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9 year old Anakin Skywalker, lifelong slave, who shortly before pronouncing that no one can kill a jedi, earnestly asked if Padmé was an angel. No he's so right, kid Ani knows everything and his word should be taken as gospel. People talk about full potential Anakin? That was him, we all witnessed him in that scene


Qui-Gon immediately tells Anakin Jedi can be killed.


He doesn't only tell Anakin,he goes on to to prove it himself later on.


That’s the mark of a good teacher there.


"No one call kill a Jedi" "Oh YEAH??!?"


"Now watch what Darth Maul does here, Anakin"


Check this shit out, Ani


"Hold my blue milk"


The media literate call this foreshadowing.


And that's exactly what SWT says after this clip cuts off.


Which makes this even more weird. He deflects a really good question with this dumb quote, immediately disproves it with Qui-Gons quote, and moves on. If Sol dies and Osha doesn’t come in contact with other Jedi, his whole argument falls apart, but he’ll find a way to deflect if that happens.


Or Sol doesn't say he said Sith. Which leaves it up to what could he be. The reality is he said you would call me Sith.


Since people want to use Legends as gospel I feel compelled to point out a 6-7 year old Zannah snapped the necks of two Jedi Knights with her mind. Just because she was upsetti spaghetti about her balloon being popped.


What’s a Zannah?


Darth Zannah was the apprentice of Darth Bane, the originator of the Rule of Two. As a very young child she was being taken by the Jedi to be trained. She hadn't even seen her first robe when she was taken. Bane returned to the Brotherhood of Darkness as Darth Bane, having killed Lord Kas'im on Rakata Prime. There he instigated his plan to kill the false Sith under Kaan. This plan worked, as Kaan attempted a Thought Bomb to defeat the Jedi on Ruusan. They were nearly successful, scarring the land and dusting every Force Sensitive creature in the massive cave network where they were hiding. This included every Sith in the Brotherhood of Darkness and over a hundred Jedi from General Hoth's Army of Light. Their souls now trapped forever in the Thought Bomb itself. More important though the impact of the ritual was felt for miles. Even a considerable number of kilometers away Bane suffered a headache from the pure evil unleashes on Ruusan. There in the wilderness he encountered Zannah. She was flanked on either side by the corpses of a Jedi numbering two in total. If I remember correctly she had befriended one of the native Ruusan Bouncers, a balloon-shaped species of Force Sensitive animal capable of telepathy. Zannah had befriended one but when the Thought Bomb went off all the Bouncers on Ruusan went feral. The Jedi began killing any Bouncer they met just to end their psychic suffering. When one of the Jedi escorting Zannah killed a Bouncer she lost her shit and snapped the necks of both Jedi with the Force.


And she’s Zartan’s sister! Woman gets around.


I remember people being upset at Luke saying "Laser Sword" in one of the sequel movies when Anakin did the same exact thing in the TPM which those people completely forgot (and had people upset back in the day too).


Hahahahahaha Ani said so! So there 🤣


Literally Qui-Gon says “I wish that were true” BECAUSE the statement is false. He’s reaching so hard. It’s such hard cope…


He even quotes that Qui-Gon quote after, which makes this statement even more stupid.


Baffling levels of cope


Also the fact that the line is obvious foreshadowing for Qui-Gon's death.


Its even foreshadowing for Anakin's later jedi killing spree.




Ah yes, noted person who is always objectively correct in every scenario, *including this specific moment SWT is bringing up right at this moment,* Anakin Skywalker. That scene does *not* end with Qui Gon looking at him, smiling softly, and saying, "If only that were true."


Well yeah, it wouldn’t make any sense for Qui Gon to say that, we know from the OT that the only things that can kill a Jedi are old age or Darth vader: and Lucas would never break canon! Any other way for Jedi to die is just writers being dumb smh my head


Honestly, I almost feel bad for this dude now. I mean he looks utterly miserable. Imagine your job, your JOB, relies on you being constantly negative, depressed, and angry. Even if you like the show you have to hate it! So you're stuck watching shit you either hate or pretend to hate for years on end, slowly being driven nuts in the process. What a way to live.


It’s depressing. He can’t even acknowledge the possibility of the show not breaking canon because that’s what his whole argument stands on. If Sol dies and Osha and Mae don’t come in contact with other Jedi, he’ll simply be upset about something else.


The fact that he doesn't even deny the guy's theory, openly admits it wouldn't actually break canon, then goes "but a 9 year old said no one can kill a Jedi." As if the 9 year old wasn't talking to a Jedi who'd be dead within the next hour


Also the the 9 year-old who said "no one can kill a jedi" ends up growing up and murders all the jedi. Kinda strange to use Anakin's words as an example of jedi being invincible when he himself racks up a really high jedi body count. He's literally responsible for a majority of the jedi being wiped out. I usually try not to shit on other fans for not knowing the lore but holy shit that's like Anakin whole thing when he grows older and that line was foreshadowing what anakin would become but he just ignores that fact for some reason.


I haven’t been huge on a lot of recent Star Wars but this is so dumb. Didn’t hundreds of Jedi die fighting fucking droids on geonosis? Droids. The canon fodder of the Star Wars universe


I skimmed his reaction out of morbid curiosity. He doesn’t say a word for the whole episode just looking at the screen all sad Surely this isn’t worth it, the constant never-ending negativity


As soon as his TLJ “leaks” ended up being bogus, he started scrambling


what were his leaks


I can’t even remember, but I do recall them sounding like they were written by a college student who thought they knew how to write.


I used to hate this guy years ago. Now that everyone else hates him and I’m kind of over it, honestly, I agree. He probably meant what he was saying around the time TLJ came out, but I reckon because the worst people in this fandom latched onto him he kind of cornered himself into being the douchebag that has to have some complaint about everything or his fanbase would lose interest in him. Like there’s no way he believes the shit that’s coming out of his own mouth in this video. He just knows it’ll keep his dickhead fans on the hate train and him with a job.


Imagine loving something so much you make an entire YouTube channel about it, but then you realize how much money shitting on it makes, so you start shitting on it. You want to quit, but your original viewers have largely left or been converted to your "new views." Now you're stuck, shitting on the thing you love, for the foreseeable future. Dude made his own bed.


I don’t feel bad for him at all. He made his own bed by only being negative and catering to “fans” who just wanna hate. He didn’t have to do that. Look at Generation Tech and how he still has lots of positive things to say and focuses on the lore and world building while still addressing some of the not so well executed parts. He’s gotten a lot of heat in the comment for not hating Star Wars now but he doesn’t let that stop him and he’s not trying to cater to the haters. I can see it’s hard for people like Ecks who is kind of conflicted because he’s genuinely disappointed in the content coming out while also desperately trying to enjoy it, putting him in a weird position. I feel sorry for Ecks who is clearly conflicted but not this guy, he’s just been pumping out hate bait for a while now acting like he’s THE authority on Star Wars. Also I hate the wife beater, thats just ick ick douchebag vibes immediate red flag before he even speaks.


This dude has made millions of dollars already who even cares anymore, he's set for life. If he disappeared tomorrow to retire on his star wars cry streaming money no one would miss him


I dont at all lmfao! He willingly sold his soul when he decided to utilize outrage as a marketing tactic for his channel. These things come with a heafty cost lol.


Oh, he's not even the worst of them. Theory is a reserved, calm-cool-collect, even fair and balanced persona compared to screeching idiots like Ryan Kinnel. Watch any of his content and you'll see what true misery is.


Triangulating takes to maximize grift can be really stressful for an internet celebrity!


nah bro he's his own boss so he CHOSE to be like this. He chose everything about it. I don't feel bad for him, he's a dummy who chose the right-wing grift machine over reality.


I don’t. He works to rile up people on the internet and give them a rallying negativity point. He can always find a different job if he wants. It also doesn’t help his takes are either unironically stupid or purposefully awful just to pander to viewers.


Why do people listen/watch this BS? How about, this is gonna sound wild, you be an independent human, watch it your damn self and come to your own conclusions. Why are people constantly seeking out others to tell them how to feel about things? Who in their right mind would waste their limited time on earth listening to some prepubescent dipshit? Not directed at you at all. Just adding on to your very well thought out and written comment.


He just keeps saying dumber and dumber shit each day. Side note, one of the dumbest thing he’s ever said was that the yellow droid in the Kenobi show was actually wrecker 


he WHAT!?


Are you serious? Lmfao!


which yellow droid


The load lifter that worked for The Path




Yoo can I get a source on this, I genuinely need to see this


It’s in one of his Kenobi breakdown episodes or theories about the show. Check around episode 3




Tell us what you find


https://youtu.be/OdtsSdlpa_Q?si=XfJz4dKpy0agxLLK What the fuck 💀. I genuinely do not know if he’s being serious but at 11:55 he says that he thinks NED-B is Wrecker, Rex or Quinlan


OKAY HE SAYS IT SO CASUALLY THO, I think he has gone insane


Why does he watch everything so closely if he hates it? If I don’t like a show… I don’t watch it?


I think he might actually like the show to some extent, but maybe he forces some hate to appeal to grifters (which I assume are 95% of his audience)


I remember skimming through one of his reaction videos about the Ahsoka series. There was some sort of tease for what was gonna happen and he SO confidently and excitedly goes "it HAS to be Maul" and made like 3 separate theory videos after episode about how Maul will absolutely, 100% show up




And he was all bummed out too like really?


I didn't think anything could top 'bricks and screws' but that's some stiff competition lmao


People never mention this one lmao, it stuck with me cause it’s so fucking stupid 😂 


This is peak cameo brain


Except for people with red light swords


+ Mandalorians, or even highly skilled bounty hunters


A battle droids if there’s enough of them


Or clone troopers when given the order


Sad music has to be playing


And what about very old friends?




I like this episode confirms seeing a red lightsaber does not instantly equate to Sith.


It is swag but. Technically Rebels did that, and anything else with the inquisitors. They ain't Sith, just little darkside soldiers


A 9 year old believed in invincible superheroes before becoming one of the most well known invincible superhero killers working for another invincible superhero killer... What is he even talking about, is there any context that makes that make sense?


The only thing I could think of is force ghosts. Bringing up Anakins quote doesn’t do him any favors though.


Like if the Jedi all die, would any leave Force ghosts behind? As far as I know, I believe Qui-Gon rediscovered the ability through his connection to the Living Force and taught it to Yoda. Yoda is a Master as of now so if anyone in the order knows how to, it would be him


"No one can kill a Jedi" is true if you ignore everything that a jedi has died too






I’m cackling just as a Sith Lord did when he killing the immortal Jedi.


I stopped watching this dude when he sent his shitty fans to attack a man on twitter


Who did they attack, and why did he send his fans to do that? /genq


Pablo hidalgo. Pablo said something shitty about swt crying during a moment during the mandalorian. And probably deserved some push back. That's not really the issue. But swt kept the flames going for far too long and it ended up that his fan base started sending him threats and swt did very little imo to try and stop it or take accountability for doing it.


Most obvious evidence that it’s all just a grift


He’s seen Star Wars before, hasn’t he?


I think he just doesn’t understand the concept of bias and has become completely overtaken with it. I don’t think he actively decides he needs to be critical of these things, I think he just knows his audience and always ends up making the points that he knows they’d expect from him.


This dude is so annoying.


SWT is a hotel room cuck-chair in human form


What can kill a Jedi???? A Sith. And the Jedi Order isn’t going to figure that out from the clues left behind.


They believe Sith are extinct. If no surviving Jedi confirms it’s a Sith, they could easily believe it’s a dark jedi or another force user.


I wasn’t being sarcastic and agree with you. The Jedi won’t know it’s a Sith from the clues left behind. Even if the scene is left as is. The Jedi will think it’s a Dark Side force user but not a Sith. It’s like someone getting mauled to death by a sabertooth tiger today. No one is suspecting an animal that’s been extinct for thousands of years to be culprit.


If it takes a lightsaber to kill a Jedi than all of A New Hope and the first half of Return of the Jedi is totally pointless. This take is just so unhinged lol


Jedi can die lots of ways. I’m saying death by Sith is a sure fire way. Funny you mention A New Hope. We don’t see any Jedi killed in A New Hope. Obi-Wan vanishes himself away before Vader’s lightsaber makes contact.


Sure but A New Hope only functions as a story if you think Luke can lose.


Kid named order 66, Palpatine, Kylo, Vader, Dooku, Grievous, and a bunch of other mfs:


There are SO MANY WAYS to kills a Jedi. So many things that have killed them. They’re formidable, but never quite invincible.


You can really see how miserable he is in his eyes. Good lord I feel drained just watching this clip. Also we've seen lots of things can kill a jedi. A lot of the times it's lightsabers


I cannot bring myself to unmute this. my body refuses to hear this person speak


Don’t worry, I took the hit for everyone whose brain cells are still intact.


You truly are a homie


Closed captioning for so much of autoplay automuted video content has created a comfortable space for me for people I'm not interested in hearing their voices.


Such an idiot. Grasping at air


“No one can kill a Jedi?” Since when?


You idiot, anakin said it, so obviously its true. I mean when has anakin ever been wrong


Prequel Brain Rot. The worst kind of PBR


Is this not the same guy that said everyone who sees red lightsaber dude has to die otherwise it "breaks canon"? I swear I saw a tweet or something like that of his to that effect.


That’s what’s funny, he claimed they had to die or it breaks canon, 99% of them die and he’s still not happy.


Imagine being so ignorant to the messaging and themes of the thing you *supposedly* love the most.


I suppose he hasn't seen Revenge of the Sith yet, don't spoil it for him guys!


Spoiler alert: We literally watch SO many Jedi die in episode 3.


What can kill a jedi *turns off show where like 8 jedi died.


Jedi aren't the incredible fucking Hulk. They die when they're fucking stabbed. They have normal organs. Their skin is made of *skin*. They already established Jedi Splinter Cells or Rogue Jedi. That's the lightsaber wounds explained already. The writers did the work and Theory just sitting there like 🙈


Do I think the acolyte has some issues? Sure. Do I think any of them “break canon”? No. I just wish the episodes were a little longer and the mystery would be a little more focused. Gimme more!


Someone tell him he didn’t need to get so jacked in to grasp at straws


Man I can't do this no more 


Bro put a sweater on nobody wants to see allat




He’s wearing an Order 66 hat btw


I guess he just forgot about the scene showing Jedi dying to like, 4 clones at a time?


Six or so dead jedi would only raise suspicions of a sith if they were all council members or as powerful imo. Most jedi while difficult to kill, could be overwhelmed and killed without needing a sith. The vast majority of the jedi are not like Obi-Wan or you Yoda who could never be killed by normal people


The whole idea that "the Sith haven't existed for a millennium" was already absurd. For a 1,000 years, in a galaxy of trillions of people, no one stumbles upon a Sith holocron or is influenced by the Dark Side? There hasn't been a centuries-long shadow war between a Sith masters and apprentices to overcome one another? Even if Ki-Adi-Mundi was being completely honest in TPM (which I think is a big if), he was probably wrong. More likely, I think the Jedi were naive, in denial, or flat-out covering up their existence to maintain their monopoly on the Force.


Exactly. I saw a theory that maybe Qimir was in the order and left due to not being permitted to use the force as he pleased. His master could easily be Venestra and that would explain why the council doesn’t find out about him. I would imagine she would cover up any evidence of his existence to not seem incompetent.


This dude must be getting a lot of antioxidants with all those cherries he picks.


He’s gotta be trolling, right?


I would assume so. His only response to a genuine question that would upend his viewpoint was to deflect and troll.


Motherfucker multiple things can kill a Jedi Age Blood loss Disease Dysentery A battle droid getting lucky and hitting a Jedi in the head


Yeah dude Quimir wrecking 6 or 7 Jedi at once is Star Wars FINALLY showing us more of the power of the dark side and why the Jedi were so afraid of them. They are literal boogie men in this universe.


No shot he just asked “what could kill a Jedi” when the most recent episode is at least 7 fucking Jedi dying. WE KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION BECAUSE IT WAS JUST ANSWERED. And also using a naive child as your source? Especially when the line of dialogue right after is “I wish that were true,” CALLING THE STATEMENT FALSE.


yes because never before has a group of jedi ventured out to face unknown danger and not returned https://preview.redd.it/8gwoyvm0iz8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7786ec72a2eb5845654d9765f6aac8420a9e16a


“What can kill a Jedi?” I mean… - Geonosians - Clones - The Empire - an unarmed aspiring Sith acolyte - Bounty Hunters Jedi aren’t invincible.


Dude is wearing an “Order 66” hat, talking about “no one can kill a Jedi”. He’s really doing something here.


I think we've seen more Jedi get killed than die peacefully


Anakin was a child in episode I of course he’d have this over exaggerated imagination about the Jedi 😂


He's literally wearing an order 66 hat lmao. Yeah, idk who could kill a Jedi. Total mystery.


He always makes the duck face


Oh hey its Star Wars andrew tate in a tank top


My ONLY guess is that the point he’s trying to make is that the Jedi wouldn’t just go, “Oh, they all died, oh well” and brush their hands of it, but would rather wonder who could have possibly killed a group of Jedi knights. That still doesn’t break lore though. Even if the council investigated and found all the knights cut to pieces by a lightsaber, they wouldn’t have any more answers than they had before. And the council, as we’ve seen, likely wouldn’t immediately jump to the conclusion that the Sith had returned because of their arrogant belief that the Sith had long been eradicated.


Exactly, they would probably just say it was Mae and move on.


💯 And assuming she was also killed by the end, the Jedi would just consider the case closed.


Baseball cap indoors plus vest is one way of dressing, I guess.




Why do we give this guy the time of day anymore?


Because he’s sadly one of, if not the most prominent Star Wars content creator out there, and all he does is grift. I realized what he was doing when he commented on an Andrew Tate interview and said it was a great interview.


Literally a shotgun can kill Jedi. Slugthrowers were canonically the best way to kill Jedi.


This guys favorite movie is revenge btw


Alright I love watching Star Wars Theory but even what he just said is fucking stupid, Jedi are strong but they arent invincible, the fuck lol??


![gif](giphy|3o84sFDH0idihC75N6) ???????? Clones???


Ahhhh yes, says the kid who grows up to SLAY tons of Jedi, who says it to a Jedi who gets KILLED. Star Wars Theory and Den of Nerds are off the rails bonkers


"Even Anakin said no one can kill a Jedi" "... He was 9!!!"


"What kills a Jedi?" Palpatine, Maul, Dooku, and Order 66 Clones: Are we a fucking joke to you?


Darth Maul. Literally killed The guy Anakin tells Jedi can't be killed. Palpatine: Kills Anakin. Old Age: Kills Yoda Every fucking Clone Ever.: Order 66 anyone? Anakin: Youngling Slayer 5000. Should I continue or...


Aside from what everyone has mentioned herein Mandalorians also come to mind. All their gadgets were designed SPECIFICALLY to fight force users. The shows don't do much to show it but even what they have shown Mandalorian training was able to go toe to toe with general Jedi training. I mean, hell, Clone military doctrine is based on Mandalorian military doctrine.




Explosions, energy weapons and shields, taking hostages, poison gas, attacking from multiple directions -that one assassin droid from KOTR


That's why I love watching Star Wars... all my favorite Jedi live forever no matter what! Like, whatever. /s


What makes this even more funny, is he’s such a legends and ToR fan. Like Bane and Zanah didn’t gut 5 Jedi on Darzu. There were plenty of contacts, but no one made it out alive


Isn’t it weird how people treat movies and the characters in them as if they’re real and those events are factually part of our history and the movies are a retelling of the facts that happened? I find that weird.


No one can kill JFK either


“Anakin Kills All the Jedi” queue theme song to Always Sunny on Tatooine


“Anakin even says no one can kill a Jedi so” Did he… forget what Anakin goes on to do?


Logic and common sense are skills this moron has obviously never developed.


Even if it doesn't break lore, "the power of one, the power of two, the power of maaaaany" was lame af. It's not the first time Star Wars has been lame either. I never did like ewok teddy bears beating the empire, "I hate sand," and mannequin Skywalker in episode 2. And even with revenge of the sith, which switches between empire strikes back as my favorite, the whole "I have the high ground" ending to the fight is only redeemed by the emotional scene right after. I still also think that was kinda lame. The acolyte has a legit issue with a lot of the scenes being lame, "can't kill a Jedi with a weapon," like bro, they did Trinity dirty af she literally just killed her with a weapon. Disney saw that George did some cringe with "midichlorines" and decided to one up him with "the thread" as if it didn't take a long ass time for midichlorines to be not as cringe kinda ignored aspect. Lore breaking wouldn't be as controversial if it was cool, I always felt Stars wars had some rule of cool to it, I thinks it kinda lame yet another kylo Ren look alike villian, I think that's the worst part Disney can't make good villians in any of their ips they should have had Mae stay evil.


Mhmm, 20second clip. Just what I like too see. Everyone forming opinions on a 20second clip. Still breaks lore with dick head mundi. Oh the Jedi keep it a secret… then what makes a cult a cult? Jedi order is very culty and keeping things from the high council is just not something a member does. And when an entire squad of Jedi disappear Yoda ain’t gonna be looking into it?? And In the entirety of the show I ask you one thing.. can you do better with 180 million smackaroons? The answer is yes.


This is how I know you haven’t even seen the show. We literally see Vernestra telling Sol in episode 1 that they don’t want the high council knowing about what’s going on because it’ll give their political rivals ammunition. You guys can’t help but spew nonsense and make yourselves look stupid.


Yes keep it secret. Just like I said. Vernestra is keeping this from the high council. Even worse if you ask me since she’s supposed to be higher up on the totem pole. Definitely not what Jedi do just because of some political rival. Not even talking about the abhorrent real world “politics” being shoved into this. Thank you for sharing how bad this show has been since the very beginning. This is how I know you haven’t read the comics.


He quoted Qui Gon and says roughly "I wish that were true" right after this video cuts. I agree that SWT has lost his way but this isn't the clip to prove it.


So then what is he trying to say..?


Idk it feels like he's just rambling because he can't come up with a valid criticism


Exactly. Why being up Anakins quote as proof of he immediately disproves it? That’s what I found so funny.


Then why bring up Anakin’s line in the first place??


lol it’s like you morons have never watched his streams before. I love how fucking dumb you people are haha.


Please enlighten us


It’s obvious people who complain about him only watch small snippets of his clips. They don’t watch what he says before or after. I’m not a huge fan of YouTube. (Watch maybe once every 3 months) always found his videos interesting and fun. He’s obviously knowledgeable about starwars. Yeah he knickpicks things sometimes. And this clip was obviously a joke. This new starwars has been shit. Everyone who thinks it’s shit is branded as sexist or homophobic which is absolutely wrong. Sorry people don’t like bad writing.


If he was so knowledgeable why would he act like a Sith being present, especially when no one back in Coruscant have heard of it, is lore breaking?


this thread is now a SWT fan sub


All he’s saying is that this should raise some eyebrows. Agree or disagree with his takes Theory is a genuinely good dude, this obsession with him is so strange


I don’t think he’s an evil person, but he’s clearly fallen down the grifter right wing rabbit hole. People are shitting on him because he used to be someone who genuinely loved Star Wars and wanted it to succeed. Now it seems like he finds any little thing to nitpick because he knows it’ll generate engagement.


I think he’s just criticizing what he doesn’t like, and gets shit on because he’s popular and people want him to represent the SW fandom a certain way. Idk I just wish ppl could disagree with him and move on like any other fan, but it seems some people are far beyond that and need to attack his character in order to validate their own stances or opinions


He constantly shits on everything Disney for the sake of it. Why would we give him the benefit of the doubt if he can’t do the same with the media he covers?


Is he though? Genuinely good people dont utilize outrage marketing for their own benefit. Someone like Star Wars Explained is a genuinely good person because he isn't inciting outrage. SWT could've stayed how he was pre-mandalorian season 2, but he didn't.


“Pre-Mando season 2” is more an indictememt on the quality of SW than anything else. And the outrage is there to begin with, and it was going to be whether SWT was a prominent creator or not. He is a good dude. Perfectly fine if you take issue with him for whatever reason, but look at him outside of the internet bubbles, specifically how he interacts with fans and ppl in person


If he was a good person he wouldn't associate with people who are racist


Qui-Gon says that Jedi, in fact, CAN killed, and also SWT is not a good person. No one who watches Andrew Tate is a good person.