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I start on main farm, do all chores and pet animals and kiss spouse and kids, then afternoon boat to a Ginger Island and do what I need there, spend the night sleeping at the Ginger Island farm, then wake up, quickly do the chores there and warp back to main farm and do all chores there and pet the animals and kiss the spouse and kids, then sleep on main farm. That way, you still do everything on both farms every day and nobody is neglected, in that cycle.


I convinced my wife to play the game with me.


LOL damn I found the right answer!


After I get the island farmhouse, my trips to the island often look like: \- Wake up in the Valley \- Tend animals \- Go to the Island \- Do all the things on the Island \- Sleep on the Island \- Wake up on the Island \- Maybe do a few things on the Island \- Return to the Valley in the morning \- Tend Animals \- Do all the things in the Valley \- Sleep in the Valley Eventually, I get the Obelisks and I can pop back and forth between the Valley and the Island at will.


I have the same problem, i was thinking of staying there through winter but with sebastians birthday (i married him) the night market and the other events i cant even do that really, i wish there was a way to stay there and not worry about other stuff ToT


I only do low maintenance stuff on GI until I get the warp totem. Usually pineapple and/or ancient fruit so I only have one day of harvest per week. I do something similar in my greenhouse, so it will be like Tuesday is GI farm day, Wednesday is greenhouse day, and the rest of the week I can do whatever (including going back to GI for the volcano or walnuts). I do neglect my animals on GI farm days. Once I get the warp totems I just warp back and forth at will, but still keep that weekly major harvest schedule.


I swing by every couple of days to check on things, but I rarely spend more than a few hours on Ginger Island unless I'm in the volcano dungeon, but that's equivalent to spending the day in skull cavern so balance that the same way. Maybe once I find some auto-petters and decorate my island farm a bit, I'll feel differently.


I do work wednesdays. That is the day I harvest my AF, refill my kegs, harvest any other crops I needed for misc reasons. So I only go to ginger for farming once a week. I also rush the obelisk as soon as I possible can.


I got all the Obelisks,so I just pop in and out when I need to. I’m thinking about doing a ton of hoops over there. Since it’s easy to go now. I’ve got pineapples, star fruit, strawberries, and blueberries planted now just for some variety.


1500 ancient plants does not need to be replanted through whole year, watered by sprinklers, harvested by junimos I just visit main farm once in a week to collect harvests from 8 junimo huts, put it into kegs, sell the wine and excess fruit so I can work on perfection rest of the week. Ginger farm I use only on 1-2 year to produce 1500 ancient seeds.


I focus on getting autopetters first before heading to Ginger Island. Once it's done, it's time to search for golden walnuts to unlock the Island Farm asap. No need to search all walnuts for now, just enough to unlock key areas like Island Farm as mentioned and the Dig Site. Then gear up for a Volcano run to farm for dragonteeth and get the Island Obelisk. Beach Obelisk is a nice substitute for the meantime so you can get to Willy's shop fast. My Island Farm setup btw is just a bunch of pineapples and Fairy rose honey -- easy money, minimal maintenance.


Planted pineapples on the island, then made a shed full of pineapples and lined up the harvest dates. So when they are ready to harvest in the shed on the farm I know to check on the island. Then I do all my island things that I want to do on that day


I use ginger island mostly only for ancient fruit and starfruit, so I only have to be there once a week or so to harvest. Besides that I do most walnut searching in winter so I can leave the main farm for a few days without feeling bad. The animals on my main farm are mostly automated with an auto-grabber and auto-petter.


I like to limit ginger island to two days a week (1 night), treating it as a hobby place.  That way I can still water crops at my beach farm, and not miss a full day either side. It obviously depends on birthdays etc as to which 2 days each week is good, and sometimes I'll skip a week if I should work on home farm more. Buut if you want to commit to a long period of time and want the flavour of not abandoning your family, stockpile some scrolls, and while you're in away, every few days stand in front of the mailbox and trash a scroll (to look like you send a letter to them)