by time. Absolutely perfect.


That damn piano key is so haunting... like a tease of "Shatter" still playing, an echo of Bray that will never leave any of us


I hope they continue to use that song for their entrance. Because the first time they all come out to it is going to hit like heroin.


Totally and it works perfectly lyric wise for Bo too. They should absolutely keep it. Bray never really got to use it for long.


“Lie for me brother” “Die for me brother” “When things break things shatter” Damn man. It will be an amazing entrance


"Die for me brother"...damn, that is the most tragic line to be in a theme song by pure chance


It's eventually gonna speed up into the actual song and it's gonna be cool as hell.


oh damn they were in the Funhouse. Howdy really used Bo to get out of it. Maybe all the Funhouse characters wanted out and could only do it through the use of others? when it started Bray did originally say that he "found" the Funhouse while he was gone. and he said the Fiend was the "protector" of the Funhouse. but what if it wasn't protecting the Funhouse crew from outside forces, what if it was protecting the Funhouse as more of a... prison guard? protecting the outside from whats inside, And now with the Fiend gone, nothing is there to contain them.


I love this theory


It totally makes sense too. I just rewatched all the Firefly Funhouse episodes the other day and on at least one occasion Bray mentions to Rambling Rabbit about bringing the Fiend in to keep him in line and it's clear all the Funhouse characters are terrified of him.


I don't know if this had a connection to the Fiend/FFH story, but I had it in mind that the FFH was constructed in Bray's psyche as his sane space (with the help of his real form of Husky Harris) that was to protect his reformed self after his story with Matt Hardy, but the Funhouse characters actually are the demons from his eater of worlds years trying to subtly allure him into his darker impulses & The Fiend is a necessary evil to keep them in check.


Makes me wonder how the story eventually comes to a close. Maybe Alexa brings The Fiend's mask back to Bo and slowly shakes him free of Howdy and takes over as The Fiend, sending the Funhouse horrors back into their prison. That would be a huge crowd pop. Bo dawning the mask his brother wore to start all of this.


I seem to recall an unused version of The Fiend. To me it appeared to be like a leveled-up version, so to speak. I am really hoping we get to see Bo become *that* Fiend.


Bruh this is cinema.




Abandon all hope ye who exit here


Wow. What a theory.


Love that they acknowledged Bray right out of the gate. Bo fears unfairly cheated by Brays untimely death (grieving) and feeling unfairly shoved under the rug by management are very valid reasons to take people in the same position and run rampant. And to build on his brothers legacy. This has been perfect so far and Bo is killing it.


I like how this provides an explanation for the different versions of Howdy. The original version was just Bo having fun with his brother. The new version is now Howdy becoming disturbed and insane.


I was so enthralled I forgot he was actually cutting a promo - I forgot I was watching professional wrestling. Bravo.


Fun Fact: It’s filmed at the Firefly Funhouse


Honestly, the grey/black/white tones of the video made it feel more like an asylum/prison than the Funhouse... but an asylum/prison inspired by the Funhouse.


im loving this. so far its less magic tricks and litteral wizardry and more psychological. Granted i love shit like takers lightning and disappearing act but this feel like the better direction for this. also bo and howdy here giving Dafoe and the green goblin mask vibes https://preview.redd.it/bd7j45vgvm8d1.jpeg?width=1681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa08f833f78fe1b9fb2231e4c9927b7e1ea07403


Bo kept up at night by a lantern shouting “AVENGE ME”


I'm something of an occultist myself.


God, Bo is a fuckin good talker


HHH saw something in Bo 10 years ago when he had made him the face of NXT going into the Network era and had him main event the first takeover. And Bo always nailed everything that was given to him on the main roster, now he actually gets to show it.


I loved Bo as a comedy jobber. He’s still fairly young. But I can’t help but feel robbed that they didn’t give him a serious role earlier.


Uncle Howdy is the physical manifestation of that little voice in your head that tells you aren't good enough, that picks right at your greatest fear, that knows exactly how break through your armor


I would speculate Bray would like this angle.


He’d love it


Bray would be fucking giddy and bouncing in his seat at how awesome all of this is.


I don't know if there's a heaven or hell, but I like to imagine Brays in heaven just watching it all unfold and smiling from ear to ear at how well they've handled this whole thing. Might be the best examples of using a wrestlers death in a storyline without exploiting it.


*How did you feel when your brother died?* https://preview.redd.it/bdpcsxqwrm8d1.png?width=404&format=png&auto=webp&s=53c2eddae602e20225805dbefb35de70cbcb44ff


Since then every morning Bo wake up with fresh hatred. Tenoí.


Bo 🤝 Kagurabachi Memed online but actually incredibly good once given a real chance


Didn't think they were going to hit us with that shit. Still hurts, man.


Definitely wasn't expect them to open up with that.




Bachi bro in SquaredCircle? W


Shades of Foley’s cane Dewey promo, except Bo in both roles. I have a feeling we’re watching something that will be talked about 20 years from now. Fantastic stuff.


Holy shit. They’re really gonna make me want Bo Dallas to become world champion.


After years of the lovable goofy Bo Dallas, it’s almost culture shock seeing him in this kind of role on screen. I could really start seeing shades of his brother in his face and mannerisms at the end, this is already insanely cool.


I like how they don’t insult our intelligence and go “remember that goofy jobber Bo Dallas? He’s scary a cult leader now”. They give us a clear reason why he’s become this




Didn't refer to him as anything.


He is nobody.






Dial B for Biznes


Both of the uploads on the WWE and WWE on Fox YouTube channels refer to him as Bo Dallas in the title.


The videos uploaded to the YouTube channels refer to him as Bo Dallas


Still gotta see if he's gonna go by bo or his real name


I think Bo Wyatt fits nicely


This is extremely compelling stuff. It’s very early, but the introduction of this angle has been completely nailed


God damn. This was not even remotely the direction I thought they’d take the Wyatt 6 stuff in, but I’m really intrigued. That segment was so real it was almost a tough watch, but if Bo’s comfortable with it it has potential to be amazing.


I love the tonal shift we had from “Zombie Gable! Oh that’s it? that’s how they follow up their debut? Pat McAfee’s head is in that box lol” (which is fun don’t get me wrong) to one of the saddest and darkest segments I’ve ever seen, it hits so hard and I’m glad they’re going with Bo/Taylor as a central piece to the story instead of just Howdy, I hope that tone persists through the storyline.


This is already a lot more interesting than I thought they were gonna let it be. "Spooky faction is spooky" is played out and boring, but "traumatised man uses his dead brother's weird horror movie ideas to lash out at company and people who he feels wronged them" is a really interesting spin.


Take it easy with the personal questions there, Sean Evans.


This is actually funny since [Sean Evans interviewed Sean Evans today.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agy15zPUn7c)


“Look at you, Taylor, taking on the funhouse of death!”


This camera, that camera, that camera. Tell the people what's you been up to...


That was one of the finest moments in wrestling. Here I was, still emotionally drained from last week’s ending to RAW, only to be completely blindsided by a broken man, grieving the loss of his brother, furious at the world for taking him from him and forgetting him and all disguised as a psychological horror. Bray is looking down on his brother with the biggest and warmest smile right now. Rest in peace, Bray. We love you and we miss you.


I literally just rewatched the Bray documentary yesterday so that was all very fresh. I audibly gasped when they first showed Taylor there. I was not expecting any of that. Absolutely incredible stuff and he nailed it perfectly.


I watch wrestling since 2005 and I honestly think this is one of the best promos I´ve ever saw. Makes me feel like the Eddie Guerrero's addict promo before facing Lesnar


Wait a minute, that was the year before you said you started watching though! I'm kidding, this was indeed one of the best like you said.


What a fantastic segment this was. I had tear rolling down my eye when i heard "How did it feel when your brother died ?" I'm speechless this was beautiful and i can't wait to see where this leads




Cant let people who just scroll by have any fucking clue what each post is, gotta keep it as vague as "SPOILER SPOILERS WITH SPOILER" Since this is about to be deleted, Mods dont have this strict guidance to the rules for luchabrunch though


And now they are deleting comments it would appear 🙄 Edit: THEY TOTALLY DID! IT'S BACK NOW!!! 🤣🤣🤣


100%, so annoying.


I love this. And man I miss Bray


I mean, sh\*t. This is so good. Bray would absolutely love this stuff.


Best promo segment Ive seen in years. Shit literally made me tear up.


Yeah they are cooking with this


Wow the immediate feeling I get from this promo is they are perfectly blurring the lines here never have I felt so pulled into a promo. This is next level stuff from WWE I have chills


>What was I suppose to do, let him become a mausoleum? Haunting and shot right into the heart Wyatt 6 is gonna be such a fucking cook


It was brought up to me that Bray's death is not even a year old. This is still fresh. Bo is almost certainly still angry. This seems to be his direction and lane to try to get some level of relief from the pain of losing your brother and idol. And he's doing it on international television for wrestling's largest federation ever. I'm sold creatively, but personally I want Bo to crush this. Shut every naysayer (of which I was one at one point) up and make them believe in the direction.


I know it’s almost a meme at this point to praise how great HHH is with creative but, fuck, man. I am so glad he’s the guy and not Vince right now. This angle is the kind of thing you HAVE to plot out for maximum effect and I am one hundred percent confident they’ve already plotted out at least the first era of this faction to make sure it’s done right. Under Vince, we *may* have gotten last week’s awesome debut (but it certainly wouldn’t have been done as well or with one long running camera shot.) But under Vince they would’ve plotted the debut and then come back this week trying to figure out where to go now. I love that the foundation has been laid perfectly but that we all know the story elements have also been paced out at least for a little while. To me, that’s what makes TV so good. When the story is well thought out, paced right and revealed slowly and methodically. I am fully on board to see where this goes and, honestly, I never thought that would be possible when the initial rumors started to surface.


I admit I wasn't completely sold on the Uncle Howdy character out of the gate. I had apprehensions about them doing it after Bray's passing. Fuck that, I was wrong. I have this gut feeling Bo Dallas is going to thrive in this role. The presentation, the story, it's all just top notch and it's so early.


Jesus Christ that was amazing


Jesus Christ, where was THIS Bo Dallas when he debuted in WWE?


Not allowed.


It was always there. Watch NXT Takeover: Arrival.


This was fantastic. It addressed the criticisms in a way that felt natural, and it made Bo’s motivations abundantly clear: he won’t let anyone forget his brother. It’s understandable, which makes his descent that much more tragic. It seems to be a tale of exploitation, to me. Bo’s happy to let Howdy take over and wreak havoc to keep Bray’s memory alive, and Howdy is more than happy to keep letting him think he’s honouring his brother’s name while working toward whatever machinations he’s got brewing. Hell yeah, this is my shit. The fact it’s him talking to Howdy is also giving very big Norman Osborne from Spider-Man 1 vibes, personally.


Im sold. Bo was always a naturally smiley wrestler and now he’s using that to amp up Uncle Howdy’s creepiness. Talk about playing to his strengths. No doubt in my mind Bray was heavily involved and they’re bringing some of his ideas to fruition


Masterclass promo right there


This is such good shit


This story has a chance to have an amazingly cathartic conclusion. I'm very excited, and scared, to see where this goes.


Holy fuck Bo knocked that out of the park. Really nailed some of the classic Wyatt mannerisms while also not trying to just BE Bray. When they said “how did you feel when your brother died” I legit gasped as how blunt that was. This has the potential to be amazing and do Bray’s legacy justice and give Bo a deserved spotlight even if the circumstances are beyond unfortunate It’s so fucking unfair that Bray can’t be here to see this or be involved. You just know he’s laughing maniacally up there about these last two weeks


promos good but people also forget how good of a wrestler bo is when the storyline starts running it's going to be hard to criticize. bo was probably one of the wrestlers to be most screwed over by vince


I think I speak for everyone when I say I hate that it’s under these circumstances but after watching that I feel like Taylor is about to hit the next level as a performer. This was the best thing they could have done because now we can see them as Bo Dallas, Erick Rowan, Dexter Lumis, Nikki Cross and Joe Gacy in the ring but outside of the ring they’ll be the more sinister versions of themselves just like Bray was with The Fiend.


Holy shit they're going there and they're going in. So damn good. This could well be the moment that cements him.


I fucking cried when he asked how it felt when his brother died. Like what a dark direction to take this, but also what a way to work through it for Bo. I loved it.


Amazing segment. Seriously loving what they're doing with this


I'm all in. That was entrancing.


This to me might damn well be one of the best acting performances I’ve ever seen in wrestling. So often people equate passionate screaming to being a good promo, but this? This was real, and believable, and told an emotional story.


4 minutes. That's all it took to get Bo Dallas from a guy on the B-Team to a main eventer. It feels like everybody is behind this guy now.


Absolutely awe - had me speechless. I am rooting so hard for this.


El Torito died for this.


I said this in the thread last week. There is no chance we’re booing them right? We need a “we bo-lieve” chant when they’re next in the ring. I don’t wanna boo anyone related to bray at all lol