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I am not listenning to any hype anymore, will believe it when I see it on my PC pumpin out images lol


I will not believe it when you see it on your PC


For real. Wake me up when it's actually released.


If it ever gets released considering stability is near collapse 


He’s literally talking about a user preference study from a research paper. I guess that’s hype though? https://preview.redd.it/eeofi1premrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f486af9e1b59f4efd7e7053db54954ed84cdfa0c


"There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."


It was last time.


Hahaha facts


I wouldn't expect anything other than api access at this point.


You're just dooming for no reason. Holy shit, just stop. Edit: blocking me doesn't change reality bud, they already stated they will release it multiple times. Just makes you look like a child. Stay in your bubble where the world is falling apart, I guess. Actual coward to even reply. Edit 2: You don't have an actual argument against what was actually said. You *want* to complain. You *want things to be bad*. Looks like everyone else saw right through it.


"no reason" Some people lack situational awareness I suppose edit: blocked because you bring nothing to offer to the conversation. Since you don't like what I say, you won't see it anymore. Doing you a favor really. edit2: Facts aren't democratic. I appreciate the "This is fine" coping though. Happy Easter!


Damn you are soft.


Lmfao talking about democratic while having 0 discussion with people before blocking them and not letting them give input that’s hilarious


People won't train if they can only do so with API access.


this is the turbo model. I wasn't talking about the main release. People going to misunderstand on purpose though. I typically don't argue with hyperbole addicts.


..wut? The community is what made stable diffusion successful. sai trained the base model but the majority of the rest of the development has been community effort. Not including them would be an assured failure for them, and they must know this.


At this point money I think is what they need to be successful.


Image quality and prompt adherence is a bonus, ultimately, the AI that's local is supremely more useful than the one that's not under the user's control.


Easy to say until you compare SD 1.5 to midjourney v6


SD with comfyui is a completely different beast than SD alone


Got any comparisons? 


remind me on the 9th of april when im back from japan


!remindme April 10


I will be messaging you in 9 days on [**2024-04-10 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-10%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1brpzf7/sd3turbo_is_better_than_midjourney_6_in_both/kxd4285/?context=3) [**5 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FStableDiffusion%2Fcomments%2F1brpzf7%2Fsd3turbo_is_better_than_midjourney_6_in_both%2Fkxd4285%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-10%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201brpzf7) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Oooo, have some takoyaki for me!


ComfyUI doesnt change the fact that the base 1.5 model is not great and its very limiting.


And some time before the heat death of the universe we might be able to download the model.


I’m 38. We had dial up internet. I’ve waited my whole life for something I assumed would never happen, and now I can see how LEV could happen within my lifetime. World is absolutely incredible, you’ll get your pictures friend.


>LEV I had to google it. Also, the basic monetary unit of Bulgaria is here today, don't hold back!


"Longevity escape velocity" most probably, for the curious.


If they discover a way to turn a person into a mountain sign me up




First Class BBS, 1 418 588 6262. Had 5 lines and serving my entire region with relay in Quebec, Montreal, St-Hyacinth and San Francisco. Between 1 am and 3 am i had the modem calling other BBS to synch, 1200$ in monthly phone bill… I used to sleep next to the rack of modem looking at the blinking light with listening to Harmonium and Pink Floyd. That was so peaceful, I miss that time very much…


BBS were so fun. My bro and I ran one out of home on a dedicated phone line. Good days! We used it for door games, fidonet, and coordinating meetups for sneakernet file sharing.


I always wonder if there was a way to recreate that experience. I mean, it will end-up being a slack or a Reddit if you focus only on functionality. But there was something immersive that is hard to describe.


lol oh god. I don’t remember a number I think there was one pre populated on the dialog box on my windows 3.1 but it has been a long time and I was little. They had a phone line plugged straight into the computers modem. When someone was on the internet the phone was unusable. Chat rooms were a thing, I remember many a night in Yahoo Chatrooms, definitely way too young for it but there I was. I don’t think video streaming was possible yet but again I was young. Ah the 90’s.




Haha yep. Yet… somehow… I… we… yearn to hear it once more…


You also have to remember the generation that grew up with the speccy and the loading noises it made, so the jump to dial up was just as fascinating, you could almost hear the errors before they happened.


You’re right, video streaming really out there yet. Give another 2-3 years then YouTube came out. But downloading and newsgroup batch files, etc were out there. I remember Napster BEFORE they f’d it up


the person that came up with that modem handshake noise should be put on a island with hungry lions.


lol I can still imagine the sound perfectly.


Lev? Also represent. Thank God we're still young while this is happening.


"pictures" are of little interest. It is the technology. I specialize in SD performance doing 294 images per second with sdxs and 31fps realtime videos with sdxl-turbo at 800x800. When sd 3.0 drops I'll be evaluating it's performance and looking to apply all my optimization tricks. I love the challenge.


You think really highly of yourself.


They have a right to, the optimizations they are getting out of SD are very good.


I'm just saying what I've accomplished so far and what I will tackle when SD 3.0 drops.Why that gets -18 votes is curious.But there are always naysayers.It won't stop me from continuing to push the performance if that's ok with you.


What hardware do you use to hit those speeds, if you don't mind me asking?


A 4090, i9-13900K running Ubuntu 22.04.01 and a lot of software optimization tricks.


ignore the haters. they are mad because they have no accomplishments of their own to point to. so instead attack others as a method of transferring their disappointment in themselves.


This subreddit is lurked by a lot of dumbasses, most of which are not developers. If you get into talking about model architecture or pipeline code, literally none of them know wtf you are talking about. They are all people who at most use ComfyUI or A1111 or have done something like trained a LoRA (if that, most of them haven't even gotten that far). This sub is also lurked by OpenAI fans for some reason. If you speak badly of Sora you get downvoted. Again, we are surrounded by dumbasses on this sub, it ain't about developing model parallelism or doing new things like that anymore, 99% of the people here now are stupid as shit and have never done anything like writing TensorRT acceleration code. It's been several weeks since I have found a useful thread that linked me to something I can use, between the stupid ass meme posts and the "omg Sora" dipshits. Mods of this sub suck, dead ass. Edit: u/Guilty-History-9249 actually had realtime SD implemented using LCM and Turbo several months ahead of Stream Diffusion and without TRT. The future of this tech is realtime/interactive media, yet most of you gawk at stupid shit from Sora that you can't even access and single image quality. Apologies for my cursing, the amount of idiots flooding this sub is frustrating at times. I have half a mind to spend some AWS resources to counter-spam OAI shitposts with LLM-driven selenium bots. The latent space of TinyLlama 1B has better conversations than most of the people I have ran into here in the last 2 months. I have no Idea what happened, just a flood of shitposters out of nowhere.


I fully agree. I personally happen to be smooth brained and understand concepts at the speed of IE. I am here for booba, and I love to see when people do cool stuff that allows me to make more, better, bigger and sometimes with proper hands attached booba.


Hey look, a worthless comment that contributes nothing. Can't wait to see another 700,000 of these from this sub.


Wish I was half as good at making money off of cool things haha. Go you! I’ll keep working my job until the AI pries it from my cold, shivering fingers…. I’m not dead though… flesh over steel!


dont count on it 


Friendly reminder that its not even been a year since SDXL released. People are impatient as fuck.


True, but I think a huge part of that is there hasn't been an actual upgrade since 1.5. SD 2.0 is recognized as a total shit show failure. XL is recognized as clearly inferior to 1.5 in most cases, but months later has occasional use for some people over 1.5 but is still widely regarded as noticeably inferior and less popular. The vast majority of the community, even by SAI's own admission, still sits on 1.5. Last, I think the other part of the impatience is because of SD3's "fate" after Emad was forced out and SAI has been incredibly not transparent about SD3's situation and future. Some employees have made questionable claims on Twitter but, overall, the lack of an official stance or update in the face of clear concern from the community and the situation that occurred is problematic. A lot of people probably don't trust SAI right now because of this, or that we will get SD3, especially if they can find a way to monetize it considering SAI's current financial position and their history with trying to prevent 1.5 from releasing... What direction will the wind blow?


XL is amazing. Dafuq are you smoking?


As I said, "XL is recognized as clearly inferior to 1.5 in most cases". First, "recognized" means this isn't my opinion but the communities so why don't you take it up with them? Second, I clearly stated "inferior to 1.5" not that XL was "bad" unlike 2.0. Third, I said "most cases." If you want to read more check these two posts of mine answering someone else's question on it [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1brpzf7/comment/kxhwv92/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1brpzf7/comment/kxhwv92/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>XL is recognized as clearly inferior to 1.5 in most cases Says who? I'd say the majority of people use XL these days. That is clearly just *your* opinion packaged in a generalization that you won't be able to back up with data.


I'd say you're wrong and you appear to significantly struggle with basic reading comprehension. Emad and SAI have both made public comments about it in the past on social media. You can argue with them. 1.5 has better support than XL, too, and for the reasons I pointed out which you cannot dispute. XL has certain issues and has less support than 1.5 in terms of models/lora/extensions, etc. It is not my problem if you don't believe me. I could literally not give a fuck just because you aren't able to read and don't stay caught up. Your "XL is amazing. Dafuq are you smoking?" despite the points pointed out in the link about XL's limitations and issues compared to 1.5 are already telling about your own lack of knowledge of the subject and your clear bias. I did forget one point in my prior post that stands out, too. Hardware requirements of 1.5 are much lower and people without more powerful 10GB+ make up the bulk (not that XL can't be used on weaker hardware but it is often less ideal nor efficient).


>I'd say you're wrong and you appear to significantly struggle with basic reading comprehension How about we just stop generalizing an entire community and apply nuance? Clearly someone who diagnoses others with limited reading comprehension should be capable of that? You said 1.5 is vastly more popular. I challenged that. Because it's clear that both models have a lot of fans. That's all I'm saying. Your points are valid, but saying that these are big enough show stoppers that *in general* people use 1.5 over SDXL and that SDXL is *vastly inferior* (your words, not mine) is just wrong.


XL is inferior to 1.5??


It isn't far as I can tell. I believe 1.5 had the benefit of 2's failure to catch on and being around while the craze happened. It's also very accessible in terms of hardware requirements compared to XL. 1.5 has so much work put in by the community it's really hard to topple it, you want something? There's a 1.5 model or script/add-on for it. I do hope 3 will catch on and eventually replace 1.5, as that would indicate it's clearly so much better people transition to it faster than they did with XL.


Depends on who you ask. Some like XL and it can achieve good quality when used for the right types of images with the right know how. It is certainly a lot more competent than it was the first couple of months after launch. However, most of the community still sits on 1.5, something even SAI has admitted to multiple times, because it still does what they need better and with less issues like bias, blurring, etc. and a lot of the extensions and features that exist make it just as capable in XL's stronger areas. 1.5 also has more support. However, it would definitely be wrong to say 1.5 is defacto across the board superior. More like favorability and majority capability are heavily skewed towards it at best.


woah wut ? That's crazy, i just realized it now


There are there are the greedy needy and then there are those that get told every few days that it will be ready in a few days and this stretched on for months(sdxl or was that sd2x). Just give a reasonable ETA so we can plan around testing it. I think that is a reasonable request.


SD3 isn't even released and they are typing SD3 Turbo? Come on...


They are releasing them at the same time presumably.


Can we expect controlnet to work on sd3 turbo? Sd3 turbo for initial image, then select the best, rework and upscaling with sd3 would be amazing.


They’re both being released at same time since it’s common knowledge how to make distilled models Which seemingly the distilled model is only beat in prompt alignment by sd3 itself and dalle3 And sd3 base beats dalle3 based on the survey charts


Please just release it already








I really want SD3 badly.


How bad


Soooo bad 😂 I don't know, I wasn't super impressed with sdxl over 1.5 to be frank. I trained some loras and sure it was a good solid improvement over 1.5, but I don't think by as much as what was hyped. I guess I hope SD3 isn't over hyped too.


I didn't really like SDXL's style. You could tell every picture that was made by SDXL, was made by SDXL. 1.5 still beats it in that sense.


Overhyping something never works. A month of hype makes sense in general for any product (some games get hyped years in advance for example), but it's been over a month. This type of hype also doesn't make as much sense with the current faster pace of AI. People are already getting tired of pure hype, without at least a proper and concrete release date.


Is there *any* information out there on when weights will drop?


but when can i play with it on my 8GB card?


There will be multiple different-sized variants. I just hope the ~6-12gb one will be open.


Send weights


It will be better if the finetuners can insert the boobs


In all of human history have they failed you yet? Chin up brother


The 2.1 one was a boobs tragedy in the boobsverse


They've been a little slow on SDXL.


But they did eventually get there, at least for anime models. 


I've got no interest in that. I definitely wouldn't want to know which checkpoints and LoRAs you'd recommend. That goes without saying.


Well in case *anyone else* is curious, the model is [pony diffusion](https://civitai.com/models/257749/pony-diffusion-v6-xl) and despite the name, is good for more than just pony stuff. It's made by the pony community, but has an absolutely massive dataset that covers most things you'd see on booru sites. There's a filter on civitai specifically for pony models because there can be some issues with SDXL loras not really working well on Pony models and vice versa due to how they're trained. If anyone does happen to pick it up, you'll probably want to grab a style or two from here https://civitai.com/models/264290?modelVersionId=333590 (or one of the many, many other styles made for Pony models) as the style can be pretty inconsistent without them and make sure you use the score system for prompts as outlined in the pony model description. It replaces the need for the whole "masterpiece, best quality, hdr, 4k, etc.". There's also an embedding/negative embedding combo that replaces the need for the style tags. There's also a *ton* of support for Pony specific loras and the quality is generally quite good. A lot of the major character lora creators have also started making loras for Pony models specifically. Also while Pony models do excel at lewd stuff, they're still not bad for [non](https://i.imgur.com/fT9oqj3.jpeg)-[lewd](https://i.imgur.com/FIqdskS.jpeg) [stuff](https://i.imgur.com/0g3XHup.jpeg). There are a ton of Pony model merges, most of which I haven't tried. I did try one of them but I found while the style was more consistent, the model was less 'fun' and tended towards normal even when i wanted fireballs and shit flying all over the place. If you just want normal though then I'm sure some of the merges are decent. I'd rather have the flexibility.


Of course he would say that. Ill always be sceptical until it releases


Breaking: SD3 Can Clone Human Life and Power Rockets To Mars But Will Never Be Released To Public


More news coming in as researchers claim SD3 can help sustain life in the Sun's plasma fields.. just wow!!.. but it will never be released..


This stuff is always based on crappy benchmarks. I don't know who they're trying to fool. We've all seen tons of SD3 images and tons of Midjourney 6 images. SD3 gets close to MJ6 in some images, but it's clear to anyone who has seen both that MJ6 is better, even if it's by a much smaller margin now. It's the same logic they used to claim SDXL-turbo was better than SDXL. It just isn't. It is close enough and is very useful, but the "better than SDXL" stuff was just not true. That said, SD3 looks incredibly impressive and has closed the gap significantly. It's honestly the closest we've been to MJ and it seems close enough for me that I don't really care about MJ anymore. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is the improved prompt adherence.


Looks are subjective. Personally, I don't really care for MJ6, most of the examples I've seen try to be too artistic or something. But at the same time, I don't think sd3 is much of a leap in image quality, at least without finetuning. But, I'm expecting a lot from the prompting in sd3. I was also so hyped about ELLA, since they promised similar things for sd1.5 and sdxl, but I'm starting to feel it was just vaporware. Or maybe it was real, but they've run into some troubles.


i would argue that they dont show better images because midjourney has tons of artist promting it and SD3 has engineers prompting it, the outputs wont be the same


I tried SD3 on Stable Assistant. I remember using Midjourney few versions back and it was definitely better, as in for majority of short natural language prompts MJ outputted "correct" looking images while SD3 on SA was much closer to what I would expect from a Stable Diffusion model (e.g. commonly broken faces/fingers/hands unless that's the whole focus of the image). I am not sure if I would even say it was better than SDXL finetunes (even if I ignore absurd levels of censorship, like clothed breast shape being filtered out after generation; not the words, the output, it could not generate and deliver any female looking chest). PS: It is possible on SA is not the largest SD3 model, but that's on Stability to not mentioning it anywhere...


you may be right, but also consider heavy censorship will produce cripled results, and Stable assistant is most likely changing your prompt in the back end like Dalle in open ai. Emand said SD3 tech is similar to SORA so we can hope fine tuning will fix any issues, really hoping midjourney is not the winner this time, but we’ll see


While it seemed to change some prompts (e.g. often removing "beautiful" and "attractive"), the "not being able to generate female form" is I believe censorship applied afterwards - when SD3 does generate an image (a user have to wait for it), but an application (Stable Assistant) doesn't show it to the user because it triggered some image filter, the application (doesn't seem to be the LLM) then posts a text explaining that the image might be against policy. So hopefully SD3 knows how a normal woman on a street looks. Why I think it doesn't heavily modify prompts - it usually posted text after image was generated and it was very close to the original prompt. When asked what prompt it used, again, it matched very well, if I remember correctly it was quite often exact match. > we can hope fine tuning will fix any issues ... really hoping midjourney is not the winner this time That would be a dream. I am leaning towards that what I tested was the medium SD3 model, since many results from Discord I saw floating around seemed considerably better. But even if SD3 biggest model is "just" better at prompt understanding while not matching MJ in details/visual quality, it would still be a fresh new base model with possibly higher/different potential because of the new architecture (more "fune-tunable", smarter).


Um this was based on a user preference survey


Well, crappy users then.


Fine-tunes are going to make that comparison laughable.






Dall-e used to be good for that in November. I can't wait to have something approaching that level of prompt adherence and quality.


In November? Was that a particular state of the model that they changed?


They heavily filtered it after every time I shitposted on Reddit. The stuff you could make was far more realistic and racy.


You mean you're the guy that made them destroy their model. You're kidding. I mean, it had to have been a coincidence. But still, wtf, why would you keep posting after that happened once? You never know what kind of factors they're looking at to make decisions, they probably do look at reddit subs with the name dalle-e or some image AI. lol. WTF MAN!


I'm kidding. But I wouldn't be surprised. I'm not creating personal fap material. I'm shitposting ridiculousness.


just look at any of the "prompt this for me" that the beta SD3 testers have been doing. its got incredible creativity AND prompt adherence.


Does it possess contingency? I have an image that can't be a prompt. The fact that it exists makes it a known unknown. This I think is what [Jattoe](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jattoe/) is getting at: art


and I answered his question. people have thrown wierd, insane and completely unassociated prompts at SD3 and its done commendably.




thanks that really took the edge off


Sorry, but Emad is Not Credible. We need to verify anything he says.


To think that the quality, and likely prompt understanding, will likely get better after fine-tunes... Amazing. Read the paper, can't wait to try it out.


While that is great to hear... I feel like we'll have mid-journey 7 by the time this is available. What else are they tweaking that the release is taking so long? Actually curious, no doomrism please.


Just release it. Merci!


What the fuck is taking so long for release? Lol


The neutering takes time!


Midjourney will be into v9 by the time this bloody thing gets released .


do we know how much vram it's expected to take?


I don't think it's been said specifically, though with their original announcement they said there'd be multiple models at different sizes, so it might be more like the multiple parameter versions of the LLama LLM models Quote: "The Stable Diffusion 3 suite of models currently ranges from 800M to 8B parameters. This approach aims to align with our core values and democratize access, providing users with a variety of options for scalability and quality to best meet their creative needs." Link: [https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3#:\~:text=The%20Stable%20Diffusion%203%20suite,best%20meet%20their%20creative%20needs.](https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3#:~:text=The%20Stable%20Diffusion%203%20suite,best%20meet%20their%20creative%20needs) That said, that announcement was the end of February so who knows now?


Please be enough for my 3060


I'm so sorry...


Hands! Can it do hands?!!!! I’d be happy with SD1.5 quality if it could do hands.


They also said sd xl is better than mj v5.2 and thats is a lie


This is some Elon Musk hype shit. Midjourney has this kind of style and art look that I frankly would say Stable Diffusion cannot replicate.


Lol yeah I'll wait on that "reality chdck"


I believe it when I see it - SD3 not even out and we're hyping Turbo


damn cannot waiiiiiiiit


Ok that's great. But when can we use it?


is there any way to use midjourney’s “weird” parameter on sd cause that’s the only thing that makes me think to subscribe again


Midjourney 6 is also old, if we are speaking in months. Also midjourney focus is 3d, so I don't think they will not improve it a lot in the future


3d and video as well


Fine, but will it use the computing u it's of AMD GPUs or is Team Red still in denial lol


"the paper says"


I'm waiting for production.


\*cries in 8gb gpu\*


also cries in 16gb gpu


Not really that surprising. MJv6 is super bad, even compared to V5. It's got all types of severe generation artifacts and issues they seem to have made worse since it first hit beta Also, over-hyping models is likely one of the reasons SAInis failing as a whole. Release decent models to users without high expectations, and they will be blown away. Release it decent models to users that have extremely overhyped expectations, and you will never please them. SD 1.5, SD 2.X, SDXL, and likely SD3 were all mediocre model releases for their generation/technology. The only really groundbreaking stuff that came out for them was made by other teams / researchers. Most people don't give a crap about how good a model is out of the box, because nobody's actually going to use out of the box tune, they're going to go immediately to the first checkpoints that fix crucial issues that are guaranteed to be in the base models


April fools joke or for real?


Will see on release. I've heard somewhere it'll be at may... if true we have time to prepare and read even more papers on how it's great)


LoL, Nothing ai can beat MIDJOURNEY for this moment ! so fake


Then midjourney launch Midjourney 7 based on SD3 and then it's better. That's how it works.


Midjourney is good at using sd tech to for their private lucrative business. While stabilityai is getting bankrupt and criticized.


Yup. And I still don't get what's so special about midjourney. The "you need to pay" part still kinda puts me off because it's not that much better.


I bet you money they wont release outside API


bla bla SD, bla bla


The fact that we'll have GTA VI before this makes me sad


Do we even know if it's getting released? Because it sounds like stability is broke


If it is realy better than the paid product i fear they won't release it as opensource.


So sd3 turbo is only beat by dalle3 and sd3 and from the we can guess that in prompt adherence sd3 base beats everything else wholly shit