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Englebert Humperdinck bit is still hilarious


That bit is the reason my friends and I sent to see Humperdinck in the early 2000’s.


Heptybert Weptyback?!


What about Slut-bum Voila? No it must be Englebert Humperdink.


We shall call him Englebert!!


Zembledak Fistybuns would like a word.


Dressed to Kill is a goated special as far as I’m concerned. Ciao!


Yes. The best.


Sorry, no flag no country.


You there, cake or death?


Did I leave the gas on?


No, I'm just a fucking squirrel


Death… no, wait!


Eddie isn't offended by pronouns, but goes by 'her' now.  There's a reason she's known as the 'lost' Python. A lifetime of highly original/experimental material with ridiculous highs and lows. For better and worse, there is only one Eddie.


I think she also prefers to be called Suzy Izzard now too. (although I think accepts that she is more widely known by Eddie, and thats how majority will likely refer to her.)


Good to know. She didn’t fully transition did she?


I saw her recently and I could have sworn she had a more pronounced chest. She definitely had long hair in a “feminine” style.


Good show?


I had a blast. The show started in a really cool way- the backdrop had a safari vibe, the lights went out and were then made to seem like lightening with thunder playing over the speakers. When it stopped and the spotlight came on, there was Eddie/Susie! And the whole show was pure Izzard silliness.


Thanks for sharing homie


I don’t think so.


Transition is different for everyone. The idea of a "full transition" meaning going from a masculine man with all expected parts to a feminine woman with all expected parts is pretty outdated at this point. For example, plenty of trans women or transfeminine nonbinary people don't want bottom surgery. They may grow breasts with the help of hormones and/or top surgery, but they're fine with their parts downstairs. This doesn't mean their transition is incomplete; it's just different for everyone. Also, it's generally considered rude to fixate on genitalia as indicative of if a trans person is "going all the way with it". Whether Suzy gets bottom surgery is her own business, you know?


First of all, I love it all. I’m just curious about it as someone who is obviously ignorant and drawing ire. I don’t think sexual parts are ever outdated. Aren’t they physically considered a man at a doctors office then? Like, how do you get check ups, do you go to trans friendly doctors who ignore it?


I appreciate that you do, and I'm just trying to provide some info. There's always room to learn. >Aren’t they physically considered a man at a doctors office then? So, gender is a psychological phenomenon and a social construct. Whether someone is a woman, man, or nonbinary is distinct from one's biological sex. When you go to a trans-friendly doctor, they respect your gender identity regardless of your physical parts or your gender expression (the clothes you wear, makeup, hairstyle, etc.). Now, there's a lot in that sentence to unpack. When I say it's a social construct, roughly what I mean is that it's a cultural group project. Gender is what we collectively decide it is and therefore constructions of gender differ between cultures and across time. Many Native American cultures, for example, had various nonbinary identities as part of their gender systems. Some cultures historically have had three or more genders people can identify as. So, gender is malleable and in the construction trans people are affirmed in, anyone can identify as the gender they feel they are. Like, whether a trans woman is a woman precedes hormone therapy, wardrobe changes, surgeries, etc. Other thing to unpack is "biological sex". Biological sex itself can be broken down into more specific areas like hormonal sex, genetic sex, and phenotypic sex which can all differ. So a person, like myself, can have XY chromosomes (male genetic sex), high estrogen and low testosterone levels (female hormonal sex), and mixed phenotypic sex (primary and secondary sex characteristics typical of both male and female bodies). So the idea of a binary, immutable biological sex is a simplification of reality. Also, some people are intersex meaning they have genetic, hormonal, and phenotypic characteristics that differ from the typical binary. For trans people, biological sex is often something we seek to change so we're more comfortable in our bodies, but our gender is our gender regardless of whether we have yet to change our bodies, or whether we choose to at all.


Did you take biology or just study a lot after your realized you wanted to be a woman? You dropped a lot of heavy vocabulary there. Gender identity is easy to interpret and I have, for years. I worked in a downtown super liberal area for a decade. I’ve seen it all and loved everyone equally. Dated a couple people who were gender-fluid. The biological sex thing just doesn’t make sense to me. Doesn’t that basically just breakdown to your actual physical makeup after birth rather than genetic imbalances? Hormonal differences in chromosomes don’t change that. You got what you got. Even if it doesn’t mentally fit. There’s rare exceptions to that rule, who are born with both sexual organs, but that will never account for the amount of people nowadays who say they are both.


>The biological sex thing just doesn’t make sense to me. What I'm trying to convey is that an understanding of "biological sex" that's binary and immutable is a simplification. Several aspects of sex are mutable. Secondary sex characteristics like the presence or absence of breasts, presence or absence of facial hair, etc. can be changed. For example, a trans man can go on testosterone, grow a full beard, have his voice drop to typical cis male range, and get top surgery to remove breasts and bottom surgery to construct a penis. While he likely still has XX chromosomes, his hormonal and phenotypic sex has been changed. >Did you take biology or just study a lot after your realized you wanted to be a woman? Most trans people learn quite a bit about biology out of necessity and experience. The most important thing I've learned is that sex hormones affect sexual development far more than genes. Going on estrogen won't morph my penis into a vagina, but it changes a ton of things that feminize my body. If a trans kid does puberty blockers and starts hormones as a teenager, their sexual development through puberty is virtually identical to their cis peers. This can be seen with celebrities like Hunter Schafer and Kim Petras who both started as teens. Again, it won't change the genitals you're born with, but it changes basically everything else.


You’re saying it’s all gender. I feel. Are you a fan of putting teenagers on hormones?


The fuck are you debating that here for


I'm so glad you're in this community. Great write-up.


thanks, friend. glad you are too


Also thank you for not being rude off rip.


Of course! I'm happy not to! We're not gonna jump down anyone's throat that engages in good faith.


Yes I believe she did. She did not have surgery, if that the actual question, though.


what does “fully transition” mean 🤔


Dick cut off. Its been some years since I followed her on anything. I just know she likes women too, was curious. Doesn’t matter to me, she’s still a goat.


weird that having ur dick cut off is how one achieves “full” transition! education time: not all trans people want that and you don’t need anything to “fully” transition 🤗


Also homie, it’s all love no matter what. I know you can mentally transition fully.


Doesn’t that make sense though?


nope! and it’s also not ur business! for all we know, she did get her “dick chopped off” and has kept it private. unless you’re trying to suck it, who cares?


I know you can fully mentally transition, but you still got a dick. That’s literally one of their bits lol


alright! i was trying to be nice before but. this is transphobic. “fully transition” doesn’t mean anything. you’re trans if you’re trans, period. may wanna educate yourself more if you’re such a fan of a trans comedian


What a weird fucking thing to ask


'Ello Sue! ...d'ya like ...bread?


They’re performing as Eddie Izzard at the orpheum theater in nyc right now


Specifically, she considers Eddie Izzard her stage name and has said she doesn't feel deadnamed by it.


He’s a great woman. She’s the man


I caught Dressed to Kill on HBO at 1 am when I was about 12 and LOVED it. One of my favorites.


She’s also one of the few standups who can perform in multiple languages; she’s done gigs in French and German on top of English.


There’s that whole tangent in *Dress To Kill* that ends up entirely in French. Izzard sets it all up so well that you don’t even need to know French to start laughing at lines like, “Je suis le Président de Burundi!” Iconic.


Le chat en sur la table


One of the best. Very high caliber stand up


She was so good on The Riches. If you’ve never seen go to Hulu and watch it now.


Cake or death ?




No wait I meant cake ignore my earlier post.


Sorry we are out of cake lol


So my choice is “or death”?


One of the greatest of all time, imho. I'd bet most of us literally can't even appreciate the full depth of their comedy either, cos unless we're multilingual like Izzard, we can't even understand all the sets she's done in German, French, Spanish, Russian, and even Arabic; just the English ones. I dunno if I've ever known of someone so positively driven - doing daily ultramarathons, performing to arenas, and being a polyglot. It's absolutely insane.


one of the greats. hardly misses, always tries new things


He’s one of my favorites. The days of mostly act-out comics is over though I think. Maybe they could make a comeback but I dunno.


Eddie did a great balance I thought. You could listen to his comedy album and still get it, but watching the video adds so much.


When I was younger and downloaded Dressed to Kill off limewire I had no idea he was an executive transvestite


Yeah, fuckin’ weird transvestite… *Executive Transvestite*.


It really does. He has an ability to convey the smallest interactions and micro expressions so convincingly.


Brilliant. One of my first introductions to stand up as well.


I saw Eddie's Dressed To Kill at the perfect time in my life for the humor from it to become the basis for about 45% of my entire sense of humor. I loved him then, I love her now, and I hope Suzy is incomprehensibly happy and has everything she's ever wanted. I have maybe the most genuine affection I could ever have for a celebrity for her. Ran marathons for charity, never had a scandal, never a "they're impossible to work with" story, never accused of stealing jokes or taking advantage of other comedians... just goodness and humor all the way down. Wish we had 1,000 more just like her.


Love him. He ad libs every show. Amazing




Yeah, I’m usually better at pronouns. I dated someone trans before too. My bad. Thanks for the info


His/her role in the Beatles homage movie "Across the universe" is really something. I've seen all the specials and find the jokes to be some of the most sophisticated. Especially the return to a previous topic in a single sentence when you least expect it. Thank you for flying Vatican air, cake or death? I'm sorry, we're all out of cake. So what, my choice is "or death"? Really love the material, but it takes some time to get into. You can't just show a Youtube short to someone to prove how funny it is.


The first comic I got into back when I was a kid about 1997. Got Glorious on VHS around then. Bought almost all the other specials when they came out. Eventually got round to go see them live last year. Worst comic I have seen live. It was really bad. Like from a performance stand point. It was in a theatre in Glasgow. Talked over laughter, spoke really quietly and almost slurry so it was impossible to hear the material. Seen plenty of comedians with much less stature perform far immeasurably better. I was not impressed at all.


Wasn’t impressed with his new specials past 2004, I believe it. But it’s a shame.


Saw him live in Salt Lake like 10 years ago. He was great.


Infinitely quotable.


Do you have a flag?


I pass a prison on my way to work and quietly say "AL-CA-TRAAAAAZZzz" to myself every time I do.


How tight can chains be pulled?!


That might be my favorite intro for a special. ‘Clang clang’ goes the sound of the bellman as he drags these prisoners to Alcatraz……


Dressed To Kill was a staple for me growing up. I actually rewatched The Riches recently, which still holds up. She’s a dream comedian because she’s brilliant, hilarious, and genuinely seems like she’d also be great company if you met her.


Amazing show. Brilliant person.


I got to see one of his last specials live. Was an amazing time. He's one of the greats.




He’s an Executive Transvestite.


~~He’s~~ She’s brilliant. And currently starring on Broadway performing ~~his~~ her solo Hamlet.




Cool thanks for the clarification


Got to see the Re-Mix tour , in Philadelphia. And just recently saw Hamlet in NYC. All around great performer.


My first stand-up comedian, I remember seeing him on HBO the night of New Year's 2000. His style is Edge permanently in my brain as what I think is top tier. On the dress to kill dvd, where he's talking over some b-reel of San Francisco, I didn't know it could get much funnier than that


Just last night my wife and I were spouting out the Cake or Death lines word by word. Still one of my favorite comedians.


Never go to a petrol station at night without thinking, "Twix, please".


his history material is dope and he's entertaining enough to speak a language. I don't understand and still bring me along


The Riches was an awesome show


Love his stand up. I have a few on dvd. Say tour de force live and I rewatch him on YouTube a lot


He invented a helicopter that DID. NOT. WORK.


The last special had a bit about how dogs think there are assassins outside. It was perfect.


“What do you mean you aren’t going? There’s going to be a big, fuckoff flood!” “I wanna keep bees! Don’t want em to get away. I wanna keep em.”


The first time I “saw” Dressed to Kill it was a friend’s older brother performing it close to its entirety. He’d watched it so much it was memorized. We laughed so hard I thought I would suffocate. Eddie will always be special to me because of that night.


“Did I leave the gas on?” “Wait no, I’m a fucking squirrel!”


Seen Izzard three times. She can pack so much material in one set, it’s amazing. Saw her new “Remix” set. It was fun, but it seems like she’s going to be going for British Parliament and is reallt about doing so. I wouldn’t be surprised if she stops touring for good. My favorite bit from the shows was one where—and I can’t remember the lead up to this, but it turns into to a bit about a cop pulling over a velociraptor, and the dinosaur in question giving off these ridiculous dinosaur noises toward every question. “Do you know why I pulled you over?” “Raaaahhhhhhirggghhh” “Where are you going in such a hurry?” “Raaaaaahhhhuu—=taps teeth=. Deeeeeeentisssssssst.” One other show—this was in Texas—we were sitting next to this couple. We all come back after intermission and Izzard does a rather long joke, and at the end of it he makes a really tame crack at Trump still relevant to the joke, (tame compared to anything else I’ve heard from a big name comic). The couple stands up, leaves, and doesn’t return.


Blasphemy! Blaspheyou! Blaspheverybody in the room! I got to see her Wunderbar show live in NYC. My goodness, what a talent.


Sick homie. I envy.


Never did anything for me. My mom and some friends always raved about him, but not for me.




Wasn’t he the leader of the Disco Boys?






Quad the fuck!


Hell of an actor as well.


Legendary. I hold very few other comics on the same tier as Eddie Izzard.


I’m 32 and my mom let me watch him


Um....you grew up "on" him? Must have been slightly awkward.


Have been and will be an Izzard fan for life. Dressed To Kill is necessary viewing/listening for every comedy fan.


Dress to Kill is one of the best specials of all time. Eddie/Suzy is incredible.


The dude is very intelligent.


Which is all the more incredible considering the fact that he/she was raised by wolves.




it goes to show what a great dude Suzy is, so flexible, and frankly a steward for anyone experiencing life like this. A treasure.


someone already said it but izzard goes by suzy now and while she doesn’t care about pronouns, seeing all the “dude” and “he/Eddie is amazing” is a little off considering the circumstances.


For many of us, the ‘circumstances’ are that a large chunk of the world had been infected by a woke mind-virus. I completely understand where you’re coming from in trying to be respectful and considerate of what someone prefers. I don’t assume that you’re stupid, or spineless. I ask that you don’t assume that my refusing to adhere to politically correct language makes me hateful, or intolerant.


i can’t imagine using “woke mind virus” sincerely. sorry “respecting people” is outside your comfort zone. what “politically correct language” specifically are you refusing to use?


> i can’t imagine using “woke mind virus” sincerely. sorry “respecting people” is outside your comfort zone. So typical, so expected. You take what I said, rephrase it, use quotes where they don't belong, and downvote me. I never said anything about 'respecting people', nor did I indicate that I was uncomfortable doing so. It absolutely *is* a woke mind-virus, and I'm 100% sincere. There's lots of ways of referring to it. I chose 'woke mind-virus' as a colorful description of what has happened. In less than 10 years, we've gone from everyone knowing what a woman is, to half the country being unable to define it. In the same time, we have redefined what 'racism' is, and reintroduced segregation on college campuses. > what “politically correct language” specifically are you refusing to use? Ohh... umm, all of it. I've loved Eddie Izzard probably longer than you've been alive. And if he needed a kidney, I'd give him mine. What I won't do, is pretend that he's a women. With you, or with him.


ahhh the “what is a woman?” argument. what right wing garbage farm did you hear that from? a woman is anyone who wants to be one. gender is a construct bb 💋 you don’t care about Izzard like you say you do, just FYI. continue drinking the right wing kool aid tho. you seem very happy and normal.


> ahhh the “what is a woman?” argument. what right wing garbage farm did you hear that from? . > continue drinking the right wing kool aid tho. you seem very happy and normal. Now you'll dodge the point by attacking everything *except* what I actually said. > a woman is anyone who wants to be one. gender is a construct bb 💋 This is meaningless, and nonsensical. You have no argument. Only tenets.


trans people have always existed and always will. there’s nothing to reply to. this is just bigotry 😘


I didn’t say trans people don’t exist. Wiccans exist. That doesn’t meant they have magical powers.


anyway. fun convo! disrespect trans people all you want. it’s a great look!


I never disrespected anyone. You’ve flailed, distracted, and insulted. You have no argument.


Lol eat shit, define woke (he can’t)


Look it up, asshole.


To me he seems like it's more of a 'one man show' type of thing, not really stand-up comedy. If I remember correctly, he tells a lot of stories, which is always a turnoff for me.


I don’t think you’ve ever watched their specials my friend. All the ones I mentioned are on YouTube and might help out.


I watched the first five minutes of dressed to kill right after my comment to make sure. that was enough for me. he's not a stand-up, but he's talented. edit to clarify: of course I have seen his specials, but it has been years. he used to be on comedy Central quite a lot back in the day. he's got a lot of energy and he's talented. just not my cup of tea. I like someone who just stands there and tells jokes.


What an asinine distinction to make


Not even close!


She [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/eddie-izzard-suzy-name-gender-preferred-pronouns-b2350323.html#](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/eddie-izzard-suzy-name-gender-preferred-pronouns-b2350323.html#)


Are we 100% clear on this? Seems like last I checked Izzy was kinda shruggy on the whole gender identity thing. Like, whatever box you wanna put me in is your business.


Guess I googled it for you. [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/eddie-izzard-suzy-name-gender-preferred-pronouns-b2350323.html#](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/eddie-izzard-suzy-name-gender-preferred-pronouns-b2350323.html#)


You did, and thanks for the correction!


Yes. I’m not going to google it for you.