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That’s what they told me I doubt they’ll not do it as no reason not to


Hey man don't you need to make money? Is your company's gonna be ok?


I left am setting up new things, am just a shareholder now


Oh I see. Ok hope things go well for you.


Thanks for trying to keep it open source and for what you did for the AI scene as a whole!


Thanks for all you’ve done. What new things, anything exciting?


They might have political pressure or an ideology change to keep the weights closed


dude why did you say sd3 was coming "shortly", almost 2 months ago? and wth choose this annoying way to roll out sd3?? why couldnt we all test in discord like previous model releases??? instead we get this infuriating process where a bunch of chosen people are given access, then an api access then god knows what next then final weight release....4-5 months after official announcement. if this was a commercial product then i'd understand the strategy to drive sales but this just makes zero sense for open source project.


Was a bit quicker than sdxl iirc


Brother, you are a saint for putting up with the crap of this community. The entitlement is unreal.


I’ve never seen a Reddit community that hates the topic of their sub so much as r/StableDiffusion Except maybe the Starfield sub


Thanks for all that you do


i dont think we all had to wait 5months before we all had to test sdxl beta version in discord before release.


Entire beta in discord was for fine tuning base model to have a much better weights for a community, it was the last stage of preparation before release. Since then many new techniques and research stuff has happened, including the multistage cascade architecture. Let’s just wait for a proper release instead of just demanding for it to come out quicker


Hey, stop acting so entitled.


Bro. Chill. Out. Emad nor Stability own you nothing


Hey bro you're yelling at a guy who is volunteering to pass along what he hears from his 1-in-a-billion level of access. I'm eager too but publicly taking the piss out of Emad says everything about you and nothing about him. He spends millions of his own money and you're the one acting like it's owed to you.


If anyone wanted an example of a Reddit Kevin, this would be the one.


How much have you donated for sd3 development? They don't owe you anything.


i think the fact that emad talks abit too loosely is very a documented and well criticized pattern of behaviour. its a critical flaw of his that many have pointed out, he dont have to owe me something for me to criticize him. i mean nobody is happy with sd2 rollout and most especially the images which he said was better than mj6, should we not criticize that too because they dont owe me anything? i'm grateful for sd3 but i'm not a fanboy who will find a cope for any and everything like some of you lot.


he said the same thing in the stickied post at the top of this sub. pretty sure they've been saying it all along i'm not sure why so many people thought they wouldnt


Because a lot of people on this sub are uninformed and can’t properly read sadly


That and they're all doomers. Heck, just look at the comment to his post in this thread. Bitching about it taking too long. I don't think I've ever heard so many people incessantly bitch and moan over free software before. You'd think SD was charging them $79.99/mo or something.


what is this "reading" you speak of ?


if this is the only reason you can think that people are worried about weights being released, you are either really new to the field or do not understand anything about money


Oh, which versions of Stable Diffusion did Stability.AI not release the weights for?


I sort of get it. I didn't believe it would not be released but, no pun intended, people were a accustomed to a status quo that felt like stability. Then, many sudden changes happened in a short time, shattering the sense of security. Those same people were already bracing for bad news about the safety and license model, it only makes sense that the anxiety would get scope-crept, even if the conclusion ends up being unfounded.




Right, this has been confirmed and reconfirmed so many times now.


I mean, literally none of this is "confirming" anything in any tiniest sense. The title of this thread is infact complete and utter horseshit given the content of the actual source. So its hard to take such "confirmation" seriously. That said, there was always minimal reason to think anything would change from previous releases, other than paranoia.


Things people actually say < things we make up in our head Its been a few hours since he said they are releasing the weights, that's plenty of time for me to just decide in my head they aren't going to.


How is emad still an authority, though? He doesn't work for or have authority over Stability AI and its release schedule. I'd read this strictly as the historical trend, and not a prediction imo.


"That’s what they told me I doubt they’ll not do it as no reason not to" -- Emad


I'm following that, it's still not a reason to take it as *confirmation.* It's possible to be right and still not be the person to listen to. No offense to emad or his fans, but now that he's no longer working there, I want to hear from someone more authoritative or just refrain from spreading rumors.


I'd hate to be seen as spreading rumors, but they've given no indication they'd keep it locked up forever. It's [the licensing](https://stability.ai/membership#select_membership) that's the problem. >[In keeping with our commitment to open generative AI, we aim to make the model weights available for self-hosting with a Stability AI Membership in the near future.](https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3-api) There's a non-commercial license under which the weights will be made available for free, provided the user doesn't make any kind of money off of it. Essentially, the membership registration is the storefront for the purchase of a license for commercial use of their models with commercial use restrictions. Speculation: The site will probably link to the SD3 model card on huggingface, as it does for SDXL Turbo, allowing users to download it from there for free as many of us have. So long as the user does not make any money off of the SD3 model, it'll be as free to use as Turbo. This is similar to the way that Unreal Engine is licensed and is my guess for how it will work.




I have yet to see the terms of the license, but I think it would still be governed by the license of the base model. Nobody really loses track of which models are based on 1.5 and which are based on SDXL. Some people will be dishonest, I suppose.


Has it even been settled whether or not AI models can be copyrighted at all? They're collections of statistical data and it's unclear whether or not that is even copyrightable at all in places without sui generis IP rights, right?


This really was directed at OP, whose wording makes the message seem more authoritative than it is. Now that we're into the nuance of it, I have no issues. Even emad's clarifying statement is fine here, too, and I'm glad it's been voted up to the top comment (atm).


I really don't see how a non-commercial license is an issue. If you need a commercial license then you are running a business and should pay for it as a business expense, plenty of free software has this model where the source code is available and legally modifiable so long as you don't use it for commercial purposes with a commercial license available. Under the new licensing it will *still* be better for businesses than Midjourney and similar since they can finetune it themselves. Why are people on Reddit and Twitter so desperate to defend corporations not having to pay for software licensing? The alternative here is Stability goes bankrupt (which it probably still will) since gAI is an extremely expensive field to operate in.


Oh, that was poor wording on my part. I agree.   I meant that, *for a vocal group on this sub*, the license is one of two gripes with the model (the other being it's safety which they've taken to mean "nerfed") as evidenced by the comparisons being made with Turbo and SD2.    I suspect that will lead to the claim that "it's not really open then, is it?" And, by that terrible definition, claim Stability "didn't open source their weights like they promised" in response to my statement that they've (thus far) given no indication they'd keep it locked up forever. My comparison with the Unreal Engine license model is from personal experience. I think it is more than fair.


But have you considered that this ruins my plans to create a billion-dollar startup to democratize art for rodents? Pornographic art, specifically. Very upsetting news for me.


It’s literally in the blog post: “In keeping with our commitment to open generative AI, we aim to make the model weights available for self-hosting with a Stability AI Membership in the near future.”


He’s still the majority shareholder right?


He said he had a majority of voting shares, which are the ones you need to elect the board. That precision almost certainly implies that he is not the majority shareholder when all share categories are taken into account.


It’s literally in the blog post of the API release..


Lowkey he’s probably also trying to put pressure on Stability to release the weights, as there may be doubts internally.


I think the confusion is around the other things they've sad about a membership being required to get the weights. No one is entirely clear what that really means, This won't be cleared up to everyone's satisfaction until the weights are either available for people to download and run locally, or they aren't.


"In keeping with our commitment to open generative AI, we aim to make the model weights available for self-hosting with a Stability AI Membership in the near future." The way that's worded makes it seem like you'll need a membership to download the weights. But the non-commercial membership is free so at worse we'd just have to sign up then download the weights and use them as we always have. But Emad has also recently said that the weights will be on Huggingface as they usually are. So either way we'll be getting it for free one way or the other.


>"In keeping with our commitment to open generative AI, we aim to make the model weights available for self-hosting with a Stability AI Membership in the near future." This probably relates more to people self-hosting it for commercial purposes, rather than end-users using it on a local machine. For obvious reasons, if you're creating a business that relies on Stable Diffusion, they're going to want to get paid. Stability.AI *is* still a business, not a charity.


They have Non-Commercial, Commercial and Enterprise memberships. If membership is only needed for commercial then I don't see why they'd have a free non-commercial tier. https://stability.ai/membership


Great. Mum said it's my turn to make this post tomorrow.


This is your dad.


What does this mean


Already implemented in ComfyUI. https://youtu.be/3tI6eg4pWiU?si=jF0FM_vmz5_32SC6


As always with SD: Base model flop, finetunes top. So this is great news. Let's gooooo!


>As part of the integration, Stability AI models will leverage provenance systems already established on Render Network – known as ***Proof-of Render*** – providing immutable receipts and tracking of all individual components ingested and used for output of computing work on-chain. Through transparent on-chain data, royalty flows for IP and assets used in AI models, as well as their outputs, can be managed using public auditable smart contracts. [https://home.otoy.com/stabilityai/](https://home.otoy.com/stabilityai/)


Why did you post this? Do you think its something sinister? Do you not think with copyright status up in the air a corporation using gAI wouldn't want a digital proof that there is 0% chance they are infringing copyright? Or are you misunderstanding what "computing on-chain" means going by your bolding on other places you've spammed this? Its saying that the proof will be stored on chain, you obviously cannot carry out gAI renders with a block chain.


please stop those posts. every fcking day


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How does SD3 stack against midjourney V6?


It can be finetuned.


Currently doesn't even come close. But as always with SD: The finetunes are where it's at. So as soon as the weights are available, some troopers will make sure we get the show on the road. Just like it happened with SDXL.


This was stated in the original PRESS RELEASE as well...jeez people, learn to read.


Bla bla SD3... bla bla