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Ranked by who? Based on what? Why this constant preoccupation with ranking things?


I guess - Joshua M. Patton-CBR ( 2024) [available here](https://www.cbr.com/star-trek-enterprise-captains-ranked/) No idea my dude, all Ik is people prefer different captains over others. Most probably based on what they see in them and different vaules they uphold and action they take. Hence, you know ranking. Lol idk if I making sence 🥴🥴🥴. Sometimes my brain can't translate my thoughts to words. 😅😅 But all this is subjective and I believe the author gave an overall thing like what most people think... Idk though.


Yeah, they left out a hell of a lot of the captains. Like no mention that Decker was the Captain until Kirk replaced him. As was Spock. when once again Kirk replaced him. Or Robert April, Riker, Worf, or La Forge. Yet the article did list Castillo, who was in command for an entire 12 minutes until it was destroyed. Most "articles" like this should best be ignored. Most are almost pure junk.


Lol That's why I want the fan's oppions


In reality, there are only 5 Captains that really matter out of all of them. Kirk and Picard, for their longevity and the missions they successfully completed. As well as Archer, who did the same thing but with an experimental ship and having to make things up and adjust as they went. After that, Spock for his ability to train multiple crews of new Ensigns who likely became the backbone of Starfleet in the decades to come. Then turning over the ship without issue to somebody he thought was a more able commander. And Riker, who not only was able to defeat the Borg despite their superior abilities, he willingly stepped down again until he felt he was ready for his own command. And I felt it was a slap in the face that the article did not even recognize that or mention him, buy did bring up a guy that was captain for less than 15 minutes and lost the battle he went to fight.


I'm going to go against the grain here and go with Kirk. Until recently, I would've said Picard and been fully confident, but I rewatched TOS recently and Kirk is a lot more of a diplomat than he gets credit for. I watched TOS reruns as a little kid, but TNG came out right before I became a teenager and immediately cemented itself as my favorite anything. Picard was a steady voice during my important years. Someone to try and emulate. At least at the time, I also could not separate Kirk the character, from Shatner the man. Now that I'm older, when I re-watched all of Star Trek recently, I saw Kirk with an entirely different perspective. Watching the "KHAAAAAN" scene in Wrath of Khan, I realized that it wasn't just Shatner doing Shatner things; it was Kirk "acting" to convince Khan that he was filled with panicked rage. Since Kirk didn't dabble in acting like Picard did, of course he would ham it up for Khan. It is funny to us because of the "Shatner can't act" trope, but in the context of the movie, it was fitting. When I re-watched TOS, I realized that Kirk was far more reasonable and reluctant to resort to violence than I remembered as a kid. It was often Kirk who would have the inspiration for the solution that saved the day. Of course, that is a product of the storytelling of the time, but he would also run with someone else's idea when it was the best idea. Usually Spock's ideas of course, but it wasn't limited to just them. I just mean that Kirk gets labeled as sorta a meathead captain, and he was anything but. He's shown in the new movies as kinda just real good at being a captain, but TOS certainly hints that Kirk would study hard. He wasn't just a magical hero; he worked at it. While there are plenty of arguments on why the Captain should stay with the ship, there was a lot of benefits to having Kirk go on away missions. I can think of a handful of TNG episodes that wouldn't exist if Picard had just gone with the Away Team. Kirk was also better at connecting with his crew on a human level. Picard is almost like a school teacher; always keeping everyone at arms length. That calm and steady reassurance is fantastic, but it also creates a feeling of King and subjects rather than Captain and crew. Kirk was approachable and friendly without losing any respect. Picard was Aristocratic and often rigid about decorum, which is not something people tend to respond to in today's society. Kirk would certainly demand proper behavior when required, but you wouldn't feel like you would be banished to Stellar Cartography for saying the wrong thing like one might with Picard. Picard also had the benefit of a crew with 100 more years of sophistication in education and understanding. Surrounded by people with almost Doctorate-level knowledge of multiple subjects, it was easier for Picard to trust in his people. TOS-era folks were also insanely educated compared today, but it never struck me as a world where Calculus is taught in Elementary School. TNG makes me feel like kids are doing advanced physics and calculus at an age that kids today are barely learning how to multiply and divide. Don't get me wrong, I could easily argue why Picard is the best and believe every word, but right now, for me, the slight edge goes to Kirk.


I’ve always been a Picard guy.


Picard is the best for me, then Janeway and Pike, then Kirk, Sisko, and then Sam Beckett


Sam Beckett? You mean Archer, right??😂


I do, I just struggle to see him as anything other than his Quantum Leap character lol


Picard. No question about it.


Here is how i put it. Picard is my favorite hands down, but Kirk is the greatest captain of them all. Each character has their pros and cons. If i want to hear a lecture on morality (sometimes i actually do) i go with Picard. If i want to see some kick butt action i go with Kirk. If i want to see a captain that strikes a nice balance, i go with sisko although i think the writing for ds9 was boring and over the top. If i want to see a captain fumble at ever turn i watch archer. If i want to see a captain put their crew in danger for the sake of exploration i go with janeway. Thats my breakdown at least.


Only question I ever thought was hard Was do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?


Spend every weekend at the Renaissance faire


Why is Castillo in that picture???


Wondered that myself. He was acting captain for the 92 minutes that elapsed between the actual captain biting it and them going back through and getting vaporized by the Romulans. But sure, sign me up under Castillo - we'll have the funnest, longest-term crew in Star Fleet history!


Dunno. But I hear he eats pieces of shit for breakfast.


He was the captain of the Enterprise C and their sacrifice established the alliance with the Klingon Empire. He may not have had much screen time but his leadership changed the course of the Alpha Quadrant


Sounds like the universal translator is acting up oregano.


1. Picard 2. Janeway 3. Kirk


Depends on the day: 1. JLP on your normal average day, lets say 900 days out of 1000, where you're gonna drop off the medical supplies to the colony en route to the archaeology conference. 2. JTK on those days when you're in a tight spot, coming from behind, need a bit of out-of-the-box thinking, lets say 90 days out of 1000. 3. On those days, say 9 out of 1000, when all hell has broke loose, need to pull a rabbit out of your hat to save the ship, basically left for dead, all hope is lost, you need Janeway. 4. And on the one day, one day out of 1000, when the apocalypse is upon us yet again, we're gonna have to "do what needs to be done" and learn to live with ourselves later, where only the Prophets Ex Machina are gonna save your ass, The Sisko is your man.


Picard all the way. I’m not keen on Kirk at all.


Kirk always had frat boy vibes as a captain. For that reason I put Picard above him.


Picard forever


Lol Kirk better than Picard is hilarious. He's tied with Archer imo. Sisko, Picard, Janeway, then those two.


I think the bulk of ST fans would have Picard at #1 tbh


I'd have a hard time picking between Pike and Picard. I love Picard most of all of them, but actually serving under him might be intimidating. Pike, and Archer too, seem much more approachable. I don't even know what to think of working for Janeway or Kirk. Sisko is a hard no. If we're talking captain AND crew, sign me up for the 1701-D all day, every day. Closely followed by Pike & co.


I kinda agree. Kirk was the ass kicking badass. Including when there was no ass to kick or even needing diplomacy Picard is the diplomat even when someone needed an ass kicking.


More than a few are missing. Jonathan Archer Robert April Cristopher Pike Katrina Cornwell James Kirk Willard Decker Spock John Harriman Rachel Garrett Richard Castillo Jean-Luc Picard William Riker Edward Jellico Worf Elizabeth Shelby Geordi La Forge Seven of Nine And that only covers the main timelines in the TV and movies. Not counting comic books and novels. Or alternate timelines which also saw some like Dax become the captain.


They have covered only Enterprise captains Only the top 10 [here](https://www.cbr.com/star-trek-enterprise-captains-ranked/)


Uhhh, every one I mentioned was a captain of the Enterprise. Notice, I did not list Sisko or Janeway? Every single individual I mentioned was a captain of the USS Enterprise. And as typical for them, that is not "the top 10", more than likely only the 10 they could remember. They obviously forgot that Decker was Captain until Kirk replaced him, then essentially died at the end of the first movie. Then Spock became captain, and died at the end of the second movie. That must be a thing, as more or less the same thing happened to Pike when Kirk replaced him. Let that be a lesson taught in the Academy. If Kirk replaces you as captain, your days are numbered.


My bad😅🥲. Apologies. That article should have mentioned it for people like me. I haven't finished star trek yet. Never watched any movies or read books, saw one or 2 free comics. I just wanted to see people's oppions cuz like Ik many people view kirk and Picard as like the 2 best enterprise captains. Gonna be honest few of them I did not even recognize. 🥲🥲🥲But one day I shall know all of them (I hope🫡)




Right under this post in my feed appeared a meme "when someone suggests Picard isn't the best captain: we have no law to fit your crime". Whish I knew how to attach pics.


I love them both but I’m a Jean-Luc man myself.


Picard is better than Kirk, but no one rises to Sisko’s level.




Peter Taggart and Ed Mercer are both better Star Trek captains than Sisko.


Being a demigod is basically cheating


Jean-Luc will always be #1. He's a role model!


Kirk has always been my favorite


BOTH! Give me both. I don't care if it's a cop out at this point. Different style, but they served the same purpose - to do their best in the most dire of circumstance, while trying to serve the greater good. I'd ride and die with either.


Same! But you can only pick one🤭 Edited spelling 🥴




He is in the original article [here ](https://www.cbr.com/star-trek-enterprise-captains-ranked/)


Janeway, period. Not even close. And the others were epic. She was the captain's captain, and the most beautifully Star Trek character there was. No one beats what she did for her crew. Which is the only real measure.


Kirk all day!!!


Why is shooter Mcgavin in a Star Trek uniform? Is that the tour championship jacket he was talking about?


As weird al says “The only question I ever thought was hard. Do I like Kirk, or do I like Picard”


Kirk. I love Picard a grand amount… but the idiot would have been a lot happier if he had LISTENED to the ONE piece of advice Kirk gave him! But NOOOOOOO.


Pike was the original. Watch the pilot for f***** sake.


Ummmm. No, just…. No. Kirk… could not be… the … number 1… captain. As Mr. Spock would say… that, would… be illogical.


CBR is generally garbage. I have them ignored on my Google articles feed.


You know it's a shit article when he says Shelby was first introduced in the series finale and not The Best of Both Worlds part 1.


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TNG Picard for sure.


Yep No offense to those who like STP's Piacrd but 😬😬😬 it's a "nah! " for me! 😶😅


The Sisko