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I would put Rogue One S- and Rebels A-tier…but just my opinion. I agree with everything else. Great job.


Clone Wars series is the best Star Wars media ever produced. In my opinion of course haha


Rebels in A and Solo in C. Rebels, to me, had a great overarching plot with the Jedi and Savine. Zeb could have used some more character development and Yoda and the Wookies could have looked better. Solo on the other hand was just flat out boring.


C'mon, Rogue One needs to be higher than that.


Lowkey regretting not keeping it in the S tier


Bump solo down and rogue one up. Otherwise perfect


pretty good overall, I would exchange Solo and PM, lower episode VII and maybe move up Clone wars series and ROTS


I would move up Rogue One, best Disney era movie imo...


This is the way


This is the way


ESB, ROTS and ROTJ should be Golden S


I would only move TFA to B


The Force Awakens being that high hurts my eyes. I might be blind now.


I think I disagree with literally every single placement. Except tros. but to each their own


It was based mostly off how much I enjoyed them, I can see where other people would see differently 😂


i would’ve put clone wars in golden tier and rebels in sand resistance in B and put phantom with B


Mandalorian is my favourite TV show ever. God tier tier list


I like how TROS is its own tier.


Was thinking about putting it with TLJ but “Somehow Palpatine Returned” is too bad to not be in its own tier


I never understand that. Hey look Palpatine returned. How the fuck did he do that? Magic power magic.


There’s a whole explanation behind it in the books/comics but from a pure movie standpoint, just saying “he returned” with no backstory in the actual movie was awful


I don't want to have to read book a for movie b to make sense.


I agree. Putting something in a movie but having to explain why it actually wasn’t bad writing in a book isn’t a great model for success


It's like reading or seeing a trilogy with two of the books or episodes.


How old are you and why do you feel compelled to call a movie to “dogmeat” on the internet?


Well Dogmeat is the best companion in Fallout 4 so clearly it's a compliment to TLJ and not intended to be an insult at all (:


Good point :)


21 lmao, it was just to be funny. In reality I think TLJ could be higher


I haven't seen most of the TV, and I like *TLJ* quite a bit, so obvious disagreement there, but all good. I am curious about why you like *Return of the Jedi* more than *A New Hope*.


Honestly, I when I was younger I loved seeing Luke as a trained Jedi + the fight at Jabba’s palace, as well as Ep VI being the conclusion of the trilogy. I could definitely see arguments for a New Hope moving up tho


*RotJ* was my favorite as a kid, but it might be worth rewatching and re-evaluating *A New Hope* at some point. I think we sometimes take for granted just how bugnuts that movie is.


For sure - I think being the first ever movie kinda causes some people to look past it


Clone Wars = golden. And The Last Jedi belongs in its own category below Rise of Skywalker


One change I would put is that I would put the clone wars in the golden s tier because the whole reason I got into Star Wars and a Star Wars nerd now and the huge fan that I am now is because of clone troopers


Same, it was my introduction into Star Wars as well. If it were all like the Umbara arc or S7 it would probably put it at the top for me - just some episodes are downright unwatchable


The only hot take I'll say this evening is ROTJ belongs in the C tier.


Why’s that?


Movie is pretty dog water if not for the beginning and end of the movie which are the only parts ever referenced from ROTJ


Fair points. I think it does very well as an ending to the trilogy though


That doesn't scream S tier movie man lol


Nostalgia what can I say? At the end of the day I loved the story


The speeder bike chase is pretty fun, and Luke and Vader's convo in the forest is solid, but would agree that the flick takes a dip in the middle while they do narrative housekeeping (yes, Vader's your dad, also Leia's your sister, also we're introducing this teddy bear species for the third act and also for toys).


I mean you can use the same criteria for TPM no? I do like Luke and Vaders conversation in the forest I feel like that isnt talked about a whole lot it was very good


I’d definitely swap A New Hope with Return of the Jedi. And then I’d move Return down one more notch.


The Mandalorian is way too high


Growing up my favorite part of Star Wars was the guys with cool helmets, so a show featuring the most badass guy with the coolest helmet was bound to be at the top of my list. For real though, why do you think it should be lower?


Wow last Jedi hate how unique


I wasn’t claiming to be unique


I would bump rogue one up two and rebels up one, but everything else is pretty solid


Yeah I actually originally had rouge one in S that was the one I was most torn about


It’s my favorite movie out of all of them, and I do think Rebels gets under appreciated sometimes. Yeah the first season was odd but it got more and more mature as it went on (and the force mysticism of the Lothal temple and world between worlds is top notch)


I agree, the back end of rebels was definitely some great content. Just hard to make it through all the meh at the start and I’m a little iffy on the animation style


I can respect it


Tbh I probably wouldn’t put anything under B tier if I were to make a list


Hey. Resistance was ok. A bit boring though.


I totally agree with you...but Rogue one should be higher.