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I’ve rarely made it late game, but I believe at a certain point money becomes a non-issue so folks focus on making their farm pretty ♡


Once you have your greenhouse stacked with ancient fruit + basement of barrels + shed of kegs, doing normal farming is just not worth the time. Generally I get bored before I hit the “decorate/pretty farm” stage of the game. With the island farm too you could even just offshore all farming in general. At a certain point as well (especially if you love combat), it may make sense just to go for Diamond crystallerium sheds. These are the lowest effort, no swapping out kegs/barrels over and over, just click your crystalleriums and dip. The other option if you love crops is legit spending all day long every day managing island farm + your main farm.


BTW, star-shard crystallariums synchronized with a couple barns of sheep for iridium wool, and flower honey hives as a supplement, is currently my favorite combo for passive income. I just discovered the sheep on this playthrough btw - somehow I hadn’t noticed before that unprocessed iridium wool sells for 816g with Rancher. (that’s more than cloth, even with Artisan!) There’s other animal products that beat that, like truffles and rabbit’s feet, but truffles are more work (gotta pick them pretty often), and rabbits don’t drop rabbit’s feet often and only drop wool every 4 days (sheep make wool every 3 days). Autopetter + Autograbber, couple barns of sheep, just leave them alone, swing by & pick up the pile of wool once a month. And the star shards turn out to be nearly the same g per day as diamonds because they’re only 3.5 days in the crystallarium instead of 5 days, and also that lines up conveniently with the sheep wool 3-day growth cycle. All of which slots nicely into a twice-a-week pickup routine, like for example, you can do sheep wool + star shards pickup on Sun morning and Wed afternoon (or whatever). Star shards in crystallariums come out at 144 g/d, compared to diamonds at 150 g/d. So, slightly less g overall but a convenient pickup routine. The only annoying thing is that the hives take 4 days, one day longer than sheep & star shards, lol. Sometimes I just pick up the honey on Sundays and ignore it for the rest of the week.


Might seem a silly question but by star shards do you mean the cinder shards? If not then where do i find those?!


You cannot produce cinder shards in the crystalarium, as the game does not identify them as a stone/mineral. Star shards look very much like them, though, and are obtainable from magma and omni geodes. I do not know why you should prefer them over diamonds, maybe they are faster to produce or something? Edit. Ok I just had patience to read the whole comment lol my bad


Iridium wool produces 2 cloth tho, I am fairly certain. I had wondered why I was getting 2 wools and went to test it and although I am not sure if its guaranteed but I put gold and iridium wool and get very consistently 2 cloths. I only have one wheel.


You have a 50% chance for 2 cloth with iridium quality wool.


Ah interesting! (I’m gonna stick with raw wool though, as I am not looking for max income anymore, but more for zero-work income at this point, lol)


That would be **extremely** late game. Even if I have already make it to year 5 in my first SVE farm, I still have money issues. I only have one obelisk and no return sceptor. Also there's a weapon that cost 600k golds. But I have indeed started to care about aesthetics starting from year. Before then profitability always comes first.


Its just about efficiency. What you describe is a first or second playthrough. I'm on my 3rd so my ramp up to profit is way faster. Currently, I'm year 3 right now and have a full greenhouse, 3 sheds of AF kegs, full basement of SF casks, 50% of ginger with AF. Every week I make at least 1m and I only deal with the crops one day a week. I have zero surface crops in the main farm. Just grinding out the last recipes and hearts till perfection.


I tend to grow different crops in earlier years. Also because I had used PPJA mods, this means I have a ton of different crops, so even if my farm layout was efficient my crop choices weren’t. In year 5 I removed PPJA mods but still, my choices for spring crops was first hundreds of cauliflowers then hundreds of rhubarbs simply because I like it instead of profitability.


I’ve reached perfection in year 3 and 4 before. It’s all based on your play style.


I'd say in-game late game is not necessarily determined by game time, but by money, resources ans buildings. If you're in Year 2 but you got all the buildings and millions of gold, I'd say you're in the late game.


When you do well over 2k hours like me, you will know the fame well enough to be able to buy all stuff before grandpa says hi. At that point aesthetic is all keeping you playing


I did 1500 Ancient Fruit plants and 8 full sheds of kegs on year 3 and by the end I had Golden Clock, all Obelisks , True Perfection and few milions left. After that there is not much use for money. Greenhouse full of Ancient Fruits is enough when you need some more cash.


I was done with money after year 3. I have purchased everything by the beginning of year 4.


Once I opened give Island, my farm became a keg storage. 😂 My year 3.5 I didn't have money issues at all.


It depends how you play, and that is not said to say any game style is superior or more fun. For example I usually have fishing maxed year one spring, which kinda breaks any economic needs early and mid game lol. I also have hundreds of hours in the game, and zero desire to plant a single crop that isn't a small garden for fun in front of my house or the greenhouse ((I refuse to water a single thing a day if I can't do it in a single watering can trip, no refills or sprinklers outside)). This is NOT optimized, or ideal, or recommended. It is skipping a lot od fun parts of the game..... but they are all things I have already done before. Same for people focusing on the decore in year 5, or year 3, or year 1. Prioritizing getting auto petters year 2 ISN'T a recommended or enjoyable thing for anyone's third or fifth playthrough, there is so much the game has to offer. But I mean if you want a challenge for the hell of it?


I’m more interested in this comment now. How come you rarely make it to late game. I’m assuming you’ve played multiple farms by your comment. What makes you start different farms? Is it boredom?


I play on a switch and it's so dang frustrating trying to move things around with the switch controller, if I have a whole new farm layout idea I usually just start over


That’s a good reason.


I also really like the early game play I think. Later on it's just too easy - you never get tired, you never run out of money, etc. There are actual limitations early in the game.    In the coop game I was in I did a lot of fishing, it's one of my favorite mechanics. I just learned yesterday that you can cook on campfires and now I'm thinking of starting a new farm and just fishing and gathering. 


That would be my brain 🤣 I have a tendency to play games quite obsessively for a couple of days then change to a different game and then I circle back to it and start again.


ADHD brain. I also have that but usually I find if I really enjoy something I’ll get completely addicted to it for weeks.


I’ve never had a diagnoses. But probably checks out. For me it’s usually a few days, but I obsess so much I burn myself out quickly.


I make like 20k a day in my game. I'm slowly decorating to make my farm look pretty. Youre right lol money becomes meaningless after a while.


I'm a hoarder so I mostly keep farming to get crops every year "just in case"


The money progression falls off pretty hard in the late game, if you see the end of progression as the end of the game you are faced with a choice: start a new game. Or abandon caring about money and just focus on aesthetics. Also it's a selection bias. Late game productivity farms are not very visually engaging or interesting. So they don't get posted often. The only time I posted a late game farm was when I deliberately grew a giant field of poppies to pretend I was an opium plantation. A giant square of ancient fruit, starfruit or rare seeds just isn't anything most people haven't seen.


"Pretend". Brother, we all know where those life elixirs are coming from.


Are poppies an ingredient in life elixers?


A greenhouse full of Ancient Fruit (or even Starfruit) and a shed or two of kegs to make that fruit into wine gives you a very efficient way of making money. No need for a ton of outdoor crops at that point. 


So I have a question. My Greenhouse is full of AF. 114 slots. One shed not quite full of kegs but enough to use up the AF from Greenhouse. Why do I see others have a second shed? Is it for AF from Ginger Island yet keg as well? Edit: Didn't mean to make another post. Didn't see it posted til after.


My ginger island is full of AF at the moment. So yeah I can fill a whole shed and another easily with kegs and have leftover fruit waiting.


Makes sense. I'd just figure using the quarry or GI with kegs as well but that doesn't fit the aesthetic for some. Thanks!


I generally have two sheds full of kegs and a third shed to hold all of my other machines. I like to give the third shed a little patio and decorate it.


I use the ginger island farm to grow massive crops so my main farm can be more aesthetic.


In my late game farm I have very little crops because at this point I’ve already earned a significant amount of money and made all the large purchases in the game, so I don’t need to earn as much anymore. But you can bet in it’s earlier stages my farm had a decent amount of land dedicated to crops and animals. You’re doing just fine. Continue to farm high-yielding crops, utilize the greenhouse when you get it to grow ancient fruit year round. You’ll eventually reduce the amount of space you need for crops too. Hope this helps!


After you get the clock and the obelisks money isn't really important at all


I think the other element is that people who share their farms online tend not to be people who have late-game money-making farms too. They’re not that pretty and people like the pretty farms


This. I'm at the end of year 7, just got the golden clock, and I've never shared my farm because it isn't pretty *or* even particularly money-making. It's my first play-through and I'm just focused on having a good time


I am year 8 at the moment and would be fairly late in the game, the setup to getting post money worries took a while, but for just over a year i had as many ancient fruit on ginger island and greenhouse as possible. Turned about 400 into wine a week and sold the rest, i was clearing 1,000,000+ weekly. This ontop of other things got me all the expensive items like clock, totems and buying materials to make solar panels, fortune statues and crystalariums. Now im working on perfection and aesthetics (hilltop farm) At this stage i have a delux barn full of pigs giving me truffles, 100 solar panels in the desert, 100 crystalariums giving me diamonds, close to 40 peach trees nearing iridium quality and i sell what they produce. This is fairly passive and i think i make over 200k a week. Now my struggles are building relationships with the people.


Because they have like seventy million dollars by that point. 


Two Words: Ginger Island


I make my farm pretty because it makes me happy! And once you’ve gotten the big tasks out of the way, making things pretty is about what’s left lol


???? Because you're in the second year which is barely late-game at all? Unless you're speedrunning perfection I doubt you're at the point where money-making isn't important anymore.


Year 2 ain't late game. Id argue late game isnt even cc done and ~100% completion, late game is when you have more money than you need and farming isn't as important. I have stacks and stacks of crops waiting for machines to be ready, chests full of wine for the cellar, more animal products than I can fit machines in my sheds to process them, and so much money it doesn't actually fit in the top bar. Farming is effort and I wanna get more stacks of stuff from mines. I'm aiming for 999 stacks of all gems and artifacts, got most of them already. Tbh most of my farm rn is fish ponds as I aim for 999 stacks of all eggs and aged roe. I could buy a backpack full of 999 stacks of any ore, coal, hay, wood, stone and not notice a dip in the money


Whoa, that’s an ambitious goal! Do you find that sort of challenge fun, and/or do you get burnt out at all? I’ve got so many hours in this game across multiple save files, but at some point I get tired of the grind (after a good long while, but still). I’m so curious about people who can stick it out and do super demanding stuff like this. Seems like a cool way to keep the game fresh from playthrough to playthrough.


Not had burnout yet, I've generally being making little tasks for myself since completion, redesigning the farm, min/maxing, having years of flowers only to build honey reserves. I recently started venturing into modding, I don't know what I'm doing tbh but I do have a mod that gives me 5 cellars for casks and one that allows you to put anything in a cask to get it to iridium quality so that started the idea to go for 999 stacks of everything at iridium quality. A few years for the crops, 3 stacks of each crop means a stack of crop, stack of wine/juice, stack of jam/pickle, I had a quarry full of crystalariums and it took maybe a year to get 999 of each gem, I've got my perfection statue giving a prismatic shard a day so I think I've got a couple hundred of those, artifacts I am unlikely to get any full stacks of, every inch of town waterways is full of crab pots, including the sewers, rivers, oceans, lakes, island so my fish stacks are growing, I never used to fish but now I have time to, I've got lots of fish ponds for eggs and I fish them down to population 1 every few days and let them grow to 10 so I can 'harvest' fish stocks from them. I spent a couple of years designing the town, got a nice seating/cafe vibe area next to the cinema, decorated the forests and secret woods, got sheds full of artisan machines, recycling, deconstructing, I bought a lot of statues at the desert so that alone brings me a lot of money a day. Sounds silly but sometimes I see how much money I can spend in a day, fill a backpack with stacks hay, drop it in chests next to silos, back to fill a backpack with stacks of ores, get them smelting away. The fish eggs stacks goal will take a long while, (stacks of 999 iridium quality for all fish types, done, all fish's egg types, half way there, all fish's aged roe, that'll take a while) I've also got 999 stacks of each recipe, that's a good way to switch up your days, collect a ton of eggs, then go fishing for some specific fish for recipes, then you need a mountain of milk, that was a good challenge for good varied gameplay. I'm killing time now til 1.6


Out of curiosity, what year are you on?


24 or 25 I think, and I've maybe only slept through 10 days total while waiting for dish ponds to be built. I do often go to bed long before 2am as I'm done with some tasks and need machines to reset or find someone at a certain time but I'm by no means sleeping through seasons. I'd say every 4 or 5 in game years I take all of winter to redesign my farm layout


Oh wow. Thanks for sharing. IIRC my longest save was 20 years.


I always have a couple junimo huts in my late game just because I like them. Three of those is more than I need and I end up usually planting crops that renew and last two seasons, like coffee, corn, hops, etc.  But at that point I have more money than I need and nothing to do except go for 100% perfection. The crops are just for nostalgia sake after a couple years. A memory of how my farmer life began. 


My current play through is at year 5 and I have a huge amount of money (20 million +) so I’m thinking of removing a lot of my crop fields to make the farm more attractive. After you have the obelisks, clock, and scepter there’s not a lot left to spend on.


It’s not needed for anything, so nah, you don’t have to do that at all! Everyone enjoys the game in different ways. My farms are also usually far less pretty than those on this site even when I decorate, which I rarely do because I can be a bit miserly lol and usually don’t make it past year 3. Some people have a real eye for it and really enjoy it, though!


Because money becomes pretty meaningless at the end of the game. You can make half a million gold a week with 2 sheds full of starfruit wine, at its base price.


My late game farms are pretty utilitarian. I don't post them because they're ugly. Most of the space is taken up by fields harvested by junimos, and I have like 6 full barns of pigs crammed into the corner. The quarry is full of kegs and preserve jars. Island farm is dedicated to star fruit and pineapple. I usually quit when I get to this point because it's so much work maintaining it all for money I don't need.


Greenhouse + Ginger Island farm = no need to have any more crops on your regular farm


Personal choice


There's nothing to spend money on late game.


It’s just that farms focused on aesthetics are the ones that get shown off. Lots of people have production focused farms, we just don’t post them because they’re not super interesting.


It only takes two years to buy literally everything needed for 100% completion, and in fact to buy everything that can be bought at all. A "late game" farm isn't about making money, at least not at a rate that needs a highly efficient farm. Also, most profitable farming happens in the greenhouse and on Ginger Island once those are available. The farm isn't really relevant for crops at that point.


I still have a lot of farm land on my fifth year first farm, but that's mostly because I'm a horder and am still stocking up on more crops - my goal is 100 of each quality for each crop, I'm almost there! I think after that I may just use the island farm for ancient fruit and the green house for starfruit, and only keep a small field for seasonal stuff. Maybe I'll even scale down my kegs a bit, since I only really need one last obelisk and the golden clock, and I'll probably have the money for those before I've come up with a decorative layout I like on the planner. Anyway, for me the answer is the second farm, and because at some point making even more money isn't really that much of a priority.


I always have the entire farm full of pig sheds and crops till my island is ready for ancient fruit and fairy honey. Only then will I change the farm to my liking.


I’m playing a save on year 3 winter right now and I barely plant anything, I have my greenhouse maxed out with high profit crops, and sprinklers, and a shed filled with kegs, plus my basement full of casks. I spent a lot of winter going to the desert and ginger island instead of on my farm and in the evenings when I had spare time I was decorating my farm with floor tiles and things


Pre-mod, I worked to get the greenhouse and bus open, to get access to starfruit. Worked that until I could get enough ancient seeds to fill the greenhouse, and that basically ran my finanaces while I worked other stuff. Had about 4 mil by year 3. I worked on decorating because I got a little bored


You can just put ancient fruit on ginger island and kegs in a shed and have millions. This is my first play through and I am late game just chipping away at perfection. I have way too much crop area and no real reason to plant anything aside from a small amount to replenish or for aesthetics.


Raw crops are not an efficient money maker late game. Artisan goods, truffles, and fairy rose honey for example make waaaaay more money than a large field of strawberries or pumpkins. I have two barns full of pigs and with harvesting level 10 making all harvested goods iridium quality, I'm clearing 700k+ gold per season with truffles alone. I fill ginger island farm plot with beehives and fairy roses for honey, 600k gold per season and its only like half full.


They're definitely still resourceful! Usually once I unlock the Greenhouse, I get rid of all of my outside crops on my main farm and just focus on Starfruit and Ancient Fruit, turn it into wine. After unlocking Ginger Island, I move re-producing crops there, set up iridium sprinklers, and harvest like once a week. I also focus on dinos and ostriches after unlocking GI. Good profits there without farming. I think I achieved most of that by Y3. By Y8 of that save, definitely loaded with more money I can do with, and I'm moreso just grinding for the final recipes and artifacts in my late-game farm.


For me, personally, the answer is that at that point, im rich, and i can lol. I also dont play the game to be the most resourceful as i dont find that fun, but im sure there are plenty of ppl that start out maxing resources that continue doing so into late game. Play the game how you want and in a way that brings you joy and dont worry about what other people are doing.


I’m in Summer of Year 13 on my farm. I’ve 100%-ed the game, gotten all of the Steam achievements, and the only thing I haven’t acquired in-game is the fuckin Living Hat, somehow. My farm is mostly decorative. I still pull in about 10 mill per season (less in Winter usually) without being efficient like at all. One trick is to use the space in the desert and around town to put auto machines like kegs and beehives, and my entire Ginger Island farm is dedicated to Ancient Fruit fertilized with the highest quality fertilizer - I sell the iridium quality and keep the rest for wine and I still have more wine than I know what to do with cause I can only age so many bottles at a time. I could absolutely be more efficient than I am currently, but there’s not really any point since I get more satisfaction from running through my beautified farm than from pulling in even MORE money I’m not really spending all that quickly.


Once you are banking 20,000 a day minimum with some days taking in 100,000+, I don't need to maximize every bit of land for the farm to be profitable. I get 20k-50k a day with animals alone, a couple times a week I get some wine bringing in 100,000+, then add in other crops and what ever else I have going on bringing even more money in. Then even if I make a HUGE purchase I still have 1,000,000+ in the bank. Also with the greenhouse that packs 100+ crops, so if you're growing starfruit with growing speed fertilizers I can easily remove several 25 squares of turnips or whatever else brings in nearly $0 and still make tons of cash. So removing a few crop plots, or getting rid of some less used machines or condensing things down to only what makes me money - then I can decorate how I want without caring about having every inch be resourceful. With a 5 to 6 digit income every single day I have no problem getting rid of the little stuff that just gets in the way.


money means nothing in late game


People just like having their farm look nice


It doesn't take all that long for money to be a non-issue. I kind of wish there was an expenses mode or mod that acted against the money you make.


I think there’s a setting when you start a new save that lets you earn a set percentage of what you’d normally earn instead of the full amount. So like if you only want to earn 75% of what you’d normally make, you can select that. But you’re stuck with it for that save file, I think.


At least personally, you tend to progress pretty quickly to making all the money you could need. No real need to hyper optimize your farm. Given that I have to look at my farm every day, I'm happy to sacrifice some optimization for *A E S T H E T I C*


The people with aesthetically unappealing farms aren't going to post their late game farms. It's sampling bias.


After a certain point I have more money than god


I wonder how many of us that focus more on aesthetics and having a pretty farm are more likely to play into long game. I've been playing the same save for... a while.


I make the vast majority of profit on my current farm (year 5) from ancient fruit grown in the greenhouse and on Ginger Island. I already have all of the expensive late-game purchases (obelisks, golden clock, scepter). This allows me to do whatever I want with the rest of my farm (which is pretty much all of it) without worrying about profits.


once i got late enough in the game i had so much shit to sell that i had a ton of money and didn’t really need to buy a ton of stuff so you can kinda just ball out on decoration lol


I focus on Artisan so have a bunch of sheds and very few crops outside. Did have a lot of star fruits growing in the island tho


they have the greenhouse (and, if they have 1.5, the island) for farm space. and chances are a great deal of their income is from pigs (which are the most profitable animal by a huge margin, even after factoring in the winter. the only downside is they *need* outdoor space, and having too many of them will make your game lag)


By year three for me money is almost becoming obsolete, so I imagine super late game money is pretty much useless and it's nicer to make everything look pretty


By year 4 I had a cellar. Aging wines and cheeses is extremely lucrative and really doesn’t take up that much space. I can keep the casks going just from my greenhouse and barns. I also built a fermenting shed that cranks out jam and more than pays the bills. At this point I mostly only plant seeds that continue to produce so that I’m not wasting time replanting mid season. I have everything except the golden clock. Currently at 5mil, though. Half way!


I haven't played in awhile, but when I finished my fourth play through it was my first time going for Perfection, completed it in Year 4. However my money problems were basically solved by the end of Year 2. There are certain strategies to min/max your investments into profits, especially in Year 1. I follow a Potato/Blueberry/Cranberry strat for Year 1. If all goes well I can plant \~900 Blueberry plants in Summer and \~2000 Cranberry plants in Fall. Then, assuming you fix the greenhouse, fill it with Strawberry plants and turn those into Strawberry seeds for Year 2 Spring.


There's just less of a need for money by the truly late game stage, especially after achieving perfection


Ancient Fruit Greenhouse is all you need for money that’s why


there is a point where you have enough money and dont need to focus on maximizing peofit


By that point in the game, they have already made millions and millions, and have purchased all of the big ticket items available. The need for a sizable income is just not there. There is no scaling ever growing money sink, so once you have the few (extremely) expensive items like the Clock and the Return Scepter, you are making far more money than you know what to do with.