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Is it Ricky Gervais that did a bit about living in a small flat, and pissing in the sink at night, and his partner saying, at least take the plates out of the sink first. But, he doesn't, he just moves them to the side?


Fuck I forgot about this. This was from radio show right?


Yup! he told this one on the old podcast and again in one of his specials.


I don't think it'll be the one I'm after but I'll definitely have another look at this one, cheers!


My first thought was Frank Skinner but a total guess. Live at Birmingham?


I really could've swore it was Frank but seems like it wasn't him after now having watched all his Live DVDs. I've a feeling from the way I'm somewhat remembering the emphasis and pronunciation of the word 'egg' in the line that it's going to be Freddie Starr. Closest Frank came to making it real was his bit about the Vegas lights on way to bathroom, gotta love him!


I agree it’s probably not Frank, I feel Like I listened to live at Birmingham so much I’d really remember such a line. Frank is my all time favourite git. Finally saw him live this year


Hannibal Burress? He has a bit about peeing in the sink but I'm not sure if it goes like that.


Another that goes back to Lenny Bruce


VHS and British? You managed to rule out Bottom, Red Dwarf, Young Ones etc? Got a rough idea o the year?


I expect it's between 1993-2000, almost certain not a series, and more I think about it the more that accent is coming through as Scouser. I've got a couple more Starr shows to check now, I'm hoping it turns out to be Live & Devilish otherwise I think I'm beat.


Hale and Pace, maybe?


Tbh, I can't remember if they ever swore f-word style? I'm done with Starr now though and wasn't him, which has sort of put John Bishop in my head now as a possible.


You sure it was pre 2000? Channel 4 had a lot o subversive comedy on 4later. Althought TBF that probs started around 1998-9. If so, it could've been a sketch by The Divine David. If not, possibly a sketch show like Big Train or Jam?


Not absolutely certain so can't rule out 2000ish. I can rule out Jam though, and I am pretty sure it was a single performer. TDD I don't think I've ever seen, not heard of them (knowingly) either. Really feels like it was a live routine but I'm gonna have to go through Chubby's stuff as he's the closest I can think of atm to what I really thought was a Starr bit but apparently not! Thanks for the suggestions though, never know, I maybe did see TDD and just completely forgetting all about them/him/they/Dave :)


Adam Sandler has a skit on one of his comedy albums where he’s peeing for like five minutes straight. He moaning the whole time and eventually you hear the toilet start to overflow 😂


I got a snake, man!


I second Ricky Gervais. Pretty sure it's from his show 'Politics' (Probably one of my most favourite standup-up shows ever)


Damn, confirmed, not Politics, but the style of it I did fancy the chances of it turning out to be that after all, so maybe not Politics but another of Gervais' shows? I'll have to check, thanks.


Probably 'Animals', his first one.


There was a bit in Fame when he was talking about his first place with his gf/wife and the pissing in the sink came up and I thought it was going to be it, but there was no pissing the egg off a plate (just moving the dishes aside to piss directly into the drain.) I've only got Science left to check of his (of the time) but feels like that was his shot at it right there! Still working through Chubby's stuff but I think already would've been one of the ones I've checked by now. Even starting to wonder if it might've been Alan Carr now.


Yeah, confirmed it wasn't one of Gervais's, at least not the earlier bunch.


Homer Simpson


Brendan Schaub. If you Google "Brendan Schaub sink" you'll get a bunch of hits on how he pissed in kitchen sinks.


If it was funny or memorable, no way it was Schaub


I already forgot he rolled his truck lol


his trugg*


Talmbout Brendan Schaub, b?


Water we dune hair


Kitchen sink? Great guy, never meddum