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I'm not sure which ones I sank more hours into between the KOTORs, Battlefronts, and Jedi Knight series, but I think I have to give the gold metal to KOTOR.


Jedi Knight modding was the most fun I ever had during my childhood


Movie Battles 2. Its a mod community. Its still very much alive and stupid fun.


At times, its servers are more active than BF2 2017


The lightsabers were just so dope with it, fun times


I remember it fondly for the variety of maps, classes, and weapons, as well for the very fun Full Authentic mode.


I easily spend hundreds of hours playing that mod.


We have probably fought a few times lol


was soo crazy with the saber mods and 1vs1 people, best memory of my middleschool years


I remember spending HOURS doing parkour with maxed force jump and speed around maps that me and my clan turned into a glorified chat room. That and the 1v1 duels, damn what a time to be alive


kotor is the right answer, even tho i bricked my save on 2 and never got to finish it.


Don't worry - Obsidian didn't finish it either.


Fucking burn! I’m still pissed the fixed modded version wasn’t released, I pre ordered that shit on the switch too. Probably the subconscious reason I haven’t touched it in forever.


You can get it on your phone


And it was great when I played it. It's amazing that we can play a game on phones that used to require a bulky console


But you can’t really swoop race well on phone. If they could fix that I’d definitely reinstall it


It's on steam for $10 (it often goes on sale for $5). There's also a restored content mod which adds a bunch of cut content.


That’s got to be the answer. It was absolutely revolutionary at the time. Not just because of the “twist,” but the decision making process.


KOTOR if you ask me is the greatest video game I've ever played. Beat it twice on both light and dark paths. II was dope too ... but the OG was mind-blowing.


Kotor II is essentially a deconstruction of the entire Star Wars universe and I love it. You’ve just won a big war and you think the entire universe will be better, but every location are just remnants of places shattered by the war. All the villains are creatures who are essentially feasting on the force. Hell you beat one by literally convincing him to let go of his anger. I think the game also had the single greatest justification for the force and alignment system. Spoilers ahead >!Your character starts the game having cut themselves off from the force - yet you start redeveloping powers. At the same time, becoming friends with your party helps shift their alignment to be good or evil. Turns out that you never regained your connection to the force, you’re as much as a parasite as all the other villains and you’re actually siphoning your party’s connection for yourself. Even the alignment system is you subconsciously mentally dominating them to agree with you!< I’m surprised more people haven’t done full video essays on the game.


There's a solid one on Kreia (aka the best-written villains in video game history, arguably top 10 in all media). KotOR II just does so much more than most other Star Wars films or games have ever done with the focus on not Light vs Dark, but action -> consequence. People often mistake >!Kreia!< getting upset with the exile at certain points, but they usually don't realize that if you play through again and choose the opposite (Light or Dark) she's upset at the lack of foresight and understanding how, even the smallest of your actions, echo out and affect the city/planet/galaxy at-large. It's the entire mantra of the game and I love it.


That this game is as old as it is and people still don’t want to spoil “the twist” says everything


KOTOR was the one with the twist. 2 was... well, there's obviously a mystery around you but I don't think you're ever surprised at what's going on.


Man, what I would give to have gotten the proper fully fleshed out KOTOR II. I know the fan mods exist but haven't figured out how to make it work.


Agreed. Loved the jedi Knight games but the story in KOTOR made it the best. KOTOR 2 would have been great if they waited to finish making the game before releaae


It was so over my head at 11-12, looking back I have no idea how I beat that game. I do remember learning organically that you will get first turn again if you pause and reload during combat, I must have cheesed a lot. Besides Phantom Menace (basically made for my gen, I was 7 in ‘99) KOTOR is my strongest emotional link to Star Wars. I would love a KOTOR series or film saga.


Kotor I’m still playing it today!


Its the only game ive not played and seems to have so much lore. Is it worth playing today or is it best waiting for the remake? Is it quite outdated or does it still live up today?


I replay it probably every other year at this point. The graphics hold up just fine, and it easily has the best story of any other star wars game. Some people don't like the combat, but I absolutely think it's worth giving a shot now, since a remake is hardly a guarantee.


Okay mate ill give it a go! Ive heard amazing things about it. Can you play with controller or is it purely k&m?


I almost exclusively play on console, but whenever I play KOTOR2 with the restored content mod I use a controller with my laptop. Works great either way. Never used k&m.


Is it ideal to play the 1st then the second?


Yes because there's some first rate spoilers


Ah thats awesome, i much prefer controller. Well i know my plans for tonight now! Thanks mate :)


Have fun! If you do end up beating it, come back and tell me how you liked it!


Best story and fantastic voice actors. If you played Mass Effect or watched TCW? Don't make a drinking game out of "spot the VO."


Play it, there will never be a remake.


The first planet is a bit of a slog, especially if you've played it before, but the rest of the game is more enjoyable. There is an interesting difficulty spike between going light and dark with dark being way easier. Jedi aren't supposed to accept rewards, so you get light side points for being selfless. As a sith, you don't even have to do some quests. Just kill the quest giver and take his rewards.


That remake is likely never going to come to fruition, play the OG big dawg


Both games are timeless, just know they start off a bit slow. Kotor especially is basically a 10/10 once you get past the start.


It plays like Dragon Age: Origins.


KOTOR I&II are still my two favorite Star Wars games. They’re 100% worth playing through, as others have stated. Yes you’re working with 20 year old graphics but the story is absolutely solid, the combat still works today. The members of your crew are all well done and worth doing their side quests. There is some cool lore, the sabers are fun, the Mandalorians (especially in II) are awesome. Love these games. Both dark and light side play through are worth it too! Especially in II


I will never be unsalted for what is happening with KOTOR remake. They killed the fan project that looked promising, gave a blueballing trailer, then had their studios rip it apart like African painted dogs. HD mods are great, but I would've loved to see a fully realized reimagining/remake


I almost got divorced over galaxies. I love Lego, and battlefront. I can’t answer this question


Galaxies for me too. What a great game.


I still have flashbacks to this game. Riding my speeder out to my little metal miners and then crafting weapons and selling them. It was great.


That game was on to something with the economy and resource management. It’s unfortunate the combat aspect of the game was so poor. I still think someone will replicate that crafting/economy in a game with better bones and blow everyone away. For those that never played it, it’s impossible to describe easily. It was so deep.


I still miss SWG. still my favorite mining/crafting system of any MMORPG. the PVP could be fun too if people knew how to play their class. man I loved killing Jedis,....


r/swgemu might be worth a visit if you haven't gone there before. Especially with the teaser posted there the other day.


Too many bots :(. It'll never capture the old feeling with 80% of all characters you see being bots, that was fully a community based game


I almost failed 9th grade over it, it took up a lot if time indeed 😅


Farstar server here for a number of years. Took up way too much time in that game


Started playing legends but my buddies didn't want to get into it so it felt lonely


I was a solo bh on Farstar. I remember tracking droids were buggy or didnt work at all, relied on a network of informants to track jedi targets for missions. Loved that game.


I almost lost my then fiancé over Galaxies, so I get it. Galaxies was such an amazing immersive game, but it was definitely addictive. I had to quit cold turkey like a drug addict to save my relationship. But ya, I miss that game. There was so much to do, and I've never played any other game that made me feel like a citizen of the SW universe.


What a great explanation of SWG. It felt like you logged in and it mattered to the world.


Loved that game. Me and my brothers all shared an account across three servers. I was on Tempest and loved it


Yo I was on Tempest too. Such a great game, such a sad death of that game with the NGE, and it’s really funny that we all migrated to WoW afterwards, kept running into people with the same experience.


Tempest checking in


Naritus represent!


Bloodfin and Starsider represent! I miss that game. Been yearning for a sandbox style SW MMO since it shut down like a decade ago.


Guess I'll say Gorath. My toon did win a server pageant and was named Mr. Gorath. Sad to see it go, and turn into something it wasnt.


I won a wampa egg on in a contest the SWG forums and subsequently sold it for 300m credits. My ithorian was living like a king after that. I just miss collecting rareities in the game too.


I was probably 14. I saved up to buy the complete version (before it moved to (whatever) plus). My first day I was approached and sold my BARC bike. Later in the guild we found who ripped me off and he gave me some credit restitution. It really felt lived in, at those times.


> Bloodfin Been chasing the dragon with mmos for 2 decades because of the fun I had with AXIS. Nothing ever compares. Rip -Heat


Hello from VoD


VoD here too.


Bloodfin checking in. Miss hitting all my harvesters and making sweet sweet loot off of spice!


Galaxies hands down. It was a good run until they made everyone a Jedi. Still is one of my more memorable and favorite gaming experiences.


Conversely, my friend got married over Galaxies, haha. We held the wedding in game, had a genuine officiant lead it, and they also got married in real life. But it was a way for us online to participate since the both of 'em were guild members.


The map that was included in the game guide was the source of so many corporate passwords.


Ahazi, checking in. No game will ever do it for me, the way this game did it for me. Everything else has been a disappointment.


I was a Starsider


Kettemoor here!


As someone who's favorite is the Clone Wars era, definitely Republic Commando.


Super well-aged gameplay. Squad banter is unmatched. Nothing feels as cool as being Boss "Let's re-arrange some architecture Deltas!"


"Your behavior frightens and confuses me, sir."


“Hey Sev, this one looks like your mother!”


"Is it Red, Red, Green or Red, Green, Red?"


"And he's supposed to be the demolitions expert?"


"Time to do some radical restructuring!"


I’m an avid Republic Commando fan as well! Freaking love this game with all my heart! It holds up amazingly well; especially the actual game controls and squad mechanics. Graphics are great for its time but certainly a bit dated now (it’s almost 20 years later after all!) but they don’t bother me one bit. It pains me that this game never got its sequel.  Also, I pray that one day Delta Squad will get their own animated series or movie…. We got The Bad Batch but I NEED a traditional 4-man squad (pod) Republic Commando war epic with Delta or Omega Squad and Delta. The Clone Wars are such a rich timeline to pull from and I am likely not alone in saying that there are more stories there to tell!


This is mine. I just beat it again last month in anticipation for the Clone Commandos expansion for Star Wars Legion which released in May. Republic Commando is just so good! I find it more replayable than just about any other games on this list.


Same here. Except the part where I had to resort to pistol whipping B2s cause I’m bad Which was a lot of the time


The very best Clone Wars content.


I'm still more of a KotOR fan, but that game is too good. It's probably the reason I liked Clone Wars to begin with.


The absence of rogue leader is embarrassing.


Yeah what a joke to put the GameCube cover of Clone Wars and completely omit the objectively best Star Wars game on that system.


The amount of times I played just the Death Star mission would probably shock me if somebody showed me. I would just do it over and over every day


That was me with Hoth!


That game has aged so incredibly well for its time. The graphics for the space battles still hold up


star wars empire at war the best star wars statergy game, always seems to be left out of these sort of lists. Still has an amazing community and some crazy mods


That was a good one but the ground combat I always felt was lacking. Galactic Battlegrounds on the other hand was the perfect SW RTS. Would love a remake of that with the new Age 2 engine, I'd never leave my house again


Here for this, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds was the most fun RTS I’ve ever played


Clone Campaigns FTW!


Empire At War’s mods typically make ground combat much more enjoyable. Awakening of the Rebellion in particular makes ground combat extremely fun.


I really need to get back into some space battles there.


At the strategic level, I liked Rebellion better, but its tactical combat was atrocious.


Did you really forgot The Force Unleashed in the list? My favourite is probably OG Battlefront II, but Jedi Academy had the most impact on me. It felt like the definitive jedi experience and Movie Duels 2 was a dream come true for 8 y.o. me.


> Did you really forgot The Force Unleashed in the list? "I lied, as I have from the very beginning."


I forgot that the first Force Unleashed came out in the 2000s. Those were the last great Star Wars games before EA took over.


Before the dark times.


They microtransact now?!




there has been an unboxing... have you felt it?


A disturbance, my wallet has felt My marriage, over it is. Darth Loot Box has struck back


Movie Duels was next level. I used to play that shit for hours


Dang. I already said KOTOR, but Force Unleashed 1 and 2 are AMAZING.


Shame force unleashed 2 was rushed out the way it was. It was super disappointing but when you consider the dev time was only six (6) months it's insane there's as much there as there is.


Star Wars: Battlefront II is my favorite Star Wars game of all times. I also enjoyed the original Battlefront, and Republic Commando, and the Revenge of the Sith video game. The rest I haven't played yet.


Watch those wrist rockets!


For the Republic!


Battlefront 2 is just endlessly fun. It's not complicated, it's not "deep" it's "story" isn't particularly amazing, but the core premise is just so strong. It's so easy to pick up with some buds and play for an hour, a night or a week! It's just arcade-y enough to feel fun every time you pick it up regardless of how long it's been. I just don't feel the same way about the others on this list as much as I like them.


Ive played BF2 several times this week.  I used to play on steam but I actually love the switch version. 


Yeah the new version gets a lot of flack for being kind of janky, but the original was also pretty janky if we’re being real. I like the rerelease as well,


The 501st diaries are better than most of the shows and movies what do you mean Go watch the 501st coruscant pre mission journal


I played a lot of Bounty Hunter back in the day and had very fond memories of that game. So much so that I recently bought it again for my PS4. Holy crap, the movement controls for that game are so frustrating. I had completely forgotten about it until I replayed the game. That nolstagia lasted all of a day.


Yeah I was bummed when I went to revisit it a few years back. I struggled at times as a kid but holy hell I was shaking my head constantly just at the controls and mechanics. I was able to beat it but god it was a hassle.


I try to replay it every other month and yes the controls will always be janky. They failed in that aspect but the nostalgia overshadows it for me. I just keep replaying up until BG shit


Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga all the way, no shade to the other games but this game is peak


I spent so many hours on the grievous wheel bike mini-game, I was so good at it lol.


Final Fantasy X had gotten me into RPGS and when KOTOR was announced I was so excited. I played that game 13 times over in it's release year. I was addicted like you wouldn't believe


FFX is part of why the KOTOR spoiler nuke went over my head. Braska and Jecht got a lot of talk and screen time for dead guys. I figured it was the same for you know who.


KotOR 2 is the best game of all time. A piece of crap in terms of gameplay and looks today, but no other game has such and atmosphere and story.


KOTOR 2 is the game I could talk about for hours. It has so many narrative layers. A deconstruction of Star Wars. A deconstruction of the RPG format. An extended PTSD metaphor. The cruelty and necessity and pointlessness of war, and the victimisation of the victimiser. The damage of trauma folded inwards and the danger of trauma turned outwards. How people live with themselves after "heroism" that just meant a lot of monotonous murder and a universe that just pretends none of it even happened. It's unparalleled narrative art. It's a better movie than any of the movies. Or at least it is 80% of the way through. The last 20% is an incomprehensible rushjob followed by Kreia just sort of monologuing all the ideas they hadn't finished putting into practice yet.


I firmly believe that the only thing after a KotOR 2 playthrough that matters is if you have discovered something about yourself. It’s like a book that you can reread once in a few years to reflect on the growth you have done in the meantime.


Yeah, the 'big twist' of KOTOR didn't really surprise me, but KOTOR 2's ending surely stuck with me this whole time.


You put it so well. Kotor II had such a huge impact on me as like a 12 year old. On Naar Shadda you can give an old person some money and, like the Jedi I was, I happily did. Kriea explaining that you just got the man killed because your seemingly kindhearted action just made him a target made me really think things through. Revisiting it now I’ve appreciated it even more - Kreia’s nihilism is so well written, but the game makes a great point of showing that she’s still wrong. A light sided character *does* make a difference. They do help fix some of the problems of the world, and they do help their friends grow into better people. It’s a great deconstruction of RPGs while still showing that choosing to care, even in a hopeless world, is sometimes enough to start the change.


That's always the moment that people remember, and it's so powerful. And what I really love is that even if you savescum and pick the other option, a *different* murder takes place as a result of your actions. Kreia's point is not "you made the wrong choice that time" but rather "actions have consequences, people can die because of what you choose regardless of your intents, and you cannot create outcomes to your liking — trying to prevent suffering often creates even more suffering, and casually inflicting small cruelties can leave much worse cruelty in your wake." It's a lesson in responsibility, and a finger-wag at RPG tropes where outcomes are obvious and you either choose Good Choice or Bad Choice and then it happens, but also a nihilistic Sith Lord attempting to leverage a veteran's PTSD and survivor-guilt to undermine her sense of empathy and morality and emotionally disconnect her from other people; to teach her to see others as valueless tools for her own narrow purposes, just as Traya and Sion and Nihilus do in different ways. And as you say, even though it is very convincing — she's the "wise mentor" and the guy does really die — she is *wrong*. Kreia is deep and philosophical and teaches you many true things and many valuable lessons, and all of it is in service to a worldview that is empty and miserable and leads inexorably to self-destruction. It's such a powerful scene, and there's so many layers to it, this post is way too long and it's not even a quarter of the way through exploring the ideas in that one bit of Nar Shaddaa. Such an amazingly written game.


I'm still chasing the high of playing Kotor2 at 12 to this very day, if a genuinely good faithful remaster came out I might actually cry




The Xbox-exclusive Obi Wan game! Mostly for nostalgia reasons. You had force powers, could swing a lightsaber, and deflect blaster bolts. You could also snipe people and use grenades, it was wild: Obi Wan unleashed! There are side missions where you play as Plo Koon (or Eeth Koth, can’t remember), investigate a crime syndicate’s cortosis weapons manufacturing, and rescue Padme from Tusken Raiders (mostly by killing the whole village)! Also the voice acting for Obi Wan is really bad but in a good way. It reminds me of the weird time before the Prequels really took off when Star Wars was a much looser IP that wasn’t taken as seriously. Even if you have no interest in playing, this video is a fun overview of the game: https://youtu.be/QrasoJtiunU?si=OOa3d6KT2-4e6rIQ


Thank you for sharing this. I did play this game as a kid but due to the hard levels, I stopped playing it. Perhaps I will watch a game walkthrough on YouTube one day.


I remember a glitch on one of the jungle planets during the cortosis arc with the Jin-ha. I fell into something then it was like Qui- Gon was lobotomized. I couldn’t finish the mission because he just followed me around not doing anything! Great game though!


A friend came over and wanted to play. He got a jump-scare from a Naboo guard and killed him. “Thank goodness you’re here Jedi… arrrggh” is a fond memory. Video games used to be jankier but did have goofy moments like this.


Star Wars Galaxies, Pre-CU… there’s never been anything like it since, I miss it


BH/CM/pistoleer for life


You’re so right how there hasn’t really been something to capture that same magic that was there. I was just trying to explain to my son who loves minecraft how I was obsessed with a sandbox game called Star Wars galaxies. Having your own house, building cities, rez machine battles and running back to fight in your underwear, it was so much fun. I’ll never forget my time on the Valcyn server. Kept in contact for a while with a lot of those folks for a long time. Great memories


My head says KOTOR. My heart says Jedi Outcast.


To me, Jedi Outcast is the true GOAT. Anyone who says Jedi Academy doesn't understand that its basically just a DLC to Outcast that didn't really add much to the series. I like KOTOR, but I think its praise is too focused on the story. There are a lot of issues with the gameplay and talent system that for me makes it one of the most overrated games of all time. Not saying its a bad game by any means. But more like a 8.5/10 game rather than a 10/10


Jedi Outcast was phenomenal, and JA was also phenomenal. JA was nice because it allowed for a lot more customization (without having to mod).


Ayo where’s force unleashed


Jedi academy is the best lightsaber game of all time


Jedi Outcast along with Jedi Academy are some incredible adventures. Kyle Katarn is the GOAT of Star Wars Legends.


I can't believe Kyle was never made cannon, hes like Han and Luke combined. One of my favorite Star Wars characters. I have a replica of his lightsaber at home.


>Kyle Katarn https://c.tenor.com/tKVBHkyVmHQAAAAC/tenor.gif


Knights of the Old Republic and Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords


Kotor2. Still play that to this day, now with the restored content mod on my phone! I also really loved Obi-Wan at the time, especially for the great exploration of Naboo and Coruscant.


Two modded is so incredibly good. Played it during lockdown after only getting about a third of the way through as a kid on initial release. What a game!


I don't see Jedi Power Battles here...


This is the way


The game that made me realize I liked other saber colors and plo koon.


Power battles is it for me, but there were a bunch of greats that didn't even make this list. Bombad racing was actually a ton of fun and there was a twisted metal-like that was really fun too.


Battlefront II closely followed by Star Wars Episode One: Racer


I played most of these games but really loved Galaxies. I played a smuggler type character so that was fun. The Jundland Wastes really were not to be travelled lightly as the Tusken Raiders would insta-kill you.


Clone Wars,Jedi StarFighter and Bounty Hunter


Star Wars Galaxies. Spent years playing it and just wished it was still going (officially)


Jedi Knight 2


Galaxies. 14 years old, up at 4am assaulting an Imperial Star Destroyer… those were the days.


No other MMORPG has such an association with the late late night for me as SWG. Could just get lost in that game


SWG for sure. Loved KOTOR but SWG was dope. It was also my first experience of having a game dev ruin a beloved game for me. Many such cases nowadays!


KotOR hands-down


Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Will forever be my favorite Star Wars game


*X-Wing Alliance*




Where are the GameCube Rogue Squadron games!?!?! Wtf mate!? Obviously it's Kotor and The Jedi Knight Games. What's better? Battlefront II is an amazing star wars toy chest, but it's lack of a compelling narrative has always made it lesser in my eyes.


1. Star Wars Galaxies 2. KOTOR 2 3. KOTOR 1 4. Jedi Outcast Many hours were had in these games. Galaxies was my 2nd life for years growing up, haha.


Not on the list but Starfighter and Jedi Starfighter were some of my favorites. The Jedi Knight series were some of the first I ever got into. Still to this day haven’t met someone irl who played Obi Wan, but spent many hours on that one as well.


Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005). I would always punch the infinite Force cheat code (because the idea that you could run out of Force "energy" was absurd to me).


That was a gameplay mechanic first and foremost, but in both continuities, it is possible for Sith/Jedi to exhaust themselves from depleting their Force reserves. Everyone draws from the same wellspring that is the Cosmic Force. But everyone's individual battery size (to act as a conduit for the Force) is different, due to training and inherent potential via midichlorians. The RotS novelization (legends) even points it out during the fight between Anakin and Dooku. The latter grows fatigued trying to keep up with Skywalker and it diminishes every aspect of his being. Dooku's physical enhancements deteriorate and he feels every bit like an 83 years old, trying to keep up with someone sixty years younger. His mental perceptions are also reduced. Initially he can feel the entire battle taking place above Coruscant, but as the fight drags on, they shrink and he is barely able to focus on what it taking place within the observation room.


Knights of the Old Republic!


How were rogue squadrons forgotten??


Whoa whoa whoa!!!! Never even knew there was an Obi Wan game. Hello there!


KOTOR Got it the day it came out in '03 Played it all the way through at least a dozen times It's the only game in which each time I play through it I do something that I've never done before....CRAZINESS


Love KOTOR and Lego, but jedi academy still tickles my brain in the right way. Movie battles 2 is amazing!


KOTOR but honestly they era of Star Wars gaming was peak! Og Battlefront, Republic Commando (the feels)


KOTOR is amazing but we all know Jedi Power Battles is the GOAT


Jedi Outcast. No contest. First time I actually felt like a Jedi playing a Star Wars game.


Jedi Outcast.


Bounty Hunter. The Bando Gora were so creepy when I was 12


Republic Commando hands down. I'm still bitter about Imperial Commando being axed.


Where’s Empire at War? Is it safe?


Bruh how did you forget star wars empire at war lol




Impossible choice.


KOTOR forever


Racers Revenge


All of them! Also the ones you forgot, like TFU or Empire At War


Force unleashed was my fav starwars game of all time. Hands down.


Rogue Leader erasure will not be tolerated


The force unleashed and its not even close




Where is Super Bombad Racing?!


KOTOR for me, but I loved Rogue Leader (rogue squadron 2) for the GameCube as well! Everyone remembers the original but the sequel was awesome too


Don't forget Star Wars Jedi Starfighter Put a lot of hours into that as a young teen


Obi Wan had a cool glitch where if you threw your lightsaber and hit the white button on the Xbox controller to slow down time it would stay slowed down when you caught it. So you could do the end game Jedi brawl in slow motion like a jedi badass. I loved that game.


No Naboo star fighter game not a real list


those who played KOTOR know it's one of the best pieces of Star Wars media there is. unpopular opinion: KOTOR has a better story than some George Lucas Star Wars movies.


Everyone knows the complete saga is definitely the best