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The final boss cut




Can you imagine if he uses Goldust's finisher and calls it that he would get crazy heat


Release The Levesque Cut


This whole saga was very interesting and lowkey stressful lol (I was ready to riot if Cody didn’t get his match). HHH’s Logan Paul interview was the most telling account we’ve had (Summarizing) He basically said Rock decided to do XL and wanted Roman and was insistent on that storyline. HHH wasn’t sure it’d work since they’d put so much into Cody. (My take) HHH knowing Rock/Roman couldn’t work this year booked Cody to win the Rumble regardless and figured he could work it out later. I bet he was hoping for a 3-way. (Back to the LP Interview) HHH said Rock buzzed him after the awful Cody moving aside moment and the backlash to ask about turning. HHH basically seemed relieved just recounting the moment and felt like the train was back on course.


Yep people keep overlooking that Rock calling hhh per HHHs account all but confirms that Rock was willing to dial back on his plans and work with everyone to ensure things still go smoothly. There’s no bad blood between any of these guys you can see it through the screen and photos. It was just a little bump in the road. Some people will say but it should have never happened in the first place but they just felt like they could have made something happen after how the fans responded to Day 1.


Rock didn't phone it in either, on the contrary is did so well people are itching for a Rock/Cody feud now. Whatever the original plans were give Rock credit for going all in on being a heel.


i was convinced he wasnt phoning it in when he actually got physical on live TV and gave Cody an old school ass whooping. Imo, there’s no way you don’t do that without caring, your reputation would be on the line. also when he sold the spear from Roman like he got shot


Where's this rock when he try to topple the DC Hierarchy?


Yeah, I agree. I think Rock and Triple H disagreed on how the crowd would respond to Cody stepping aside. Triple H was right, and Rock immediately was willing to admit that and change course. The way it all played out was actually perfect. The Rock and Seth Rollins both added so much to the storyline all the way up until WrestleMania.


HHH is smart because booking Cody to win the Rumble made the idea that he wouldn't pick Roman for his Mania opponent just dumb. He played the audience and made sure they reacted the way he wanted them to in order to get what he wanted.


This. Legit 4D chess move.


Basically HHH won the chess game


the levels of lies the rock is gonna be doing in this doc is gonna be so funny






"I remember shaking Dusty's hand, which was a big thing back in those days 'cause you have to remember, Dusty, he came from the territories, y'know? Respect is big there, but he felt the mana, the power flowing through the Rock's hand, and he said, 'Oh, yes...' and I said, '39 years, Dream,' that's what I called him, '39 years and we'll be getting funky like a monkey, if you will?' and I still remember his smile, the brightest smile you ever seen, and he said, 'Oh, it will be the funkiest monkey you ever seen, daddeh.' I mean, even now, y'know, chills. That's how real this was to the Rock."


Legit LOL reading this. omfg haha


![gif](giphy|YGJBp5EgyVP9K) Well done! I hear it in his voice hahahaha


The world needs a TheRockSpeaksOnThis account


Straight up inserting old WWF clips of him throughout Cody's home videos & early career footage, R-Truth style lol


LeBron meme levels.


Not just him, Cody is a tremendous liar too. It’s gonna be great


Say what? What has Cody lied about?


Cody just likes lying to fans to keep keyfabe lol


Nothing serious, it seems but https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/bryan-danielson-i-love-lie-cody-rhodes-taught-me-how-fun-lying?amp


I think Cody has said something to the effect that he lies all the time but they’re small lies and only about things that don’t matter. Like, he said he only took two baby aspirin before the torn pec HiaC match. That’s absolutely a lie. It doesn’t matter though and it builds his character. It’s marketing. I think they even call lies like that “Cody lies”.


I heard they named white lies after Cody Rhodes, which is not true because he ended racism


Is this a serious question? Cody has a million lies. My personal favorite was insisting for years he didn’t ever want to use the Rhodes name again. This was when the wwe owned the trademark. Then they let the trademark go and he was calling himself Cody Rhodes again within a month   Dude loves to lie. They’re mostly funny lies but he lies all the time. There is an old AEW podcast where he said he would never use his father in a storyline and then it was the basis of his entire WWE run lol


Somewhat serious. I don't really pay attention to interviews or anything like that, even when it comes my favorites. Saw his name pop up and was curious, but glad to see it's just him messing around.


Last week at a house show he said he broke two ribs


So.... Are they lying about the pivot?


This doc isn't even out yet and people have already decided that everything Rock says in it is a lie. It's so fucking weird. We already know they're not going to pretend the pivot was planned the whole time. We also know that they changed plans almost immediately when it became clear that the people wanted Cody/Roman. In the end, we got what we wanted, and all Rock actually did was make it even bigger and more special. Why do people want him to be the bad guy in this story so badly?




He lied about not going to a certain fast food chain multiple times even if he posted about going there multiple times. He just lies from principle. He'll find something. And I'm not saying it to hate, I find it really funny.


It's on the same level of Lebron "I put everyone on to Migos in 2010" James. It's funny as hell.




That's what I'm saying. He doesn't need to lie but he'll do it anyway. That's how he rolls. I can't wait for the documentary to drop. Rock's part is going to be funny as fuck.


This reads like The Rock is purposely deciding to lie. “from principle” lol He posted in 2017 that he went to get In-N-Out for his wife and daughter. Then in 2022 for his cheat meal he ate it. Then the cheat meal in 2023. His social media team is just sloppy.


Everybody keeps saying he’s going to lie about the plans changing, even though the trailer says it multiple times. Lol


Maybe ill put over Cody brother


Taking aside from the fact the whole thing is a ‘work’ anyway - why do people believe hellbent that Rock is going to pivot this massively? From all accounts the plan was Rock Roman and they changed the plans because of the crowd reactions. And everyone was happy with what we got after that. Yes rock was planning on his event but Triple H even said he called him and said they couldn’t go through with it after they tried. The right decision and the amicable one


I presume this is only about the main event and not about WM? 


I hope so. I dont want a 5 minute montage of everything else, I would like the other wrestlers to get some good air time.


“Hey AOP you guys are going to disappear the whole match while Kross gets 1 v 4’d, oh and Bubba Ray is going to be there too”


You'd think theu would've gotten taken out by finishers, but I guess Ford's dive was like a nuke or something.


You sure that wasn't Alex Jones. He could use the pay day


There is a conversation to be had about how the pivot essentially babyfaced Triple H. I don't think there have ever been 'thank you' chants for a booker after an event.


Triple H getting cheered while Rock getting booed definitely something I never thought I would see again


2024 is the new 1998, good bad and ugly


"Hey, did you catch that Billy Gunn VS Jeff Jarrett match last night?" "Nah, I turned off the TV when Schiavone started interviewing Jericho."




I really do wish H didn't have to retire. Rock vs Triple H one more time has been on my wish list for a really long time. At this point if they just did a promo and a short shoving match I'd pop big. I know H can't bump anymore but maybe he can still do the pedigree? Lol


id nut


The pivot, along with TKO desperately trying to move in from Vince essentially made Trips the defacto “face” of WWE’s corporate side, right down to him usually announcing upcoming big shows and being the voice in the WWE signature open reciting the company’s tagline.


The entire storyline blurred the lines between reality and fiction. Cody was the hero to the final boss in kayfabe, but Triple Hwas the hero to Rock/TKO 'in real life'. He is essentially the face of the company now. The champion or the biggest star are not announcing the next Manias and SummerSlams, HHH is.


Ironically, this is what Vince wanted. He didn't want the talent bigger than the show, well now it's the man running it.


I have noticed how much they have been making HHH the public center of everything. Even naming the "era" after him. I wonder if it's TKO or HHH himself doing all of this.


tbf it makes sense. He has a (*relatively*) clean image, very familiar to fans, and is pretty good at his current job. It makes the pivot away from Vince as the face of the company easier when you can switch right to someone who's already been a major player in the business for years.


I think what also helped is public knowledge of HHH's behind the scenes work since NXT


Roman, Cody, and Seth are barely going to be in this thing at this rate. It's going HHH and The Rock, dueling for the best edit.


>It's going HHH and The Rock, dueling for the best edit. That's why the doc took so much time. It was stuck in an email chain between HHH and Rock's teams.


“How about we just say it straight up? Rock wanted the match and didn’t necessarily care about what was currently going on” “No no no, Rocky loves the business and really appreciates what creative is doing right now. Make sure that point gets across to the audience in this doc”


The talking point seems to be that the Rock saved Wrestlemania. An event that didn't need saving.


Thats the funny part to me. They keep playing that part in the trailer of The Rock going "We give the power back where it belongs. To the people" The power didnt need to go back to the people in the first place, Dwayne.


which fucking sucks - it was supposed to be about the ending of a historic reign and we get this instead


Will Rock mention his 7 bucks?


Have we ever had any such documentary showing the process of booking backstage? Like all the meetings involved and discussing the story. Really want to see more such stuff


Im trying to think of the doc that had Vince kicking out the camera crew when they were about to have a creative meeting, maybe that was the closes?


Triple H knowing the Rock wanted to face Roman at Mania & forcing Cody into that spot by having him win the Rumble anyway. The Rock trying to then force HIS way into that spot with the angle of Cody giving up his spot to Rock & the subsequent fan backlash. The Rock pivoting, becoming a heel & completely overshadowing & third-wheeling Roman in the build to the end of his epic/legendary title run.


You make some valid points, but I think that the Rock overshadowing Roman can work, if this leads to the Rock being the real leader of Solo's faction. It would be a natural foundation to the lead up to their match. I do think that the biggest problem with what Rock did is that he knew that he wouldn't be around for the follow-up. It is good that he made people want to see him versus Cody, or even him versus Reigns, but it is problematic that we have to wait months for this to happen, and in the meantime, the Rock isn't on screen.


I agree but all the reports about it being Rock vs Cody at Mania next year make me skeptical on whether the Rock ends up being the secret tribal chief of Solo's Bloodline or not. You could do both have the Rock be revealed as the high chief & have the feud end at Survivor Series in War Games & then do Rock vs Cody. But A. it would undermine Solo who they seem to be trying to make a main event heel & B. not doing Roman vs Rock in a singles match just seems like a missed opportunity.


Feels like you could relatively easily have Cody Vs Rock for the title, even saying Rock politicked his way to the title shot and Roman Vs Solo / Bloodline Vs Bloodline Wolfpack (Roman, Usos, Sami) Latter main events night 1 and then all get involved in night 2. Might just feel reductive after Mania 39 and leaves no room for a female or Punk WM main event.


This could stretch out a while. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get Reigns vs. Rock at WM 42, with Cody vs. Rock and Reigns vs. Solo both at WM 41.


I think you're being worked if you believe HHH went against corporate wishes. This is just another Monday Night Wars esque retcon by WWE where history is written by the victors.


I’m going to be need this to be about 12 hours long. This is going to be fun to watch and I just want to know everything.


Can't wait to watch this!


I wonder if they will try to make sense of switching from Cody to the Rock with no build. There is no way that they can visually depict how heartbreaking that was, or how it seemed to break the hearts of so many fans. They just keep pushing this idea that the Rock saved Wrestlemania, even though the truth is that while his insertion added excitement and drama, the event was never in any jeopardy.


I was ready to stop watching WWE after the Smackdown where Cody gave his spot to the Rock. And would have if they hadn't changed the plan.


Same. I came back in 2023 and then was like “welp. Things haven’t changed” and was about to dip again.


There are surely going to be some things that are not fully truthful in this but man, I'm a sucker for these documentaries. They're all so damn cool. Some of my favorite stuff WWE does ( I wish they still did at least ) was the WWE 24 and 365 shows. I can't wait for this.


The hate on rock is almost comical at this point


Tom Rinaldi doing the narration is top-notch. I wonder if that was part of what caused the delay.


If this doc makes it look like The Rock turning heel has been the plan all along. which is facking bullshit, It's still in character of Final Boss Rock, a corrupt executive who abuses his power. Of course he will make himself look good.


They have already said in one of the trailers that it was a pivot. I don't think anything on it will be in character.


Yeah the trailers make it very clear they’re acknowledging changed plans. People just ignore it and keep making the same wrong point anyway.


To their credit, they have never tried to claim this was not an audible. Still, they created their own problem to solve.


i forgot everyone here was in the booking meetings and knew what was supposed to happen


Wasn't this posted yesterday or have I become unstuck from time?


As much as i was ready to riot for Cody too, im SO fucking glad we got the story we got. I'm sure they would have found a way to make Roman V Cody 2 special, but having The Rock and that build for me made WM40. It was fucking bullshit until it wasn't lol. Can you imagine if Vince was still running the show and him sticking to his guns, it just being Rock V Roman. Thank christ we have HHH.


Cody vs Roman II would have been a great match regardless. But the Final Boss helped make it epic. It wouldn’t have been as epic without the Final Boss.


It's never not crazy how fast they manage to make these things into crazy good produced documentaries. I imagine the moment they saw the backlash someone said "oh shit, get the cameras rolling, we can make a documentary out of this"


Since they fired up the Network in 2014, they've always had the cameras running for all the biggest Premium Live Events. They used to do a WWE24 doc for like every WM and Royal Rumble for a good amount of time


I miss those, the change to Peacock essentially killed them. They had even shorter ones for the smaller PPV's. I do think that with Netflix they could make a comeback.


Fast? This is three months late.


I mean it's still pretty fast. It was probably ready to air when they said it would, but The Rock most likely stalled it out to check it.


Needed all this time to put that sweet wwe spin on everything


Here we go, I can't believe that ppl think Rock is so tone deaf to the business that this plan they are alleging wouldn't have backlash. Especially after getting booed with Roman years prior. He just forgot that?




And that Rock and HHH are vying for power behind the scenes.... No, they are all literally working together.


I feel this took too long to release. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I don't care about what happened backstage anymore. Especially from the company.


I'm going to be real: I still think it wasn't a pivot. A lot of things just don't add up to me about it, including the fact that a supposedly astute booker like hunter who was in the heat of the yes movement and punk's prime, just booked cody to win the rumble despite knowing rock was comng back with the intention of main eventing wrestlemania.


It doesn’t really benefit anyone to say it was pivot and all of them have (HHH, Cody, Rock and Gewirtz)


Based on what you wrote above, this was a power play by Triple H that worked out for him. I'm not implying that he was trying to hurt Rock, because it could be as simple as Triple H not wanting to mess up a years worth of build and creative. It is important to realize and telling that he stuck with his plan at the Rumble, even though he knew that Rock wanted the match at Wrestlemania.


100%, as much as he loves it, Rock is removed from the wrestling world and fans. HHH knew what would happen which is why he tried to warn Rock’s camp. Rock miscalculated and thought we’d just be happy he gave us his time. Having Cody win the Rumble was 100% a power play and a move that bought him more time at the least. Would love to know how deep things were. Did HHH and Cody plot the post Rumble stare down? Did they purposely sandbag that step aside promo? A lot of layers here. The egos involved made for a very interesting dynamic.


Based on what someone said above, this could be looked at as Triple H trying to force the situation, because he realized that Roman vs Cody was the more natural match, and the one that he wanted to do. The fact that Cody knew what Rock wanted before the Rumble, and still had Cody win, puts everything in a new light. It was basically Triple H taking charge, and trying to get his way, sticking with the creative that he developed.