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Most importantly the movie gave us the seismic charge sound.




More like bwooooooooooooooooongg


IT'S FULL FORCE WHEN I STEP TO THE FORE BRINGING YOU THAT FUEL SOURCED FRESH FROM THE CORE [(context for the uninitiated)](https://youtu.be/utFRqsT61-k?si=LJ4IrP28gq9RIxhK)


Aghhh yeahhh thatl get ya there


This sound is probably 30% of why I now listen to electronic music


Anyone who loves the seismic charge sound in space can't complain about fire in space


As good as that sound is, I actually prefer that sound the carriage droid makes when it drops anakin and padme off at Watto’s junkyard on tattooine


A man of culture.


That sound was originally used in the original Star Trek movie from the 70’s.


It doesn't matter how it's rated - some enjoy it, others don't. From a movie making perspective it's making some questionable choices and it has some weird dialogue.  However: I love the soundtrack. As a child I loved everything. Even Ewan McGregors Jedi mullet. As an adult, when I'm in the right mood, I still love watching it.


All of them have weird dialogue. Ep 1-6, George wrote them.


"But we can’t turn back, fear is their greatest defense, I doubt if the actual security there is any greater than it was on Aquilae or Sullust and what there is is most likely directed towards a large-scale assault.”


Good thing that was cut, you just know Harrison probably said “Wtf George?!” when he heard Mark read it aloud for the first time. 


Infamously George coded.


George only wrote A New Hope of the OT


This is a common misconception, but I think he actually wrote drafts of all the movies in the OT. He's uncredited on Empire but a lot of his original ideas and dialogue is in the final movie Source: the Making of Star Wars books by JW Rinzler


"Drafts" does the heavy lifting there. There's a reason that George Lucas is a renowned ideas guy and a panned dialogue writer. It is commonly accepted that the prequels were mediocre because Lucas had too much authority and the production could not fix the dialogue. Sadly, this makes the Disney trilogy even worse. They didn't have that handicap. They had an unlimited budget *and a blank slate,* and blew it even worse than Lucas ever did... because he is at least an ideas guy.


Did he not direct the writers moving forward on his project? Or he let them do whatever they want?


there's something in the prequels especially where a lot of it feels like it was written for a theater stage, with a lot of the performances/deliveries really pushing that sensation


Space Opera. It's a space Opera.


George Lucas came up with story ideas, but he did not write Empire and Jedi. Edit: Correction, he shares a screenplay credit on Jedi with Lawrence Kasdan. But if I recall correctly, if made a pass at the first draft and Kasdan went back and redid it.


The dialogue was horrible and killed the enjoyment of the movie for me. Better writing and it would have been awesome the dialogue is that bad.


Or just less dialogue. Would have been fine for me too


Anakin: “I’ve been obsessed with you since I was a child and love you even though we haven’t talked in a decade. Also, I massacred an entire village of primitive aliens. Including the women and children.” Padme: “Marry me and have my children.”


In hindsight it would’ve made more sense if he hid that from Padme and it grew on him like a poison. Only for her to find out years later from Obi wan.


Yes Anakin pretending to be hurt falling off the space cow on the romance planet is the defining moment of the franchise.


>jango fett count dooku clone troopers romance between padme and anakin Ewan mcgregor as obi wan yoda fighting with a light saber plans for the Death Star in the film A happy meal doesn't turn into real food just because the box has a cool toy. "Things" in a movie aren't a substitute for a good plot, premise, acting, dialogue, script, editing, pacing and directing. All of which were lacking.


I’d say the romance between Anakin and Padme is a main detractor from the film. Almost impossible to watch


Anakin comes off as a psycho in most of their scenes.


Ah but it's good if you use like 5 headcanons!


I just need one headcannon, and that's Padme is secretly a sick little puppy. It's the only way to make sense of her ignoring a bazillion red flags, then breaking up with him while wearing fetish gear, then later when he admits to mass murder of women and children she shrugs, says "we've all been there" and decides he's a keeper after all. You just know when she was queen she used to torture gungans in the palace dungeon for kicks.


Anakin comes off as a psycho in most of AOTC and ROTS to be frank


Rewatched it recently with my wife (first viewing for her, first for me in years) and honestly the romance makes no sense. Anakin acts like a creepy weirdo in every interaction and Padme keeps gently pushing him aside until she spontaneously gives in to her feelings, but it’s hard to see where those feelings come from.


Did same with my gf last year. She could not understand wtf was wrong with Padme when that creepy obsessive boy kept coming onto her but padme still… fell for it? And I was forced to agree. Rest of the movie is actually mostly great.


"Democracy is very important to me" "That's cool padme, anyway if I was in charge I would have a dictatorship" "You're joking right?" "No"


With Padme being sultry in her dominatrix dress next to a fireplace…….


* Outfit personally designed by George Lucas....


It is incredibly painful to watch. Especially the scene where he creepily floats the apple over to her with the force.


The thing that gets me most about that scene is that the fruit is CGI, so when Padme bites it, it just looks really off, like videogame characters drinking water.


I feel like the only person who DIDN'T want to see Yoda fight with a lightsaber.


I kind of feel like it cheapens the character. Yoda doesn’t need a lightsaber he should be able to hold off a whole army with the Force.


yeah wasn't the point of Yoda that the force can be strong in anybody. not just super ninja warriors.


Yoda nor the Emperor, really. 


And the kicker is that both times they make Yoda duel it's pretty much inconsequential. So it was just put in for the sake of Yoda fighting with a lightsaber. He resolves nothing by doing it. Dooku gets away. Palpatine beats him.


I thought it was dumb as hell at the time. I still do, but I used to, too.


I watched this as 13 year old when it premiered (so target audience) and my buddy and I BOTH started laughing as soon as the Yoda flips started.


Lol and then he grabs his cane and hunches over like "ughhhhh" So unnecessary.


Mitch Hedberg reference gets an automatic upvote.


Nah I'm with you. The entire sequence is awful.


When I was young I loved it, as I mature, I still see it as a cool action scene, but I don't really like it for the story or the plot. A master of the force he should've been. Like Palpatine, I still remember in the OT how he dislike the jedi weapons, and he uses one and trains his disciples with it? Vader had it because he was Ben disciple, former jedi knight/warrior.


I’d agree on with you for the most part. Swan McGregor gives a great performance as Obi-Wan and it makes the movie watchable.


Well now I want to see a humanoid swan as a Jedi master


Honklo there


You’re listing good *elements* from the movie. The movie itself is terrible.


Yeah, it's the only SW movie I genuinely struggle to finish. It has good ideas, but good ideas don't make something good. Worst part of the movie for me is the lightsaber duels, they're by far the worst in the movies for me.


"Good ideas don't make something good" could be the slogan for the Prequels


It just feels like nothing really happens in attack of the clones


It’s because nothing does until the final battle, or at least events that are interesting


Lightsaber battles without stakes and without imperfection is just dull.


The worst one by far is the Anakin and Dooku duel, where it's just close ups of their faces with coloured lights moving across them.


We're opposites, there are so many scenes I love, all the way to the end. Only a couple cringy moments. Legit my favorite SW movie.


I noticed that too, kinda ridiculous to see technical regressions from Episode 1 with Saber combat


Yeah, the duel in Episode I is the best lightsaber duel ever, going from that to the worst in the series is kinda crazy.


I rewatched both the prequels and sequels last year. I didn't finish AOTC as I knew what was to come after the space duel with Obi-Wan and Jango.


Nit even that, they're just listing things they thought were cool. Imagine if someone didn't know anything about star wars and you told them "the movies great, the Clone Wars start at the end" Not to mention the on the nose line by Yoda "Begun, the Clone Wars have." C'mon now OP


Or the fact that Jango is just a recolored Boba Fett. How does that count?


This is the best way to put it. I'll admit AOTC has several good \*scenes\* and or ideas that I like, but I can't honestly call it a good movie when it keeps stopping the interesting "Obi-wan as a detective" stuff to show us one of the worst romances on screen.


This is the deal. It’s appropriately rated as bad, but maybe not quite as bad as Phantom Menace. But the impressiveness of the CGI had worn off by Clones.


Honestly, I like Phantom Menace way better. But also I’m a sucker for great costuming and Queen Amidala had me in a chokehold


I can easily rewatch Phantom Menace but AotC is such a struggle to watch and imo the worst. Even my childhood nostalgia for the prequels can't blind me to fact of how bad it is.


Sorry but I disagree, it is now underhated. It has seen a resurgence in its reception with fans to the point where some people call it a good movie having not watched it in the last 10 years. The acting is awful, the CGI is good in some places, horrible in others. The plot is out of a video game, the romance is cringeworthy as is the script. You seem to just be listing cool fan service moments as your reason for liking the movie. If that is all it takes to make you like a film, I envy you a lot.


The entirety of the prequel trilogy is underhated now because people remember these movies with a haze of nostalgia. Just because The Clone Wars was great doesn't mean that the media from the same era that came before is as well.


The reevaluation of the prequels has generally been a net negative for Star Wars. I grew up with them too, doesn't make them good or misunderstood or whatever. 


It’s gotten us stuck in this loop where new Star Wars content almost has to have something from the prequels in it.


I'm still waiting for a new Republic Commando game or series.


I’d rather move onto a new era.


Revenge of the Sith should have been the prequel trilogy.  1 and 2 should have been the backstory.


I wish this were true, but people use the sequels as a reference point to hoist the prequels up from the depths of awfulness from which they sat. If you asked a huge number of fans which is better, attack of the clones or the last Jedi, many would say AOTC even though TLJ is absolutely the better movie and the critic scores reflect that in droves.


Those people are just mad because The Last Jedi tried being a real movie


I hate The Last Jedi, but Attack of the Clones is *the* worst Star Wars movie.


What’s your opinion on phantom?




Better or worse than episode II to you?


Really hard to say. Both are uniquely awful in their own ways, but AOTC probably deserves extra criticism given Lucas had a few extra years to address some of the issues from Phantom Menace. Asking me to choose which of two awful things is slightly less awful is kind of unfair though.


I’d say episode II because it aged much worse than episode I, episode I is decent despite the amount of flaws but episode II is just so boring and has such a terrible plot


imo episode 2 is better solely bc of entertainment factor. phantom menace makes me yawn, attack of the clones makes me laugh.


Episode II makes me do both lol


This is the really is the best example of why nobody takes Star Wars fans seriously. You didn't list good things about the film itself, you just listed some iconography. The same kind people applaud and scream about during MCU films. AOTC is the first film my dad ever took me to see, and we even bought a little figure of Yoda afterwards. Even I think it's terrible. I still like watching it every now and then. It's okay to like bad films, you don't need to pretend it's some underrated masterpiece or w/e to justify it to yourself. 


"It's okay to like bad films" is the point that evades a lot of SW fans I think. I was 10 when Episode I came out and it felt like the most important thing that had ever happened: new Star Wars, and I could see it in theaters! My brother and I watched it so many times we had the entire movie memorized. I will always love that movie, no matter what. But I also recognize that, objectively, it's a bad movie. I'm perfectly content to admit that. Hell, I like all the movies to some degree - but I don't feel the need to defend their artistic quality because of that. The spaceships go zoom zoom and the laser swords go wao wao and that makes me feel happy inside, and I will never apologize for that, but that doesn't mean the movies are great art.


Attack of the Clones makes me genuinely laugh out loud when Anakin and Dooku are fighting and it does the closeups on their faces.


Look. I know you kids love the prequels and you can love whatever you want. I don't care.  But my man you just listed off action figures. Having Jango Fett or Clone Troopers or fights isn't really enough to make a movie good.  I guess it's fine for a Tiktok. But the writing, pacing, editing, complete lack of chemistry between Anakin and Padme and their miserable dialogue? I'm sorry. If anything it's overrated. 


I went to reread the post and got to ''We see plans for the Death Star in the film'' and just fucking lost it.


It's the worst Star War. Worst dialogue, acting/direction, pacing, etc. It's overrated anytime anyone says it's not the worst Star War. 


The mixed practical and digital effects aged so poorly too, TPM looks way better


As lame as the story is, the arena battle is awesome. It still surprises me that the arena itself was actually a miniature and not CGI. There's just so much cgi covering it that you can't tell.


It's way too long and plodding for TikTok. Tempo is Attack of the Clones biggest failing, it's an absolute drag to get from one set piece to the next.


You can get away with shit dialog if the pace is breakneck, and you can get away with a plodding pace if the dialog is compelling, but plodding pace with godawful dialog makes a really bad movie.


The quality of something is not the sum of its parts. Unless maybe you're eating from a bag of lollies - which i now realize is how a lot of the more accepting fans seem to view films. Go figure. It is currently overrated if anything. Bits and bobs of vehicles, weapons or character designs does not a good movie make. Yoda fighting with a sabre sucked balls.


>Ewan mcgregor as obi wan.  Ewan McGregor was already Obi Wan. Listing an existing casting choice from a previous film is not really a pro.


Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine


More power to you I find it a slog for a majority lol


The Dexter Jettsetter scene should be banned as torture by the United Nations.


How big your...pocketbook is...


The whole clone army plot is so so stupid. Obi wan finds a dart from a guy who killed an assassin who was trying to kill Padme. He goes to this mysterious planet which has been wiped from records which contains the assassin, his son, and thousands of clones of him. No one in the Republic knows what the deal is with these clones is, yet supposedly just hours/days later all the Clones are mobilised and launch a full scale attack on the droid factory planet. Like what? Who coordinated this? Where did this shit come from and why are we trusting thousands of clones of an assassin who *wanted to kill a senator?* There's this vague suggestion that it was 'sifo dias' but we don't know who that is either. This plot is just stupid as hell and could have been achieved in so many other ways. I feel like we just went along with it as kids because they all looked cool but this was such a crazy plotline.


it is in fact so nonsensical that people tried to unravel it in at least two different continuities, and yet both times they ended up writing themselves into a corner with how fucking stupid it is. 


When people say the romance is the worst part of the movie, I can't help but remember that this whole plot is absolutely insane.


I love that you love that movie. I will gladly offload any Attack of the Clones watches onto you.


The bit where Obi wan jumps through the window is fuckin sick


The crudeness is distasteful, but the Plinkett critique remains undefeated. https://youtu.be/KPt1am18lR4?si=2bJfmf9WenVT9Jxl And for an edited version of the EP. 1 version https://youtu.be/K0YHjqQD7E4?si=NgbLykgU5v1Bbmdz


I thought it was a steaming pile of horse crap. The Fett origins was kinda lame. Dooku was not impressive. The dialogue is just atrocious and makes a normal person cringe every 2 minutes. They courtship between Ani and Pads was really, really poorly done. Man....I could go on but I won't. It's too sad. There were some cool visuals but that was about it. The actor playing Ani was just awful too. Ugh. Sorry not sorry.


And your thoughts would be correct. It's not even a hard thought to have... it should be obvious to anyone. The only acceptable way to like these prequels is to concede they're basically dog-shit, but you just like the vibe, the atmosphere, the nostalgia, or the simple comfort it brings you to watch a low investment shiny turd. I have my own films that fit that bill, but it certainly is not this. It would be nice if that were so, but the negative aspects are just too great that they pollute everything around them. That said... I've probably still watched it 4 times just to have a kind of laugh when i look up from my laptop. So it has some "purpose" to me I suppose.


Was any of it good though?


Can anyone sit through those Padme and Anakin scenes without puking in their mouth? It's not just the bad dialogue and bad acting. It all looks so visually cheesy too. Some movies get so bad or cheesy that they become somewhat entertaining or endearing. This is far below that and into the depths of WTF were they even thinking?? How did that crud even get to the editing table? The mind actually boggles at how intolerably bad those scenes are. And the other scenes are hardly any better either. The whole climax was worse than some of the worst computer game cut-scenes (which are usually ballz lets be honest).


I really didn't like Anakin in ep2. Otherwise I enjoyed almost everything else. I find the clone wars depicted Anakin much better.


As a movie, ignoring Star Wars, it’s not well made. Very clunky and awkward dialogue ‘I don’t like sand’ lol. CGI was overused and a lot of the effects have not aged well. The love story was so poorly done it wasn’t remotely believable. The mysterious conspiracy about the origin of the clone army is never resolved and forgotten about. It’s just not a well written or filmed movie. Star Wars or otherwise.


I enjoy all Star Wars movies but I think AOTC is easily the worst one.


By some distance.


I disagree to say the least. It’s the worst of the Skywalker saga. But it does have its moments I suppose. I think more underrated is Phantom. IMO, it’s the best of the prequels. Still not great but I think it’s better than Revenge, which seems like most rankings don’t agree.


No, it isn’t. It’s pretty terrible and definitely worst of the prequels. You might want to go home and rethink your life.


I used to skip the majority of the scenes with Anakin as the dialogue is awful. Found the no cheese version and loved that version of AotC. Agree with the positive points and the sonic charge sound is amazing and I geek out over the kenobi jango battle scenes.


No it’s terrible and you were a child when you saw it, so your experience is tainted. It happens to us all.


Has arguably the best space dogfight in the franchise


The Death Star trench run is unmatched IMO, I barely remember anything about the Jango-Obi fight


I can't even remember them besides that chase through some asteroids... I think something that divides people on such movies is one group of people are happy to eat little bits and pieces of a film and view them in complete isolation, while other need the wider context and emotional pay off to give a scene or battle meaning. Like for instance a space battle is completely forgettable and boring to many people who don't feel there are any actual STAKES going on. It could be the most amazing CGI ever yet it will always be forgettable to me if I don't give a shit about the characters or the characters don't even feel real. It also doesn't help when the stakes of situation are not sold to the audience in a compelling way - we're *told* they matter (through blatant exposition thrown straight in our face), but we're not *shown* why it matters. This is a common problem with any cookie-cutter theme-park style film - not just Star Wars.


AOTC is actually my least favorite star wars movie. There are parts about it that i enjoy of course, but i enjoy all the other movies a bit, or a lot more.


If not for nothing, Attack of the Clones gave us “Across the Stars” and for that I am forever grateful


You sound like an out of touch studio exec. You can't just put a checklist of "cool stuff" in your movie and expect it to be good. Also yoda with a lightsaber, not a good thing.


Unfortunately, movies aren't a checklist of characters, plot arcs, costumes and lines of dialogue that might pay off in a later movie or series, or a curated selection of YouTube clips. They're supposed to be a well-composed single-story experience where the performances, sets, dialogue and plot all pull together.


It’s a bad movie with good parts. But you will still watch it because it has meaning and importance to the story which we all love.


Yeah it's weird to me how Attack of fhe Clones is now seen as the worst when growing up it was Phantom Menace that was always seen as the worst lol when episode 2 came out I remember most people saying it was an improvement, and the critics liked it more than Phantom Menace too. The speeder chase sequence, Obi-Wan fighting Jango, the space pursuit/seismic charges, pretty much everything on geonosis...theres so much awesome stuff in this movie.


I wished we had a spinoff about that border dispute on Ansion.


I think it has a book but I never read it


I think AotC is overhated but I still think it's the worst of the prequels. Of all the George Lucas SW films, it's the one I think he got closest to the campy Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon strips that he always said inspired SW in the first place. Unfortunately I just don't think a lot of it really lands. The dialogue and acting between Anakin and Padme are certainly campy, but not in any good way. It really sucks bc it seemed like Hayden and Natalie had really good chemistry off screen.


Attack of the clones is fucking ass 😂😂


Personally I love episode 2!


It's my favorite prequel. The only issues I have with it are some cringe dialogue from Anakin, and that terrible fake beard Obi Wan has in a few reshoot scenes


No it is not it's the worst movie in the series. We are not going to pretend otherwise


Some of Anakins dialogue is straight cringe. I definitely don’t hate the movie though.


Recently rewatched for the first time in years. The last 30 mins are great, unfortunately it's 2 1/2 hours...


Obi-Wan Jedi mind tricked Elan ~~Sel'Sabagno~~ Sleazebaggano so hard he cleaned up his act and by the time of the Empire he had a child.


It might be underrated... but it's still the worst starwars movie not excluding the sequel series.. (which I refuse to even acknowledge).


Attack of the Clones is an amazing movie if you watch it in a language you don't understand


Now I'll rip thus film to shreds. I'll sit there and I'll pick at every issue, nonsensical decision and dumb thing. I've gone on multiple rants about how the whole plan just makes no sense whatsoever and is even more ridiculous, convoluted and reliant on things going exactly to plan than the 'save Han' plan. But damn I fecking love this film so much. Its so dumb and stupid but, damn, that inner kid me still is just so amazed and loves every second of it. I always thought the Clones were just so cool. Oh and me growing up and then discovering I'm just a massive Jango simp also helps.


imo it has the worst action of the prequel trilogy. that dooku fight is awful until Yoda shows up, and I can't say I'm crazy about him fighting his former student with a lightsaber. the dialogue is also fucking abhorrent. it's so bad. Anakin and Padme are so awful in the movie. clone wars is doing the heavy lifting for making me like them. also everyone is a complete idiot in the movie. kamino is cool as hell tho, and this is the prequel that actually made me like Obi Wan. for some reason, he's barely a factor in Phantom Menace


It gave us all of those things in the sense, and to the extent, that Olive Garden gives us an Italian meal. It may be terrible and cooked in a plastic bag, but it is, indeed, technically pasta.


One of them had to be the worst of the prequel trilogy. Sadly it has to be episode II for me. Episode I has pod racing, Darth maul, duel of the fates, and the totally bias inducing fact that it was the first movie I ever saw in a theater. Episode III is just the best of the prequel trilogy therefore Episode II has to be the worst of the three.


*Attack of the Clones* probably introduced more fecund material into canon than any of the other films, but it isn't *good* in and of itself because it's deeply a product of the time. It is, I believe, the saga film with the single heaviest use of green screen, and it shows in the performances. They're stilted and a little lost, and the dialogue isn't dynamic enough outside a couple sharp flashes to elevate the listlessness that all that green screen created. The actors aren't *bad* but they've got nothing to act off of. I think that even affects scenes in the film where they *aren't* heavily using green screen, as the actors never really developed an easy comfort with each other because most of the time they were just acting alone and being told what was going to be CGI'd in later. *The Clone Wars* is a testament to how good the material introduced in Episode II is because it takes all that material and absolutely kills with it, and it kinda makes me sad because if *Attack of the Clones* had been made when things like the volume were available I really think it would be one of the best movies in the series.


The acting in this movie is fascinating. The only person who seems to know what he's doing is Ian McDiarmid. Keep in mind, he's a well regarded theater actor and director. He knows how to handle scenes where he has to use his imagination and he was playing a character he had decided was somewhat detached. Then you have Ewan McGregor, who doesn't have McDiarmid's experience, but who does have excellent timing and who just decides to play things almost as a comedy. It works. All of the actors are trying to use whatever tools they have, but it isn't enough. Lee falls back on his Dracula experience but then, he's used to having a real and detailed set to help him out. I actually find Natalie Portman's Padme really interesting because I think she plays Padme with far more intelligence than Lucas really gave her, but her problem is that Portman clearly doesn't like Anakin. I don't think she disliked Hayden, but you could tell she was clearly not able to understand what Padme saw in Anakin when he was acting psychotic. And then you have poor Hayden, who isn't a bad actor at all, but he's stuck playing someone who was just at the mercy of whatever Lucas was thinking.


I can't agree. It's the worst saga film and works hard to earn that place.


I’m with you buddy. It’s my favorite Star Wars movie. Lot of haters in here, but they can’t take away what I love.


The movie is not good, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.


It is way way better than the Phantom Menace. People have a soft spot for Episode 1. and pile on Episode 2 to make them feel better.


Attack of the Clones is my favorite of the Prequel films. I think it has a great mystery plot, and interesting investigation and showcases Obi-Wan's talents. It has its downsides with some of the romance dialog, but the rest is fantastic.


I rewatched it very recently and it was so so much better than I remembered. Even as a kid I thought it was the weak one of that trilogy but not I’m not so sure It makes me sad to see how hatred all the prequels are cause they are so enjoyable when you don’t have internet gremlins in your ear


Man people were really expecting a Schindler's List master piece from the people who brought them ewoks and the starwars Christmas special.... Wait this actually explains a lot.... People are idiots.


Just because a movie "gives you" stuff doesn't make it good. Attack of the clones had a lot going for it conceptually that could have made it a fantastic film.  It didn't get there.


I love it too. Really captures the spirit of adventure.


As the years have gone by we have a consensus that dialogue in the prequels wasn't the actors faults. Lucas didn't direct a movie for over 15 years and you can't match the chemistry the original trio had. His vision is amazing. But ultimately the prequels will always have an awkwardness when it comes to basic dialogue between characters. He should've let someone else take the reigns when it came to personal interactions and focused more on the end game. The prequels are good. But they could've been better if someone was there to just direct Lucas during them. If someone would say "another take"?. There would be no discussion about them being compared to the originals.


It's alright, man. I enjoy it too.


No mention of the poorly written script. No mention of character inconsistencies. No mention of the flawed romance You can like Episode 2, or appreciate aspects of it, but we need to realize how bad the movie is.


It's plots a mess, a fabulous, glorious, rambling mess. I love it.


No it’s not. It’s a bad movie.


I guess. It’s still really bad though and by far the worst Star Wars project ever apart from meme shit like the Christmas special


Lots of cool stuff, but... Worst dialogue of the series by far Yoda bouncing around is dumb


I think it is underrated story wise. The movie is actually structured pretty well but the dialogue is terribly written and an over reliance on cgi that wasn’t strong enough to be the big focus. Think if it had a better script it would have been much better.


The story structure is still kinda wonky though. A lot of the movie is hooked around the mystery of the clones, and then Obi-Wan and the Jedi just get this free army, right when they need it, and never address how weird that is. The mystery of how Sipho Dias paid for a billion clones and then disappeared just never concerns them again. The clones are also just cool action figures. The huge moral implications around using cloned humans as slave soldiers is never addressed, which is especially weird when the Jedi are supposed to be monks who respect all life. Fortunately The Clone Wars arrived to fill in most of the gaps later.


thinking about this movie makes one appreciate The Clone Wars a lot. turned some real trash into treasure.


Attack of the Clones definitely had good things in it and I didnt have a problem with the overall structure of the movie, the story or the action. The biggest critisism of the movie is with the dialogue and thats my biggest issue with Attack of the Clones. George Lucas is really good at world building, stories etc but what he sucks at is writing dialogue, especially romantic dialogue and he has admitted that this is one of his biggest weaknesses as a director and it really shows in Attack of the Clones. Other than that its an ok movie that I still rewatch from time to time, its just some of the dialogue that I dont enjoy.


We learn that the actual Death Star tech was developed later in Rogue One. What you see in Episode II is the Gyanosians coming up with the idea of a sphere as a shape. No one else had thought about building stuff round before that, which is why Luke gets confused and thinks it's a moon in ANH


It gave us Wat Tambor - "The Techno Union Army... (*adjusts dial*) *WEEEEOOOOWEEEEOOOHH*... is at your disposal Count."


It did not setup the romance between Anakin and Padme. That was already setup in TPM with “Are you an angel?”


Shouldve been animated and Clone wars movie shouldve been live action


Attack of the Clones just is. Neither good nor terrible.


That sentence structure and lack of paragraphs was tough, but I partially agree with you.


Minus the clunky dialogue and cringe inducing scenes where Anakin is always getting scolded, it’s an excellent movie.


The movie isn’t good but the world of the movie is good. Better experienced playing Battlefront 2 dropping seismic charges or playing as Dooku running around Kamino


It’s honestly probably one of my favorite Star Wars movies. Seeing all the Jedi fighting at the end. It’s a lot of fun to me.


I always thought that the scene where Anakin goes to rescue his mother before killing the sand people was one of the most powerful scenes in all of Star Wars. Say what you want about the dialogue and direction in the prequals, but Hayden Christensen is a good actor, and his facial expressions demonstrate that. This scene was super heavy and really set a new tone for what Star Wars could do to an audience.


Yeah but actually no


Attack of the Clones belongs in a dumpster along with Rise of Skywalker.


I will never begrudge anyone who enjoys it. If you love it, I hope you continue to do so. I do personally think it is the worst film in the entire franchise for many reasons, however. That doesn't mean there aren't elements that I can and do enjoy, but even for a franchise known for poor dialogue, it was on an entirely different level. The only film I rate as low as AotC is Ep9, and that is more because they really tried catering to the incels who complained about 8 instead of being brave enough to continue in the direction it's predecessor.


No it's not. It's rated fairly for the most part. I would put it above TLJ and TROS, the most stupid of SW movies ever made. I would put it above many of the new shows too. TFA was slightly better as a setup-movie for a potential trilogy that never actually came to be.


The scene where Obi Wan and Jango have their dog fight and Jango uses those "sonic grenades" or whatever they're called... to this day that's my go-to scene for testing out any new equipment in my home theater.


this is such a bad take. AOTC is one of the worst movies ever put to cinema. There is nothing "good" about it. The acting, the directing, the editing, the pacing and most of the soundtrack are all terrible. This is not an opinion. This is a FACT


Agreed! It is deeply flawed but it's so much better than it is given credit for. Besides, it gives us Kamino, which is objectively the best planet.