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Pylons are weird but I kinda like it


Agree, if it was TOS era they should be strait no? Loving that it’s a precursor to a rew classes


Yeah, they're way too slim. They’re not only structural, they need to carry plasma from the warp core. Unless *maybe* this ship is meant to have a small antimatter reactor within each nacelle. That seems unnecessarily fragile, though.


Beautiful. By far my favorite new ship, save for the Connie redesign.


A precursor to the Miranda-Class?


Or California


Exactly my thoughts. You can see the design lineage from the Walker to this and to the Miranda to the Cali class.


More like successor to the Mayflower type from Star Trek 2009. Maybe even a refit.


Not terrible but that deflector dish looks a little odd


Looks like it... retracts?


TOS-era ships the deflector is those three circles in the front of the saucer, the dish antenna is exactly that, for communications/sensors.


I'm glad they didn't make the Farragut a Constitution class.


Love it, it would fit right in with an old school TOS fleet


Where’s the shuttle bay?


Must be on top?


Easily on par with the classic kitbash tos fleet


This design looked awkward to me when I saw it on screen for the first time. Why are the nacelle pylons curved? The curve serves no identifiable purpose and just looks weird. Why couldn't they do something better with the forward deflector? They added all those rings under the saucer to hold *the stick* that holds the oddly angled deflector, but they could have just set dish inside of the rings instead of letting it dangle. Why do the nacelles have that big fat part in the middle of them that looks like they joined two pipes together with a length of slightly wider pipe? If the ship wasn't all-digital I'd have said they just raided the model parts bin and used what they had instead of what made sense.


CGI models can be kitbashed and, to be honest? I think they did raid the digital model bin for her. She's not the best looking for sure


Honestly it does look like that it's been raided from existing parts but at that point Starfleet was low on ships and it looks like a ship they'd build to increase numbers quickly since it is just a constitution class ships saucer


>Why are the nacelle pylons curved? The curve serves no identifiable purpose and just looks weird. Why not? And why does it need to serve a purpose? We put a ton of things on cars and boats that serve no purpose but look cool. >If the ship wasn't all-digital I'd have said they just raided the model parts bin and used what they had instead of what made sense That is called kit-bashing and is a long tradition in Trek. Look how they came up with a bunch of TNG ships and the Wolf 359 debris field. And have you not seen the Yeager Class...that is a blatant kit-bash.


> That is called kit-bashing and is a long tradition in Trek. Look how they came up with a bunch of TNG ships and the Wolf 359 debris field. Yeah I'm familiar with the idea of kit bashing, which is why I reference the practice in the comment you replied to. 😉 Also my opinion may be unpopular but I think most of the Wolf 359 ship designs are terrible as well. Ships like the Challenger, Freedom and Curry classes should never have existed. They were made very quickly with model parts the show's production designers had on hand in order to quickly meet an episode's requirement for "lots of broken ships." They didn't really go through a design review process and their designs weren't well thought-out because you were never supposed to see any of them up close and they had to be made quickly. As debris they're fine but it was a mistake for Star Trek designers to go back and flesh out the ship classes for these designs for the Star Trek magazine because they don't really fit the design aesthetic out into other ships that had more formal design reviews, even other kitbash ships like the Constellation and Nebula class ships we see on screen. For instance you can easily identify the drawing markers used as nacelles on the Cheyenne class or look at the Challenger class and clearly see that one nacelle pylon uses parts that are obviously from a submarine model. > And have you not seen the Yeager Class...that is a blatant kit-bash. Yeah I've seen the Yeager and it is one of my least favorite ships to ever appear on-screen. It literally looks like two different ships glued together because that is what it is, and the ship used for the back half is wildly out of scale with the front. I know people have come up with all kinds of fan theories about why the ship even exists, but IMO if fans need to justify the existence of your ship design because it doesn't make sense in-universe, then it is just a bad ship design.


> Why are the nacelle pylons curved? I think this class of ship employs a live cross-flow plasma re-energizer for primary SIF generation during warp and high acceleration maneuvers. The subspace field emitter waveguide network is integrated into the pylon plasma distribution manifold, resulting in a 30% reduction in mass for the overall SIF system and a potential 25% reduction in power usage.


It's amazing how much better these ship designs look when they are not being suffocated by the insane amounts of post-processing light effects. I really hate that "night club" look that is present in modern Star Trek.


Exactly, you’d think space would be pretty clear considering it’s a vacuum.


That ship is so ugly.


Stupid curved nacelle pylons. I say that because it’s just unprecedented to have that much curve on a pylon. Would have been better to have seen a TOS Miranda


Come come now, Mr. Scott. Young minds, fresh ideas. Be tolerant 😏


I love this quote. I used this quote on a different ST post. While it's slightly in jest, It's a great reminder that ST really is about tolerance. I feel that some fans forget that, not necessarily this OP, but man there are some wild posts/comments in the ST fandom these days.


The Enterprise D pylons has more curve, since the curve is almost 90 degrees. However in that design the curve made sense since it raised the nacelles up above the secondary hull. Here the curves don't seem to serve any purpose. The pylons could have gone straight down and the design would have looked like it fit right in with every other Starfleet ship of the era.


Why does everything have to serve a purpose? Can't it just look cool?


Because that’s boring. Making it look cool and having some kind of invented canonic logic to starship design makes it tangible


Dieter Rams second rule of good design is “Good design makes a product useful”


Because it *doesn't* look cool? Aesthetics are subjective, sure, but the Farragut looks awkward in my opinion. Also having an in-universe reason for something makes it feel more real, and when something feels more real it is easier to buy into the fiction.


I agree that the pylons look ugly here. But have you seen the curve of Galaxy, Nebula, or Odyssey class pylons? They bend a whole 90° The pylons of the Excelsior and Ambassador class also have a sharp 90° bend.


Yeah I’m not such a fan of the 90 degree bend either, but it’s the continuous curve on the Farragut I don’t like. It’s curved like ribbon


That is a ship waiting to be blown up. It’s like if Walmart came out with a starship


I love to go swimmin with bow legged women and swim between their legs, swim between their legs.


swim between their legs


I understand the criticism regarding the struts. I’m more concerned with the contact points where the pylons meet the hull. I feel that should be a little beefier. Or just have them flair inward from the edge of the saucer? I’m not sure. They seem awkward to me.


Well that’s… unattractive.


I thought the USS Farragut is a constitution class vessel.


Pylons are all wrong. So assuming engineering is in the pouch the warp plasma has to go up to and all the way across the saucer then all the way down to the nacelles. Make the bump a little bigger and attach the nacelles to it using straight pylons.


The Bellerophon-Class (as so named by the Behind-the-scenes crew). Excellent design, proto-miranda, and an excellent performing ship.


Looks like a California class.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of the design. The curved pylons and the nacelles being so close together bother me.


Looks real good.


Dumb deflector could not even save the ship from pasma bomb while the enterprise's could


Is Farragut in California?


This is the ugliest thing I have seen in Trek. And I started with TOS in the 60's.


May I interest you in the Ent-J? https://preview.redd.it/3pwlmtv8be9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=27fa8dd5c470cacb0cce9f89b9db1856a94006cd


Yeager, or that Connie 3 nonsense?


The Conni3 is gorgeous. She shouldn’t be the Enterprise, but she’s still a cool ship.


The *Challenger* class is worse. Ugly, disproportionate, and lazy. This is flawed, but not terrible.


> This is the ugliest thing I have seen in Trek. The USS *Shenzhou* enters the chat...


Oh God it's ugly!