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"Told you I did. Reckless he is." This statement implies that Yoda and Obi had a conversation, and even a disagreement, about Yoda training Luke.


It’s not addressed in the films. It was addressed in the recent(ish) 10 issue comic miniseries just called “Yoda”. Yes, he was aware.


>It’s not addressed in the films Remember Yoda says he's been watching Luke? "Never his mind on where he was. What he was doing" etc. So it's a good bet he knew that way.


If I remember correctly, there’s a chapter in “From a Certain Point of View” where Obi-WAN’s ghost visits Yoda and asks him to train Luke. Yoda is basically mad that it’s Luke and not Leia.


C’mon I wanna Leia!




It’s not implied anymore as we actually see it in Star Wars: Yoda 10 issue mini series from last year.




It’s a bit weird of a comic run because it takes place in 3 different era and each had a different creative team. Cavan Scott wrote the final 10th issue which was a wrap up to the three other “arcs” and has Yoda enter the “Cave of Evil” for thé first time and it’s how he discovers Yaddle was killed by Dooku. The book ends with him finally talking to Obi-Wan about what comes next.




Yeah it’s weird but honestly quite a good time and it was great to really get a deep focus on Yoda for once. But yeah Scott is excellent. His High Republic work between novels and comics has been superb and I’m always excited to read new stuff from him.


My head canon is that Yoda pulled the X-Wing down to him. Luke crashlands within walking distance of Yoda, without having any idea where he's going. Presumably Dagobah isn't a tiny planet. I know Star Wars plays fast and loose with physics (which I'm okay with, it has never claimed to be a hard sci-fi IP). But if Dagobah is anywhere near the size of a "normal" planet, this is an almost unbelievable coincidence. Luke is clearly unaware of any of where Yoda is, so he couldn't have knowingly been homing in on Yoda, either by the Force or by conventional means. It therefore makes sense, at least to me, that you have to attribute this to the Force somehow. Some possibilities: \* Luke did it unconsciously \* Obi-Wan did it as a Force Ghost \* the Force did it itself without anyone helping ("there's no such thing as luck") \* Yoda did it on purpose Any of these are possibilities are plausible within the context of Star Wars, I suppose. And there are probably others. But the one that makes the most sense to me is that Yoda intentionally did it. Just head canon on my part, though, I have nothing to back it up with. Edit: someone said there is a "10 issue comic miniseries just called “Yoda” that addresses at least the Yoda knowing that Luke was coming portion of this. I should check that out.


If the Force didn't exist, the many coincidences throughout Star Wars would cause so many eye rolls that we'd all need surgery. My personal head canon is that the Force is a VERY active participant. It orchestrated everything so that things that needed to occur all occurred in the correct order, starting with the droids ending up in the hands of the Jawas so Luke and Owen could buy them, all the way through all 9 films. I think if you consume this story without that as a given, you're in for a rough time.


If Yoda was watching Luke through the Force, possibly throughout his life, his arrival on Dagobah was probably not a surprise. "This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph! Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless!"


I think Yoda was wise and perceptive enough to figure that one of the Skywalker children was looking for him. I also have it in my head cannon that he hoped it would be Leia to find him, and part of his negative reaction to meeting Luke was that he was really hoping for the sibling that was more like Padme to show up rather than the one who took most of his father’s traits.


Maybe it’s just me but I think Leia is more like Anakin and Luke is more like Padme.


Ooo I like this theory.


I imagine that Obi-Wan may've spoken to Yoda about it before giving away his secret location and sending this boy off to get trained. Maybe Yoda was in the middle of an 100,000 piece puzzle and couldn't be bothered right then.


Not canon anymore, but the original Thrawn Trilogy addressed this. It had Luke return to Dagobah and thinking how easy his landing has been compared to the first time he arrived, and he strongly suspected that his crashlanding was Yoda's doing as another means of testing him. In my head for modern canon, Yoda always expected Luke to show up. But not in a "It has been foretold" or "We were planning this to stop the Sith" kind of way, but more like when you are Toph who trained the old Avatar and are not surprised when 70 years later the new Avatar shows up at your doorstep and wants to know about how to remove metal poison from your body and your epic hot day on a blimp.


I'd say the Force did give Yoda a hint of someone about to come, and given their advent in civilization, I don't think they care about the species as much as the intent/character


Also, force ghost obi-wan had yoda listening in on 3-way calling.


Yeah, Obi-Wan and Yoda had been chatting about it.


In the EU he knew, it's mentioned in Vision of the Future (and maybe in other books), but i guess just by the movie you can see that Yoda obviously knew, he knew the man was Luke and he knew he would come, he sensed it through the force (most likely) or Obi-Wan's spirit informed him (or the two), that's why Yoda tested Luke's patience as soon as he finds him.


In the cabin book *From a Certain Point of View* in A New Hope he knew a Skywalker was coming. But he thought it was Leia. I don’t know if that was willful ignorance because he refused to train Luke or he actually thought that.