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If you are a new player no If you are playing for some time then welp it is guaranteed for Ruan mei or firefly


? This is false. If you are a new player you get so many tickets from doing quests and the permanent events you can easily grind out 50 tickets before Fu’s banner is up. If you’ve done all the content in the game like me though? Then sorry to say, I’m in the exact same boat, and it looks like we’ll just have to use this guarantee for firefly/RM next patch.


>? This is false. If you are a new player you get so many tickets from doing quests and the permanent events you can easily grind out 50 tickets before Fu’s banner is up That's why I said no.


You know what, I think it boils down to I’m too old to know wtf cooked actually means


Lol cooked is just phrase to say you're screwed.


Wait is Ruan Mei confirmed?👀


No she is not, and honestly I’m hoping she’s not with Firefly cuz then I could get them both, but that’s what everyone has been saying so I’m just assuming it’s gonna happen.


I've been playing for 2 months, do you think that's a lot of time?


2 months is pretty short ngl, I think it’s definitely doable (possibly at the sake of your sanity though) Good luck!!


I'm writing exams this week but after this week I'm spending 7 hours daily on the game... I need FX 😭and thanks!


Yes kind of. Should have done pretty much everything by now


You have to ask yourself if you found all the open world chests, done the puzzles, fought the mini bosses? Done all the archived events that still reward gems?


I have been playing for 2 to 3 weeks, is there still a lot of stellar jade to get? I can’t even do the new mode pure faction


there's a ton of jades to get trust me...I lost the Jingliu 50/50 and still managed to get her at 78 pity