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SAME! Although, I don’t know if 1.6 will be available for all platforms immediately, or if it’s PC first? Does anyone know?






Likely PC first, but the lag for consoles is supposed to be shorter this time than it was for 1.5.


I have become a millionaire lots but never was entertained long enough to get to 10 million.


Do we know what they’ll be adding in 1.6?


https://preview.redd.it/rz5gq5c51ejc1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=949eac1c207cda61e33ebe5ced9bd278d1df5c96 I believe this was included in a post from ConcernedApe about what 1.6 will include


I did 2 perfections already waiting for 1.6 feel free to start a farm.


Toss your extra tools in a chest somewhere, demolish any barns or coops you have, drain your bank account into explosives or food items, and use earlier said explosives to undo any progress on your farm. Gunpowder brings a new dawn to all. Dump your items and forageables, ores, gems etc. in the chests you'll blow up. On top of all that, you can enable multiplayer, split screen, add a farmhand and throw their tools in a chest. Then leave game. there's a set of base game tools for you. The rest will still be there, but if you want a year 1 vibe without year 1, you can try having it all go boom.


That’s actually a really cool idea! Head canon that the farm was lost to a fire/tornado/earthquake and an economic collapse


I love this idea!! I've been wanting to start fresh but I absolutely can't stand the portion of the game where I walk super slow, it kills me - this would avoid that because I could just hang onto the coffee and spicy eel before I blow everything up!!


War followed Kent home. But his story is one of many. Stardew Valley was hit by air raids to destabilize the economy because it was determined to be an important element of the food supply chain.


Will your tools really blow up? What happens if you do it by accident, because you can’t buy them anywhere (excluding the fishing pole)


I was actually wrong about that. Filled chests shouldn't detonate, I was just under the assumption that I Had Managed To Do So Accidentally. Either way, that can be changed to selling every item before detonation day. Extra money for bombs!


You can always start a new save.


This. I have like 8 farms in various states and with different maps and partners.


I just did this weekend! I was trying to wait for 1.6, but couldn't hold out any longer. Now the big question... how fast can I get everything done so I can start all over again!?


0.25 money multiplier, and you can only sell what you produce yourself. I craved the exact same thing that you’re talking about. Self-imposed rules like that really help to keep that feeling while also still progressing through the game


Changing the multiplier is a shock to the system. It makes things rough! The self-imposed rule I’m doing is only money from the fetch quests and sell everything at the end of the year.


That’s hilarious- I play with a similar rule that’s the exact opposite, No community board or any mail requests, I sell all my gems at the end of fall each year


Can you change the multiplier payday through the game?


i miss the old days where i had shit to do and didn't spend the entire day watching my pigs dig up truffles because i achieved perfection and have nothing left to grind for


I feel this and i’m not even at this stage yet. I’ve seen people on this subreddit having MILLIONS and i honestly don’t want life to get that easy lol. Im on Winter year 1 and even tho I have progressed a lot I am still a very broke farmer and I have fun with that. The most gold ive had in one day was like 15k and i thought i was RICH lol


I just hit year 6 and just crossed a mill, thought I was good and then found out I needed 10 mill for just one purchase… it was rough lol


personally, this is when the game is most fun, and one of the reasons o usually play with the .25 profit setting. helps to extend the 'struggle to succeed' portion of the game.


If you're willing and able to play modded, it sounds like you'd enjoy starting a new game with [FRS](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7566) and [Balance Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/13426). You might also be interested in [MARGO](https://github.com/daleao/modular-overhaul/releases) for the longer skill leveling in its PROFS module (and you can slow it down in its config settings), though once you get everything leveled, it's a *massive* buff over what you get in vanilla (or, well, normally it would be . . . but having a taxes mod and Balance Overhaul help address that, too.) It just takes a long time to get there. But if you get FRS, turn off MARGO's taxes module. Pick one or the other. :) (I haven't used MARGO's taxes module in a while, so I don't know if its bugs were worked out, but if not, FRS is the less buggy one.)


There is many stuff to do in stardew that have nothing to do with money: -The artifacts. -Heart events. -Skull mines. -Fishing. -Monster slaying rewards. If you find what you are doing is hard, just sell your animals and plant something that regrows in the green house and forget about till you need money.


Yeah, if you have tons of money you'll be able to afford food, weapons, and explosives for the desert mine.


Actually, goat cheese is great for the mines


Yeah I love the beginning as well. When 1.6 comes out I'm going to play at a slow pace. I really sped through my current playthrough and I just wanna live a chill farm life next time.


I always abandon my saves when I get over like, a million because it’s just not fun anymore. I’m trying not to do that though and im just doing everything slower without stressing in my new farm though


Once I get to the million dollar mark i’m okay with just giving the game up lol…i mean i think a few hundred hours is getting my moneys worth


It usually mellows out by the time you start making millions. Then there's also Ginger Island, which is a whole lot of fun


I've been playing with reclusive restrictions, where I only leave the farm on the first of the month, then on Friday and Sunday I can go to Cindersap and the travelling cart. Also I did make an exception for the first few days so I could get the fishing rod and sword. It's been very interesting, I have monsters at night and the four corners farm so there is plenty to do. It has kept me in "beginning" mode for a long time!


Once it gets too be too much, I nuke my farm and start a new game. I haven't played for a while but will start, what seems like, my 100th farm once 1.6 drops.


I would suggest maybe modding some new content into your game? Maybe SDV? I hear lot's of good things and it will be all new for you.