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This shot always got me in the feels too. All his friends have passed :/


That was the best part of 9- Han's speech about always working together. (Edit- yes Lando!)


Lando you mean? I do agree Han had a great scene as well though.


Tbh the sequels were pretty dope, aside from purple haired lady, she sucked. And that scene with the bombers, while cool, that was just stupid.


People still complaining about the bombers in 2024? Lmao


Just waiting for someone to say "there's no gravity in space" so we can all laugh at them.


Given the way every ship seems to follow a center of gravity that lies below them when their thrusters fail, I think you are right.


I mean they were pretty dumb when there are already established (and much more functional+stylish) bombers in universe


Why would they make a double bladed lightsaber when a single bladed already exists? Why would they make Ewoks when Wookiees already exists?? Why would they make N-1 Starfighters when XWings exist?? (People can make new things, it’s okay)


Yeah I am, because the Y-wings were right fucking there Rian


Holdo, and she was an absolute badass.


Honestly she felt kinda like a nothing character to me.




Same way they did in ESB I guess.


Pretty much yea


Remember when Rose's sister falls inside the ship and is temporarily unconscious? She fell down, so there's gravity in the ship. The bombs were in the ship. Gravity propelled them down. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also, we must understand that even at that elevation, gravity is still at something like 90%. Gravity doesn't just stop working once something leaves the atmosphere. It just starts getting weaker.




If gravity didn't pull stuff from space, there wouldn't be meteors unless they were already aimed at Earth. Here... educate yourself: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/494/2/2982/5808819


POV Artificial Gravity: And I seem to recall reading somewhere that the bombs were magnetic, so they don't need gravity


The gravity in ships has never made sense. Don’t take it so seriously. It’s just a silly little detail.


Localized artificial gravity has always been a thing in Star Wars. Not really a silly detail.




There is gravity inside the ship (like with all ships in Star Wars) which is demonstrated by the pilot falling before she released the bombs. Once the bombs leave the ship and they are in space there is nothing to slow them down. It's not an oversight.




You should read the books. They usually answer your questions. From TLJ novelization: "Paige's hand crept up her flight suit to her collar, hunting for the Otomok medallion around her neck. She found it as the bombs fell like black rain out of the racks, **drawn magnetically** down toward the distant landscape of the Dreadnought's surface"


I don’t really care that much. It’s just a silly little detail that has not impact on my enjoyment of the film. Whatever explanation works for you is fine by me.


The novelization says they were on mag rails.


Mag rails. Of course.


I mean what difference does it really make? Did you need someone to look straight into the camera and say "Gee, good thing there were mag rails or these bombs woulda stayed put!" I feel like it's not that important of a detail lol.


It makes no difference whatsoever in my enjoyment of the film. Certainly not enough to require a condescending response like this. Be better.




A very underrated scene, even among fans of the sequels, even among TROS fans, it is little talked about.    My favorite part is when Poe says he's not ready and Lando responds "who's ever ready?"


Lando was a general and considered a good military tactician. The whole 'we won by working together' undersells it as just a bunch of plucky lucky dudes.


He’s still got Chewbacca!


They'll walk straight past each other


Well, if someone nearly choked me to death I would also hold a grudge.


He's just thinking about a perfectly good outfit that is ruined now because Ben put a hole through it. Lando always loved Han's sense of fashion.


[Obligatory Inside of You podcast clip](https://youtube.com/watch?v=SO_Dat4HtgQ&pp=ygUubGFuZG8gd2VhcmluZyBoYW4gc29sbydzIGNsb3RoZXMgaW5zaWRlIG9mIHlvdQ%3D%3D)


Sad Wookie noises


Chewie is alive


Wedge is behind him, on the right!


The loneliness in him during this scene is heartbreaking. Everyone he celebrated with like this with on Endor is gone.


Wedge and Chewie are still alive tho


I don’t appreciate you bringing facts into this conversation


Haha sorry, I agree with the general gist of what you and the OP are saying. Just being a nerd.


I think he invalidated your emotions. Clearly, we should hunt him down in some kind of elaborate hunger games.


#Execute Order 74


We can’t execute order 74. The midgets are on strike right now.


All the medal holders are gone!


Haha, I've complained multiple times over the years about Wedge and Chewie not getting medals for Battle of Yavin.


The medals where cursed the whole time. Maz what have you done!?


not really relevant, but i hated the way the showed wedge, he shows up happy and cherring moments after his son-in law died


Chewie and Lando not having a significant amount of screen time together in 9 will always bother me. Their reunion should have been an entire subplot


Would’ve been nice to see them with him and then a bunch of people going, “who the heck is that random white guy?!”


And Yub Nub was wiped from existence!


#GiveLandoHisShipBack LandoNeedsHisL3


I was a little shocked Lando didn't make an L3 reference in TRoS when he was in the Falcon.


IIRC, Lando was to die in Episode 6 and now he is the sole survivor.


I never heard about Lando being planned to die in 6. I know at one point they were going to kill off Han in the first act.


Remember the throwaway line from the imperial shuttle, where Han muses he has a funny feeling like he’s never going to see her (M. Falcon) again? It was originally written as foreshadowing.


He meant the deflector dish on the Falcon.


6-part miniseries coming soon to Disney Plus: “How Lando Got Han’s Dish Back”


Originally the Falcon was considered to be destroyed in the fight along with Lando. It was changed to be the deflector dish.


He needed it to watch Space Cinemax


When he said "he'll never see her again", he meant the lady on the scrambled porn channel.


In fact, they shot an ending where the Millennium Falcon is destroyed as they're flying out of the exploding Death Star, but test audiences hated it so much thy they reshot the scene with Lando escaping just in time, which is what obviously made the final cut. Edit: after further reading it looks like this is one of those playground rumors that lives on today. I did learn that Lawrence Kasdan tried to talk George into letting the Sarlacc eat Lando to up the stakes, though. George didn't go for it.


Nien Nunb was like... "Whew!"


3 movies later: Palpatine: "AS ONCE I FELL, SO FALLS THE LAST SULLUSTAN!" But nobody needs to think about that.


I didn’t realize he died i just thought he was shocked. Dang


Well of course it's not clearly shown in the movie itself, they just said so after the fact. Hence why we don't need to think about that.


If you look this up, you find stuff like this: "Actor Mike Quinn, who has played Nien in all of his movie appearances, has debunked rumors of Nien's death, saying that the Tantive IV didn't explode and is seen landing above trees in other scenes. The actor said there was a sequence where Nien Nunb sacrificed himself for the Resistance, but it was cut out." I'm not sure if his death is canon mentioned in other media or not. I didn't think much about this at all until today. Just throwing this out there.


No, it was not. There's no evidence of it in any confirmed draft of the script (only in those that have confirmed to be faked, including one that was dated BEFORE Lucas's original treatment). The Official Site outright says it never happened.


Do you have a source for that?


He won't, because it didn't happen. Any talk of destroying the *Falcon* and killing Lando was only ever just talk. IF THAT. The Official Site debunked it some 20 years ago.


I assumed so. I know they wanted to kill Han and considered Luke turning to the Dark but that's the first I've heard of Lando and the Falcon going out, let alone be filmed AND shown to a test audience which sounds like a bit of bullshit to me, but always happy to be proven wrong


They never wanted to kill Han. Harrison wasn't committing to a third film so they needed some contingency. Luke was maybe going to the dark side, but it is important to remember Lucas was going through divorce himself at the time so was in a bad space. Also the reason Temple of Doom was dark, Lucas and Spielberg both in a rough patch personally.


Luke turning to the dark too was before leia was his sister abd it was to introduce use as his sister who would turn him back.


Even if he did, Lando would just climb out.




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The tragic part is they cut the entire kidnapped daughter subplot and him finally reuniting with her at the end.


His daughter being kidnapped is still canon thanks to books, except now his long lost daughter isn't conveniently just landing in front of him, and instead he's taking on a former kidnapped stormtrooper as a surrogate daughter. Maybe she is his real daughter, maybe not. They'll never know, but he can be a father figure to this one lost young woman and help her find her origins. I like that a lot better. Less coincidental.


Aren't the sequel book adaptations technically canon so she is his daughter 100%? Imagine watching the movie and then reading the novel and getting that entire backstory and reveal. Must have been a big WTF moment for some readers.


Adaptations always defer to what ended up on screen as the actual canon.


I can’t get over him wearing his clothes from 40 years ago in this movie. I get that they were trying to connect the different portrayals but it just distracts me every time.


The man had a huge closet of cloaks. He has some space tailor who he’s used for ages. I can see it


Still saddens me they didn’t include a reunion scene with him and Leia. Felt very achievable considering what else they managed to do.


He’s sad that his lover is gone. Billy Dee said it, so it’s my head cannon.


Billy Dee said what?


[He said they were lovers.](https://youtu.be/SO_Dat4HtgQ?si=kLakvuJGeYXv_Gde)


I mean Lando is a lover of women and droids so i wouldn’t be shocked if it was men too. He might be pansexual or bi. Who cares


I think he was said to be pan when Solo came out


Glover confirmed he was pan in an interview just after the movie’s release yeah


I mean it sounds like he was just joking but headcannons are headcannons so nobody’s wrong. I honestly like to ship lando with that weird space slug but that’s just me personally tbh


TRoS is so rewarding on rewatches. there's a ton of little details that are easy to miss due to it's somewhat quick pace, but add more depth to the film. Like I didn't even notice this detail but you did ... and that's so cool! I'll have to keep an eye on it during my next rewatch


One of my many favorite blink and you miss it moments from tRoS is actually the score. When Rey is training in the forest there is a 5 second part that’s taken from Anakin vs Obi Wan and I love that


Isn't there also a kamino reference in the score during poe's and zorri's convo on kijmi?


I'm so glad there's a subreddit for the people that actually enjoyed TRoS. It's not perfect but *is* a lot of fun


TRoS discourse on this sub is still meh, but better than most other places.


"somewhat quick pace" is the understatement of the year :)


I am a TRoS enjoyer through and through, but damn if they let it breathe even for just 5 mins it would have been better


Billy Dee Williams is a gem


Everyone loved Han except the actor playing him


Hey at least he’s not wearing Han’s clothes. *insert Family Guy frame*


Even more tragic - Lando hasn't updated his wardrobe in like several decades.


No need to, he’s 100% got a private tailor if necessary and the drip was legendary from the start, no need to change it.


Someone get this man a Colt 45


Want to hear a really tragic detail? Snap Wexley, one of the Resistance pilots, is Wedge’s stepson, and died only a few minutes before Wedge showed up.


Didn’t know that bit of lore. Also weird to think that the actors for Wedge, Obi-Wan and Hera are all related in some way. Ewan McGregor’s brother was also nicknamed “Obi-Two” in the air force.


Also the young girl who gives Obi-Wan spice in the Kenobi show. She's Ewan's daughter.






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I still feel like this scene is setting up a Sequel Show centered around Lando and Jannah trying to find her parents, because Lando asked her where she is from, she answered "I dont know" and then he said "Well Lets Find out"


The Rise of Skywalker novelization implies that Lando is going to set up a sort of foster home for all the children kidnapped by the First Order until their real families can be found.




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Not only that but he’s the last person left of his human friends


Didn’t the Empire destroy the Tantive IV in A New Hope as a cover story why Leia was killed in a ship accident?


What? Am I getting whooshed?


They never showed it get destroyed though. They probably did eventually.


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