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I am totally down for a “get off my land” Jedi Wookie!


What are ye doing in my SWAMP?!


That dude sounds like scariest mofo ever. Jedi abilities, wookie strength, and zero tolerance? That’d be the very last being in the universe I’d ever mess with. This will be an interesting fight.


>"I see life! >"I see balance!" >"**I see an all-consuming fire that destroys all it touches. Your parents are dead. We're all just shells, not really alive, and all your dreams are just memories of other people's dreams. You're nothing, you're just dust and tears and a beating heart that craves love it can't receive and feels only pain. The dark silent maw of the abyss cradles us all, for there are we now, and there shall we ever return, even if, for a time, we imagine a light.**" >"*Good, children, very good!*"


Look some kids are just like that okay


Anakin: I keep having dreams that everyone I love will die tragically and I can't do anything to stop it and it's making me very angry and I don't know what to do. I'm coming to you begging for help please just someone help me. Yoda: Over it you must get, bro. Ignoring red flags might as well be part of the Jedi code by this point. It's canon.


Nothing inspires confidence like walking in on a member of your team doing his laundry.


I love how she somehow made "Yord" a curse word in that scene.


Kind of reminds me of Clone Wars, when Obi-Wan and Quilan Vos had to team up.


Wow, >!Trinity didn't even make it to the title sequence!<, damn.


Lol I had a feeling she was a complete gonner


She was only listed as being in one episode on IMDB, but I really wasn't expecting it to be over that quickly.


I figured as much. I think she'll be in a few flashbacks.


Has to be. We have to see WHY Mae wants revenge on the four Jedi. Whatever they did was bad enough that a Master was like "Yeah, suicide is completely valid here."


Dude meditated for 10 years to find peace for whatever he had done, and still couldn’t find it. Must have been heinous.


They probably killed (directly or caused Mae to do it by not wanting to leave) the family to take the 'force sensitive' children by force.


Up until the point when they >!came to arrest her!< I was really fingers crossed it was a dream/premonition sequence, that first 5 minutes was too peak


Cannot overstate how concerned and morbidly curious I am for learning what could be so heinous as to send a Jedi Master into a decade of self-imposed silence followed immediately by suicide.


Nice to see Trade Federation hardly changed in a hundred years.


They got more Japanese caricature-y if anything. Here, they're just pompous and vaguely European.


To me, it feels like they used the original accent as a jumping off point, but tried to create more of a specific Nemoidian accent. That was probably the best way they could’ve handled it honestly because this way it maintains continuity while also avoiding any allegations.




Mitch Hedberg: pilot droids can never break down. They can only temporarily become chairs


>!I used to have a twin sister. I still do, but I used to, too.!<


>!I think cycle the power couplings is Star Wars talk for “have you tried turning it off and on again?”!<


Blow on it


Translated to star trek: "reverse the polarity"


Sol, do you have a dark secret you swore to never reveal that you'd like to share with your former Padawan and the audience? I'm just saying, feels like you do.


My “I don’t have a dark secret I swore to never reveal” shirt sure is raising a lot of questions already answered by my shirt …


Those 4 jedi definitely killed her family/village


Guess is the Jedi believed the village was either harbouring enemies or one of her parents was secretly a Sith and the Jedi masters were dispatched to deal with it. However they fucked up the mission and it resulted in the village being destroyed and Sol saved Osha once he realized what they had done.


How come Sol says that he saw Mae die but she is still alive? She didn't get butnt to a crisp either


“Why did you name my sister Mae?” “Because the month of May is very important to us” “Thanks dad” “Don’t mention it Workplace Safety Guidelines”


She is a mechanic, OSHA is important


Sol, you sure you don't have a dark secret you've been holding for 16 years that you want to reveal?


Sigh... we started the fire


But I thought it was always burning..?


“Do you think it was her twin?” “No, I watched her die.” Minutes later. “It was my twin.” “I believe you.”


Both twins. My sister is dead. . . . Can't want to see what happened there.


Jedi totally murdered the village for some stupid prophecy reasons and that the twins are meant to be some sort of guiding light




Darth Vader would die to Mae


All that sand getting into his breathing filter. It would end him there and then!


“Anytime I had a problem, I threw a seismic charge, and then BOOM right away I had a different problem.”


**Osha:** No, I used the it. I just wanted to thank you. **Qimir:** Yo, yo! Homies, check it! There's something messed up with this woman. She is acting awkwrd, none of her clothes look the same, she doesn't know who Blake Bortles is. I know this sounds crazy, but I think she might be her sister. **Sol:** Qimir figured it out? Qimir? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.


I was thinking more of the time Jason knew it wasn't his Janet because she didn't say, "not a girl."




I wasn't a failed galactic criminal, I was "pre-successful".


I can’t believe I get this reference. I knew he was super familiar the second I saw him.


Dagobah is the Jacksonville, Florida of space


It's the voice/accent that gives him away. BORTLES!!


Jason figured out the flaw of the Jedi. Jason? Real low point for the Jedi.


"Who is HE?" "I thought he was with you" That got a genuine laugh from me.


Great line, couldn’t shake the feeling there’s something much more sinister beneath this goofy facade though. “You look just like her,” dude’s way more astute than he lets on


Definately. I'm just gonna take a wild guess that he's the big bad. Think about it, what would this character have to offer a dark side user as an ally? His goofy exterior would be a great facade for a true evil wielder. Even more so that the jedi had him and let him go.


Well he dodged Mae's attacks from behind his back and then easily overpowered her. He is supposedly a former smuggler and she is a Jedi killer. He also knows where all the Jedi are, knows how to make poison, knew the meditating Jedi's weakness, knows the Sith Code ("Peace is a lie...") and is "indirectly" guiding Mae on her quest. Also he just looked very sinister when he said "You look just like her" to Osha. And I don't think a non-Force-Sensitive would know she wasn't the same person. He had no reason to believe she had a twin. I think it is very obvious he is a Sith, lol. Unless it is a red-herring.


When he said peace is a lie it was a lock that he knew much more about the sith


I just assumed that he was another Acolyte in all honesty.


Bro's probably the sith apprentice trying to overthrow his master with Mae


I love Manny so much. That was definitely a Jason Mendoza line.




Oh my god! That’s where I recognized him from! Lmao, that’s crazy he got into Star Wars!


So she was 1 year younger than Anakin was when she joined the order


That's something my wife pointed out- maybe there is a good reason Yoda said Analon was too old to be trained




Analon Skyscraper.


Love seeing Force users using only the Force to evade attacks.


It really hit home just how powerful a Jedi Master is compared to a lesser-skilled fighter. Indara got sneak attacked to death, but until that point, both her and Sol were just toying with Mae. It was a nice example of not being overly flashy and extravagant in showing just how badass they are.


But also hubris and not taking their opponent seriously enough.


Yea exactly. She could have shut down that fight in the first 30 seconds. Instead she let a bar full of people get hurt and almost killed.


Yeah that gave me a chuckle how Indara pretty much only started taking the fight seriously after Mae had already thrown more than half the patrons around like rag dolls.


I was really expecting that little disk Mae threw at the doorman droid to explode.


I'm only bothered by the placement. She had the girl bait it out so she could throw it on ***top***? The part that is exposed even when the thing is retracted?


I think she might've needed it to be active to hack it and she also didn't want to be recorded.


So the jedi apprehended someone they thought killed a jedi master, but didn't stick around on the prison transport to make sure she made it to coruscant?


Good thing they put a cyborg in the ship that can wirelessly hack the ship.


When has anything in Star Wars had an ounce of network security.


I call him the WiFi Cenobite.




In a prison ship that even an average Jedi should have been able to escape


In a prison ship that regular-ass people were able to escape


hey to be fair it seems like they just re caught them instantly


A prison ship where the holding cells are spitting distance away from the pilots. And the pilots are chairs. Ingenious.


Didn’t something like that almost happened in clone wars, but then Anakin stepped in even if the council didn’t liked the idea?


Classic Yord. The Jedi have always had a high level of hubris.


Shirtless Yord vs shirtless Kylo 🤔


Starting a "Wake up breathing heavily" counter. We're at 3.


I kinda feel like the eps end super abruptly ?


they definitely do


This is my biggest complaint. It feels like half the scene is missing.


Second episode literally ended with a wookie shooing away scavengers and arriving home. Next episode will open on him grabbing a beer in front of the holo-TV


That was a clever way to take down a Jedi. Reminds me a lot of something HK-47 recommended in KOTAR 2: >HK-47: "A Technique that Revan used frequently was to attack a Jedi Indirectly. This method only works if the Jedi is adhering to the Self-Destructive path of pacifism and sacrifice. Kill their allies, or place them in jeopardy. Many Jedi will leave themselves exposed in order to protect another.


Getting so much KotOR energy from this show. “Don’t mind wipe me or whatever you Jedi do!”


There's also a Selkath in the background of one shot The Prison ship had a hammerhead design similar to KOTOR/Rebels/Rogue One


In the words of blue boi Thrawn: "To defeat an enemy, you must know them."


>!Makes sense the Dennis Reynolds lookalike is considered violent and needs to be subdued!<


He seemed untethered, to me. I’m not sure there are any bounds around his rage.


It was the implication that he was violent


Are these jedi in danger?


No Jedi are in danger. How are you not getting this?


it kinda sounds like they are


Looks over at an Jocasta Nu - you certainly wouldn’t be in any danger


Oh my god I thought it was him too


I saw that character and immediately thought it was him


>!”Peace is a lie” huh 👀!<


This line has given me a lot of hope that we'll get some well-rounded sith. I hope this 'acolyte' is like am Asajj Ventress type sith assassin that the apprentice is training.


That's my exact read of it. I rewatched some Ventress episodes of the Clone Wars today and I definitely got the same “The Apprentice is grooming an Acolyte to trade places once he kills his master” vibes that she and Dooku had


I like the actor playing Sol, he has gravitas


He should play a game with 455 other people


His character here is wayyy different than Squid Game. It’s pretty impressive


Holy shit that's what I recognize him from. He looked familiar but I didn't look up the cast yet.


Honestly, what's seriously astounding is that he doesn't speak English. This is his first English-speaking role and he put the fucking work in with voice coaches for months to deliver his lines and it's incredible.


According to some articles dude straight up learned English for this and has been a long-time Star Wars fan, and big fan of Qui-Gon. Interview was enough to get me fully invested in the show and it's paid off


The way he smiled at Osha was so genuine


Best part of the show. Same vibes as Baylan when he shows up on screen.


I guess I got very different vibes, but both have gravitas


There's been plenty of heroic sacrifices but I can't recall anyone straight up committing suicide before, much less a Jedi. I'm intrigued. 


Whatever those 4 jedi did must've been pretty bad lol


Reckon they caused the fire?


> There's been plenty of heroic sacrifices but I can't recall anyone straight up committing suicide before Luke letting himself fall down the chute in Empire Strikes Back after Vader has devastated him.


Oh interesting the different temples have different uniforms??


I believe it's an outer rim/core world thing. I've seen it across a few different media, specifically in the High Republic era. They say it in the second episode, "We didn't expect Coruscant to be interested in our little break in", there was a bit of a rift. Outer rim Jedi kinda like the plain jane and see the Coruscanti Jedi robes as opulent.


Yeah it's an interesting split that I don't know much about


Yea, HR Jedi are often stationed or assigned to different outposts once they become Padawans or Knights. They're not all stationed on Coruscant like the prequel Jedi. I've read all of the young adult and adult HR novels. One Jedi in the books was even nervous about where he would get assigned.


Almost a Fugitive moment.


I half expected Sol to yell “I don’t care!”


Force Wookie


Loved the whole thing, but the Wookie force-snatching a blaster and then bending it in half with their bare hands for good measure was my favorite part.


Just a pure display of power on their part. *"Bitch, please, I am a Jedi AND a Wookie, you have no chance here."*


"Bitch, I don't need a lightsaber to whoop your ass."


I have a feeling the Wookie will be my favorite


shout to my boy Gungi, but it was dope seeing a full blown adult Wookiee Jedi and I cannot wait to see more.


>!by crashing that ship Osha committed OSHA violations!<


Lmao when they sent her out to repair the shields and called her Osha I was like wait did they really just do that.. right on the nose


I’m in love with how many practical Aliens there are. A great mix of old ones and new ones


Yeah it had the production value of some of the movies. I like. It makes the galaxy feel more alive having these bonkers aliens around.


Gotta steam those Jedi robes can’t be running around with them all wrinkled up.


Missed opportunity to name Osha's sister Hippa


Wait is Mae’s friend Jason from the good place




Oh that's a new low


I love that the villain's primary goal is: Beat a jedi to death


My favourite part is that doesn't seem to realise the problem with leaving the wookiee Jedi for the end and killing all the rest with a weapon. Imagine if she actually managed to stab Sol and was left having to do a boxing match with a wookiee to the death


It's just a side mission, I bet she's willing to miss out on the achievement if it means she gets her revenge lol.


“This guy? I thought he was with you?” Jason from The Good Place came out for a sec lol


Should’ve taken the saber.


Her going for her opponents saber multiple times during fights but then leaving Indara’s on the ground has got to mean something right? Like she can’t have her own to bleed until she takes one from a living Jedi or something?


That's my theory, after all sith need to bleed a kyber crystal, and at this point in time the Jedi have a monopoly on those


Oooooh that makes sense. Can’t get your weapon until you prove you don’t always need it or something like that?


gang initiation- gotta defeat a jedi to get their lightsaber.


Vernestra saying "No this cannot be an email, we have to have a meeting in office."


Vernestra: Kelnacca will be fine. No one can kill a wookiee. Sol: I wish that were so


>Peace is a lie. omg keep going. there is only passion…


Through passion I gain strength...


Why is every planet setting just a marketplace. I feel like every single Star Wars show even the best ones like Andor and Mandalorian have all these “alien” planets look exactly the same. Where it’s just a street with alien marketplaces.


They must really have taken peoples' comments about Disney era SW lacking unique alien characters to heart, because there are a ton of them around in these episodes. That was cool to see


Sol gives off a Qui-Gon vibe and I fuck with it.


He’s pretty much Qui-Gon. - He brought a student to the Jedi Order even though there were concerns about he age. - He couldn’t save the student’s relative. - He is shown disagreeing with the Jedi Council.


“Couldn’t save the students relatives” I mean it feels like he and the other 3 probably murdered those people right? Getting KotOR comics vibes where the Jedi masters murder their students because they have a force vision and are so arrogant they think it will be “for the greater good”. Master Sol seems a little *too* likeable.


Not sure if they murdered anyone necessarily, but might have been the cause of their deaths and are covering it up.


So Trinity got one scene lmao


I want that Star Wars Pip Boy.


I’m sure he’ll be at the Disney droid shop lol


“Do you think that..” “no I saw her die” well bitch get ya eyes checked


Sol, is growing on me.


Sol was very cool


Master Torbin is a G


Did he sit there and sip on the force for sustenance for 12 years? Or did he have to get up to take shits and stuff?


I don’t think it was implied that he was meditating for a decade, just that he took a vow of silence.


The Barash vow in the comics basically meant that the Jedi that partook in the vow would not take part in any Jedi activities whatsoever.  I am surprised to see him at a Jedi Temple


Torbin needs to invest in better spirit gum.


Motherfucker looked like a 16 year old with a fake beard and bald cap


My initial take on what's going on: * Four Jedi Masters did something possibly unspeakable for a reason they deemed important and severe enough in order to break the Jedi code and commit some kind of atrocity. This strongly reminds me of the **Padawan Masacre** and **hunt for Zayne Carrick** from Legends and I feel that the plot may be inspired by that story. Perhaps the four Masters saw visions of what one of the twins would become and decided to somehow intervene. No doubt Sol pleaded to be allowed to apprentice Osha but couldn't save or have Mae. Osha was a stuborn student, during their conversation she mentions she didn't listen well to Sol and Indira (one of the four Masters) seems to have voted to have her cast out of the Jedi order. We'll have to see how right I am and if something like that is unfolding. * The Jedi of this era are seemingly very **self-righteous**. Vernestra Rwoh speaks of political opponents, something the Jedi around the prequel era wouldn't occupy themselves with. Qimir immediately fears having a mind trick done to him, which may be an indication that the Jedi of this era are known to abuse their powers as they see fit for 'a greater good' to the point that the general populace almost fears them. Their robes are also of great splendor. It seems that something is going to happen which humbles the Jedi, possibly resulting in the plain robes we see during the prequel trilogy. We also see that the Jedi on Olega are almost neglected, to the point that the Jedi Padawan there is rather undisciplined having poor physique and being abnormally brusque for a Jedi. Perhaps it is temple outposts like these where the less glorious and unsuccessful Jedi are sent to, so that the Coruscant temple can keep up appearances of being a paragon of perfection. The Jedi of this era may be quite unpleasant and no doubt that's intentional to the plot. * The darkside Master that Mae seems to answer to is quite possibly a Sith, given how he masks his appearance from even Mae's mind. We hear Mae say the line "peace is a lie" which she no doubt learned from this Master. Perhaps he's looking for a worthy apprentice and these tests are meant for Mae to prove herself (similar to how a young Maul in Legends was tested to kill a Jedi prior to even being considered an apprentice), or perhaps he is playing sides against one another and Mae is a mere instrument of this. We do not know if he is one of the Rule of Two, it is always possible that other splinter groups survived after the destruction of the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness. Time will tell who this figure is and if he's indeed Sith or if he's some unaffiliated dark side user.


Green Jedi lady is everything that is wrong with the Jedi


She was surprisingly quick to drop the Osha thread after the second temple break-in. It's almost reasonable of her.


That's why I like her. She's too far deep in the bureaucracy of the order to see that it's wrong, but is still intelligent in other respects. I think it's well-written for her to fall into those trappings without doing the whole "being stupid advances the plot" thing.


Yeah, after 100 years and the whole Nihil business, it looks like the bureaucracy of the Jedi order has worn Vernestra down.  It's a shame.  


If I had a nickel for every time >!Dean Charles Chapman played a character who committed suicide because he was wracked with guilt over his complicity in a heinous act!< I’d have two nickels…


Tommen from Game of Thrones, to save everyone a search.


Holy shit I would have never recognized him


As I presumed, Sol is a goat


he looks human to me


I like that the Jedi aren't dressed as Tatooine Moister Farmers


I really like how they are showing the cracks in the Jedi. It's great seeing some of what lead them to become the Jedi we see in Episode I.


I really like the line where when the green Jedi talks to Sol and Sol immediately brings up concerns about political enemies.


That’s probably why they eventually cover up whatever happens in this show so by the time Phantom Menace rolls around that’s why they say the Sith have been dead for a millennia


I was really interested to see how the cracks would show, and they're doing a good job showing that. The Padawan shouting "In the name of the Republic" and Vernestra worrying about the politics of the murder are prime Prequel Jedi tactics. Or tryna have a whole meeting as Sol and the gang are on Mae's trail.


This feels very much like the prequels for better or worse. I like all the alien designs. Also I find this show very visually appealing. Idk why.. it just looks good? 


Agreed on the visuals! Read a review earlier today suggesting that was the weakest part, but I think it looks great. Genuinely feels alien instead of feeling like it was filmed in California lol.


"Prospered for centuries without war" you say?  What was the Nihil, a disagreement?   That was felt like a war.


Just a "conflict" is probably how the Republic views it.


Special Military Operation


Three days to Coruscant.


This is getting out of hand! Now there are an entire cast of gunrays!


The Padawan has a solid plan.  You trained her well Sol.


My father and I had a lot of fun with these first episodes. The cast of characters seem likeable so far, and the action scenes are cool. Here's some fun facts about Characters who be alive at this point Yoda: 764 years old Chewbacca: 100ish Years old Jabba the Hutt: 500ish Bendu: I'm just gonna assume he's out there somewhere doing his fence sitting. As a quick aside, Grey Jedi are controversial. But can we just start calling the idea of a Grey Jedi, the Bendu. I think that be a sick name. Plo Koon: 280ish years old Huyang: 24,900ish The yet to be tragic Darth Plagueis The Wise: could not find a solid age for him. But I've seen his birth be placed somewhere between 147-120 BBY. So he could be anywhere from 20s college student to having a mid life crisis in his 40s.


> Yoda: 764 years old And doubtless looking fantastic.


When 764 years old, you reach, look as good, you will not mmm


Plo Koon would also be alive and likely active during this time as well.