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Put Sandy+Emily on there. They even colour-coordinate.


you know what youre talking about. i respect you.


Stardew Valley fans when two women are friends (they're clearly in love)


Omg a fellow Maru x Penny truther!!! Seriously I love them as a couple and feel like they work better than their in game pairings (if you go by the flower dance). Esp Maru and Harvey, I cannot see them as anything more than friends, and Sam feels way too immature for Penny tbh.


TRUUUUUUUUUUE Sam needs someone to be young and stupid with for while before both mature,And Harvey,I always thought he sees Maru as friend,like he tries to be friend,but it turns out awkward Plus about Flower dance couple,AINT no way Haley and Alex are “to be couple” ,they literally lesbian And Gay solidarity,but not couple


Okay so this is a bit projection bc I was in this situation in HS with my gay friend, but I headcanon that Haley and Alex are "together" because Alex is nervous about coming out to George and Evelyn, and wants them to get to know whatever man he falls in love with before coming out so they'd be more likely to accept him. So Haley and him agreed to pretend date until then so he can wave off any suspicions. I also headcanon Evelyn suspects it but is waiting for him to come out on his own terms because she loves him unconditionally (so does George but I'll get to that). Tbh it works with the game bc when you date Alex as a male farmer, >!George has dialogue that implies he didn't really understand homosexuality but now that he sees Alex happy with you he doesn't care anymore and is just happy Alex is happy!< I wish I remembered the exact quote, I bet someone in this sub knows it off the top of their head. But it's so cute because bothe George and Evelyn love Alex and just want him to be happy, and don't even care about their own biases as long as he's happy and okay. Idk I love the two, yeah George is a grump and needs a bit of character development but who doesn't? Idk I love Alex and his fam and may play a male farmer next play through to be apart of their little family 😊


Since I’m like a diehard Alex lover, George says “how can too men get married? It’s unnatural. I guess I’m just old fashioned.” Once you get to full hearts with him, he says “I thought it was strange for two men to be together, but you’re such a nice young man, and I know you two are in love. I’ve changed my mind.” Evelyn always has supportive quotes, no matter the gender, so yeah, those two just want their grandson to be happy with whoever he finds


I love every bit of this comment Evelyn just wants Alex to be happy


Harvery is the oldest marriage candidate, and it seems clear Maru is one of the youngest if not the youngest. That makes it a little weird for me.


that and the clear power dynamic they have w maru working at his clinic. i forget which specific heart event it is (maybe one of maru's earlier ones?), but she drops something and he admonishes her for dropping it (and for lying about it being the farmer's fault, if you choose to lie like i did). it comes across as very like, supervisor speaking to his subordinate. i don't see them as a pairing at all for that reason.


Maru X Harvey seems kinda gross. Not sure if it's the age gap or the fact that she works for him. I'm planning on marrying Maru in my playthrough and legit disappointed you can't get penny as a housemate at the same time. It seems to fit so well.


I like to imagine that Maru and Penny would leave for the big city university as "roomates". Maru could get her computer engineering degree and support them both as a successful inventor. Penny could get her teaching degree and decorate their high tech smart home. (This way I don't feel bad about not rescuing Penny from her shitty home life 🥲)


Don't Abby and Sebby get matched up by the game itself? They have a much more heavily implied ship than any other pairs. Abigail even has lines wondering if Sebastian would be the one when you're low hearts with her in marriage.


Sam literally tells you that he wonders when they will pair up


1.6 also added dialogues that imply she isn't too happy about the farmer getting together with seb. It's more subtle tho. Farmer and Seb: "Oh I didn't know you two had a thing..." While Farmer and Sam: "Oh he's such a great guy"


Yeah that one's a bit odd when you start dating Sebastian after maxing out Abigail's eight hearts - her eight heart event obviously implies she's into you, but then that line lowkey implies she's into Sebastian :'D I just took it to mean she was into me because otherwise I'd feel lowkey bad abt taking her crush


It's interesting how the same dialogue can have different interpretations to different people, lol. I just saw it as her making an observation about her friends dating, not that she was into him or anything like that. 🤣


It's funny, my brother and I didn't learn about the canon Abby×Seb dialogue until later. We were convinced that Seb found Abigail annoying and was secretly gay for Sam because he was always orbiting around him and talking about him.


I'm still here for Sam and Sebastian tbh 🫡


It would be really neat in the future if you could help set them up with each other through questlines… they would need to add in an extra, bisexual character (maybe even NB?) who would be a good match for ALL of them, so they can take the place of whoever you marry in their implied match, in a quest line where you help them mend the heart of whoever. Like if you marry Elliot, the new character helps Leah get over him, etc.


What do you think would happen with the divorce and wiping memories mechanics in that case? Especially for serial divorcing players.


If you already set everyone else up together, the divorcée would be single and unhappy I suppose


Imo it's a little unnecessarily complicated. CA didn't want to lock up parts of the game, I suppose.


Lol I love this whats the source image? I gotta use this template




Such a mood


That's what you get the mods for. In my game Abigail keeps hanging out with Leah, she goes with her to the beach when she draws, and Leah visits sometimes to play videogames. Sebastian (or Viola, as she's called there) is set up with Sam. And the odd one out here, Elliot, well, tragedy and solitude make for some good poetry or whatever it is that he's writing in his cabin all alone, lol.


Poor Elliott :/


No hate to the Sambastian ship but lowkey I can’t see it actually happening or working out, I feel like Sebastian couldn’t give Sam the attention he wants Now Sam x Alex however..


Sam x Alex? Are you sure the world is ready for couple of TWO GOLDEN RETRIEVER? Who will stop them? They would be unstoppable force


I for one love Sebastian x Alex. Love me some emo x jock.


Makes sense. Abi is best girl for the farmer.


So I'm not the only one shopping penny and maru.


Two girls,sitting on bench,Half ft away,cause they’re not gay


especially with maru’s new winter outfit that basically outs her as a lesbian


I'm on switch so haven't seen, but I can imagine


yeah it's a pretty masc look imo


Come on, Abby! You gotta steal your man back from Sam! Then steal Sam too just to show him who's boss!




I absolutely hate it when Abigail is shipped with my husband😡😡 But when it's Sam........oh welllllll have fun with my pookie🤭🎀


I don't get the Penny Maru ship? I didn't realize there could be anything there, do they even interact with each other regularly? I feel like I missed something.


They can be seen sitting together in town quite often. Penny also has some dialogue that says the 2 of them have a book club together.


Why were you downvoted? You were just confused


They are besties


I didn't get it either because I never really talk with them. But Maru and Penny are friends and I then realized when I did another playthrough of romancing Sebastian that they keep hangout out with each other like most of the time. Penny also sometimes visits Maru and sits in her room.


If my comment refuses to process one more time I'm gonna light a fire inside someone's ass. [I JUST WANNA SHARE THIS IMAGE. ](https://imgur.com/a/pLPb1H1)


Image won't load
