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Open beta? I thought it's official release on July 4th.


Op seems to live in the past


In CN, from what I heard Games that officially release are named open beta still


Live service games. I think in CN a game doesn't count as fully released unless they're done updating the game, aside from bug fixes and hot patches. Gachas are eternally in beta, by technicality.


Even Genshin and Star Rail are still officially in “Open Beta”; Chinese regulations are funny sometimes.


So do they call minecraft also an open beta game


Chinese Minecraft is also a gacha (look it up, it’s hilarious), so yes.




That true the game is free and published by Neteast games so not good, I like 90% sure 90% of Minecraft players in China play global version by downloading the game using vpn and play offline


I imagine most would play on KR or JP servers instead. It’s like that for Elden Ring and FFXIV


It’s Minecraft, there’s Global and CN, that’s it. The game is mostly single-player and servers aren’t usually region-locked.


Open beta is the same as official release, just what it's referred to as in CN


If it's still getting updates that expand on it, it's an open beta by CN laws


I'm picking Wise because he runs faster.


Wise choice, i guess


Thanks, Cyno.




No, we need r/thankscyno


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CynoMains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CynoMains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[Official\] Cyno Birthday Art 2023](https://i.redd.it/knkrlt71zo7b1.jpg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CynoMains/comments/14goarp/official_cyno_birthday_art_2023/) \#2: [Why is he so extra always](https://v.redd.it/81gnjhmcjmza1) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CynoMains/comments/13glqlf/why_is_he_so_extra_always/) \#3: [(OC) “I hear everything!” Another found family comic](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1auchb5) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CynoMains/comments/1auchb5/oc_i_hear_everything_another_found_family_comic/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh so that's why Lumine's charged attack hits harder. Aether rubs faster. Makes sense now. Sorry for out of topic comment Edit: RUNS* HOLY BLOB WTH 💀💀💀


Aether what


Oh... oh no....


Aether what


What have I done...






“Aether rubs faster” -Nok-y, July 3, 2024 (Tbh I might just use this quote unironically when comparing the twins)


Nooooooooooo 😭 (Do it. It's funny asf)


I was gonna pick Belle for having a less boring design but faster movement is too convenient to pass up on


You got down voted 🤣🤣🤣🤣 SB is triggered 💀💀


I like the female design more so i'll be picking her


I picked Lumine and Caelus, so apparently, according to some hardcore hoyo-ists, I am 0-2 on the hoyo protagonist 50/50 gacha. I picked Belle in the closed beta, though.


I can somewhat see their point with lumine since genshin always uses aether as their protagonist. Caelus and stelle always alternate though. Regardless just ignore them. Whoever you choose is canon in your game. That is what matters


Stella has more personality with her face expressions and animations. Aether has the most innovative outfit in genshin among all other male characters setting him apart. These make for an interesting argument with them.


For me Caellus is more expressive, specially on voice acting. My first account I chose Stelle but I didn't fw that poker face and when I did a reroll I chose Caellus again. I got torn with the harmonyMC bc her animations and voice are nicer, but my boy is top tier


>These make for an interesting argument with them. These are literally braindead arguments that are both completely subjective asf Stelle and Caelus both have literally the same amount of care in animations Stelle having braindead eyes is the only thing different about them Thats not enough of a case for anyone to say that Stelle is better lmfao I don't understand why tf would anyone want this kind of argument when the fucking hsr devs are alternating between them in livestreams When even the devs are saying both MCs are equally good and you try to argue against that, you know you have a dumb argument >Aether has the most innovative outfit in genshin among all other male characters setting him apart. ;-; out of everything that you could bring up about Lumine vs Aether you bring up design?? I mean I agree Aether has the most innovative male design currently but thats not really a case to say better MC nor would I use it as a point for such a matter cuz it just sounds petty asf


You should put some search into why exactly anime fans are looked down upon in the societ and try to do some self reflection altough I suppose not much can be done for a person who is into something like Dragon Ball Z. But above all, what am I supposed to talk about when comparing Genshin MC if not design, do you want me to talk about how Aether deals 3 more damage with heavy charged attack and lumine executes the attack string 0.05 seconds faster, why does it matter its not like anyone uses those attacks and I wouldnt care about Hoyoverse utiziling Aether more as their poster child or whatever that doesnt interest me. For people who exists offline and doesnt go around barking at people on reddit or Twitter all day, life is not about being right or wrong in silly internet arguments, I talk about stuff that interest me not the canonically accurute weboo braindead sewage. Try to seek help from those around you who are willing to land a hand and if things go right you might have a change not ending up as a joke of a person when you grow up.


>altough I suppose not much can be done for a person who is into something like Dragon Ball Z. And you're supposed to be someone who is "better" Lmfao the fact you're using that as a point is hilarious in of its own Also WHY would you even go to my history lmao, did I really piss you off that much that you started to run your little investigation lol wtf is wrong with you >Try to seek help from those around you who are willing to land a hand and if things go right you might have a change not ending up as a joke of a person when you grow up. People who think they are superior than other people just pisses me off the most If you think you sounded any bit mature in what you wrote think again This is just embarrassing tbh You're being so toxic for something so small, your reaction is really way over proportion to something I said Besides I just fucking attempted to shut down your arguments why the fuck are you this angry for


Try to reflect upon your own comments when faced with critism instead of resorting to throwing out whatever defense that comes to your mind first in order to preserve your weak perception of the self. For the comments on Dragon Ball Z, I was genuienly curious what kind of a person would leave a comment like this so I took a peak into your profile. Hope you dont mind.


Using smart words doesn't make you smart I hope you know that lol Besides I think you should use your own advice tbh, you're the one who desperately needs it


Thats ok bro you win this internet argument, I guess there is not much I can say. Hope this helps you sleep easier at night.


I think you should reflect upon your own comments instead


Innovative outfit? LMAO!


I think the opposite is true for the HSR argument lol. Caelus out of the two is the goofier one, and especially in gameplay animations it’s Caelus that has more facial expressions. I find Aether’s design so boring, it’s why I chose Lumine on my main account despite Aether being faster and more intuitive in combat. Goes to show that these are opinions which are subjective. You don’t have to spin subjective opinions as fact by trying to grab at supposed objective facts.


I don't understand why people like aether so much, he looks so mid, and the crop top is incredibly cringe.


He is just better than Lumine relatively thats pretty much about it I dont think he is that popular as the choice of favorite character for many people.


Hard disagree on him being better, there is nothing about his design that stands out more than Lumine's design. I think they're both mid at best.


I think aether looks better than lumine. I regret picking her.... usually I go with my own gender so the story says "her" not him, but yeah..... i think his design is actually better


Thats okay, I just explained the common public opinion in question.


good thing Hoyo gives both Stelle and Caelus arguably the same amount of exposure in their trailers. I wouldn't say you're 0-2 on that. You're okay on that end.




Same here lolol


Also picked Lumine and Caelus. No regrets. Aether looks much more villainous as the Abyssal Prince, and Caelus looks like the protagonist from Persona 4.


Me too, but f the hoyoists because Lumine and Caelus are cool


Might be Belle, actually. I've picked Aether and Caelus, but Wise's design really doesn't stand out to me that much


Yeah same reason I'm chosing her too, sadly he looks like a npc to me 😔


He looks like a girl to ,tho 🤣


I was male in Genshin and HSR respectively. Might keep that train going. Mostly cause these games tend to lean heavy on female characters. So having a male MC offsets the gender imbalance a little bit. But it depends on male MC's outfit. I don't wanna look at a character with a bad outfit tbh. Genshin was my first Gacha, so I didn't realize we couldn't change outfits, I did not like the male MC's aesthetic but I tend to choose male characters and I was stuck with that chump. I did like Trailblazer's fit though, so it was an easy choice going male for HSR.


Same here. When it’s majority female characters this is one small way to balance it lol. I’ll rack up tons of female characters just playing the game.


>Mostly cause these games tend to lean heavy on female characters. So having a male MC offsets the gender imbalance a little bit. This. I picked Aether because I like Link and Finn, and he is another blonde adventurer, so easy pick. Then i was so glad of the choice because I noticed how bad is the gender balancing. So for this reason I picked Caelus, even if his design isn't so great.


I don't know why I always pick male Mc And always will be


Wow that guy looks cute


Lumine > Caelus > the woman I guess there is a pattern.


There is no canon MC in star rail I hope this is spread more cuz apparently a lot of you guys still aren't aware of this Don't be disheartened with Stelle having more "fans" and such both Caelus and Stelle are canon, there is no "right" gender in hsr, they are the same person And both Stelle and Caelus are loved by the community which is whats important


The pattern I had in mind was female > male > female but sure that works too


Are you me? We apparently keep losing the canon protagonist gacha. LOL!


don't worry m8, in HSR, both Stelle and Caelus are canon. Atleast if we base it on their arguably equal screentimes in trailers




What’s the pattern


Wait this is me


ZZZ male MC looks like Walmart Caelus


I'm taking Xiangling for the dps


How the fuck is she still relevant? I quit Genshin like 3 years ago but she’s still top tier???


There is little to no powercreep in genshin. Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu and Fishl are still absolutely broken.


That’s good cuz I built those characters very well. How are the rewards? Have they improved? Might visit again just to see what’s changed.


They are not as generous as Hsr but they usually give enough to get at least a 5\* pity f2p every patch. Honestly story alone I think is worth it in Sumeru and Fontaine even without caring about the gacha.


Female MC because she looks like XL OPPA


picking male mc in any game i play, i am a dude afterall. If i wanna beat my weiner over a character ill pull some limited female character, mc is my self-insert.


my people


I personally enjoy playing male protagonists, so much like in Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, I will be playing as Wise. Lots of people say his design is plain, and I see it too, but I don't think there's anything wrong with a plain design. Not every design has to be extravagant and that's okay. I say this, but I do get the need for more flashy male designs, and it would be neat to get more as time goes on for those who want them.


>but I don't think there's anything wrong with a plain design. Not every design has to be extravagant  The issues is that also Caelus is not so incredibile. Plus Wise look really similar to Caelus, but more "asian face". And this is a trend for a lot of gacha: Make female MC special, or with more effort, but the male basic as possible. Fortunately they put more effort on Aether.


>The issues is that also Caelus is not so incredibile. Disagree, both Stelle and Caelus have good character designs but I also liked Caelus more Both character designs actually contributed as to why I had to think when picking which MC to choose in star rail In the end I liked Caelus' design more But I respect your opinion just wanted to speak about mine


Displaying her mastery over both fire and polearms, Xiangling sends a Pyronado whirling around her. The Pyronado will move with your character for the ability's duration, dealing Pyro DMG to all opponents in its path.


Guy because I am guy


I might make a change and use the female MC for once... *stares at wise* Yeah, idk something about him just calls me


I always use m!mc because gender




I always pick the guys.


Same here


Male. Because... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I'm a male...


Girl because I am girl


Why does Wise look like that


I always pick MMC. Can't go wrong building harem.


The girl is so cute omg 😭


I usually pick the guy but I don't dig wise at all. Might actually go with the girl for once


Wise so I can look at Belle


Female cause I normally pick the female character. But this time it's more because something about the male one looks wrong and I don't know what it is.


I have Aether and Stelle but both MCs are so cute, I'm not sure how I'll decide


I've picked the female mc over male mc in hsr and Genshin and I'll be doing the same in ZZZ. The only game outta the 3 with a good male mc design is hsr but Stelle just looks better so I chose her instead lol


Men, always men.


I choose women because i like women. Unless the guys design is much cooler.


Female MC always! xd


Noone because I play HSR only, not poor n't enough for more.


Always chose a male. ZZZ won't be any different in that regard


Belle fs


I'm male so I'm picking male, as simple as that.


I'm picking the male. I always do. Though in ZZZ it's more important since there are only like 3 other guys for some dumb reasons.


belle wise's design is a little strange


this is most easiest choice in my life it's obv XL it's always XL


where's Male and Female Rover 🥺


ive been picking the female characters for everyone im not changing that any time soon.


Callus v2


I played as caeleus in hsr so I think I’m gonna go female for this one just for vibes


I picked Aether then Stelle, but I think I will go with the female character for ZZZ


Went female for genshin and hsr ig I will go male for zzz


I'm picking the girl. The guy looks really ugly imo but I felt the same way about Caelus.


The Xiangling looking one. Xiangling across the Hoyoverse.


This is the only one that's been difficult, Caelus and Aether just look so much better than Stelle and Lumine, but these two are so close, I would honestly pull either as full characters, but I think I'll choose the girl


What do you mean? Ain't no way you can choose other protagonists for this other game. I haven't seen anything saying that at least. Ain't no way I'm choosing Caelus or discount caulus they literally look the same


On Genshin I choose Aether. On HSR I choose Stelle. On WuWa I choose male Rover. Therefore on ZZZ I'm going for Ellen. Besides... for some reason I find Wise's face annoying, dont know why




Depends, I'm in a male mc streak so maybe I'll try the female this time.


Definitely female next game male.


I picked Aether and Stelle, so don't usually care too much, but due to the design I think I will pick the female MC in ZZZ.


Hardest decission of any gacha game


I always go for the design, that's why I picked Aether in Genshin and Stelle in Star Rail. So I think I'll be going for Belle.


I mean tbh, this is the first time I would pick female MC over male in hoyo games, wise just doesn't seem so cool to me as belle (HI3 male dreamseeker don't count he can be thought of as non-existent)


I’ve chosen both lumine and Stelle, but this time I think I’ll choose the male mc. He looks so much better imo


This will be my first time picking the female mc, the male is fine but Belle is just so cute that I know if regret not picking her. The male mc just looks generic? Plain? Idk


What's ZZZ? Asking for a friend


I've chosen the male protagonist for the last two, I'll do it again. My reasoning? I like men.


I hear the character that player didn’t pick will talk to us as instructor. I always want an older brother. So I go female.


Female, obviously, all these games are just waifu collectors to me. -enlightened individual


I still pissed that Wise looks so bland. In his art he looks like scheming fox character, but in game he just on drugs.


I’m a guy so male MC for me. Gacha games will always have waifus a plenty so no need to make the MC one too.




I chose male in HSR and WuWa and regretted it both times, Belle for sure this time, no regrets


I’ll rotate between Male and Female between gacha games, since I picked Aether in Genshin, Stelle in HSR, Male Rover in WuWa, I’ll might just pick Belle


Belle. I’ll be receiving wisdom from the wise.


The cute guy in gen and hsr I always picked the male counterart


I really do enjoy the "I'll beat you with this baseball bat" self-inserts


Belle because she got the N word pass


I choose the replica Xiangling. I cant escape her anymore.


Belle cause she has more expressive animations and I get to hear more of Wise talking.


I did male for first 2 so this time ima go female


The guy, since I'm a guy. >!Then I roll and play as the waifus.!<


Belle, because she's cute as hell. That'll be 3 for 3 on Hoyo games picking female MC for me.


I'm a male so I pick male always.


I be choosing Belle


Both MCs look pretty. But I guess I go for my default pick with the female MC


usually i go with the fem mcs but she’s a bit too cutesy for me so for once i’m going with the male mc, plus he runs faster


usually i go with the fem mcs but she’s a bit too cutesy for me so for once i’m going with the male mc, plus he runs faster


I’ll pick em all. 2 accounts free for all


aether stelle male rover female ZZZ girl got a pattern B)


Female, the male mc in ZZZ is such a boring design for me


Picking Wise because he's literally the Caelus expy.


Male, because I'm male. I don't mind playing a female MC at all, but if I have the choice I'll pick the dude


Why is bro about to hit Stelle 😭


Wise because he is a wise choice


I always go the other from what I've picked last time Aether, Stelle, and now wise also I'd like to point out his model doesn't seem too bad idk what everyone is talking about


Dude looks fucking tired as fuck, he is like me for real


The intergalactic baseball superstar, ofcourse.


I always choose female protagonist lol


Whoever Hoyo chooses to market the game with the most. Aether, Caelus, and Belle.


Wise because he looks cool and I don’t mind if people think he looks boring. 


Belle, I don't like the Male MC's design and I've always picked girl in every gacha I've played


It doesn’t matter I’m ZZZ cause your character isn’t present in battle just world map


For Genshin and Zenless, it was an easy pick of the girl cause I don't care for the guy's design. For Star Rail, I flipped a coin


I chose Belle because I like to play as women in video games. I like how they are both present and important to the story!


Personally I'd choose the guy you can date people in zzz


Honestly both look terrible in comparison to the last 2


tf you mean “open beta?” the full game is already out also, i picked xiangling


i picked aether for genshin, stelle for hsr, so i'm probably going back to male! idk why as a girl i enjoy playing the boys more often lol


I don't mind either answer, there is still time for the model to develop, but I'm choosing Belle, because she's pretty


Whoever you pick will speak less apparently


I picked the girl this time (I always pick boy). The boy just look so npc


Forever bound to female protags This one's so cheeky and I'm absolutely in love with how she looks


I didn't think. I just picked Belle.


As a trans girl? Female always


As always - girl.


We all know most of the playerbase are going to pick Female MC


I always pick the ladies, but I regret not picking Aether all the time. I’ll still be choosing the lady in zzz though because I think she’s a little cutie!


The cute girl, as usual.


Female mc because I love Female <3


I think girl cus the hairpin is a nice bonus i like


Female, I have 2 acc each games anyway and always choose female for my main acc and male on the other


The girl model looks cute. Hopefully she has stelle goofy ah aura


Do not pick female or set your birthday if you're planning to sell your account in the future whatsoever


I always pick the girls because male mcs are overrated


The boy look exactly like Caelus, they could at least change the hair color


Im just glad that Wises hair isnt dark so he wouldnt be an actual harem anime protagonist. I already kinda hate him because I know his mains are gonna use their free speech to subject me to fan art of him and every single bitch in this game, when I would rather have it erased from the internet completely.


I picked Caelus for HSR cause I liked his design better, but then Stelle ended up having the better personality. Trash racoon is top tier. So im going Belle this time cause I like their designs about equal


The one you didn't pick will have a lot of lines, so you should pick the one you don't care about.


i only pick canon MC which are Aether, Stelle and ZZZ male lead


There are no canon mcs blud


Yea I still don't understand these people, only genshin used aether the most but hsr its just the same


Caelus is as canon as Stelle lmao