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I'd like to think that my years of creating and sharing lifestyle art are far more indicative of my passion for it, but I'll take it. 🤣


Formatting. Well formed sentences. Polite!!!


Thank you. I try 🤓


Good luck 🍀 hope you get the appointment


\#5 is unimportant. Who cares if it's ONLY men submitting things. As long as it's quality I don't care about how diverse the posters or the admin team are. Just do the best and don't discriminate against anyone. I also don't care about diversity in my children's schools. Just choose the best teachers for the job. If it ends up being all women so be it. As long as it's the best.


It's not only men submitting things. Where did you get that idea? My wife has spent the past few years creating her artwork right here beside me: u/mhwmlt. Besides that, I think you took the wrong definition of "diversity." I don't mean racial diversity, I mean diversity of the things I mentioned: style, perspective, and approach. It's important. You can't please everyone with every post, but with artistic diversification, you can ensure that you hit the spot for a lot of different people over the course of time.


Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't mean racial diversity either. I was just specifying men and women. I realize that both men and women post things there. Your clarification of "diversity" here is very helpful because your new explanation of diversity is very appealing. Men/women, black/white/hispanic etc means nothing to me. I just like the best. However it's given to me and by whoever does the best job getting us the good stuff. Thanks, Samantha


You got my vote


If you can stop people stealing content, or at least crediting the appropriate source of the imagery... But that's highly, highly unlikely.


Personally, I won't use anything in my artwork without permission unless it's professionally made and widely available to the public. Sometimes, though, I'll see something I really like here on Reddit or over on RedGifs for example, and I'll reach out and ask for permission to use it. Other times, people will request that I use their photos in my artwork and give me permission to do so. It's just a matter of personal integrity for me. Unfortunately, not everyone follows that same practice. Not that it's difficult to document where you got a photo and give credit where it's due, but if you suddenly imposed that infinitesimal requirement, most people would just stop posting altogether. The truth is, most "content creators" (OnlyFans and the like) don't want anyone using their photos. I'm really not sure why, though, considering how much exposure they'd get in return. In my observations, it's always the people with the least followers who bitch and moan the most about people using their content. Countless times, I've reached out to people with like 500 followers who are trying to sell content on OnlyFans (or whatever) to ask permission to use some of their photos... and they turn me down. But, think about it. My Twitter alone gets over 1 million views per month. Imagine what that kind of exposure could do for them. In any case, it's their right, and I respect it if they say no.


Good luck! I’ve missed that community. It sparked a lot of erotic creativity!


Yes!! That’s a bummer it was banned.


They should be making their decision today. Visit the link I posted and let them know!