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Well for starters you can get whoever you want you don’t need to only pull for meta teams. Though honestly if you have Boothill your best option is to pull for Ruan Mei.


There's a huge overlap in their optimum teams (both want Ruan Mei and Gallagher) so it does seem like for MoC and the upcoming Apocalyptic Shadow game mode, you'll be using either/or. So just bear that in mind. If you really like the character then go for her but just bear the above caveat in mind.


You could run Ruan Mei + Bronya with Boothill and Harmony Trailblazer with Firefly @OP, to fill a Break Effect Harmony into both Teams in MoC etc, but you cant have a Break Effect sustain in both Teams unfortunately since there is only Gallagher at the Moment. But there are leaks Out there hinting Out a 5* Break Effect sustain incoming in the Future so its Just a Question of time and then you will be able to build 2 Break Effect Teams imo.


Bad idea because Mei makes up 50% of fireflys damage.


Well Firefly at least scales Off of her ATK by 100% aswell AS the Break Effect (e.g. by using her enhanced Skill) + every ATK that exceeds 1800 (Her A3 trace iirc?) increases her BE aswell - while Boothill solely scales Off His Break Effect only and thus is more dependant on Ruan Mei than Firefly.


Unless u like her gameplay or character not really they pretty much do the same thing


If you don't already have Ruan Mei, definitely not. But honestly, if you already have Ruan mei, I think it's not even that unrealistic that you can make two break teams in the near future, with the supposed 5 star break sustain approaching and Boothill preferring Bronya over HMC. If you really like Firefly it definitely could be worth it.


A fire destruction will be good for break meta but only 15 rolls, um then chances are less


She’s more of a multi-target boothill, but they have identical BIS teams (RM, HTB, Gallagher). I’d pull for them if you like them, but if you don’t already have RM I’d prioritize that over anything else.


I say its worth yea, especially with the current leak that Lingsha, a 5star fire abundance unit that is for Break teams is coming on 2.5