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I think that it all started with the hand-off. George Lucas did his "I'm retiring speech." He set up Kennedy as his heir. Despite what some people might say, George Lucas had his hands in everything. Even the movies that the didn't direct, he was on set almost every day. The expectation that a lot of people had, based on the hand-off, was that Kennedy was going to be the new George, making this products and spearheading the new stuff like he used to. As a note, even the most minor of books or videogames had to have some sort of approval by George. Looking at the Thrawn books, there were vetos of stuff like who the clone Jedi was, and what could be talked about with the clone wars. In the Dark Empire stuff, George was the one to suggest a clone Palpatine. So even though he might not have thought these other things were canon, he still exercised some creative control over stuff that had the Star Wars brand. Now enter Kennedy. George told us she is doing what he did. He said, "I have story treatments for 7,8, and 9, and a wealth of books and other things and I've given them all to her so she can tell great stories." And then she hired a director to make a movie. And we don't know how much she was involved, but people assume that she was doing it like George (and her interviews suggested that she was super involved). So when these products (movies, games, books) failed to live up to their idealized version of what certain fans felt we should have received, they needed a target for their anger. At first, it was JJ. Of course. The man isn't great. He can't close. But then another disappointment. Different director. Well, Rian sucks too, they said. But wait. Kennedy is the new George. She let this happen. At the same time, we were getting a pretty good show, Rebels. Filoni was basically raised by George. Maybe he's the true heir to the empire? And now there's this dichotomy where people see that Filoni is attached to "good" products, like Rebels and Mandolorian. And Kennedy is letting EA ruin games and she's leading bad movies (except for Rogue One, which some people say is a fluke and others say it was good in spite of her). Anyways, that's what I think. Also, thanks for reading my post. I love the Star Wars community and I feel like I spend a bunch of time writing barely read essay length comments that 4 people would read. I hoped I made you think or give you some insight that you might not have had. Drink some water and I hope you have a good week.


I like the part where you mentioned George having the treatments for 7,8,9 and all the books because it reminds me of the KK quote "Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack. There's no source material. We don't have comic books. We don't have 800-page novels."


That was really the moment I soured on Kennedy. To simply not acknowledge the immense amount of material within the EU is willfully ignorant. It goes past incompetence and right into malice. So much potential and 7, 8, & 9 just flushed it down the toilet.


She wasn't talking about the ignorance of the EU. It's a poorly worded statement that Star Wars is not adapted from books or comics. And that is true. That was it. No more, no less


Because it’d be a legal quagmire if they adapted EU content?


Well it sure didnt stop them to keep making references to them lol. The thing is, its a whole legal issue if they straight take 1 to 1. There is however a loophole where they can change enough and get away with it.


Like what they did with Clone Wars. They would talk to George about his interpretation of a concept or how he’d envision the concept playing out and they use that to adapt into a story


References? Thrawn is an EU character that Disney took and brought into their current produ tion in Rebels and now Ashoka. He was, arguably, the most prestigious of the EU content and Disney hasnt run in to any legal issues. 


Didn't stop them with Rise of Skywalker ...


In a sense, she was right. One of the first things that Lucas film did after acquisition was to officially decanonise entire EU. The lot was immediately explicitly non-canon (as opposed to implicitly as before).  Back then, I genuinely thing that Kennedy and other authorities (including Filoni) had littlebidea just how popular and beloved EU was among the hardcore fans (and honestly, they are your main income stream if you rely on merch). So they thought that rather then making heads and tail of the ridiculous C-canon, they can just keep the trimmed T-canon (Movies plus Clone wars cartoon, minus GL's interviews) and work from there. Of course it didn't work, because they had no strategy what to do and went with a bad idea that was soft reboot which wasn't also a sequel and... I don't thing even they knew properly what they were going for. After that, they seemed to go for "throw bunch of content out and see what sticks". But the sheer amount of content and regular paradigm changes just left a lot of it quite... lukewarm. BoBF and Kenobi I still believe were made using a feature length script and padded to make TV series. In the end, EU wasn't this perfect, aligned and high quality storytelling either. The themes were all over the place, continuity was losely aligned but often illogical and the powercreep was absolutely ridiculous. Also, it was too often a one trick pony, regularly regurgitating tropes that should really be at least temporary retired in the timeline. Admittedly,  it did it better then TFA did, but it wasn't done too well either.


They didn't decanonize the EU. The EU was explicitly non canon under Lucas who said it was a separate universe from his own multiple times. When Disney bought it, they made them in universe legends, meaning these stories exist in universe but they are either completely false, half true or true, depending on if/when Disney wants to adapt any material from it (which they already have with thrawn). Before it was completely non canon. Now it has the potential to be canon or not.


No Lucas said he would do what he wanted. Aka they are canon as long as they aren't in my way. Basically a hierarchy of canon. His movies. His shows. Everything else. Which is why some fit better than others.


George Lucas on the Expanded Universe: “There are two worlds here; There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe—the licensing world of the books, games and comic books.” “I don’t read that stuff. I haven’t read any of the novels. I don’t know anything about that world. That’s a different world than my world. But I do try to keep it consistent. The way I do it now is they have a Star Wars Encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it up and see if it has already been used. When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions.” That fact that he calls it a parallel universe shows he didn't consider them canon. But he wasn't gonna turn down the money they made


Not true. What we had before was different canons. G canon was only the movies directed by George himself, all the way to D canon which was detours. And then came N being non canon. And it wasn't that the ones in between wasn't Canon, the "rule" was that anything in a "higher" canon overruled "lower" canon although higher and lower isn't the right word here IMO since it sort of implies that anything beyond the first 6 movies are somehow lesser works which is certainly not the intent.


To this day I still for the life of me don't fucking understand where she was going with that. Like i think the only piece of fiction with as much content as Star Wars is the bible. Comment like that are def part of why she gets so much flak.


There was no set in stone continuation like the Lord of the Rings Books. She was at LF prior to the sale, say what you want about how involved Lucas was with the EU but he took the chance to say it wasn’t his canon every time he go the chance. Kennedy likely knew what the treatments consisted of also and they didn’t cover the EU either.


Didn’t Lucas suggest that Starkiller from The Force Unleashed be named “Darth Icky?”


Yeah because someone from TFU wanted Starkiller to be a sith lord, so this was his funny way of saying "hell no" to that idea


I think she was trying to draw a parallel to the, then at it's peak, Marvel Cinematic Universe. The MCU had a cohesive storyline, and a lot of source material to draw from. Still silly, considering the heaps of EU Star Wars books and comics, but yeah..


That always seemed silly to me too because it’s the person who’s responsible for building or at least approving of a plan for how things are supposed to go saying “it’s not our fault it was messy we had no plan to use”.


She simply stated that Star Wars isn't adapted from books. Which is true


She was apparently jabbing at DnD for screwing up GoT.


The thing is, she's not actually wrong, from a certain point-of-view. Star Wars is, first and foremost, a movie franchise, around and from which all of these books, tv-series, games etc. revolve around and draw their inspiration from. This is wildly different from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, where the novels came before their adaptations to films/tv-series format. It's a minor detail but something I feel gets lost easily.


She is right. Star Wars is not adapted from books or comics. That interview isn't the ignorance of the EU


Accurate. Though I will add that as head of Lucas Film she is directly responsible for sending who and what where. Those directors were approved by her. The exclusivity deal with EA was approved by her. Allowing people to create whatever they want for the future of Star Wars was approved by her. She may not be responsible for the quality of the products. But she approved those who failed it. She also doesn't direct, so most of the successes under Lucas Film look like they happened despite her. So when a product does well we praise the director. When it doesn't we criticize them and whoever approved them. So it's quite hard to not have a very positive opinion of her when over half the star wars products either do poorly or are surrounded by controversy. Especially when an entire era was defined by some dude winging it.


>She also doesn't direct, To be fair, Lucas only directed one film in the OT. Empire (regarded as a cinematic great) wasn't him at all. And the prequels weren't beloved until nostalgia for them kicked in


I agree with everything you said here except "She may not be responsible for the quality of the products." She 100% is. More than anyone else. She's the boss.


Extra points for your last paragraph. Have a good one as well, erotic toaster!


Yeah sounds like George put in a lot of hard work to make star wars great. Hard work is something the leads of corporate America know Nothing of.


If you've ever worked for or with "corporate America" you'd know 12 hour days, 6 days a week (minimum) are very common.


Kennedy was never his heir from a filmmaking perspective. She doesn't write or direct. She's his heir from a corporate exec perspective. Wildly different things. People blame her for things because she's a woman with power, regardless of her actual involvement.


She has decades of solid film production: ET, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, etc. I don’t understand why people try to ignore how powerful she is.


Exactly, without fail these people always dig and dig until they find a woman to demonise then they act aghast if you accuse them of being sexist.


Yup. Nobody ever calls for the head of Filoni or Iger, curiously.


no one blames her for anything because she's a "woman with power". her gender is irrelevant, we'd hang even a guy for this incompetent crap. anyone turning this into a gender is intentionally doing a disservice, on both sides. ​ she does direct though, she makes the decisions in which way the story will go. she can veto stupid ideas, but she didn't.


She doesn't direct. She is not a director. She has literally zero directing credits. She is an exec. And yes, she's gotten a huge amount of sexist vitriol, which is apparent to anyone unafraid of looking at the situation objectively. I get you won't agree with me on that, so no point in discussing it further.


Yeah I have to disagree with you one that one. I mean KK gets hit with it alot of it because she is the one consistently in charge. At the top of the heap so to speak. But Rian Johnson, Abrams, and the rest get their share of the flack too. However they typically are only around for a single movie or show so as humans we naturally look for patterns to try and 'fix' things. We are problem solvers by nature. If something is acceptable or good then we tend to not look too deeply at it. If something is bad consistently we look for the common denominator. In this case that happens to be KK.


>no one blames her for anything because she's a "woman with power". her gender is irrelevant, we'd hang even a guy for this incompetent crap. anyone turning this into a gender is intentionally doing a disservice, on both sides. Okay then, how do you explain that even now, with how much people have turned against the MCU, Kevin Feige does not get a tenth the vitriol slung his way KK does? That the recipient of fanboy rage is always someone connected to the individual project they're taking issue with at that moment - who usually happens to be a woman and/or person of color?


I think you’re overestimating how involved she was with the creative process.


This is the biggest problem I've had with all of the vitriol aimed at her. She's a normal Hollywood producer, she's not Kevin Feige. But everyone treated her as such when her job was to manage the company, people, and budgets. People also don't really think about how much influence Bob Iger had on how the first batch of films went post-acquisition. For example, Kathleen Kennedy tried to get the release date for TFA pushed back and he told her to go fuck herself. And this was after Michael Arndt left (without a full draft, mind you) so things were basically screwed from the beginning. JJ and Kasdan played ball and delivered the movie within the allotted time. George sold the company when he had full autonomy to do what he wanted while it was independent. Lucasfilm and its IP are just not his babies anymore.


It’s a bizarre time we’re living in when fans even know the head of Lucasfilm’s name and have an opinion about them as company president. No one ever had any comments about Madeline Chau, or even knew that she existed. All the problems with the special editions, the prequels, etc…. It was always George taking the blame as the writer and director. For about two decades, Madeline Chau did the job Kennedy is doing now. No one cared or had an opinion about her.  Todays environment, youtube, clickbait, social media etc. has turned producers like Kathleen Kennedy and Kevin Feige into celebrities instead of business people. 15 years ago we wouldn’t have known their names. Only the names of the actual directors and writers. 


I’ve been a movie nerd my whole life. I’ve been aware of who Kennedy was since I was a kid in the 90s because her name was at the end of all my favorite movies and I saw her pop-up in a lot of behind the scenes shows and special features. I was actually really psyched when she was made president to sweeten the deal when George packaged up Lucasfilm for sale. I still have heaps of respect for her but if anything I think her job as president of Lucasfilm just isn’t the best fit for her. I’m sure she is still killing it as far as the logistics of running the company but the material seems to just not be gelling with her. Far from thinking Lucasfilm should fire her, I think she should let go of Lucasfilm and be a super-producer again. Look at her body of work. I can’t help but feel like she doesn’t need this and it’s a shame to watch her name get dragged through the mud by people who only knew she existed after TLJ.


I think a lot of the weird things internet fans care about (like this) that they didn't 20 years ago can be partially blamed on how the MCU was sold to nerd audiences over the last decade. Why does everyone expect movie series based on nerd properties to have this huge intricate plan years in advance? Because that's how the MCU was sold to them. Why do people all the sudden care who the president of Lucasfilm is? Because Kevin Fiege is the president of Marvel Studios, and was sold as the grand architect of the series. Why do some nerds have trouble getting excited about more standalone projects that aren't particularly connected to the larger story? Because the MCU has trained some people to think that a story is only important if it connects to a bunch of other stories. I don't hate the MCU. But I hate the way it has transformed how people talk and think about pop culture on the internet. The MCU is NOT the blueprint. In fact I think it CAN'T be, because it's a cultural phenomenon that cannot be replicated.


Does anyone really want some huge planned out Star Wars universe? I want a ST that had a solid through line. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. Then jump to a new time or something and make a trilogy there. Toss a couple standalones in there if you really need to. Lucasfilms made a conscious decision to try to use the MCU playbook because that made Disney money. The fact they can’t properly replicate that is their fault, not the fans expectations. No one is suggesting DC fans have too high expectations when DC has been failing. Lucasfilms didn’t need to cram every empty nook and cranny of existing canon with tv shows. Mandalorian was in a 30 year time gap and that’s perfectly fine. They chose to cram Kenobi and Solo in between movies.




> Does anyone really want some huge planned out Star Wars universe?       I just want what was promised, as a Legends fan who was cautiously optimistic about the canon reset because they promised the new canon would have coherent lore with proper story group oversight right from the start.       Instead we're getting enough inconsistencies and retcons that the Canon timeline might soon have more of that than the several decades worth of Legends material. Things like how hyperspace and the Force worked has never been *entirely* set in stone, but it's like there are no rules *at all* anymore, for example.


they are speed running the failings of the old eu in record time the eu you could excuse because they where mostly trying to find out what worked


The three most hated parts of the old EU were 1) endless superweapons; 2) Clone Palpatine; and 3) Han and Leia's son turning evil. And for some reason those are the only things they borrowed for the Sequel Trilogy. I'm almost surprised that Callista and Jaxxon didn't show up in TFA to drop a moon on Chewbacca.


>Lucasfilms made a conscious decision to try to use the MCU playbook because that made Disney money. And why do you think they attempted following that blueprint? Lucasfilm isn't an independent entity anymore. And we can blame George Lucas for that 🤷🏿‍♂️. Hell, even Pixar is going to shit at the moment. Bob Iger finally ruined Hollywood, it just took a while for us to realize it lol.


That's because George was the figurehead of the company, instead of Chau. Kennedy is now the figurehead of the company, hence she gets the praise and criticism previous levied at George.


The Critism yes. Praise now goes to the writers and directors


> Kennedy is now the figurehead of the company, hence she gets the praise and criticism previous levied at George. Does she though? Criticism *and praise*? The whole point of OP’s post is that she only seems to get the former, never the latter.


Everyone went at George for decades, it comes with the job. She's been praised for producing for decades, she has one of the most impressive resumes in Hollywood. We can't let a small but loud group control the narrative. They're small


Not to argue, but I have never heard anyone praise Kathleen Kennedy for anything. She may have been producing movies for decades, but who here can honestly say they knew who she was before she became the head of Lucasfilm? Maybe the best way to not let a small but vocal minority of haters control the narrative is to combat the negativity with praise…


Yeah I’ve literally never seen anyone praise KK for her producing work until *after* she began getting a wave of “criticism” - basically it was a reactionary kind of praise meant to push back against something as opposed to organic appreciation. And no matter what, she’s just some lady lol, the sheer amount of vitriol she gets is pretty damn disgusting. Then again I’m routinely disgusted by this fandom on a daily basis, so none of that really surprises me. Having a *target* for your frustration and anger makes being inhumanly gross a lot easier.


I get that I'm kind of old for Reddit, and there's a recency bias at play. Kathleen's been a top, well known player in Hollywood for decades. Long before Star Wars, her name was in the credits of every movie we liked as kids. My anger is directed at Bob Iger, in regards to Star Wars. Kathleen did what her boss told her to do.


Nah you're good, no argument implied. I don't want to be "that guy", but our experiences form our view. I grew up a nerdy movie buff in the 80s, Kathleen's name was in every movie we watched. I won't pretend to have a poster of her on the wall, but she was a known entity to us. Look I get the point of the OP, no argument. I just don't want to pretend like we haven't always complained about Star Wars and whoevers name was associated with it.


She made Andor, which is 10,000 times better than anything Lucas has ever done. Praise Kennedy, the mother of good Star Wars!


All praise ends up going to Filoni whether he earned it or not.


She never gets the praise tho.


She definitely doesn't get the praise, I've never heard any Star Wars fan say anything positive about her no matter how good the Star Wars project.


I don't even see praise, tho. Usually just criticism


To be fair... writer and director was most of the problems....


The only producer whose name we should know is the legendary Lenny Turteltaub.


I think one of the key turning points for KK was when she did that interview in her office. And she had a photo of luke skywalker with a red x upon him People sunk their teeth into that


I’m not a fan of KK but that’s not true. The picture was in an employees cubicle who had decorated in an Imperial type style. Thats why it had the red x over Luke Skywalker, because that went with the Empire style he was going for. Poor taste for sure but it wasn’t anything malicious.


I think part of it are mad at Disney, and Kathleen is who Disney hired, and then another part of it was blatant misogyny that that a girl joined the boy's club and it got downplayed and normalized


I don’t remember anyone being overly mad at KK when she was first hired. If there was a lot of hate then the reboot wouldn’t have been one of the highest grossing films in history. People became mad when KK started blatantly bringing gender into the discussion and making it seem like she was making it a “woman’s club”. Turning up to the premier with an all female team wearing shirts that say “the force is female” wasn’t inclusive and went directly against the underlying narrative of Star Wars which is that the force runs through everything and doesn’t pick sides. Also Disney didn’t hire KK. It was a condition of the sale of Lucas film that she became the president


It’s a good thing. People used to blame actors for bad movies when the actors have very little to do with the finished product overall. Now the blame goes to who deserves it most. No one should be criticizing Daisy Ridley for their issues with the ST. She did a good job with what she was given. People should be blaming studio heads, directors, writers, etc. The hate that Ahmed Best, Hayden, or the kid who played young Anakin got would not have happened with todays more knowledgeable audiences and that’s a good thing. Studio heads make a ton more than the actors do so they should suffer far more criticism.


I'd agree with you if Kelly Marie Tran wasn't in The Last Jedi. She got a *ton* of undeserved hate and that was only 6 years ago.


So I take it you don't know of the harassment Kelly Marie Tran received after The Last Jedi. Also Moses Ingram after the Kenobi show


Damn. Cogent analysis. Delta!


The difference is Madeline Chau had no creative control over Lucas film.. George did... that's why he took the blame... KK uses her position to force creative development on writers and directors... under Chau, George did all the hiring and firing of writers and directors... so Apple to oranges is the comparison you are making.


>KK uses her position to force creative development on writers and directors. That's literally the role of a producer, to oversee a project and decide when to step in over the writers/directors. She forces creative development the same way anyone's boss forces them to do anything. Also, this just harkens back to what the OP said, that people will hold KK liable for anything they don't like. She's blamed for giving each director too much autonomy, with little oversight, but people also blame her for getting rid of directors, canceling projects, etc.


Except she has notably given creators a long leash. Rian Johnson famously had near total control on the Last Jedi. JJ had tons of control on 7 and 9. Filoni and Favreau as well.  The most notable instance of executives stepping in was Solo, which arguably happened because she gave Lord and Miller so much freedom and only later didn’t like what they were making. 


…she doesn’t have creative control. All story elements need to get the approval of Dave Filloni. Im not a fan of KK but she no longer has anything to do with story


Sorce? Plz..? Knowing is how one grows...


Dave Filloni is the [Chief Creative Officer](https://www.lucasfilm.com/leadership/dave-filoni/) for LucasFilm. This means he overseas all story elements.


Look up Dave Fillonis job. He’s been promoted to creative director and has oversight of the story Edit: Cheif Creative Officer


Only recently, you can't say all the fault is his he hasn't even been in charge for fully year yet...


Person in charge always has final say and Filoni reports to KK. KK reports to Iger. Filoni does not have unilateral control over story.


Bob Iger is the real villain here. He mandated rushing movies into production, and a constant stream of them at that. Annual releases plus Disney + series, pump out that content! Kennedy just did what she was told by her boss, like all of us.


Bob Iger demanded Episode 7 be released in just three years from the scratch. It took years just to do pre-production on LOTR. It makes sense for them to plan nothing--they had no time. JJ and Kasdan had less than a month to write a script. Then with Episode 9, after Treverrow was let go, Kennedy asked Iger to delay the deadline. Iger refused--he kept the two-year per a Sequel production no matter what. JJ had to edit the film ON SET at the same time as filming. He made Rey a Skywalker during the filming. No shit the movie came out a mess. I blame JJ and KK for TROS, but the fact that The Rise of Skywalker came out in a watchable state was an incredible feat of those two. I blame Bob Iger than Kathleen Kennedy and the other individuals at Lucasfilm much more.


That was Chapek, not Iger. Iger slowed down production on both Ips.


Iger literally copped to being responsible for rushing the sequels in his own memoir. Chapek didn't even become CEO until after the trilogy ended. He was running the parks division before that and didn't have anything to do with the film studio aspect of Disney's business.


Now there's a What If series, which is basically as close as they can get to having a multiverse. It's not gonna get any better lol.


Iger sucks as well, but you cannot ignore the mismanagement Kennedy did within her sphere. John Lasseter was making good movies at Pixar, and Marvel was doing well also. The projects she was involved with declined in quality, and the ones she didn’t meddle in had modest success. She’s not good at her job, and even if Walt himself was running the company she would still be bad at her job.


Because if you've already concluded someone is shit, then the only conclusion that follows from that is that anything good is *in spite of them*. And while anything bad may not strictly be because of them every single time, as the boss, every failure has your name involved. The actual truth of that first part is the only question, and I have no idea how you'd establish if something is good because of someone or in spite of them without a ton of insider perspective, but let's not pretend this is some hard concept to grasp.


Everything bad is Kennedy, everything good is Filoni. Duh!!! /s


You should check the salty subreddit. You'll find that Filoni gets a lot more blame than Kennedy.


Again... isn't Kennedy the producer in each SW project?


Yup. Basically the same level of involvement on each project. So when people had to admit they liked Mandalorian we started seeing conspiracy theories about a "behind-the-scenes civil war at Lucasfilm," so anything they liked was apparently a "rogue" Lucasfilm project and anything they didn't like was Kennedy's fault.


How did anyone actually believe that lmao, that's like, QAnon level stupid.


The internet is absolutely and thoroughly inundated with misinformation these days.


Because it confirms what certain people want to believe


>"behind-the-scenes civil war at Lucasfilm," I can't believe I once thought that was even real back when grifters started making that claim on youtube. Really stupid


Because Kathleen Kennedy is an ontological evil at this point for the most toxic corners of the fandom, any Star Wars movie or show or game that they like cannot, simply by the laws of reality, have had anything to do with her, and anything they don’t like is a direct product of her mind. You’ll notice that any negative sentence will have “Disney” or “Kathleen Kennedy” as the subject, while any praise will have Filoni, or now Tony Gilroy, as the person responsible for the good thing.


Remember folks, Kathleen Kennedy also made Andor


I think this is the main problem. People associate KK with “making” a movie or show. She’s the executive producer AKA manages the money etc. Looking at the writers and directors is where the creative elements are. Maybe she hasn’t made perfect decisions (I’m not her biggest fan) but you can’t blame her or congratulate her when she’s not involved with storytelling (all story has to be approved by DF anyway). People don’t seem to realise she runs Lucasfilm and would be so busy. She’s not going to be cackling in an office somewhere making changes to the story. The problem isn’t KK it’s new writers and directors who don’t honour the original story and try to put their own spin on it.


I think the problem arises because many writers/directors that are hired by KK don’t understand the whole story and want to “bring their own spin” to it, without honouring the source material. I am not a KK fan but I think she does a good job of being a producer but doesn’t mesh with production/creative elements. People forget she’s the main producer on all SW stuff. I think the issue of new hires not honouring the source material and annoying SW fans is why all new stories etc need DF approval. I was initially worried with the new director that was hired but I’m actually hopefully it’s going to be a good film because it needs DF approval for the story and he is really good with developing female characters (think Ashoka where they introduced her intentionally as an annoying character that nobody liked (DF and GL said this was their aim) so they could show her character growth and development - and she is now one of the most loved characters). I think one of the best moments to characterise the type of commitment to the SW franchise fans expect is Sam Witwer talking to the executives making Solo about the lightsaber that Maul is using and what each one means. You can find the short of him talking about it [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/RoQMNuhe03A?si=PyvAZy5t5IYz54t0)


And so much shit that you love from your childhood, too. Indiana Jones, ET, Ponyo, Jurassic Park... etc etc etc


lol they’ve turned on Filoni as well


Honestly, people get too wrapped up in this nonsense.


I'll be honest, in leadership, I think the blame should alwats roll uphill and the successes should considered the successes at the lowest levels.  It's why I don't blame performers for bad performances anymore. There's so many layers and approvals to casting that weaker performers shouldn't make the cut, and even weaker performers can do well with proper direction.  It's why Spielberg is the best director: he can plan a story, plan the shots and bring out the needed performance from his actors, but their success is still their own. This applies everywhere. If workers at a local restaurant or store give bad service it's because management locally and at corporate haven't been motivating them properly. So don't be angry with them.


I understand your logic and I do largely agree, but that also means that we shouldn't really blame Kathleen herself, but rather her bosses. Like whoever the current CEO of Disney is and their board of executives, since Lucasfilm is entirely owned by them and everything she does and greenlights has to satisfy them, probably by making enough money. Whether or not she wants people to create the best Star Wars stories possible, her first priority is to make sure that they are profitable or she won't be around as president of Lucasfilm.


That’s fair. We can say Disney’s board is responsible. At the end of the day, it’s their property. If they wanted to, they could have handled the sequel trilogy so much differently than they did. What makes it even more frustrating (for me) is that Disney isn’t a novice company to franchises. They own Marvel for pete’s sake! Yet they nose dive on Star Wars and act like an ad hoc committee of producers who didn’t contemplate a multi episode arc from the get go.


Same reason George Lucas was blamed for everything that happened with the prequels. People need to focus their ire on a single target. Though Lucas really was the blame for most of what was wrong with the prequels…


Because toxic fanboys are the loudest, the most obnoxious, and the most ignorant of the bunch. Even if they *know* that she's produced content that they enjoy, they're gonna keep parroting the same old song because that's what gets them attention on the internet.


Hey I resent that. There's toxic, obnoxious fangirls out there too. You're not representing them in your statement, how dare you.


Toxic fanpeople?


Better. Check your privilege or whatever the cool kids say these days.


Because people need a focal point for their hate.


And the fire is stoked by bad actors who push narratives that sell clicks.


People don’t realize that K. Kennedy was just as much a part of a shit ton of classic films. People just remember that she said “the force is female” once and assumed that was the crux of every problem.


And a lot of people are misremembering the Force is Female thing. All she did was attend a Nike event.


Kathleen Kennedy is not without fault--the constant hiring and firing of the talents seems to be her shitshow. However, I wonder if it is more to do with her or Disney's studio filmmaking culture. Much of her decisions were reasonable on paper. She tried to mirror George Lucas' early years as an indie filmmaker by hiring filmmakers with winning track records and giving them freedom to work their magic. Despite the fan assertion about her "meddling", it is widely known as a fact that historically she has always given directors and writers a lot of free reign for creative decisions, sometimes too much even. Under the tight deadline set by Iger, she hired JJ Abrams who was the hottest director in Hollywood at the time, who remade A New Hope and then jumped off the series without a trilogy guide map despite the offers to direct the rest of the trilogy. She then hired Rian Johnson, who mirrors Lucas in his early years the most closely and gave him the total freedom. She then hired Treverrow due to Jurassic World (her worst decision), and he jumped off the ship mid-production. Iger refused to extend the deadline, so she turned to her most reliable JJ Abrams again. She okayed the Rogue One pitch and when Gareth Edward's results were shitshow, she put Gilroy to fix it (if it kept going, see The Creator to imagine what would have happened). She also let Gilroy make Andor. With The Mandalorian, she paired Filoni with Favreau. She then put Filoni in charge and let him create his Filoniverse. She hired Lord and Miller, who were like Taika, and when they delivered a Taika-like stuff, she didn't like it and fire them, and hired the other director to patch work Solo. She's still responsible for producing the Sequels, TBOTB, The Mando 3, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan--the projects failed with the fanbase. She is also responsible for Andor, Rogue One, TBB, TCW7, Mando, Solo, TOTJ--projects which have been successful with the fanbase. Her tenure is difficult to definitively judge, but I feel like whoever Disney will inevitably replace her could likely be worse. At least, she lets the filmmakers to realize their visions. I'm not sure if her successor would do the same (See MCU and Disney live-action shit as to what the most corporate ass products look like).


Because the most vocal Star Wars fans are incel losers


Fans need someone to blame so they pick who is in charge of Lucasfilm. Even though she is not the be all end all for everything released. There are many people involved. Its a lot of ignorance on how Lucasfilm is run and some misogyny.


all i see is the same criticisms George had when making the prequel trilogy, only difference is social media gave more people a voice to be heard. ​ people really like to forget that one of the reasond George sold Lucas film was the fans


Because sexism. Sure, there's more nuance, but that's really as simple as it gets.


Yeah, imagine giving her all the blame when things are bad, but when things are good let’s credit someone else instead and lie about her not having a hand in any of the good projects? Her wearing the “Force is Female” shirt raged these people even more!!


I don’t. I blame Pablo Hidalgo. It’s literally his job to say “Hold up, that doesn’t work or is inconsistent”. He’s like a little Jabba the Hutt. He doesn’t really give enough of a shit cuz of the kickbacks. KK is not even on the story group. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Lucasfilm_Story_Group these fucks need to do their job.


Hidalgo is an idiot, and the story group are an incredibly useless entity.


would be a sweet gig, show up to work and do nothing


because people just don't bother understanding that maybe the creators that make good stuff can also make some terrible things. I've rarely heard anyone actually diss the creators when their content suck, and just use KK as the head of bad content. People need to learn that she isn't the one making these content, she's hiring people who are making the content because their track records are promising and fans have trust in their work


I agree but when KK set out to make the sequel trilogy it was only written as one movie at a time. I agree with what you’re saying but she should have set up a creative direction writing team that planned the three movies storyline instead of winging each movie as they come.


Sitting at Star Wars celebration and hearing her getting the same amount of honest applause as other higher ups really made me realize how strongly certain YouTubers try to push their agenda, but really don’t represent the truly loving fans who don’t spend all of their day putting out hateful comments on the internet


Yeah, the problem is that the toxic fans are wayyyyy louder than the rest


Only when they’re behind their comfy screen though


The answer to this question is so obvious that it shouldn’t even need explainibg


It's not though. There are two camps. Camp A: It's misogyny Camp B: She's incompetent Most people are one or the other, and can't understand the other side.


Yeah weird! Or how female characters and especially lead female characters and actors are generally shit on? What could it be?


Probably because of how bad she bungled the sequel trilogy.


The job is to make content that sells. Investors expect a return on their investments and therefore K. Kennedy's job is to make content that Disney can sell... In other words "something good". The reason why her name is associated with "something bad" is because she's doing a bad job at creating good SW content... Or at least SW content that appeals to the majority of SW fans.


Because it is SUPPOSED to be good. When you manage to somehow FAIL at making something likable with a brand like star wars , you SHOULD be heavily criticized. She's the head of the brand that we all once liked and she just massacred it.


Because she is the producer on everything and also only a few good things have been delivered since Disney bought SW. I don't personally blame her for everything but definitely the sequel trilogy.


A lot of people complain about her firing Lord and Miller, but don't understand how messy the production was when they were working on the film.


Since George is out, people need someone else to blame. She just happened to be said person. Stroke of luck I guess. It doesnt help that anti anything rhetoric just builds off of itself with social media and the infinite number of posts similar to this one


We need someone to blame and we already have someone to thank (Filoni). Also it's probably easier to blame a captain for damaging the ship than it is to thank then for keeping it afloat. We don't see the little positive changes she makes. We do hear about her ideas of "the force is female" and allegedly how there are directors/writers who haven't seen star wars films before, it just kinda raises eyebrows and fixates problem onto her.


On the YouTube side of things you need to understand the right wing reactionary grifters basically made their career off of demonising Kathleen Kennedy. Kathleen Kennedy is to them what ‘Satan” is for puritanical megachurches. It’s dogma, she is to blame for everything so the one thing they cannot ever do is contradict that mythology. If KK does something good or good content is made under her watch then they will praise the content but ignore her, conversely anything they don’t like is her fault. They can’t go against thr script because if they do that they risk ending the grift.


Certain people are insanely invested in the idea of her being a villain who can only mess things up. It’s just too much for them to process that she has made both mistakes and good calls, so they construct a narrative that allows them to continue to frame her as the embodiment of everything they dislike.


I actually largely suspect part of her job very much includes "scapegoat." She had a hand in everything Star Wars, good and bad, but the fact that there seems to be a culture-wide push every time something disappoints that is must be Kennedy to blame. And not just the general fanbase, but "news" outlets and even seemingly some in-house pushes towards her being the problem as well.  I can't help but wonder if it's an intentional tactic so that any dislike levied at the franchise technically has a buffer so that all praise gets to go to the whole property but Kennedy is there to soak up criticism so that the franchise itself is somehow less maligned in the public eye and fanbase opinion.


A Kathleen Kennedy defender. How brave!




George Lucas being a man didn't stop people from attributing every bad thing in the prequels to him.


Lucas was writer, director and editor. KK is none of those, she's a producer, noitce how none of the ire is directed at the directors, writers or editors?


Oh wow, we're repeating this stupid fucking point again? I was almost starting to miss the days where i was labeled a sexist and racist because i didn't like the sequels. Glad to know that people are still incapable of treating criticism as anything but those.


Aw yes, the good old misogyny. Don't you dare criticize a woman just like you criticize men.


Bullshit. I don't care if she's a man or an alien, she's garbage. Fuck Iger too, he's a man. This misogyny BS is just a gambit by Disney to deflect valid criticism..


Such a copout response to genuinely deserved criticism. For the record, Iger deserves it as well. He’s responsible for ruining star wars, making the MCU mediocre, and making the Disney parks feel soulless.


\^\^ This and that she's a suit. So she gets blamed for all of the "over-commercialized" or "over-focus grouped" elements of the franchise, but gets zero credit for the creative bits. Never mind that a good producer-type is *necessary* for making sure the creatives get the space and budget to operate.


And plus, she's doing what these same yahoos were insisting was necessary behavior in corporate executives just ten years ago: she's keeping her hands off, she's turning things over to creatives, and she's maintaining a light touch. Go back a decade and look at any internet forum, and that's exactly what fans were demanding the studio executives do with their beloved franchises. But when things don't work, suddenly that's KK's fault for not interfering enough in Rian Johnson's or J.J. Abrams' work.


I remember when The Mandalorian debuted and I'd see people online acting as if Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni had made it in secret behind Kathleen Kennedy's back because they were just such small people that they couldn't give her credit.


For me it boils down to Kennedy saying "we had no source material and had to make a whole new story" after 86-ing everything in legends. She had an enormous library of games, books, comics, and videos to take inspiration from. Saying there was no sour e material is a straight up lie


The opposite is also true with a certain cohort of fans, as well. When something was good she had her hands in all the pies. When anything was less than favourable or had a negative reaction she had absolutely nothing to do with it. "That's not what producers do, ACKSHUALLY!", all while ignoring she's the head of the company who signs off on everything. All good and bad comes back on her. Singling out one side is a little hypocritical and ignorant.


I've actually almost never seen someone praise her and I typically stay within the positive subs and communities. I'll be glad to see it though


Because there's been significantly more bad than good under her leadership.




Because she has been the catalyst of so many of the bad decisions. She’s been public with many of her bad ideas and opinions. Everything good we’ve gotten has been in spite of her not because of her. She’s publicly stated why so many of the bad decisions have been made. The people blaming misogyny are simply deflecting from the facts.


> The people blaming misogyny are simply deflecting from the facts. Yup. Anyone spouting that bollocks in the comments is a cretin and should be ignored.


> in spite of her not because of her How can you even pretend to know which parts she was involved in and which she wasn’t?


Because she told us…


I really don’t consider most of those things good either. Ahsoka is honestly just bad, The Mandalorian is heavily overrated, Bad Batch is….fine, and even TCW season 7 was 50% BS. Sure, I mostly remember the siege of Mandalorian and order 66, which were great, but before that, it was honestly not good.


1) Falling for clickbait that has specifically targeted her 2) Sexism


The biggest criticism I have is that KK had no road map of any sort for the ST films. Where you can compare Kevin Feige of Marvel. Feige in charge of Marvel had good roadmap and was able to have series of films with good writing and continuity for Marvel films from phase 1 to 3. Also the ST films she produced pretty much undone everything that happened in OT. KK was in charge of supervising scripts and where the story for the ST was going.


If you do 80% of your job poorly, you're unlikely to receive praise for doing 20% of it at an acceptable level.


I just don't like how she said in an interview that she had no stories to work from for the Sequels. Beyond that I couldn't care less, because blame from me mostly is targeted towards the writers and directors.


Its not complicated. She is in charge of the franchise on the whole. And many people think the franchise has been woefully mishandled. A few good projects don't change that. And do you not think the people who make the individual bad stuff get criticism the way that the people who made the good stuff get praise? Just a couple of minutes ago I saw an article on a mainstream news site with the title "Every alleged upcoming Star Wars movie". I mean, that's where we are now with this franchise. Mainstream news now calls upcoming Star Wars movies "allegedly" being made after so many years of cancelled projects. And people still defend her record? For me, the Sequel Trilogy is the greatest fck up in the history of film. I'm not about to praise her because I liked Rogue One.


What does that have to do with refusing to give her credit on the projects that were good?


That's my point. She is a producer and executive, not a creator. She gets critiscm for her overall running of the franchise. When it comes to individual projects the blame/praise is mostly on the individuals who directly made them. Or did you miss all the hating on Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams? He'll even Filoni has been under a lot of criticism these days for the last few Disney series. If you see a movie you like do you praise the producer?


Because almost nothing good has happened, and the few things that were good, weren’t because of her.


Nothing good has happened


I'm behind the news What *are* the good things if I may ask ?




A good boss owns failures and attributes success to others


That doesn't mean outsiders should do the same.


Nice try kathleen


because nothing good happened 


Because the movies are the 'main story' and they were shit


Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay!


Or have her fall in love with the dude who imprisoned and tortured her.


They need someone to blame, someone to point a finger at, for what they're mad about. She's a convenient target. Nothing more.


The shows are only good if the people involved show resistance to her stupid "ideas".


Because flaming culturewar dipshits are just flaming culturewar dipshits who only open their mouths when shit can pour out of it.


For the same reason that you don't remember all the weeks your trash was picked up on time, but you definitely notice when your bins in the alley stay full a couple days too long.


Idk, other than Andor not a lot of stuff is really standout good. People probably disagree, but most of the Disney era is extremely mid at best.


Andkr apparently had the least amount of KK influence and it shows. The only thanks she deserves for that project is greenlighting it and staying out of the way.


Because doing your job successfully half the time isn’t an achievement


I’ll give you two scenarios. 1) you can have an amazing employee that does everything right and then has one major fuck up. Or 2) you can also have an employee that fucks up 80% of their work while 20% is completed perfectly. in both situations the employee gets fired. The problem is Kathleen Kennedy hasn’t been fired. edit: Here’s another example. You can have career politicians that are generally well loved that resign after a singular scandal. It only takes 1 bad instance for someone to need to be replaced to prevent further brand damage although they still have the potential for good.


Because nothing that came out of LFL after Disney bought it was really praise worthy.


This. Facts. Everything else is just noise.


Because she doesn't care if it's good. She cares if it satisfies a progressive agenda surrounding intersectionality and upending anything that could be called a patriarchy.


Because nothing ever good happens under her watch. Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2 happened without her involvement, and Andor didn’t have much to do with her. She withers everything she touches, because she isn’t good at her job. If something good happens, it’s a fluke or it’s because she didn’t meddle.


>She withers everything she touches Got examples of that, with sources to back up her involvement specifically?


A good leader takes the blame when the team fails and gives credit to the team when the team succeeds.


Because pretty much nothing good has happened since the Disney acquisition, and the only good things were side projects that she clearly wasn't involved in, i.e. R1 and Andor.


All her goods were early on. These days... 🦗 🦗 🦗