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Is there only one Missouri Republican Presidential Caucus? I don’t know how the caucuses work. But there’s like 100 or more going on at the same time, right? Do we know which one this happened at?


No, and I haven’t been able to find much else on it. There was another post earlier today that says someone that was speaking and support of Haley at the Columbian one was booed and jeered off the stage.


The one I heard about was very respectful.


Was it the one that had four people show up that all voted for Trump?


I don’t know but there were more than 4 people


No surprises here. I have no doubt this is why they switched from a primary to a caucus. Shout down and intimidate anyone who dares oppose you. I hope the people who got attacked remember this come November and turn out to the ballot box. I think there are a lot of better people out there than Joe Biden for this job, but Trump definitely isn't one of them.


They never learn. They have drank way too much of the proverbial kool-aid.


It’s like we have a Kool Aid hall putsch going on around here….


I think conservative leadership has realized that, in general, society is moving more left. Look at the pushback on abortion rights, for example. They know that while a sizable Boomer demographic exists, they need to try to push things as far back right as they can. So they are trying to keep them as wound up and pissed off as possible. While hoping to appeal to younger people to keep their deranged ideas going. Basically, I think we are seeing the last big gasps of this conservative nonsense, and it just seems so bad because they are pushing so hard to try and stay around. But the times are changing. I don't think we are out of the woods yet, so to speak, but I think we will see the Right continue to shrink over the next decades.


The real issue is that besides hurting the libs, they’re bringing nothing back to their districts. And they’re feeling it. It’s becoming clear that the second the Maga party ends all they’ll have is one huge mess to clean up.


If there is one thing that all these people have in common, it is the inability to see past their own nose. They are so greedy and uncaring that they can't see the repercussions of their own actions. When was the last time you saw a Boomer or a Maga person take any personal responsibility? They don't care. My own father is one of these nuts. He has no empathy at all and never considers for one second how any of his actions will be considered.


Society advances one funeral at a time.


> kool-aid do you think kool aid likes the association with jones town? I mean it has great ear hooks but its not for the best.


I don't often think about what Kool Aid does and doesn't like.


I just realized StL City cops are basically the new Kool-Aid Man


Oh yeah?


Fun fact, it was actually flavor aid at Jonestown.


oh I know, which makes it even fucking weirder.


I knew a guy who was tasked with going down there to clean it up. A week after. Try to imagine a thousand bodies in the tropics for a week.


I think that battle was lost long ago -- it's in the vernacular. Kraft Heinz doesn't really need the assistance.


Dude you know shit’s about to go south for real when American politics is starting to become more like Indian politics. India’s the biggest democracy in the world, yet there’s not much democratic about it anymore.


Indian here. Totally agree with you.


Other western countries are having the same problem. I think covid helped the spread of the American alt right qanon beliefs around the world.


Covid made it worse, but it’s just extreme nationalism that’s gone complexly out of control. It’s been a problem well before Covid, people are increasingly living in a state of denial whenever there’s a collective problem in a country and when shit really hits the fan, they look for ways to deny the fact that their country isn’t doing good and look elsewhere to put the blame. People like Trump wouldn’t even have a platform if people learned to accept and understand problems as what they really are.


Kerala has entered the chat


Cult behavior


Fascist behavior




But consequenses are far more dangerous than a cult.


Agreed. The Trump MAGA fanatics have, and will use, violence. They have no issues with destroying people who think differently than they do.


No issues with destroying people who *think*


They can come. Blue cities in red states. We cool.


they're already terrified of setting foot in any city


I guess the highways will become tractor pulls and semi parking. Seriously smart bags of lard in the boonies. What genius schemes will their god bring to the table?


Red mad; blue cool


Wish they’d all just get to the part where they move to Guyana so the rest of us can work on making a less shit society.


Or Siberia. I bet Trump's buddy Putin knows if some good spots there for them to settle. Then they can eat borscht and drink Kool Aid


They're eating their own. There will be no GOP after Trump because anyone who is left will hate each other. 


Exactly my thought. The GOP could have dumped Trump, had a few tough years and rebounded. Or they could support Trump just to get a term in the White House. Which would lead to the ultimate destruction of the Republican Party… This is why you don’t make deals with the devil. He always collects.


The Devil is Trump right? Trump never pays.


But he always collects!


It’s like none of these people have seen Star Wars…


They all have. They honestly think Biden (before him Obama) is Palpatine. They truly don’t understand or recognize that they, themselves, are just storm troopers - and easily replaceable.


It’s just a modern day tea party. There will be maga people for a long time unfortunately.


Reaganomics>NeoCons>Tea Party>MAGA is a gradual decline of slashing and gutting the American public infrastructure in favor of privatization drummed up under the fictitious pearl clutching universe of identity politics in American conservativism. 


This is the true story. No war but class war.


You underestimate how easy it is to sell fear, hatred, and greed to insecure cowards, and people willing to sell out for easy GOP cash.


Nah, they will line up for the next person. Republicans are very good at that.


lol is this your first election?


It's everybody's first election with a caucus model. There's always been dissention in the ranks. We haven't seen Republicans trying to silence their own dissent before.


Both parties try to silence dissent and every single election season there’s talk about the party splitting and killing itself and every single time once a candidate is decided the party falls in line. This happens literally every time. So I ask again: is this your first election?


Both parties don't, and both parties aren't. Plenty of Democrats don't like Joe Biden, and they're not being publicly shamed or shouted down for it. Sounds like you're a fake news enjoyer.


The other poster is correct about the ‘08 and “16 Democratic primaries, although I will always believe that the Sanders-Clinton conflict was primarily the product of online trolling; Sanders (who is not, to be clear, actually a Democrat to begin with) was never as popular as the online echo chamber would have everyone believe, nor was he particularly entitled to the support of a party he didn’t even belong to; but those beliefs were strongly promoted in online spaces, and that’s what gave rise to the hostility and suspicion….the fact that the large Internet echo chambers didn’t reflect reality at the ballot box in the primaries made it all too easy for Sanders supporters to feel wronged. The “08 primary was definitely a full-on nasty one, though….look up “PUMAS” for more context. Bill Clinton in particular was way out of line with some of the stuff he said, which was very disappointing. And while the internet was fairly embryonic compared to what it is today, there were some crazy flame wars on sites like DailyKos. To that extent, the nastiness of the GOP primary is not without precedent on “both sides,” but everything else about the MAGA movement does reflect an unprecedented shift in American politics. The fact that the last two GOP nominees before Trump were relatively sane establishment types like Romney and McCain shows just how quickly everything shifted—something that really would not have been possible in more analog eras. Like the Sanders/Clinton debacle, the internet is largely to blame for the rise of MAGA. Between bots & trolls; the echo chambers created by polarization; and the way that social media algorithms push people to the extremes of their belief system to keep people fired up and logged in online, the Wild West of wholly unregulated internet platforms has changed society, and not for the better. (For more context, read “The Chaos Machine” by journalist Max Fisher.)


Heeey guys, look! It’s one of those “both sides!” guys.


If I had to guess DT is going to lose by a lot due to this very thing, he’s fostered and presided over an ever increasing toxic base that’s reached a level capable of alienating fellow party members they need to win the election


I'll be terrified until Election Day, but I'd agree. The Orange Felon's following is now only rabid cultists. The last 2 elections included dedicated everyday Republicans who are now completely banished and hated by the crazed MAGAts.


If he loses, his cultists don't go away. If he loses, the judges he appointed don't go away. If he loses, the Republicans dont go away or change for the better. No matter what happens, we're going to be fighting this fight for the rest of all THEIR lives!


You could be right, but A LOT od Trumpsters are old and will be dead in a few years, same as him. There's no clear organization after that, besides dozen-incel-weirdo Neo-nazi marches in Bumfuck, South.


You're not really seeing the forest thru the trees here... While Trumpists may be old and on their way out the door so to speak, the Center for American Progress, Citizens United, Sinclair media group, and the Koch family, are all still going strong and they are the real driving force for facisim across the globe right now. All of them are billionare funded with ties to political groups across the globe, and they WON'T go away even if the Trumpist all do because they were here before them. They MADE them who they are before Trump became their cult leader. They and their political manipulations laid the foundation for them becoming susceptible to a charismatic madman and anti-human policies.


I can accept the truth of what you’re saying. But that doesn’t mean the defeat, humiliation, decline, and legal-comeuppance of the sack of shit that is donald trump should not be worked toward and celebrated. And it’s hard to switch cult leaders. I agree that moronic fear-addled Americans aren’t ever going to support the “Democrat” party, but without a Leader like trump, whose every pronouncement makes them masturbate furiously, the movement is sure to lose a lot of steam.


Please don't read what im saying as defeatist, just an attempt at a realist appraisal of what we're up against. But, I see Trump as becoming (and it makes me wanna vomit...) a maytr for his supporters... to a literal religious degree, one that the evangelical church will try to take up and evangelize to their flocks for decades, if not generations.


Democrats do a fairly good job at defeating themselves with all the intra-party squabbles, demands for ideological purity, and the ease with which too many left-leaning voters decide to take their toys and go home, refusing to vote because the candidate doesn’t have the ideologically ideal position on a specific pet issue. I mean, in 2016, the votes for Jill Stein/write in votes for Bernie Sanders in critical swing states far outnumbered the votes for Donald Trump. Trump’s victory was wholly preventable, and it was left-leaning voters who delivered that victory (shades of swing-state Nader voters in 2000).


I wouldn’t be so sure. All it takes for him to win again is GA, AZ, NV, MI, WI, and PA flipping back to him. He lost those states on pretty slim margins and all it would take is complacency amongst moderate voters to simply not turn out like they did in 2020.


Michigan just had over 100K people go out of their way to vote "Uncommitted" in the Dem. primary. If democrats want to win Michigan they're not doing it with Biden.


The primary isn't the general, the uncommitted push was because of Gaza. It's not like anyone thinks things would be better under Trump


It's not about one being better than the other. It's about not voting for someone who has fundamentally done exactly the *same fucking things as Trump* while claiming to be better than Trump. Increased incarceration of immigrants. Increased border wall funding and building. Escalation of support for genocides on multiple fronts. They're saying WE WILL NOT VOTE FOR YOU IF YOU KEEP DOING THIS. Get it through your head and grow up.


ah, yes, grow up from "I don't understand the two party system" thanks.


>*same fucking things as Trump* I got some ocean front property in Iowa up for sale if you are interested…..


Unlike you I actually follow the news. Sorry.


Um.... > WHAT STUDENT DEBT RELIEF??? ...I don't think you do, actually.


when "news" is some podcast.


No seriously, what happened to that student debt relief that we were all going to get that he immediately folded to when he absolutely did not have to? While we're at it, why did they pretend that they couldn't pass a federal wage increase because the Parliamentarian (who they could absolutely ignore and even fire, which has happened in the past) said no? Kinda weird, huh?


That student debt relief promised by Biden but blocked by Republicans in congress and the court? IT HAPPENED. In fact it is still happening. I personally had $66,000 in old student loan debt eliminated. It still makes me emotional to think about it. These were loans I paid on for 30 years but could never make progress on the principal. Day 1 of the new debt relief program I got an email from Dept of Ed that my loans were being forgiven. Within 2 months, the forgiveness was complete and my balance was zero. Thanks, Biden!!!


We will see soon enough 😉


I also know many people that don’t like Trump, but will simply vote for him because of the R next to his name. It seems like a pretty common sentiment among the non rabid republican voters. Nikki Haley will vote for Trump in the general election even though she fully understands the implications of doing so


This kind of stuff keeps people from turning out which he needs


True, but there’s also Biden voters from 2020 that won’t turn out like they did in 2020. I think mail in/absentee voting is going to be huge in this next election and the fact that Trump has been railing against it since 2020 gives me *some* hope


I personally doubt Biden voters are less motivated but we shall see


>I personally doubt Biden voters are less motivated but we shall see people who supported biden, no, people who vote D because it's not R, likely. but also the people who vote D because it's not R and want to limit the damage should have the MOST reason to vote.


I hate to state the obvious… but Biden is still not Trump. And the “not Trump” vote will grow… faster as we get closer to the election.


that generally seems to be what happens when trump gets exposure. People are reminded who he is.


You underestimate how much Gen Z has turned on Biden. They just aren’t going to vote this go-around.


Yes, gen Z is less religious and therefore less likely to blindly support Israel. I am frightened that they protest vote and get worse than what they want. Trump will be all in on Israel, full throatedly.


I think it’s also important to note that Reddit is not a good barometer of the average American voter. We see people echoing the same sentiment and concerns of a potential 2nd trump term all the time here on Reddit, but most of those concerns and implications are lost on the average American voter


I wish I agreed. There are so many republicans that can't stand Trump but will still vote for him because "well, it's better than Biden."


But it isn't.


I was that guy in 2016 and voted for Johnson and never went back


I wouldn’t count on it. He was supposed to lose the first time, but he won. I’ll believe it when I see it.


I know he’s way up in polling, but we know that old people are the only ones that really take place in polls and they’re just more likely to be conservative. When you start looking at the number of MAGA cultists screaming and shouting online and stop looking at how loud they’re screaming and yelling there’s not as many of them as it looks like.


> I know he’s way up in polling, but we know that old people are the only ones that really take place in polls and they’re just more likely to be conservative. You know the pollsters know this too, right? And they are not stupid? There is a 50% chance the polls overestimate his support, and a 50% chance they underestimate his support. That's how it works. Unless something changes significantly in the next 8 months, Trump is going to be favored to win.


So you think posters just make up the percentages?


You don’t know anything about polling, do you?


The responses get weighted based on a variety of factors, and those weights get adjusted when needed to improve accuracy. If polls were not weighted then every poll would have terrible accuracy.


There’s roughly 70 million of them


You just of picked a number close to the vote total he got in 2020. Certainly he’s picked up some voters, but his madness is at all-time high, Haley has some support from the Republican side.


Haley has more support from Democrats than Republicians, her sway in the party is non-existent and mirrors every other failed GOP candidate who loses in their home state against Trump.  See: Chris Christie for how a candidate who is anti-Trump polls/appeals to conservatives, it's just not something that's gonna magically improve or happen overnight, because appealing to morals in conservatives is not a winnable strategy. If it were: Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, & Ron DeSantis would've been able to get a step over convicted rapist Donald Trump in the primaries, but their "diet trump" doesn't resonate with the hogbrain logic of MAGA like Trump's vileness openly broadcasts. 


Haley might have some support, but she’s not gonna be the Republican nominee, and all her voters will happily cast their vote for Trump in the general election


I mean, there’s already video evidence of people stating that if Haley doesn’t get the nomination, even though they’re conservative, they’re not gonna vote along party lines.


You gotta know that's bs they will always vote right down the line


Yes, some people will always vote down the party lines. My dad was one of those people until he didn’t anymore.


Funny we seemed to have said that last time


You mean in 2020 when Biden won?


Biden is polling lower than Trump's approval rating ever was which is incredibly telling that somebody as extremely blatantly dangerous as convict rapist Donald Trump should ever be realistically close to president again but Biden dropping the ball that fuckin hard somehow dems make that a reality to simply run on "stop trump" again and not have any other serious political platform or reform that defiantly isn't burning people politically


Old people also vote at vastly higher rates than younger people, so…


65+ demographic controls this country economically and politically and has doomed all future generations because of their selfishness alongside making it as difficult as possible for an american tradition like voting to happen for younger generations, alongside GOP members always trying to hook raising the voting age as a talking point. 


disarm squeamish vegetable society sloppy payment plough tie bored aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Biden is trying to appeal to republican voters by being more moderate, which will never work because engaging in things like the border are unwinnable given conservatives live 100% cruelty at the border and wouldn't trade anything else for it. All Biden does is normalize a more conservative opinion among democrats treating a conservative position as a normal one. The Rachet Effect. 


tender deliver mighty humorous profit busy unite direful one plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-biden-collide-split-screen-trips-border-immigration-spotlight-rcna140899 Stuff like this won't win him anyone and only normalizes a completely made up crisis that the GOP just started talking about in the past few months, moving away from trans hystertia as the fruit of their actions there rolls out in trans lynchings. Biden could easily be highlighting that, the GOP putting right-wing social media influencers into positions of government, literally anything other than wanting to work with the GOP, in turn normalizing their insane/unreal worldview that he will never be able to be more cruel than Trump can be on any of those points, which is what right-wing voters want. Sensible people have jumped ship long ago, but there weren't many sensible MAGA people ever.


Dems are far more fanatical in some respects, but their fanaticism is usually issue-based rather than candidate-based, with a fairly significant amount of instant gratification-based decision making thrown into the mix. How many left-leaning voters will get into a snit about some specific issue, or get mad because their pet issue wasn’t resolved after a single election cycle, and decide not to vote? Lots, if history is any guide. Thanks to that short-term thinking, the GOP has been able to accumulate massive amounts of power through gerrymandering (thanks to Dems who sat out 2010 because they didn’t get the public option in the ACA) and giving lifetime appointments to federal judges, including packing the Supreme Court with relatively young right-wing extremists….the 2016 election will have a direct impact on our lives for 25 more years thanks to the people who didn’t vote, voted for Jill Stein, or wrote in votes for Bernie Sanders eight years ago.


Unrelated but Nodaway County had a total of 4 votes.


I think you're looking at the state delegate results. If you look on the results page of NYT for example you'll see this note: "Instead of a raw vote count, the tabulated vote represents how many of the more than 900 statewide delegates each candidate has won." As far as I can tell, no one has been reporting the actual raw vote total from the Missouri caucuses. But I have it on good authority that the St. Francois County caucus had 122 people attending. St. Francois County has a population of just over 66,000. In addition, over on r/Missouri, people have mentioned that Greene County had a turnout of 529 at their caucus out of a population of 300,000. Boone County with a population of 183,000 had a turnout of 263 people. Doing a little bit of math, all three counties had roughly 0.1% turnout relative to the population. Of course, that's not based on registered voters. I don't know how many registered voters there are in Greene or Boone counties, but I know St. Francois County has roughly 40,000 registered voters. Going by that metric, we have a slightly better 0.3% voter turnout. If the rest of the state is anything at all like the turnout in those three counties, there may have been as little as 10,000 actual voters in the Republican caucus, which is beyond absurdly low turnout. Everything about how this was handled was a disaster, as far as I can tell, utterly undemocratic in every respect, and absolutely inferior to the turnout and voter participation that we typically get in a primary.


Guess they nodded off 😴


Go Bearcats, I guess?


Sounds like the MAGAs now have struggle sessions in their repertoire; great/s


One thing I love about being on the east side of the metro. The mechanisms of Illinois elections are such that I can come into the poll as a Democrat for the primary, request a Republican ballot (not a lot of vetting..), and vote against Trump.


Finally Democracy is devolving to what Plato believed. Democracy is overly vulnerable to mob rule.


Will that stop any of them from voting for Trump?


That’s a good question and if you look at what some of the Haley supporters in other states have said, yes.


Close to 40% of them, according to some polls.


not surprised , that cult is dangerous


It's interesting that other than this one tweet, who's source is "a friend", there's no other mention of this happening. I get that Trump is a treacherous piece of shit, but I have to question the validity of this.


This source is literally 'trust me bro'


I question it too. I didn’t create a title that said this is a definitive fact. There was another post from earlier today, either in this job or the Missouri one about a similar incident at the Columbia one.


I’m with you. Plus, the this behavior would have to be widespread or localized to the right parts of the state to have any electoral impact.


Yeah and no video evidence? Really? r/thathappened


That is just awful and scary. Such mob mentality


Haley supporters shocked when their racist cult turns on them!


The boos mean nothing compared to what makes them cheer


Maga is nothing more than a sick cult


Trump better lose, shit getting scary out here


It’S n0t a cULt


Sounds like a struggles session




Who is “they”?


The people running the caucus. In order to “vote” for a candidate in a caucus you need to physically line up in a pre-determined area so the number of supporters for that candidate can be counted. While Nikki Haley supporters were doing so at the caucus they were booed and harassed by Trump supporters.


👍 I guess I’ve never voted in caucus before. That sounds like a very strange and outdated way of voting.


Iowa does it every 4 years. But yes it is much less accessible and much more time consuming than typical voting


Yes, I’m very familiar with the early primary and caucus states and how much attention they get compared to the later ones. I’ve just never actually lived in a state that has a caucus.


The MO GOP just changed over to it this year, likely to stop independents & non-MAGA-zombies from voting against Trump in what would've been our usual open primary.


I’m pretty sure the GOP is no longer concerned with democracy.


I mean I’m sure there’s some more traditional conservatives that are but they’re letting the project 2025 people speak for them.


I agree with this. I was making a general statement.


Does anyone have any video of this?


I’ll never feel bad for Nikki Haley supporters. Yes, they’re not as bad as Trump supporters but if you’re still Republican in 2024 you’re likely a piece of shit.


We don’t believe in proof here so I won’t ask for it


I’ve been looking for something to corroborate it but haven’t found anything. There also hasn’t been anything that I’ve seen that actually dispels it. A lot of people in the Twitter comment section of said it didn’t happen, but if click on their bios, they’re not even residence of Missouri. 🤷‍♂️


>There also hasn’t been anything that I’ve seen that actually dispels it. "I wont prove it but since nobody is showing me proof it didnt happen, it happened" You wouldn't let anyone on the GOP say anything like this but of course it's your only argument.


I like how you just completely skip over the part Ryan admitted I haven’t seen any proof that this did happen.


You shared it like it was real. Literally doesn't matter what you say.


The screenshot is real, it’s not Photoshopped.


So disingenuous... Disgusting.


Completely dodging any responsibility for spreading falsehood. Absolutely shameful that you think you're morally superior to anything.


Residents*. Your home is your residence.


I know the difference, Siri doesn’t.


Oh no! Anyways…




UPS employees?


This honestly sounds made up. It’s so hard to believe that grown-ass adults act like this.


I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s made up, but there are videos all over Reddit Trump supporters acting like this.


That's what I thought when a bunch of grown ass adults half-ass stormed the capitol, but that happened. Grown-ass adults arent immune from being total fucking idiots


Same demographics have been spending the last four years screeching at queer children in their small towns, it's been reality for a minute unless you just looked away from it.   Let's not even get into death threats/**BOMB** threats being sent to children's hospitals from MAGA psychopaths thanks to LibsofTiktok. 


This didn’t happen. I’m against this type of behavior too but let’s not spread bs. Please show a source that’s not some random guy’s IG post


I've seen a couple stories about how awful and disorganized their little caucus was, hopefully this finally gets something to sink in to the people who still support a trash party.


Well, at least they didn’t rig the primaries? Trying to find anything positive.


Is there an actual journalist that went that corroborates this if there's no video?


Sure. This definitely happened.


And then everyone clapped.


Just look at the comments on that post on Twitter and tell me you don’t think Trump supporters would do something like this.


No. Find a video or you're just spreading bullshit.


What if it did? Your tone makes me think you're in the cult. ... Are you OK with that behavior?


I am not OK with the behavior described in this account. And I am skeptical that the behavior happened as portrayed. Sorry that was lost on you.


Honestly, can you prove it? Cite your source


Did anyone ever find videos of this happening or is it still just bullshit?


Just because there’s not video evidence of this happening, doesn’t mean it’s bullshit. I mean look at all the shit that Trump claims has happened and has no actual evidence of, the MAGA cultists eat that up.


In an age of cell phones there should be plenty of video. I don't care about whataboutisms. Where's the video of this actually happening and why are you insistent that people take this dudes tweets as fact? That's weird.


Almost as weird as millions of people believing that public schools are actually putting litter boxes in bathrooms because students are identifying as cats. Have you seen a picture or video of a litter box in a public school bathroom?


I don't believe that either. That's not a valid argument towards people wanting **you** to prove what you believe is true. So disingenuous....


Is there any evidence of this aside from some random social media poster with “a friend”. I’m no Trump supporter, but I’d like to see some proof.


If you took the time you spent typing your comment to scroll through the other comments, you would have seen you’re about the sixth person wanting proof, and that I’ve said, every time, that this is the only thing I’ve seen about it.


Disgusting but not surprising


While I don't find that particular behavior to be acceptable. There's nothing wrong with not agreeing with people from your own party. If anything, I hate whenever people defend them just because they are in the same party. Obviously Trump had the voters to accomplish stuff and destroy niki so it doesn't matter.




The scientologists have a similar practice...


Isn’t Nikki Haley backed by democrats tho


LOL. LMAO even. Fuck Republicans, sorry. In 2024, anyone who is still a Republican is a far-right extremist. Many Democrats are objectively conservative lunatics, that's how far the Overton Window has been moved. If you're ACTUALLY so far gone that you call YOURSELF a Republican in 2024, I do not feel sorry for you in any way. You earned this hate.


Sounds like you’ve got just as much hatred as they do…


Haley is just a more polite Trump anyway and she's gonna kiss the ring after she drops out. Haley supporters are practically identical to Trump supporters. Their candidate will result in the exact same political outcomes. She'll just be civil about it.


I think a lot of people don’t understand that democracy is not the goal for a lot of MAGA folks. Their world view is built on an authoritarian paradigm, from a belief in evangelical Christianity with an authoritarian “Old Testament God” whose word is law to belief in a family structure based on an authoritarian father to whose authority all other family members must submit. This is also why they admire authoritarian leaders elsewhere, like Erdogan. Some big MAGA supporters, like Peter Thiel, make no secret of this whatsoever. So, as horrifying as the idea may be to people outside their bubble, these folks will not be moved by the idea that they are being undemocratic. Throw in a heaping helping of the Prosperity Gospel, which helps drive their admiration for the supposedly wealthy Trump (his $$ being evidence that he has God’s favor) along with purposefully ginned-up fear of “wokeness” as some kind of threat to their existence, and that’s the whole MAGA worldview in a nutshell.


Oh please, grow up folks. Yesterday I attended my Republican caucus and stood with the group who were there to support Nikki Haley. We were neither shouted down nor shamed nor made fun of. And yes, there was one woman in my group who looked around and said she felt intimidated. So what. That’s what Caucus looks like. Having grown up in Iowa I’ve been the minority in many cases in the room where all meet. Just grow the fuck up everyone. Here is what *I* was annoyed by: 4 freekin hours in the caucus room to choose delegates and vote on party platform amendments, etc. i raised my hand against most all amendments (talk about being in the minority!) even though I agreed with the sentiment, I thought they were vague and yet targeted to overly specific issues. So I was annoyed at the time it took and the fact that I had to get up early to drive 20+ minutes to caucus location, but such is Democracy. We had one caucus for my county.


Continuously baffled this is news, at this point




['It was so scary': Trump fans at Missouri Caucus 'literally attacked fellow Republicans'](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-fans-missouri-caucus-wellman/)


South African politics in 1948. Literally whip opposition voters at their meetings. My mother was one of the secretaries to Genl. Jan Smuts. of the "liberal" South African Party". Politics is filthy wherever one goes.


This just in: Supporters of a violent, anti-democratic politician are violent and opposed to democracy. Who could have guessed?


Yeah, its a cult and they’re insane.


Oh no they were booed! That’s really bad. Nobody has ever been booed at a political function before. It’s a good thing this guys friend was there to tell him about it.


Voters regularly boo other voters at election sites?