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The giant praying mantis in the cantina is a Yam’rii, also known as a Huk, a savage race of conquerors whose invasion of Kalee set in motion the events that would lead to the rise of Kaleesh warlord Qymaen jai Sheelal, later known as Grievous.


One of them appeared in the latest season of the Bad Batch, although I think it was confirmed to be a subspecies because of its slightly different design.


piece of shit slaving bugs


Not canon strictly speaking, but in 1980, a Star Wars Christmas album was released called "Christmas in the Stars." The fifth song on the album is titled "R2-D2 We Wish You a Merry Christmas." This song was the very first recording credit for the artist who would later go by the stage name Jon Bon Jovi.


Now that’s a TIL


I still have this 45.


What do you get a wookiee for Christmas when he already owns a comb?


Just had a listen and omg why is it good


The Star Wars RPG by West End Games, in the late 80s and early 90s, kept the flame alive and much of the background material for the game is now canon.


Even people in EU circles tend not to give WEG the credit it’s owed. There’s a tendency to pretend everything before tTT doesn’t count when even Zahn was a fan of them (and even helped write one eventually).


When Zahn went to write Heir to the Empire he used the WEG sourcebooks to flesh out Imperial and Rebel/New Republic operations, because in his mind they were shockingly poorly explained in other media.


Admiral Thrawn most likely held General Grievous’ face plate mask as part of his collection.


Thrawn will never die … he’s gonna have his consciousness uploaded into a droid body and became the GFFA version of Trazyn the Infinite


Somehow... Thrawn has returned? Again...?


Han Solo is acquaintances with a fellow smuggler who is a green rabbit named Jaxxon.


Is Jaxxon Jacen Syndulla’s fursona?


Is this canon?


What I just said is. But the majority of Jaxxon appearances aren't.




why would you say unfortunatly? Jaxxon is fantastic


Where is this in current canon?




His homeworld is Coachella? 💀




Correct. The joke I was making is that it is one letter away from the music festival known as Coachella.


Starkiller Base was Ilum


It's fun to describe to casual fans: I'm glad *Rogue One* mentioned the mining of kyber off of Jeddha for the Death Star. Because that allows the explanation that the core energy source is the same things that make light sabers. Now the main planet that the Jedi used for millennia to find their kyber crystals to make their light sabers... ...that's the planet that the First Order took over and turned into a massive planet sized cannon. They always think that's neat.


Oh hey, another thing to think about while running around there in Swtor. That's very cool!


this is vaguely upsetting after playing fallen order


Depends how casual, guy who only saw the prequels and not the tv shows or interacted with more stuff wont know what ilum is To add to this the Empire was working on this VERY soon after it formed most of the FO power misconceptions and manpower boils down to the empire reformed and or its imperial tech Starkiller is the big one


The Endor moon they go to in TRoS isn’t the Forest Moon, but one of the other moons orbiting Endor.


Specifically known as the Ocean Moon of Endor, apart from the Forest Moon of Endor.


Woah , I didn't know this one


Every planet or moon can only have one biome in Star Wars.


TBF, I'm pretty sure the Sanctuary Moon (Forest/Ewok land) has a really big lake on it that probably could have been just like the ocean stuff we saw. To me, it was always just a weird choice because they don't specify and it's already sort of an unspoken thing that Endor = Sanctuary Moon. Plus, they give us a shot of an ewok later. Seems unnecessary to put it on ANOTHER moon when it would have worked fine.


The thing I actually hate most about the sequel trilogy is that they have all the same planets as og and prequel trilogy but choose to call them different names (Jakku could easily be Tatooine and is too similar, the planet the New Republic Senate gets one hit on looks so much like Coruscant that that scene was kinda confusing to me cuz I thought it WAS Coruscant, in RoS the Rebels base looks like Yavin 4 and so on) just really really bugs me


Today I learned that Coruscant didn't get destroyed in TFA...


I'm not trying to be a smug ass but it was pretty well known in the time TFA came out, mostly to complains of either it should have been coruscant, to I would have hated it if this movie killed the planet I like Also Ikinda disagree with the guy above, mono biome planets are kinda lame, but theres tons of say one city planets in the old EU and such


I kinda get why they chose to do that but it’s kinda lame.


When Anakin landed on Mustafar he told R2-D2 he be right back, but never returned...Hence why R2-D2 would not wait on the X-wing when on Dagobah


Also why he never says that Anakin and Vader are the same person. He doesn’t know. He thinks Anakin is dead.


I'm curious what his opinion was when he finally learned they're the same person


*sad beep*


*bwaaop bwoh bwooow*




And on cloud city


The last time R2 waited on the ship, he was waiting for Anakin, and he didn't come back.




What book or story is this from


It's directly from the movies themselves


We dont see in the movies that thats the specific reason r2 doesnt leave luke


It's called Foreshadowing/subtext and there a ton of it in the Star Wars movies and the tv shows. It's kinda sad you had no idea that they are in there. As an example at the end of Phantom Menace, the music in the background is the Emperor theme music from ROTJ.


Episode 3 revenge of the Sith- when Vader is sent to mustafar to take care of the separatists.


Viggo Mortensen broke his to- wait


Lobster used to be prison food.


I am living for this 🤣


The dagger he deflected was......ahhh shit nvm guess ya stopped I should too


[the existence of Mister Bones](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mister_Bones)


You win


Is he in any videogames or shows? I keep hearing about him and he's talked about with a fondness, just curious where it's coming from


He's in the Aftermath books. "I like hugs. They're like violence made of love"




Smooth Jizz?


So smooth your slipping out your seat.


Would you care to expand on "Jizz" for those of us (me) who have no idea what you're talking about please?


Jizz is a slang term for basically jazz music in Star Wars.


Ok, thank you. I guess we all love a bit of Star Wars space Jizz...


yup and Jizz mucians are called Jizz-wailers


I love Figrin D'an's jizz


Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes was the band name, IIRC.


You know that cantina band song? The genre of music is called jizz. Or rather it was before Disney decided to rename it jathz.


Jizz and Jatz are separate genres. Jizz is still canon, I think.


Thank god. I just don't know what I'd do with myself if Jizz was de-canonized.


Just google it..s/


I left a comment on Instagram recently for the cantina band, saying something like "Jam that Jizz" and the amount of fans who questioned what I meant was disappointing!


I came to this thread fully prepared to elucidate the genre of space jazz known as jizz if nobody else had yet lol


This is the comment I was looking for


Are we on the Adult Star Tours or not? I’m so confused.




Darth maul was killed by obi wan kenobi on tattooine 


Honestly, the names of blaster rifles. Your average film going fan who just watches the movies wont know for example, E-11 or Westar 34.


Jango, right?


Yeah the Westar at least, the E-11 is the standard rifle for Stormtroopers


The band playing in the Mos Eisley cantina is called Figran D’an and the Modal Nodes


The Empire banned an underground hit song titled ‘Vader’s Many Prosthetic Parts’ performed by Hakko Drazlip and the Tootle Froots.






Heir to the Jedi novel


Kylo Ren destroyed the dark side cave on Dagobah. Also, the planet he’s on in the beginning of The Rise of Skywalker is Mustafar - it started to regrow forests and life after the events of the VR Game Vader Immortal.


Is it just me or is comics Kylo Ren written so much better than movies Kylo Ren?


It’s practically tradition for the expanded media to fix the films


Disney really doubled down on this. So much backlash from the “somehow Palpaltine returned” line that they spent bad batch, mandalorian, and potentially Ashoka slowly explaining how after the fact.


I'm here for it. TCW saved 2 of the Prequels.


I’ve never read any of the sequel-era comics, where would be a good place to start?


honestly the Rise of Kylo Ren is, in my opinion, one of the absolute best canon comics. always highly recommend it


I am convinced also that the death of Voe at the end there was intentionally ambiguous, so that she could be later reframed as having joined the Knights of Ren as well: she did have that energy, and absolutely when that “a handful of my students” line was written in the films it was intended as saying they had become the Knights.


This is all before Return of the Jedi but Sabé and some of the other handmaidens for Padme all worked for Darth Vader at one point, Sabe in particular figured out that Vader was Anakin and also about Luke being Padme’s son.


I love these comics, and how they show Vader's still caring side albeit his strong dominator "don't care" exterior persona. This relationship betweeen them has so many layers...


Where does this narrative show up? I’m interested to learn more. 


I think it was the Darth Vader comic book series where Darth Vader also controls a gigantic space Cthulhu to overthrow Palpatine. Pretty good series.


Darth Vader 2020 by Greg Pak! It’s a very good series imo especially when Sabe is in them. If you’re wanting to know the specific issues it’s something like issue 20 or 22 I believe,around there.


John Wayne has a voice cameo in ANH. Posted this before


Foe anyone wondering, its the long nosed alien spy who tails them to the Millennium Falcon




[Garindan ezz Zavor, a Kubaz spy](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Garindan_ezz_Zavor)


That squeaky bitch was John Wayne?? XD


30+ years as a diehard fan and I learned something new today, thanks!


Who did George Lucas know to pull that off


I don't think that John Wayne actually voiced the character, rather they had a recording of him speaking that they proccessed and distorted to make his voice.


That makes waaaaay more sense


This is exactly the answer


Yodas blanket in ROTJ is Qui-Gons robe.


Does it say how he aquired it?


It doesn't, but the obvious answer is he kept the robe when Qui-Gon was brought back to Coruscant for the funeral.


This isn’t canon, it’s fan theory


Might want to check... The canon book is on my shelf.


Ohhh, yeah nvm I’m thinking of the Qui-gon lightsaber crystal Theory.


In the original Star Wars, R5-D4 (the red astromech the Jawas originally sold to Owen Lars) deliberately caused its own malfunction. In the collection of short stories *From A Certain Point of View*, R2 recognizes R5 from the Clone Wars era and implores it to allow completion of the secret mission. R5 has had its memory wiped many times, but has fragments it pieces together as the droids are being bargained for. R2 makes a final plea as R5 is rolling off with C3P0 that triggers R5 to complete a memory and sacrifice itself in honor of the Old Republic.


The Banking Clan, which is a galactic bank, for some reason owned several autonomous missile launching droids on two giant wheels called Hailfire Droids. They were deployed during the First Battle of Geonosis and you saw them briefly in Attack of the Clones. Why a bank owns an army of what are essentially giant weapons of war that had the firepower to destroy several houses in a time of peace is something I don't quite understand.


Its for debt collection


There have been crazy things that have happened IRL tbh. The British East India company for example. A trading company with it's own army and navy haha. They originally ruled India until the rebellion and then the English crown stepped in. This didn't last long for obvious reason but look up the Pepsi Navy.


It was a “diversified asset”.


The Darth Plageuis book explains much of this, and also why the trade federation, banking clan etc have seats on the galactic Senate. Very much they had East India company levels of galactic power, and were positioned to enforce their trade routes in a republic that didn’t hold a standing military


The Banking Clan is also one of the few organizations in the entire history of the galaxy known to have extra-galactic assets. They apparently operated vaults that were outside of what most people considered "the galaxy."


Easy, this mostly ties to the wider old EU but the galaxy is filled with smaller governments and forces that would dwarf most of what we see on shows for battles, and also the banking clan original Hailfire guns were grenede launchers and ion guns. Its not bank security guard with a rocket launcher, It's 1600's-700s mercantilism sending privater gunsquad to collect debt on a far away island that may as well greet them with cannon fire Much of the Seperatist movement got in debt with these sort of Entities as they were able to provide (for a while) a matching gun to gun ship to ship fight to a galactic government


Kylo Ren killed a Zillo Beast


Some people are allergic to Bacta healing fluids. This results in wounds and scars not healing properly. Some people are eventually forced to receive cybernetic prosthetics to replace limbs and organs that are too heavily damaged to be saved without Bacta. RIP Ton Phanan. The only Republic doctor and fighter pilot to kill an Imperial spy with a laser scalpel during an alley brawl.


It’s not a weapon; it’s a tool


I'm still glad Aaron Allston got one last Wraith Squadron novel out before passing away. He would've loved the Mandalorian.


Glup shitto




Wait, is that canon?


Reviving unconscious Luke?


Maul has 2 hearts


Well that explains it.


Does that mean all Zabrak have two? Or just Dathomiri Zabrak? Or just Maul?


Darth Baras was a Sith Lord so powerful in the Dark Side that it was said that even a blind deaf comatose lobotomy patient could feel his anger.


One of the best parts of SWTOR was annoying Darth Baras to the brink of mental breakdown.


"you sure can scream"


Darth Baras the Wide


The 7 lightsaber forms and their strengths and weaknesses.


Han and Leia used to have three kids.


They’ll still be part of my canon 🥲


I feel like there'd be a lot less griefing in this community if fans started using the word *continuity* instead of *canon*. "Canon" asserts dominance, or preeminence, when none exists. There are two primary Star Wars continuities. One of them is preferred by corporate.


I actually really like this take...


That’s legends


In RotJ, when Luke is fighting Vader, he kicks him down some stairs. The first thing Vader says after getting up is “Obi Wan taught you well”. Luke has the high ground.


I figured he said that because Vader had no idea that Yoda was still alive, and just assumed that Kenobi had some method to teach Luke after his death.


Or before his death as he couldn’t have known how long they had traveled together?


There are 150 contingency orders for the clones


Execute order 67!


Ewoks are delicious and are considered a delicacy in the Outer Rim.


Luke Skywalker found love, had a son, and built a New Jedi Order, that was greater than the old. 


Stormtroopers have a 87% accuracy rating


The Mortis Gods. The majority of Star Wars fans are casual and have no idea about them.


Didn’t they all die lol


sure did. well, the Sister has a spiritual connection to the bird [Morai](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Morai) that always follows Ahsoka around, but i think that the bird is more of like an avatar for the sister that watches over Ahsoka. Anakin was supposed to become the Father but obviously that didn’t happen (yet) even though fan speculation ran wild in the Ahsoka show which will be dealing with the Mortis gods at some capacity in season 2


The genre of music the cantina band plays in A New Hope is called Jizz.


Cloud City on Bespin collects tibanna gas which is used as fuel. It can also be frozen into carbonate blocks which is the technique used to trap Han Solo during Empire Strikes Back.


Fuel and blaster rounds. Blue is good against droids, red is standard, purple is high power I believe?


Red is standard, blue is good against droids, green is high powered, and purple is exotic (I think the geonosians use them.). This begs the question - why does the Resistance use blue? They aren’t fighting droids.


I mean even in the TCW, shooting a battle droid with an E5 did the same thing to a b1 as shooting them with a dc-17. Might have been a stylistic choice.


No visible shoelaces.


The Death Star is technically a giant lightsaber.


Janus Greejatus, a member of the imperial council was senator of Naboo between the terms of Palpatine and Padme.


I could be wrong, but this feels like the kind of detail James Luceno would specify.


Anyone play Empire at War? The Zann Consortium is Canon.


Quinlan Vos is in Mos Espa in The Phantom Menace on a secret mission , (well more like they saw the background character and turned him into a jedi un the dark horse comics , but still cool)


“Amidala” was Padmé’s persona which is why she changed her voice when in “character”. All of her handmaidens were combat trained by Captain Panaka as a requirement for the job. The rancor trainer seen crying in Return of the Jedi right after Luke kills the rancor was planning to set it free. Max Rebo escaped before Jabba’s sail barge exploded (maybe the whole band did?) Bib Fortuna, too, but that’s probably common knowledge now because of BoBF.


The whole band i think. Although one disappeared in the desert. The one that is able to survive harsher deserts so he is probably okay.


Star Wars has a Caesar Salad, but instead of being named after a Roman Emperor (for obvious reasons!), it's named after the boss of the Black Sun Syndicate: Prince Xizor. Yes, it's called a Xizor ("shē'zōr") Salad, and yes, it's 100% canon.


No such thing. Ive found that every Star Wars fan is an expert and never wrong about anything.


Ord Mantel is the 6th planet made canon in Star Wars. (Me and my friend were making a list so it’s possible we missed something but it should be close)


You missed the planets in all the comics/books before ESB. Bonadan, Feraie Junction, etc. You might think “those don’t count because they’re not part of canon” but they actually do. Jason Fry (basically THE map guy at Lucasfilm) has pretty openly stated that the galaxy is the same in both continuities, so the events that occur there may not be canon, but the planets themselves are. Wookieepedia doesn’t always reflect this, but I’ll take the view of the person literally handling the galaxy’s lore over wiki mods. :p So essentially, basically every pre-Disney planet became canon at the exact same moment. If you go by EU, then the list is more chronological, and you get stuff like the fore mentioned comic and book planets.


I would argue they are established in canon in the first canon source they appear in as opposed to their EU origin. But also me and my buddy were just going off memory we didn’t look at the wiki.


The red R5 Unit that broke Down in a new hope was force sensitive, and broke down because it knew that Luke needed to meet R2-D2


How can a droid have midichlorians?




Seemingly everything.


That's luckily not canon.


Lol Skippy.


Sweet sweet Jabas palace Jizz


Vampires exist, and their queen once enslaved Han Solo.


Kix is the last surviving Clone Starkiller Base can be seen in Jedi Fallen Order as Ilum Ewok is never said in the movies Vader learns Luke's name through Boba Fett Cantina Band likes Jizz and plays it Garbage Compacter is force sensitive The skeleton in A New Hope was the shark in The Mandalorian R2D2 is supposedly one of the most vial speakers you'll ever hear as he curses a lot. Kamino is in the outer rim and not in the main Galaxy In episode 5 when Luke was getting a new hand the rebel fleet was in the outer rim in another galaxy (disputed)


Thom Vietch created the double sided lightSaber for Exar Kun before Maul used one in TPM


The term "Ewok" is never spoken in the films.


The trench in A New Hope finale is not the trench visible on the exterior of the Death Star containing the docking bays. For one thing, the scale is wildly different. The actual trench in the final battle runs down from the North Pole, which is where the exhaust port is.


Current canon? Couldn’t tell ya. Old canon before all the books were thrown out? WELL… There was a ship called the Sun Crusher that was able to destroy entire star systems using Resonance torpedos that would cause stable stars to go supernova. It was also practically indestructible, to the point that Han Solo once flew in straight through the bridge of the Star Destroyer Hydra, destroying the SD.


I’ll give a fact about the trio. Luke’s son was called Ben Skywalker Han has a dodgy cousin named Thrackan Sal-Solo. And Leia used to have a red lightsaber, gifted to her by Luke.


That’s legends, not canon


The Marg Sabl is a Togrutan Flower. Ahsoka named a military maneuver after it where the warships turn their hangar bay away from the enemy ships in order to allow the starfighters to be released unseen to prepare for an attack. Later, Thrawn is on a mission with Anakin Skywalker and Padme and in conversation with Thrawn, Padme tells him about Ahsoka after referring to Anakin as a “One man Marg Sabl.” Padme tells Thrawn about the maneuver that Thrawn would utilize later. This is Thrawn’s canonical introduction to who Ahsoka is and who her master is (Anakin). While the scene in the Ahsoka show where he is trying to figure out who she is and who her master is can just be tossed up to “He just forgot” (It has been many years since he heard this story about her), I personally find it another slap in the face to Authors writing canon works and show writers not paying attention to those books.